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How to make shower steamers, and a recipe! | Day 130/365

May 18, 2024
so I have almost 500 videos on youtube which is crazy and a few weeks ago I posted on my insta about my new



and a new size and a cool new formulation, you know whatever, and someone asked me if I was going to do it. a video on this soon and I went, I think I did it, so I went back and looked at my log because I sure made a




, right? I hadn't done it, so today I'm going to do it and it's going to be amazing. and I'll tell you more about shower


, what they are, why you want this


, and what else we're doing in just a minute, but before we do, hello, I'm Mrs.
how to make shower steamers and a recipe day 130 365
Soap and Clay, let's get things done, how are you doing? Suds, welcome back to the channel you're in soap and clay where we


all things soapy and you were here for day 130 of 365 days of soap you know you are too today is recipe day and we're making shower steamers now two things with this one yeah, we're making shower vaporizers, but I also have these really cool molds that say "chill pill" and that's awesome, so we're also going to talk about the mold, the pressing, the weight, and all the things they know so they know that. and I will try to put the place where I got them from below I will try I will try to remember I will try to remember where I got them if I remember where I got them and I will also remember what the information will be below if that is the case, if not, just assume that I don't know where I got them from, but anyway, a cool new mold, yes, one, two shower steamers, water shower steamers, well, shower steamers are like a bath bomb for the shower, never for the bathtub.
how to make shower steamers and a recipe day 130 365

More Interesting Facts About,

how to make shower steamers and a recipe day 130 365...

Why because they have? They both contain a ton of menthol and when I say full jars I mean full jars, there is a lot of menthol in these, plus you get eucalyptus, you know the scent you want, I use spearmint, lavender and orange for mine but you know. you can do anything and we're going to talk about what the purpose of a shower steamer is and why it's awesome while we


them and we give you a recipe, you know, okay, let's move on to the shower steamer recipe, so here we go . I have two cups of baking soda, one cup of citric acid, half a cup of Epsom salts, two tablespoons of crushed menthol, one tablespoon of peppermint essential oil, one tablespoon of eucalyptus essential oil, one tablespoon of regular oil like sunflower oil and actually one to one and a half tablespoons of water.
how to make shower steamers and a recipe day 130 365
I would choose just a tablespoon of water with this because we have a lot of liquid in this and when you have a lot of liquid in a bath bomb recipe that's when things can go wrong pretty quickly because remember the baking soda and the citric acid because of the water seeks to effectively neutralize itself by creating an effervescent reaction and that happens a little bit inside your bath bombs as they cure and we want to make sure that it doesn't happen so much that you have these big, expanding mounds of bath bomb powder coming out of your containers Now with this steamer recipe, first of all, if you have never heard of a shower steamer.
how to make shower steamers and a recipe day 130 365
Hello, this is a shower steamer. It's essentially a bath bomb for your shower. It's very important. because of the amounts of eucalyptus and menthol, if you do this, you understand and make sure that if you do it professionally, your clients understand under no circumstances can you ever, ever, ever, ever put this in your bathtub, you can't do it , No. put in a shower steamer, something that contains menthol and eucalyptus, especially in these really high amounts, you will never be able to put this in your bathroom water, that doesn't mean you can't create a cool steam experience by pulling the curtain in your bathroom. bathtub if it has that.
You know that setup where there is a shower/tub combination and you just want to sit in the tub and have your steamy experience? You can do this too, but you'll want to put one of these tabs on a plate. That's far from the actual water you're sitting in because if you've ever been freezing hot, have you ever been freezing hot in your nether regions? It's like that experience, it's not fun, it's hot and we don't like Bernie, I mean, we like him. Bernie Sanders we just don't like Bernie's skin because it's not us, we don't need our, we don't need our bottoms feeling like this, so this is a shower, steam, shower, nut, tub, nut, tub, shower, I got it under no circumstance. you put it in a bathtub don't put it in the bathtub with the kids don't put it just don't put it in water that someone is sitting in okay, I got it good, let's mold these things, okay, now in the mold that I'm I'll show you these and this cool little 3D printed compression mold that I got now.
I got this from splatter geek or glee geek splatter on etsy and I don't know I'm not okay so after making thousands of these this bath bomb. The mold broke like it just disintegrated, so considering it was something like, I don't know, I mean it was like 14 15 bucks or something like that for the mold itself. Well, that's pretty bad, but at the same time. I made thousands of them so I guess that's okay so maybe yeah go get them that's okay too but this is another way you can make shower vaporizers and this is how I do it for all my wholesale accounts and until I got these.
Chilling pill molds how I made it for my own business and my own sales. I just received these little silicone hearts from Wilton, so each one weighs about half an ounce. I think we'll weigh them to give you a size difference. both, but you can also do them this way and just let them sit overnight and then just take them out, okay, now steam shower, why do they cool down okay? menthol and eucalyptus with those great camphor notes. right, eucalyptus has tannins which helps with respiratory things and menthol, this great camphor aroma is also very similar, from what we've heard about vix vaporub and all that kind of stuff, there are fascinating studies like the nih and you already know science daily and science.
Weekly and all the science, there have been fascinating studies done over the years on both menthol and eucalyptus, and whether they work or not, they actually help you breathe and it's basically six and a half dozen of the other ones, to the extent that it does or does. no it's not like that and all these studies are very very fascinating, this boils down to my whole kind of mantra, it works if you believe in it and that's great, and for me personally, I'm asthmatic, I know weird allergies. all the things and when the air quality gets bad I actually just walk around with these vaporizers in a bag and puff on them all day and I don't have to use inhalers or do anything so I like it for that reason and like As for About the shower, why are they called vaporizers?
Because that menthol in that eucalyptus, they are with this bath bomb formulation, the baking soda and the citric acid are doing their bubbling effect and as they do that, they release and break down the menthol crystals and also essentially diffusing the essential oils, the eucalyptus, all the jazz in the shower and it mixes with the hot water and the steam and creates a very relaxing aromatic experience but also a great breathing experience, so these things are great for when you're sick and all the things that contain amounts very high menthol and eucalyptus now for this particular one, these are my mint ones, so I also put spearmint in here so it smells delicious, you know, bubblegum. and that's great, but you can use any other essential oil you want in this.
I would recommend using only essential oils and not fragrance oils for your vaporizers personally because you are doing this diffusion with the menthol and all the jazz inside the shower, so Let's keep adding to the awesomeness of essential oils and not fragrances, but that It's my personal preference. You can use a fragrance if you want. Now people will ask where to get menthol and I honestly don't have a good answer. For you, I have gotten menthol from all over depending on the price. I've had good luck with eBay when it comes to menthol at a good price.
Amazon used to have good luck with it. I do not have it already. I think I saw wholesale supplies. also had menthol on their site recently, but their shipping times are atrocious. I think brambleberry carried it for a minute. I don't know if they already do this, but their prices are generally horrible, so I would check eBay first and then Amazon. probably to get your menthol and it will come as those shatter looking things that you'll want to take and put it in a plastic bag and take a rolling pin and grind it into a fine powder so it can be easily dispersed. in your bath bomb mix, now very cold, these will sit on the counter overnight and then we'll play with them, you know, but I had to wait a day, you don't have to wait a day, you just have to wait a day. little info card and maybe an ad, I don't know, let's weigh them, see what's going on, okay, so let's check this out and do a size difference and all the jazz and see what we're working with here now for these little hearts I want to say they weigh about half an ounce, but I think we're going to weigh them.
They are really good for single use. The nice thing about a shower steamer is that you can put it on the edge. out of the way of the direct stream of water and just pouring in a couple drops of water it will start to bubble and as long as you don't keep adding water to it it will eventually stop bubbling so even with these little ones about a half ounce with hearts, you can get multiple showers if that's what you want, if you don't want the full powerful experience because it's very powerful, you can do it just without putting any more water in it while If you're showering now for these bigger ones, this would be a shower that would last a week.
You can split it in half and use it in several, you know whatever, or you can just put this on a plate in the shower and then every time you get back in, just pour a little bit of water on it and it always smells delicious in there, the Eucalyptus makes your bathroom smell wonderfully clean, amazing and invigorating, and again, if you don't keep pouring water on it, it stops bubbling and keeps its shape, dries and is ready for the next shower, so yeah, okay, they're about 0.8 ounces for those guys so essentially you would need two or three to reach the same weight as the large ones so yeah both are great these single servings are amazing I just got them.
I'm bored of making them because I've made so many shower misters over the years that I decided it was time to mix them up and switch to the cooling tablets because they're cute too, but we're going to put some water in. Turn it on and check out the fizzing action in all of this because why isn't it fun to do? Like I said, put it on a plate in the shower out of the direct stream of water and just put a little bit of water on it and let it sit. Your fist bubbles and it's releasing all that eucalyptus, all that menthol, all that wonderful stuff into the air and you have a delicious shower experience, my friend, that's day 130, a super quick, super easy shower steamer recipe, you should try it, let me know how.
It turns out safe and there are shower vaporizers and yes, no, I really like the new size of these. If you line up the mold the right way you can actually the line on both sides of the tablet will line up and you can just break them in half which is great, if you don't the shower seamer just place it on a plate like to the side of the shower and give it a couple of small splashes of water when you get in and it will start working. Its fizzing, as long as it doesn't come into direct contact with water, will eventually stop fizzing and that's a week-long drive for you and your family to enjoy all the minty wonder of eucalyptus every time you're in the shower.
So yeah, I sure love these new sizes and if you're interested in purchasing them from me you can do so there at so that's great. If you are interested in making the recipe, do it, let me know how it goes. yeah, if you're interested in other recipes and other things that you know my edgy self gives you, please subscribe, that's for those of you who are subscribed. Hey, thanks for being my sensors and being cool with my incredible nervousness because it's incredible even. Even though I'm nervous and leaving here for today, I thank everyone for joining me for another round of 365 Days of Soap.
I'll see you tomorrow for another round of soapy fun. Bye bye.

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