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how many BADGES can I get in 1 Hour.. (Roblox Arsenal)

Apr 16, 2024
leave a like and subscribe in the next 3.2 seconds of this criminal, wake up in your bed. I know I'm not going to take any chances, so in today's video guys, we're going to play Arsenal against a friend for an


to watch. who can get the most


, so yeah, here is the


page, there are 56 badges, obviously we can't get them all, we are going to use our own strategies to try to get as


as we can against each other and against whoever has the upper hand. Most badges at the end of the


how many badges can i get in 1 hour roblox arsenal
Am I sure I'll just pick the easiest ones? I'll probably choose the easiest ones. I'm going to choose the difficult ones. I mean, they're a little difficult. You know, kill. oh, i hit a kid in the air oh, what's going on? Okay, here we go, let's get into this. I have my first batch. Oh, the first two batches. Look, you can get the most badges. I don't even know which ones I am. I'm honestly going to go, I'm literally going to improvise and play and just see the end, oh my god, here we go, let's get out of heaven, relax, go away, bye, I know, it's okay, man, it's okay, oh, I got, I got a riot, come on. wow well dude what's the latest game dude oh my god I'm the CEO of call me a hacker yeah baby a double death in the sky this thing quick quick quick quick there's one, yeah I got it, no, what, oh, badge guys I need to get. double death with this thing ah no, you're all separated man, come on, get together guys, what is this?
how many badges can i get in 1 hour roblox arsenal

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how many badges can i get in 1 hour roblox arsenal...

No, I'm trying to try, why isn't anyone together? knife fight, knight fight, knight fight, fighting knight, double kill, yeah, yeah, come on, oh my god, oh she's got so


, you gotta go, you got some catching up to do, man I need to kill two times with that, though please, please, line up, line up everyone, line up, I'm not even going to go for the win. I'm just going to try the double kill I want to get this badge come on come on I have the full game to get this come on line up line up why not please buddy you can go for the win.
how many badges can i get in 1 hour roblox arsenal
Okay, I'm going for this double. kill oh that's so close no I don't even know that's fast there's no way I have it there's no way mate I don't know honey I never had that oh I probably could have gotten it there oh my god come on We'll meet at the station train and we will fight through the night. Whoever wins will receive a badge worth it. Okay, come on, fight, let's do this. I guess it's just with standard knives. We will have to achieve movement. I bought this character because I'm pretty sure it's a challenge, so you never know, man, you don't even know what character I am.
how many badges can i get in 1 hour roblox arsenal
Now I am going to receive the next challenge. Why this guy? What is this guy doing? I don't know what character you are because you're not, what are you right? Get out of here. What is that guy? Give me that badge. What do you mean? You literally just disappeared. If there's no one. Nobody wants to fight me as a knight. Is really. sad, yes, now I can get the wind back. Now, at least I'm done with that. Yes, that's a baseball. I just received something. I don't know what it was for, but I just got something.
Go get it. Dude, I can't touch them bro, they're all behind, yeah honey, let's wait, get some gold, what did you do for that? No, you got a badge for that and I don't, let's get enough momentum to get this, oh no. so close doing oh my god please please please oh so close come on buddy why are you all oh that was it come on buddy what was that are you going for it stomp kill guy i literally just landed on someone's head i'm going for a badge Now I hope I can make it every time I play with you only the lobby gets ten times harder I play with myself and like no one can hit their shot it's like thirty one to one my fault what do you mean there has to be something?
Here maybe it's the lobbies oh oh come on I want to do the spider come on this gun slowed me down maybe it's just because the servers are so evil maybe dude I mean it makes sense come on hurry up and die right? what's that? If this person had gone, I'm not even getting assists, okay, I'm at ten, come on, you guys are going at 11. one for my nightmares, man, because this arc is absolutely horrible, oh oh my god, so close. where to get off in hp let's heal oh my god oh this guy is coming for me this person is coming for me yes I have the badge yes I'm going to get another badge yes let's go tons of badges for me there you go now wait for this guy Nice golden knife and whoever wins the game gets the badge.
Can you hurry up? Can you hurry up? Dude, this guy is taking too long. Come on, no, I'm chasing him, bro, that's it. I don't know, he's chasing someone. I want what to do. that he, no friend, where is he, come on, take the golden knife, oh, he is in the golden gun, the students get the golden knight, come on, yes, I am ready to come, please, please, behind you , kill him, kill him now, fight me, wow, fight me now fight me fight with knife no no no come on, come on, stop me, stop me, stop me now fight me, knight, fight me without knight fight, knight fight with knife, yes, stop, yes, I must have already had the badge, come on, I need to kill with a stomp, please, please. oh come on buddy everyone's out for me in heaven and no one's hitting me yeah oh no it was a fuck go away oh it's off the map go ahead man go away holy I don't like swirls , what are you? guys no way that was a hit sir come on I know why we don't go come on they were lined up come on this has to be it this has to be what the guy hit the kid behind them every time oh what I messed up with that, why?
It's so complicated, where are they? oh my god I got it, come on, I got it, don't kill buddy, come on, it was worth it, why is everyone coming after me? I'm, everyone's shooting at this guy, oh, I see a player. come on, come on, come on, no, yeah, come on, oh my god, guys, come in, come in, come in, please, come in, come in, please just come in, yeah, there's one, follow me, oh yeah, come, come , Oh my God. I can do it, come on, please, yeah, no, come on, no, come on, follow me, follow me, kill him, follow me, kill him, come on, come on, no, guys, oh yeah, I have two badges, come on, whatever kill us , but with health, you know what I am.
I'm doing it, I'm going to try to get myself killed with a health, someone, a hp, oh my money, speed, I'm on a hp, yeah, yeah, come on, come on, come on, shoot me, stop shooting him, shoot him buddy, Oh my God. I'm leaving buddy I was right behind you trying to get shot but no one wanted to hit me that's cool hurry up come on popcorn people just look up yeah popcorn take the knife dorado, take the dorado, kill well, friend, come on, come on. oh he's got it, yeah I got it, wait what do I already have it?
I didn't get the badge. No no no. I'm not good at remembering all the badges, yeah, that's too many, what he's doing, mate, the last one he's got. It's not like it takes him that long just to win because everyone is open, one should be backstabbing the guy with the golden knife, that should be a badge, how come he's coming now? You got me a badge, thank you, I helped in the final kill. Thanks a lot buddy, you cheated okay so I got the golden touch. Did you just say, just say, take if you have it?
Okay, so the golden touch ends your game and wins. I should have three uh, trampoline, yeah, you got it, oh, I did. I didn't get the knife, what do you mean that one is black? It's buggy, okay, go for the golden one, I didn't get that one, how about you wait, shoot the head, kill someone's golden knife? Yeah, I thought I got it right. What's with the fuss? I got it. It's frenzy, yeah, unstoppable, no team, yeah, look both ways, don't smash, don't get some gold, yeah, I did it, but no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, and, also, arms race, without, podium, gold, yes, competition, now, beyond the wrong game, I have nothing of the character.
The guy you don't prepare was in the cubicle even though that was one, okay, I just have no character, the real ones, uh, elephants come to fly, no, buddy, you could have gotten that one. I didn't, I didn't check the electrical efficiency of these. yeah i got that bogo yeah i can't get it no torrents no delete effects uh grinds i got them all yeah same thing and then for the milestones i reached level 10 yeah okay , how many badges did you get out of the 56 16? yeah come on baby I'm 25 25 it's 2-0 in the series for me come on let us know in the comments what we can do next time.

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