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Jun 07, 2021
get this x-ray so I was going to work engineer welcome back to the end yeah yeah yeah except last time they said we were almost at the endgame but before that some people said they wanted to see some deaths, so let's go for it Oh, who's going to taste my wrath today? Who is watching me? Funny Johnny Cage you have something to say shudder oh I hate trimmer for him in a long time whoa she's a black dragon nevermind ala haenam - rather really there are exciting for them to get this working no why haven't I played MKX in a minute? woo oh y'all like the demo check the footwork check the club okay x ray no that didn't work oh okay wait mmm that's it.
how many times did she punch him mortal kombat x 13
I'm talking about come on, Kotal Kahn, you win this, you win this, damn, oh thank you, far away, come on, oh, oh, oh, get down, should I use the x-rays? I'll do it if things look really bleak, come on. literally hit him once watch out kill me take me thanks hey I can lose with all the health he has left. I deserve the damn mood, come on, it's like look at this, look at this, let me land, please, I pray, oh, oh, did I? take it away, but look at the health bar look at the health bar look at the help I didn't get it I didn't get it come on, win, I'm having a great time with my life, come on, it's a damn night, come on, oh my god.
how many times did she punch him mortal kombat x 13

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how many times did she punch him mortal kombat x 13...

Disgusting food, you had to drink it. I'm angry. I don't like that red kool-aid that comes out of there. Okay, I want to see the other one, but we're sure we won't fight him again. I got it, hello, yes, hello, squeeze. oh oh my god, this must affect my soul, hey, when I reach such a height that my brain doesn't like process things, it must embrace it tighter than hope, the other doom and her, it's true, everyone they wanted to see that damn Sub Zero you know what I feel something evil let me go read me I hate this guy - we don't have to be enemies come to me little strange power this only if I must see then Hiro is a great player now because now because you want these problems, I'm a weirdo and I'm breaking my statues, oh yeah right, you made the most brilliant move you could ever make and you look at his Herald look, whoa, oh yeah, oh yeah, that's going to talk low Zero, that was. hmm, come on, oh, okay, oh, yeah, x-ray, what, oh, come on, come on, I wanted me to see, look, he's so smart and I'm so dumb.
how many times did she punch him mortal kombat x 13
Viktor laughs, oh, is he alive? How to make the call? What a machine gun. Brown, come on, come on, come on. oh come on, oh that was perfect, oh my god, I could keep doing things like that. I won't beat him, no problem, but I keep making mistakes like this, letting them catch me and corner me, come on, yeah. Not everyone applauds. that combo right now so much, I'm trying hard friend, do what you have to do. I wish I could relive that I can't wait to edit this video, oh my god, wait, and that's all benefit, oh, that's it, the damn snake on him and he's looking at me.
how many times did she punch him mortal kombat x 13
It means he should have been dead, he should have everything, his eyeball is still looking around for real, so finally, after 30 minutes of error, we can continue with the story. Well, we landed. Jackie and Reed will enter the temple of heaven from the ground entrance. Why not go? right there, it exists in a different quantum state, slightly out of phase with our reality, it cannot be reached by conventional means, okay, so how will we get there, it's just us, no one will come to help, well, you or you achieve this, it will. You have doubts? Come on, in prize situations.
Actually, no, not yet, no, no, what is heading towards us, the gods of her, have mercy, take Alleppey home, I have to leave her. Hey, look at Cassie Doh. Sorry, it seems that the temple instance has 15. klicks in that direction a light walk through the forest again is relaxing I would not have classified you as an outdoor activities lover my mother and I live near a forest a very similar to this it really reminds me after finishing this who should go oh oh oh? I'm grounded that shock wave carries the wires so let's do so


things happening in my brain oh my god bed oh oh and this these guys - they're here looking for the amulet in the bed we have to tell them about shinnok call Truce, bring them to me on bail now We know what's going on right now, you fucking idiot, come on, why don't you make those people sick on their fair tour?
Oh, you're all about to get hit, why would you hide? They're sneaky, he says yes, oh right, they need to drive them crazy, even though it's a reptile, this is Look, it's his face. burned from now on you hurt him you answer me Oh stand up for your man girl hey I'm John Hurt and I adorn the babies that blacks and Asians that's Jackie and uh Decatur right there what are you trying to do, son? Okay, I see what you're working on. with I know you jumped right, oh come on, make my job hurt. What I have just done?
What's on my face? Okay, um, you get this x-ray prepared, it says goodbye oh my gosh, I've never done that. my favorite x-ray that's my favorite x-ray in the game oh my god demand go crawl under your rock reptile she has so much swagger okay stop you need water yeah bring your head back a man joe , there you have it. I like it when you have him for us, he's blurry, yeah man, I thought his face got burned. Oh, beautiful, it's been moments and stuff. I sent Jackie to service MKX's best couple and they did interracial with Kayla.
Oh my God, run, wait, where's the rest? the team where is the team? okay, ladies choice. I have our Mac. What about the other 20 guys? I was there. It was a bad choice. Big little Johnson Bruce and very proud of it. I know what you did. He broke your Dad's arms are eerily cold, you know what my dad couldn't even hug me when he was a baby because of what you came. Oh Mac, what's up with our magazine? What's happening? I didn't expect this from a girl, don't be so sexist, it's okay. right, if every time the bus leaves the x-ray it's now, oh and it's over, it's over, it was good, we control, you think, oh my god, that was for you, dad, kill it, Jackie, hey, second baby at the zoo , I mean, one who will be born tomorrow, what are you doing? right, no, I'm hell, no, oh, there's no music with the night, yeah, no more tricks, just a guy hitting me straight.
I wouldn't want to fight a ferret or not, oh my god, okay, he grabbed, get this damn grabbed the job. right mm-hmm so I'm talking about Oh No hey that's not good either come on love oh my god oh she's running through the six with her whoa for one I'll take it yeah with that one growl like that. That's what you get, don't you see our regular rags of clothing? Look at this teamwork right now, I've been doing it oh we know. Devorah is here where is the corticon amulet? The situation has changed. Don't throw your saliva at me hmm, listen, right?
It seems like she's working with us just fine, you have another one right? Oh, tell him not yet, he needs to know if I'm going to kill them both. Shinnok has been freed, he is a merchant in the temple of heaven, he has already infected the life force of the kingdoms of Earth. Don't say we don't normally have dreadlocks guys here his throne is lost no if we are together I will appease shinnok bring him your heads buy time to sheath the defenses of the world you cowards come no, he is outside, they will chain him, he is afraid, he is bad, you need to help us Kotal Kahn, it's too late for Earthrealm Shinnok is now their master are you going to give up on us like this?
Hey? I see you, I see you have to get this job now. I never liked you at all. total road Oh, out of the school house, cool move, got it, ah, give me the sublight, huh, so fucking hot, oh my god, you keep banging on it complaining about Oxitec, thanks baby, okay, Take that damn law you can defeat, now I'll do it gently. Stay away from you because you are nothing to me. Everyone heard me talk about her booty. Watch how she just walks away from her. Oh, let me block and keep walking. It's your lucky day.
You can't prove x. Ray, but you'll prove it, you evil fish scum, mmm, you should have been with us, she looks at her neck, my God, that's enough. Oh, Matt comes with his weapons. Cassie also has a gun. Oh, too soon, that's how we go out, I don't know. You guys, but I'm living the dream, you have the shuttle of our dreams and die tonight. Oh, what's about to happen? Let go, whoa, they saved our asses, man, ah, they stuck together against formidable odds. Common Aditi, since his warriors would not have fared so well thank you.
Grandmaster, I will remain here to push Kotal Kahn back to Outworld, proceed to the birth realms of the temple of heaven, destiny is in you, he is a true legend, he came to lecture us on the damned battlefield, chapter 12 , I know they're high, but it's final. episode, why don't you let me know in the comments? I will hide them. This is like one of the most hyped story modes of any Mortal Kombat, like going into this final chapter where we take out Sub Zero. here working and then outside the edge, what is the name of the world?
Kotal Kahn and his crazed world scum, they don't even care about the edges of the earth, no one loves to let the world out, fall into trouble later, don't even call us earth room, because anyway, depending on what As well as this video works, I usually do Mortal Kombat once a week, but you guys are trying to watch this final episode in the next day or two, just let me know and hopefully I'll do it. You guys enjoyed it if you helped shoot and the samurai clicked the like button. I need encouragement, sign up today to join the samurai and it will be next time for business because my name is Gary.

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