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How much does Boat Life REALLY Cost? CRUISING on a Bluewater SAILBOAT [2 years to 2020]

May 30, 2021
Hello everyone, if you clicked on this video, you are obviously wondering how




s to go on a cruise and after two long


we have finally done the math and we are here to answer that question once and for all, almost two


. A while ago we left everything behind to have the opportunity to live the sailing adventure of a


time. It hasn't been smooth sailing since then, but together we are learning and laughing. I hope that if we laugh enough we can move forward happily. The world right now is a Millennium Falcon, so we have been putting off making this video for some time, two years in fact, and in those two years we have visited 19 islands and nations, sailed almost 6,000 miles and with the exception of a few.
how much does boat life really cost cruising on a bluewater sailboat 2 years to 2020
The short trips home have lived on board almost the entire time. We're the first to admit that we haven't come half as far as we expected, but we've enjoyed every minute of our adventure so far and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. We soon knew that when we provided figures we wanted them to be an accurate representation of our past experiences something that can be planned with these are figures that this is the money this money has been spent this money has been spent is


what it


us to do what we have done so far and we have not hidden anything from you and we are doing it because we want you to be able to use these figures to plan your trip with a certain degree of precision and confidence, for the sake of brevity.
how much does boat life really cost cruising on a bluewater sailboat 2 years to 2020

More Interesting Facts About,

how much does boat life really cost cruising on a bluewater sailboat 2 years to 2020...

We haven't included all the numbers and to be honest, I don't think you care how


I spent on sunscreen and broken sunglasses over the last year, so Adam and I sat down and wrote a list of all the things. We want to know when we were planning our sailing adventure, so, for the sake of brevity and keeping things simple for your own planning, that's all we've included now. If you have any questions, please post them below and we can do our best to address them. in another episode or later, we arrive at the figures by processing two years' worth of bank statements.
how much does boat life really cost cruising on a bluewater sailboat 2 years to 2020
There were a lot of figures to review, we did this periodically so as not to forget about each of the previous fees, but this is We are based on real numbers, so what we did was go through each of the transactions line by line and classify them into four different categories to be the cost of acquisition, reconditioning, improvement and repair, the cost of the cruise and the cost of living there, without further ado. Look at the numbers, so before you buy a bow you have to find the ship and for us that meant packing our bags, getting on a plane to the other side of the world and driving for a month in the US.
how much does boat life really cost cruising on a bluewater sailboat 2 years to 2020
During that time we spent about of two thousand exactly two thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and what we consumed was renting cars, staying on Airbnb and eating a lot of food on the road while we were looking for our


, so after a month of searching, I finally found the


, this ship, the Millennium Falcon, is a 1981 42 payment and we spent 47 thousand US dollars on the purchase. Once you find the boat and make an offer in the office, you accept that the expense has not been incurred, unfortunately, then you have to do a survey. In fact, you have to pay brokerage fees, you have to pay registration administration fees and money transfer fees, all those feeds put together for us was two thousand and twenty dollars, so we bought the boat, spent all the money transferring it into our name . registered in our name in our country, we are now boat renters, however, we are also half a world away from everything we know with only the clothes on our backs and a large backpack each, so unfortunately we had to spend 1051 dollars worth of boat furniture. now that includes cutlery, pots and pans, tools, you have a haberdashery, you have the right word, haberdashery, bedding, pretty much all the little bells and whistles you would probably bring from home if you shopped locally now, when you buy a boat, a unless you negotiate otherwise.
You will more than likely be responsible for storage costs from that point and it will probably be in a crib. You are also responsible for the costs of transporting and splashing her for a sea trial and study for us, that expense represented one thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars, so our total acquisition cost is fifty-three thousand three hundred and ninety-eight. eight dollars, cost of upgrade, maintenance and repair. Now it is important to keep in mind that our circumstances are no better than normal. We bought our boat half a world away, in Florida. where we are in the US, where we only had three months of visa time, so we had to find the boat, get in, find the boat, fix the boat, fix the boat and leave in three months, which gave us prevented any reasonable repairs from being made.
We only did the bare minimum to be able to move the majority of people who buy a boat locally. These are most likely your circumstances. You'll do a reasonable overhaul, a very thorough overhaul for maybe a year, maybe two, maybe five before you leave, so the expense will already be reduced. It will be incurred when you leave and therefore should not be included in the cost of maintenance during the cruise, so when we decided to go sailing for the first time we obviously put together a budget for how much it would cost. I put 100% of the boat upgrades into my budget, meanwhile Adam did it. 100% of the boat repairs in your budget turns out that boats need both, so we have divided our expenses into upgrades, reconditioning and then maintenance and upkeep, so if we go to our spreadsheet, the first column here is the upgrade of our boats and this includes The ten most expensive things we have bought for our boat to improve it and make it better than what was next on the spreadsheet are repair costs now, if I came home I would probably spend a couple from years to year. a few months at home, perhaps while you work on repairing your boat, so these are the 10 most expensive repair purchases we had to make.
Finally, we have to recognize the use of subcontractors or contractors that we could not have obtained. Things that were done without them, for example for us, included sandblasting our hull initially when there was 10 or 20 years of paint from the previous owner, but we simply couldn't have sandblasted things like the refrigerator when we initially bought the boat and Also the diesel mechanic who helped us realign our engine. We couldn't have done those things without them and we always hope we can learn something from them when we get a contractor. If we are going to summarize, if we take all the money.
We have spent on the boat to date, if we remove everything we consider an improvement and remove everything we consider was done as part of a reasonable repair, we also remove the cost of some subcontractors, what we are left with should be the cost of the Normal wear and tear, maintenance and upkeep on a well reconditioned normal


. Examples of what you might use are things like belts, filters, replacement tools, hoses, faucet accessories, all those normal wear and tear things that just wear out, they have a short


span, so the magic number of what we have spent on normal wear and tear maintenance for the last two years per month is six hundred and fifty six dollars so our next category is the cost of living and in this we have our food and drink which we eat quite modestly, we definitely do not strive to get expensive dishes and most of the time we end up eating more beans, rice and noodles, especially during the first few months when we bought our boat.
We lived very frugally and we almost used food as a means to save so, for example, we went out during the day and we didn't have lunch because we didn't want to buy it when we also went out with our food and baby, the price varies a lot depending on the island, like a 11 pot and aggressive, thinking that everything is super expensive, like that, it was three dollars, so three dollars is three EC, which is one ACS point, fly with Australian dollars, it costs about a dollar fifty, you're perfectly reasonably cheap. When we started sailing we went to the Turks and Caicos Islands and saw a bottle of SunnyD orange juice.
You got to be kidding. $11 Tropicana a little surprised thinking, oh God, we'll never have enough money meanwhile, a few months later, we went to In some of the French nations like Guadeloupe, you can get like a roll of brie for a year or fifty. Fortunately, we felt a little better about the cost of the meal. It


varies a lot in general to try to supply ourselves in the cheapest places. If we go to more expensive places, we will already have food in our cupboards, so the cost of our food and drinks per month is $398. Also in our cost of living is fuel for our boat, our boat's engine, and propane.
So for our propane, we probably refill a new tank every three months or so and it costs us about 30 US dollars, so in the grand scheme of things, that's kind of negligible with our outboard fuel, we use our outboard motor overboard practically everything. When it's time to get to the coast, we should probably wander around and ask them if they want to save a little more money. You can probably paddle the dirty docks to shore a little more often than we can, but we anchor further out so we can do that. have more quarters of swing, so that's our choice, we also use our motor.
There have been a few times where we have had to use our engine to get out of a slightly dangerous situation during hurricane season, you decide to drive a little. But we also have to rush there and, as Adams mentioned, there is a kind of trend where the ban is closing in on us, which means that we have about three and a half days to get to the aircraft carrier Kubb in case of any kind of bad time. hits us so we have had to use our motor several times there, however we mainly try not to use it when sailing and I think we are pretty good at not using it.
We have 260 gallon tanks and they last a long, long time and Ramón, we need to recharge them between 6 and 12 months. We rarely fill up our diesel tanks, but our fuel cost is $59 per month, so our total loan cost for one month is $457. And the last of our categories is cruise costs, so we split this into two sections, the first is the marina boatyards and mooring balls. We don't actually spend that much time on tether balls. As far as I go, he has both hands. We have been to Warangal many times and it is usually because it is a national park, we literally have not gone out to anchor anywhere, so after two failed attempts to set anchor we decided to bite the bullet and pay the $60 a night to compete . a mooring because we put the boat in the marina when we were returning for Sister Adams's wedding when we were returning to Australia we spent two times in shipyards and one of them was for quite a while where we took our group decks and repaired the hole in our keel and the second time was recently and it was pretty quick for us we spent 136 dollars a month on average for two years and lastly we also have official rates and when you enter a country the costs associated With that, when you go to customs, we just invoice twenty US dollars, an easy rate, this varies a lot between places, for example in French countries you will pay two euros to check in, but on the other hand when we went to sink it is nervous, we paid a couple of hundred dollars just for seven days stay, so this varies a lot.
It's also worth noting that you have a lot of control over how much you spend when you go, we're pretty slow. As travelers we tend to go to fewer places in a month and therefore it costs us less, but we do them all very thoroughly, however, we have paid over the course of two years per month, we pay $51, which raises our total cost of cruise for a month at one hundred eighty-seven dollars, so let's review our total acquisition costs fifty-two thousand three hundred ninety-eight total overhaul seven thousand seven hundred nine total upgrades eight thousand nine hundred eighty per month up to six hundred fifty-six dollars a month It costs four hundred and fifty-seven dollars the monthly cruise costs one hundred and eighty-seven dollars the monthly total costs one thousand three hundred so what do we think about that total?
Am I unhappy with him? No, not really, I mean, I'm sure many of you have considered all the literature out there on this topic and to be honest, the left and right of Arc is pretty broad, so I'm diving back into some of the books I considered and just pull out some edge cases so that the highest I found so far is Beth Leonard's book, The Voyagers Handbook, and in that book she says that for 37, 42, and 45 foot boats, the cost acquisition and repair isOne hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars and the cost of living or almost everything else. after that point it's between two thousand six hundred and three thousand three hundred dollars a month which is pretty huge and that's around 1995 so at the other end of the scale you have any Hills book traveling on a small income and at that book she says that for boats between 25 and 32 feet the cost of acquisition and reconditioning can be between twenty thousand and fifty thousand dollars and for everything else they are looking at monthly you are looking at between 300 and 800 dollars per month and again If not I'm wrong, this is around 1995, so our 2018


money price is pretty good even compared to around 1995 left and right of Arc, like we're pretty good in the middle, if not towards the extreme inferior, that I am.
I'm very happy and then if you increase those numbers, you know, to today's money, our position improves even more, so you know we could always do better and I think we'll look for ways to improve our spending over time and we'll revisit it. this topic maybe annually maybe in parts of the world I don't know but as it stands now I think we've done pretty well so everyone if you managed to get to the end then well done and I really hope. that we have provided you with valuable information to be fairI think so, okay, thank you very much for watching and if you have any more questions, feel free to write them below.
You can also email us or even yourself on Instagram and Facebook, obviously the usual stuff, like subscribe, share, do all that stuff. and we hope to see you in the next episode, see you next week, bye.

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