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How to Make a Single Petal Sunflower Poly Burlap Flower Wreath Tutorial

May 04, 2024
creatives, welcome back to the design studio where again I can't wait to show you another easy to follow step by step


and today we are going to work on a different type of







mesh so if you have never done it . Working with



mesh is a challenge, but there are a few tips I can help you with to avoid some of those challenges related to working with polyburlap that we don't like, so first of all, let's cover a couple of cleanup things if you want it that way. Save this


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how to make a single petal sunflower poly burlap flower wreath tutorial
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how to make a single petal sunflower poly burlap flower wreath tutorial

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how to make a single petal sunflower poly burlap flower wreath tutorial
I have a YouTube page, guys. If you're interested, it's on the Cat Creations Race on YouTube where you can, every time we upload a new tutorial, that's where it'll be easy to find instead of checking out all the stuff on my Facebook page and if you'd love Subscribe, I would. I will definitely be happy too. I'm going to go ahead and make sure we're on the page and everything is recorded for you. Let me make sure this is, by the way, the last one which is this Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I think we're closing the trial period on Sunday, which means if you want to take a look at what my private group is like, you can sign up today for $1 and that will give you a two-week preview to see how it works. things go and then if you like it you don't do anything it will automatically start building you after the 2 weeks is over the regular monthly rate and the rates are going up so if you want to take advantage of both the business side of things and on the design side, this will be the lowest price ever for both, so you'll want to do that too.
how to make a single petal sunflower poly burlap flower wreath tutorial
I'm going to go ahead and write it up next, it's on Cast Creations and more. com where you'll find a ton of things, um free tutorials, how to sign up for private groups, how to buy the crown we're making today, let me make sure I do that and make sure everything is spelled correctly. Hi Holly, welcome, let me go ahead and Pin this comment so you have it available at all times. YouTube subscribers are a little different because they don't get that pin link, but they can scroll down the description box and find all the information related to all the material.
I just talked about there are links below, so we're going to go ahead and turn you down, so wait to do this and not really impact the microphone part. Let's get you straight and I think we're good, so what we're doing. today good morning Tina hi Joanne hi Cheryl good morning Elizabeth. We are going to make a different type of decorative polyester mesh


, so the materials you will need are a roll of yellow or whatever color you want, a polyester burlap mesh. You'll also want a roll of green, so these are our


s, this is our leaf color.
You can get both at Craft Outlet. I think the yellow is out of stock at the moment, but you can get a slightly darker yellow color and that one. would still work well, other than that, you'll need zip ties, you'll need a


center, so we'll use the one we didn't use in the previous tutorial this week where we made the orange sunflower


that we're going to keep this one looking pretty realistic, so this sunflower centerpiece is available at Craft Outlet and you can pick it up too. It has a 6 and 1 12 inch center and is slightly raised.
I want to say it's about 2 inches tall, but I'm Thinking we can still keep this storm door composition because our


method won't be as tall and thick, so we'll see when we're done. I think you're also going to need a big unique in the creek flower board and we're going to go ahead and show you how we're wiring the board and also how to cut out the polyester burlap decorative mesh pieces with a wood burning tool so that feels a little bit of everything, let me show you how we attach the board, um, on the big unique board in the creek, which you can also get at Craft Outlet, you can also get it at Unique andth, um, this I think which is 15.5 inches, but they call it a 16 inch board on this one, we're wiring together um, it's Rose two, row three, row four and row five, so we're using just the individual holes, not the shared spaces, we're making 16 around hole two, we're making eight alone. in the regular holes not the shared spaces eight in row three we're doing eight in row four just the regular holes and then four in row five and that should take care of everything we need we'll also add leaves and that's just depending on preference, where you want to place them, one thing you'll notice is on the


and creek board in row number one, which is the outside, you have this area up here that is for your perch, let's move on. and add the hanger to this real quick, which I'm just going to do with a zip tie.
I'm going to make a slightly thicker zip tie, so I'm going to tuck this one in to make sure it works. in the same direction, place this, we'll zip tie it in the center and then that will be our hanger for this design. I'm going to cut the end off, there we go, now we have a hanger that I could use. braided cord you can use a ribbon uh you can use twine you can use whatever you want but I'm just using the zip tie on this particular one because I want this one a little bit closer to the actual board, I don't want to have a bunch of stuff, like when I made the last one, I made a slightly longer cable, but you can always adjust it as well to give it the preference you would like.
Hi Diana from South Texas and hi Alicia, let's go ahead and show. You know how to cut the decorative mesh pieces, so I'm going to use the green one because I need a couple more green pieces, so when you buy your Deco Mash or Poly Deco Mash rolls, you want to make sure you buy those. in 10 yard or 30 foot lengths some people get them at Hobby Lobby and Joann's and Michaels which is fine just make sure depending on the particular design you make all the ones I've shown were on Tuesday and then the Thursday with full 10 yard spools, so I'm not going to use something like that, so if you needed two rolls of decorative mesh, it won't be two rolls of 18, it would be two rolls of 10 yard bows, we're hardly going to use any of this at all , but let me show you how we're going to cut this.
I have a wood burning tool that I bought on Amazon quite a while ago. I'm trying to give you an aerial view of the point, most of it is called Chisel Point. When you get to this point on your wood burning tool you want to make sure you have it where your wood burning device will burn at 425°, that's what I keep mine set to all the time regardless of what you're burning. Poly Burlap, as you can see at the end of this, this is what happens to it and this is why so many people hate working with Poly Burlap.
It's a very easy phrase, but using the wood burning tool should help. You will also need a glass. tempered, it doesn't have to be tempered, but just a glass cutting board, this one happens to be um, it's 12 by 15. I bought it at Walmart, it's like a regular cutting board from Walmart, it has a textured side but it also has The smooth side allows me to see the lines going straight, which is helpful if you want to keep your pieces uniform and when you start to burn, obviously we want to get rid of that starting edge, so I'm just going to start in a row and go down to the final, now it goes very fast, but sometimes I like to slow it down so you can see it and what it does is burn the edges of this, it's like a layer of plastic on top of a burlap mesh. that's why it cuts so well and then it helps us reduce some of the fraying that's happening, so we're going to start with a fresh cut.
I have my cutting board placed right on the 10 inch line and we're going to cut two. 10 inch pieces for our leaves, they will also be the same size cut for our petals, so as you can see, I make sure it's perfectly stretched, don't worry about the woven dimension here. What I need to do is start at I have this set on my 10, so on 20 that will give me my 10 inch cut. I'm going to pick a lane as close to the 20 inch mark as possible and the only thing I'll stay focused on is staying. in my lane it's like cars on a highway we stay in the lane until the end and then what you'll have is a good sized piece of 10 by 10 um if you're using Deca mesh which for some reason is 10 and a half then it What you're going to want to do to make sure you have square pieces is cut the decam mesh at 10 and a half so you have a perfect square, so I'm just going to stretch this one out.
Again, making sure everything is straight, choose a lane right around the 20-inch mark. I can go right before or right after if it's not aligned exactly in a column, so I'll usually choose right along the edge and you'll see that. It goes very fast um and that's how easy it is to cut the decorative mesh now because it burns our polypropylene or in this case plastic. I always suggest you do this in a well ventilated area um open windows open garage do it outside where possible um if you don't have an indoor or outdoor space consider wearing some type of respirator because it's not advisable to breathe in the fumes of that toxic plastic.
Well, Alicia says I'm having trouble cutting burlap with the wood stove. Suggestions, right? I need to turn up the heat so that the overall burlap is a natural fabric so what you want to do is make sure that I always try it with a sample piece because sometimes now the way they're flipping how they are creates creating the product in the past anything with a natural fiber, i.e. burlap J uh jute uh cotton um snow drifts also have that cotton fiber that you used to not be able to cut, so take a little piece and make a small cut with your wood burning tool , like I said, I keep mine at 425, but in most cases, you won't be able to use wood with a burlap mesh or up mesh or some mesh that has cotton fibers, fabric mesh sometimes you can cut it , sometimes you can't try, it's always better if you can cut it with the wood burning tool, but if not, like I said, with burlap, jute and some cotton or natural fibers, you'll have to do it. use just a very sharp rotary tool and then in combination with the rotary tool, because that's how you're going to cut it, you're going to want to spray it with E6000, which is a spray adhesive, you can get it at Craft Outlet.
You can get it at Michaels Hobby Lobby Walmart and that will help prevent your ends from fraying. It doesn't make it 100% fray free, it just helps keep it on so it doesn't fray as much, so just spray it on. Let it dry for 24 hours or if you're impatient like me, spray it on, take a hot hair dryer and blow dry all the ends. The good thing about this product is that it doesn't make it stiff or hard, so it still holds. Flexible so you can still manipulate your mesh. I hope it helped you. To Alicia Linda, how do you join my VIP group?
Super simple. Go to the website below. This will be the first link that will appear. Three different ways to register. you can go monthly and right now there are two tests for one dollar and then it goes to the normal rate of 27 per month and then either you can go annually which saves you $54 or you can go for life, you pay once and that's it. it's always okay, I like to unplug this and move it when we start working because that wood burning tool is super hot, I don't ever want to burn myself with that, okay, let me show you how we're going to make the petals of our sunflower, so we have our 10 inch decorative mesh right, let's here is our finished woodburned edge, woodburned edge, let's turn it over to where it's diagonal, almostlike what we did on Thursday, we're going to join these ends so that We have a very nice meat triangle and if you have it up to where it doesn't quite line up, check your measurements, chances are you don't have that square, it could be like 10 and A4 on one side by 10 inches so 10 by 10 or if your deam mesh is 10 and 1 half 10 and 1 half by 10 and 1 half we'll make sure your edges are lined up so from here what we go What to do is turn it sideways let's stretch this just a touch and then I'm going to gather here so I can see where the center of this fold is, so I have a center here, so all I'm going to do is grab and pull my edges forward I'm going to have a little tail there I'm going to do the same thing here grab and pull see how I have these little fins we're just going to tuck that one in and tuck that one in and then I'm I'm going to use a zip tie to hold the petals of my flowers in place, so just a 6 inch flange.
I'm just going to put them on the side because that makes it nice and pretty to me, cut off the ends if you have these little Wayward pieces. that just didn't go in, you can cut them out and then what you're going to do is take the top piece, make sure it covers completely and then you're going to fold it over so it's like a spoonful of Frito, right, that's our flower petal for our sunflower in this design so I'm going to go ahead and do it one more time so you take our finished decam mesh piece Edge cut Edge cut Edge to put it this way We're going to go from corner to corner and we want to make sure that all our ends match.
I do it this way for you. Let's go ahead and try to tighten that up a little bit. Let's stretch it. Let's turn it around. This way, we're going to meet at the bottom, it's funny that we keep it here, so we're going to do this method to make sure that we're really in the center of that piece and then you can drop it. you're going to gather like a ruffle, you're going to tuck those ends in, there's our little tail, you pull, you pull, like this, we're going to fold one tail in, fold the other one in and then we're going to get our bridle making sure it's on the right way, sip good and squeeze and remove the excess and then just take the petals because it's like doubling the petals so it's nice and thick, there's actually two of them, but we're like they call it like the


petal method , although it's not actually a single petal, it's a duplicate petal to make it super thick, it looks wonderful, okay, I'll show you how to make the leaves when we're ready. to add the leaves, so let's go ahead and start putting in all of our flower petals.
Remember we're doing 16 in row two, eight in row three, eight in row four, four in row five and we're just doing together. holes, not the shared holes, so the first thing we're going to do is grab this spot right on the spot. I like to keep my zip tie on the opposite side or on the inside so it ties nice and tight and if I can I'll turn them to the side and then we'll trim them so this is the petal we're trying to achieve come in here and let's do the second, the same. It's actually going to go pretty fast once we get all of this, if there's any chance you can clean it up, it's like I don't like them so I'm always going to try to fix it and then how they overlap, you want to keep it consistent. so I'm going to put the overlay here, just slide those ends down, grab some of our stitches, there's that one, this one will also need a full roll of polyester burlap mesh, you should end up with 36 pieces, if not, that's always good have an extra one. roll by hand just in case because it's happened to me before you don't get your 36.
I had one that only gave me 33 and all my pieces were cut right on the 10 on Mark so imagine why none of us actually take our decorative mesh , stretch it all the way, measure, and then start all of our cuts. We just start cutting and hope that in the end everything ends perfectly. It looks very flat right now, but I can assure you that the pieces look something like this. bubbled just doesn't bubble as much until we get some height on this board, which we'll get when we add our Leaf pieces, but it goes pretty fast once the board is loaded and you're ready to make sure it gets over this. one is on top of the other and if you get phrases, start addressing them from the beginning, as if you have one here.
I always like to try to keep my finished Edge right on the side and I just like to use the zip ties to hold down. My petals together because it keeps them like an extra reinforced end. Here's a Friar placing one over the top and I love trying to make them look so realistic. Hello hello. Deborah Paula says: did you burn the wood with your mesh? Yes, I do. Dale said: can you do this? Can this method be done in a different way? I even did it on the Dollar Tree form and didn't have any problems and I think that's what I'm waiting for more mesh to arrive so I can show you how. to make them off the single board in the stream so there's our outside and we're going to tuck this last piece in and then we're going to go down to row three okay there's our completed sunflower we're moving down now . for row three doing the same method, I just make sure they go right in the center, bringing all my pieces back in and this time we're doing the same thing, these petals actually cover this end and the space on the board, so you'll see as we bring this piece in, it's covering that space between the two.
I'm always trying to make sure I have it at the right depth and we'll make sure everything is placed perfectly. Keep spinning this always. It feels like there's such a big gap, but it's actually not that big because we forget how wide our petals are and this look is great for Mother's Day. It's good for a baby shower because you can make them in any color our polyester burlap comes in these. It would be a great statement piece for someone who sells flowers at their Farmers Market because they can take it and use it, you know, like a type of business or advertising where they could use it to get attention and then.
When people come in and look at your flower, they can obviously see that you sell regular flowers and put them there and we'll pick them up so now we go to row four four. Hi Barb, welcome, yes Deborah, I'll show you again. in the end as soon as you have all the petals of how we created The Petal okay again make sure everything is fluffed and now these pieces will cover the previous pieces and now it starts to get that 3D look okay and I'm always trying to Push all the ends of my zip ties down so there isn't a little plastic square on top again. space, push them down, slide this in and this will finish row four.
This would also make a great classroom decoration for summer or spring. Okay, now let's tackle row five. There are only four, so let me show you why we did it. We're not going to stop there even though we have a 6 and 1 12 inch center, so if I were to take this and put it here, you could say well, it looks like it covers it to me, but what you don't see until you're standing there here. is that there are spaces like in the middle here in the middle here in the middle here it's like a four-sided space, so I don't want to see spaces, you might not see them, but I know it's there, so I'm going to fill in and The way we can do that is fill in the last four, so let's take these last four and put them inside once we have that.
In the same way, push those little dots down, now you'll see that they are Filling those spaces in the corners, we do it that way again, we fill the spaces and then this one we'll save inside here, we have to place it under my flange nice and tight way so that now, when I keep them nice and tight, when we take Now we have it sitting and covering everything perfectly, so before we add the center we're going to go ahead and add the leaves at the bottom and that will give me another opportunity to cover the petal method.
So, turning this around, we have a clean bag so far and you can make your leaves a couple of different ways. You can do it this way and create a little um like, I guess, it would almost be what a sunflower leaf should be like or You can make them a little bit wider like this, it's totally up to you. You can take one and put one on top of the other, which is what we're going to do so we have a pretty good idea of ​​how we are doing. I'm going to add them and just place them in a couple of places, so the first way I'm going to do that is let me cut them out and then I'll show you how we create these petals. let me show you that first, so remember those pieces that we cut earlier, we've finished the edge, the finished edge here, we're going to go from top to bottom, it's almost like we're building the petals and then making sure that all of your edges are line up nice and pretty and then, so let's do the flower petal first, since it's here, this is how you would make the flower petal fold it the same way, you're just going to put it together here so you know. that You're starting your center fold at the point and then you're just going to pull, pull, pull, pull, we have these little wings, we can fold them, we're going to tie them and that's how you create the petal, okay, petal for the flower, now the one for our leaves, I'm just going to open up this finished edge, here we're going to go from the bottom, we're just going to walk it to the opposite corner, just like that. and now that we have the Wide Leaf, I'm going to zip tie it so it stays in place and then I'll show you how we're going to do it so that this one mimics this one, okay, getting them out of the way.
To create this petal the same thing, we're not going to do it with the way it curls, we're doing it this way, so again, corner to corner, okay, and instead we're going to create a little lip. U-shaped to have one. on top of the other and instead of zip tying it in the center, we folded it so the leaves are closer together so we can take one, place it right on top of the other and get a dual look. like so, so we have a big one and a small one, these should actually go this way, one on top of the other gives us a little dual look, we'll make sure that they both go on our board, so I have two sets, one here one here we're going to make a tall one I think let's see I think I want them on the side I kind of want them here but let me tell you right now just with our decorative mesh petals if I measure from the end of the petal to the end of Petal we are at 25 inches, so you'll need a 25 or 24 inch box, it just depends on how you can fit it in there.
I think I can almost get it in a perfect 24 inch box, but let's add our flower pedals, so here's my blouse, I think I'm going to go, maybe like here and here I just want two sets, so I'm going to enter my bridle in um, feed my bridle just like that and then what are we going to do? What we do is the way our petals fold, we want to make sure they're facing outwards. You have two options: you can go on the back or you can go under the dash, so if I do it under the dash, I need to make sure that I'm very careful to get that one in and then I also have this one.
Let's do this, let's tie these two together so I don't have to worry about one getting rid of the other, so let's close up. tie the two together, let's make sure it goes to the inside of our board now, when I add them under this one, I'm going to tuck it under to make sure my zip tie goes up the center and I'm going to Tie them both together by pushing that down and then I'm going to take the end and I'm going to push it around as well so that when we flip it this way our leaves come out to the side and then we'll do it again here, so the first thing we're going to do is zip tie our petal combinations so that one in the top go right through the center here and have my zipper going the wrong way, zip tying them so I don't have to worry about them coming apart and then from here we're taking this kind of filling everything under the hole.
I need my bridle, here we go. I'm going to go ahead and start and then I'm just going to Place everything back under our board, now that our leaves are on, we're going to push this end all the way around the right side of our piece and you can see that we have beautiful leaves here and here on our sunflower and we are ready to prepare our sunflower center. Put this aside, we are preparing our Center, so on the back it is styrofoam, so I am using a yellow zip tie right here dedicate that that is your Center.
You'll also need a piece of felt, so I'm going to cut a nice one out. little square of my felt, although that's not quite square, there we go and then we're going to take our pipe cleaner. I'm going to add a little bit of hot glue to the center, which is like this, let's take our pipe cleaner. that right in the center and then take our felt square and go over the side that gives your pipe cleaner something to stick to besides the styrofoam which is porous anyway and then you'll get some floral pins and What we are going todo is go at a diagonal angle, it has a small groove.
I know it's a little hard to see. It has a little squiggle that looks like a lightning bolt, so half of that is set for a year. obviously for flower stems, but this is going to keep our pipe cleaner straight and down, we're going to do the same thing on the other side and I'm going to do it at a pretty severe angle so it doesn't go through our center. so now we have it pretty safe, I mean too safe, let's take this and in the center of our board it's probably easier to show you this way, there are two centers here, so the goal is to make sure that I have to move them so I can find them and I just need to move them away so there is a hole.
I know it's hard to see them. If I move them here, you should be able to see them. Let me get closer so you can see it right now. they're all, everything's grouped together, if I move them back slightly, I have access to my two holes right there and that's where my pipe cleaner is going to go right in, so I'm just going to tilt the angle, go here, go here, lift my board so I can grab and pull my center to the right, nice and comfortable all the way in, and I'm going to go ahead and do. a couple of twists and then I'm going to turn it around and show you what we're doing on the back, so back here I'm just going to trim off the excess, we're going to take that little end we're going to Tuck it back into the center to that we have a smooth back, like a back that's so nice and smooth that you can grab your business card as soon as I found my business cards.
Oh, you are there. I just didn't take out any business cards. we can go ahead and add that to the back of our wreath here's our top so we want to make sure that our card is lined up and actually Shred this card so it looks really nice here go ahead and add our hot glue like so make sure your card is facing the right direction and then we can add our card right on the back so that if the customer needs to know where I ordered that wreath, it's already on the back and we're ready to show it. on our door so you can see what it looks like, so let me show you how it works.
Hello everyone. I think it will work. Take this one away and we need to figure out where our hanger is, so here's our hanger, add it right. to our door and then you can take all of your flower petals and you can tilt them back now so that because we have a curve of the board now we're not lying on the flat surface, so you can take all of these and just fold them back . so now follow the natural curve around your board and that's how simple it is to make a sunflower wreath using what is called the single petal method, so this one is a single petal, the other one we made was totally different ,uh. petal method, so what do you guys think?
Let me read your questions and comments. Yes, Jackie, you can get the boards on Amazon, but they come in packages. You can order them at Unique andth if you just want an individual one or you can order them. them from Craft Outlet. I think Hobby Lobby might have the big flower boards, but don't quote me on that. You can go to and check it out, but I ordered mine from Craft Outlet, so every time I place our order, I'll just check and see if I need to order more of this or that because once you hit that $69 shipping minimum , it ships for free and the Craft Outlets are pretty fast in terms of how quickly they deliver it to you.
Deborah says shared so I won't forget you're a great teacher thank you you're more than welcome um let's see what else I'm making sure I've answered all of your questions it looks like I have so now I'm going to do it by showing you alternative ways because many of you don't have access to the boards or maybe they don't want to sort them in a package or they need it like now. I'm going to show you what we will be like. I can do these techniques and I hope that happens next week. I hope the order shows up early in the week, so we'll do two totally different, not totally different, but I'll be on different frame options for you, okay, everyone, thanks for joining me.
I hope you all have an amazing week, don't forget if you are interested in this you can find it on my website. I would like to join my private members-only group for business and design right now. You can do it until the end of the month. The trial method, however, only lasts until Sunday and then you can opt for monthly, yearly or lifetime options but you can get them from the pin link below YouTube subscribers look in the description box of both and also There are a few options for you to sign up. Okay everyone, thanks for joining me and I'll talk to you all soon, bye for now.

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