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How Many Glass Windows Stops A Throwing Axe???

Jun 24, 2024
These are ten



. Can we throw anything and go through them? What is the lineup? Guys, javelin bowling. This thing is heavy. How about a steel ball bearing? I mean, these


are in trouble. The order is Gaunts and Stamford Heron, it's 21 items, so we get seven each guys, and the way you choose what you throw is the person before you calls you Gaunts and you're first, so Derrick chooses what that you throw Gaunts and Tomato so that you. We'll choose the average items first, so we'll finish playing with them. It's a competition and you get one point for each window you sniff.
how many glass windows stops a throwing axe
Eye safety. Please, don't stop the tomato, although it is acidic. Can I tell you what if you miss the windows? Don't throw the batter again, play ball, oh Jake, that was quite an experience, everyone look at all the bits, your arms will be sore tomorrow, guys, look at all that


ghost time, 4,000 frames per second here, Guys, the tomato that releases two fingers. comes out incoming and spoiler oh yes, oh well done, well done young Scott, it's broken in


places, isn't it? So the tomato didn't actually go through it. That image of Gaunsson is great.
how many glass windows stops a throwing axe

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how many glass windows stops a throwing axe...

What am I


away? Can I break a window by


a rubber band? Guys, earlier this year we did this same concept, but with a golf ball and a driver, this is what happened. A great shot if a golf club can only hit six, is there anything you can beat? I think ball bearing can do it well. Here we go, I'm ready to squawk a glass, oh God, it's overshot, look at it, it's lost, hey, let's look at that slowly, if you don't reach for the windows, you won't get another shot, Stanford, what am I shooting?
how many glass windows stops a throwing axe
Toilet paper, here. go buddy here we go I just came from here it's good for one I don't know and I'll say guys that's what the duck would have done if he could bowl Karen before we look at the slow e what is Goranson getting bowling? everything, yes, Woody, these skittles were literally dropped into that bucket. There are still remnants of that video. Yes, they are still the original skittles. Wow, dude, legit, I think you've got a chance. Can you hear that rain? Yeah, you know, like all the Rain together is like tons and tons of water.
how many glass windows stops a throwing axe
God created a system with clouds where it's like a winch, but like tons, but it's all like water vapor, which is pretty special. They see that you combed your hair this morning. It looks like this? I didn't don't it doesn't look better bowling oh big yeah wait it's two oh no almost like it's another one something good that's two more than me now gauntlets choosing my weapon let's get through one if you hit it Stanford are you awake hey before I'm launching a custom post , they are the legendary sponsors of this video and we have our packs, I have the box of concentrate which is like a cold brew kit, look at that, that's really cool, get away with it, the thing is these boxes cost approx. 45 dollars, but it's worth 70 dollars, so the way a custom post works is you become a member and they give you all these epic product deals that you can get every month and then you can choose the one you want and they .
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Now there's a deal at Stanford on how much off check out 20 off using code rexy20 so go to link in description check it out guys but now you're awake what am I releasing again? vortex vortex definitely to the shins, stampers in front of me, imagine that got me in the balls, that would have been the funniest ever, okay, stamps on the board, well done rexy, you gave it the rexy to Derek, that dinosaur has an x-factor never seen by other teams, not only does he have the take it home just one, come on Rex, this is painful, pick me something that I can also go through like a Rubik's cube, no, yes, that thing has to go.
I don't think so, you can't really just remove the rags, okay? Tell me what viewers should be excited about if a Rubik's cube can make three, so from now on we're going to change our setup from throwing this way and throwing that way, the theory behind this is that the ghost is now very much in play . for the side bang bang bang bang another angle I've set up 360 swing camera michael oh yeah wait yeah yeah yeah yeah, Stanford's up, Gaunten is picking up an ice ball way better than I thought I'd understand, what? how do you get the noise up?
We go up the leaderboard, come on, oh, really, enjoy? Why would gornson put the baseball in your hand like I said wrapped? I have the baseball. Derek selected a dart for me. Come on, a sheet that is good, that is legitimate. That's all. I've shaken my heart about what I'm getting oh controller, what a good two for the decision for the decision board Derek, what do you think it is definitely? This is what I'm thinking about the most. Here we go, that's my high score guys, what I enjoyed. Most of that was Derek's run after he hit it, he threw it, what's going to happen?
Thanks Derek, we have an iPhone, it was mine, then it was my wife's, then it was my mom's and now it doesn't work guys, I've been there too. Thinking of a rule that I think might liven up this game in Stanford levity a little bit, you can guess how


windows you break, if you guess it doubles but it doubles your score, yeah, guess three, you get six, yeah, I don't care. What is your idea? How many did they surpass? um, I'll top three, that's one. Oh rest in peace iPhone, we won't get the footage of that, let's all take a moment of silence for the iPhone's five years of service.
Stanford family, yes, this one is probably USBC approved. I'm going to guess, oh, four, tell him he's dreaming about eight points and we'll go, oh my God, I'm fucking nine and nine, I've got more than if he guessed right, thanks Gordon, amazing. help as always so aaron gopro hangs up this is surely just a leaf from the oldest gopro we have a lot of things don't work but still records officially i have to bet to get double points a leaf heron goes for the big jackpot of two here oh , that's cool oh actually it still works those screams actually and you're filming gaunts again and this one has your name oh run it through some sheets and what's your official guess for your score guys I'm actually I'm going to go eight three I think two I've done it completely wrong so far let's do what I wouldn't have thought I would do just because I've been doing it but that could be bad too hope you were backing that the best horse, okay, here we'll end it, let's just grab your guests now, so this is a size eight ball sinker um, I'm going to go seven seven, sir's number eight is still a very big score, look at this one, good job, no I don't know if you can see this , but it actually has flat parts, oh yeah, just rope ribbon and then there's another leaf, what are you picking for me?
Time's up for you, okay, haron, your big horse, let him go, that's big. ghost time as we approach dennis the phantom menace have you noticed where we are we are not in stanford tower where we are this is our house this is where we live no no who is where we work we haven't named it we'll get to that after this clip with the hand on the head, you got up early, which was probably very good, only the head is just pushing, yeah, because the head first and now the handle is in line, streamlined, now it's coming back up, it's hitting the tails hitting the glass. stance every time the handle went through the glass straightening it is like doing this we don't have an official name for this space yet and it's going to get even cooler let's paint some and help us with the name guys.
What should we name this space? It's the contest, so if we choose your answer, yes, in the Stanford final round, we actually miscounted, there were 22 items, so we have four left, but we're only using three. What am I doing for the rabbit trip? I'm putting it in your hands this is when that happened great here we go three two one what's hitting is the kona effect johnny whiny again same thing comment coney joni right now little punk and if you can't spell it doesn't matter us I've thrown a Rexy as a small bonus of 10 points if you take it out of his bag, so Gwanson, if you guess 10 and you beat 10 and you're not Rexy to the ground 30 big, obviously I'm going to 10 with the scores like they're emaciated and the pointer of 30 points puts you in the head, yeah boy, yeah, go get it, I can see my DNA, can you, can you see it?
Aaron Gonson believes he can see his DNA. I have a microscope with fingerprints. Whoopsie no. He has a serious gauntson zoom for 30 points, he couldn't do it, yeah, oh hell, Rexy is on the platform, that counts, why did you give him the crystal ball? Oh wow, jack, can you add my score, thanks, that's great, good. I'm in the league, can you believe it? This will be what you launch next. We want to see Matt from the wrecking ranch try this. Oh, how many windows a bullet


. Yeah, you're welcome, also Matt, oh. Are we on your Instagram story?
Hello everyone, it's Instagram. Didn't you intentionally give this to Gonz? So he would do it correctly. I thought it 100% I'm going to 10. Official guess 10. Blocking it I'm going for complete glory if I get this and hit Rex, that's it here we go, that shot fell oh wait he got a sneaky one here though look . In that painting he hit himself and broke. I had never thrown an ax before and I paid for it. Stanford could very well take third place. Derrick Douglas Heron. I'll give you the big boy boogie, so you're 17. Then you're in serious, I'm 22 points behind you, which means if you go through 10 and guess 10 isn't enough, I'll see you.
I have a hit record. If this isn't exciting enough guys, can I drop the explosive guys, there's more. of him coming to the store with an update too, if you don't mind, new and improved, it's rexy v2, we also have the hair and buttocks in the frame, come on, oh, that could blow away in the wind, okay, in action on set. three two one first for this hero um thank you all for watching all the work to win, I know, okay, see you next time whenever, bye

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