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How to Make a Poly Burlap Sunflower Wreath Tutorial

Apr 24, 2024
Hello creatives and welcome back to the design studio. I can't wait to share this design with you because in all honesty I've searched everywhere on every social media site Facebook YouTube Instagram you name it and as far as I can tell unless people are selling this like a private


. This method is not available on the public forum, so I thought I would share it with you today, so I will learn along with you how to put together this particular


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how to make a poly burlap sunflower wreath tutorial
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how to make a poly burlap sunflower wreath tutorial

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how to make a poly burlap sunflower wreath tutorial...

I've been looking into private groups, whether they have a business group or a design studio, and both of those together are more than the single price that mine covers and that's only going to last probably until the end of March, so if you can and if you're interested and have been putting off, now is the time to do it, so go to cats Creations andm, click on the private group link, you can sign up three different ways, you can go monthly. annually or you can just do one and one and sign up as a lifetime subscriber and then you're good, you'll never have to worry about losing track of your membership or trying to fix a billing issue and the price is quite reasonable. for you for both sides of things YouTube subscribers a couple of things a little different for you that you won't like and you will follow me, you will subscribe to my channel and if you didn't know, I have a YouTube channel on Cat Creations Crown where you'll find almost 500 video tutorials, so if you've never had a chance to watch, that would probably be a great place to start, all from 2017, I think it was my first video or from 2018 to current. all my public lives are hosted there, a website.
how to make a poly burlap sunflower wreath tutorial
I'm going to go ahead and open it up for you because this design, as we make it today, will be available for sale. I already have it listed on my website, which is cration so let me do that and it's been raining on and off today and it's interesting because I wasn't supposed to do that, it was just supposed to rain in the morning and then that was everything, it was supposed to be one and done, let me pin it, okay, so it's pinned below. I'm going to go ahead and turn you down, we're going to go ahead and start and I think I've got everything ready and I'm done, so hey Pam, welcome, hello.
how to make a poly burlap sunflower wreath tutorial
Elizabeth hey Valerie let's see hey Cheryl from Florida and we're going to go turn you down so hold on here we go okay this is what we're working on today and I thought I'd post a picture and I was like no I just go ahead and keep this a secret until you log in, so what we're going to make today, hi Holly, is a





and you guys are probably rolling your eyes, but there are videos of that, not with this. method, so I'm going to teach you a totally new method, but the first thing I want to do is show you how to burn your decorative mesh, so we're going to do this one in orange, because that's the type. the color of decorative mesh that I currently have available so you want to make sure you have a chisel tip wood burning tool and I'm trying to put it in a dark area so you can see it looks like a knife blade okay ? and you need one that goes up to 425°.
You will also need a glass cutting board. You can get them at Walmart. I think mine is 12 by 15 um for less than $10. You want to make sure it has texture. It's clear. You can do it. see through because you will still need to know where your lines are when it comes time to burn the mesh and why you need to burn the mesh well if you have ever worked with



mesh before knowing that it frays. horribly and most people have even stopped making Reese's out of polyester burlap because it frays so easily so what I'm going to do is cut them into 10 inch pieces so the first thing I'm going to do is line them.
I hold up my cutting board at the 10 inch mark and then I'll stretch my poly burlap so that both the bottom and the top are represented on that 10 inch line. If you only measure it to the middle, you could come up short on your At the top, you may come up short on the bottom, so make sure you pull both and then you'll want to find your 10 inch line, so starting at 10 we want to cut in the 20 inch, so our 20 inch line is here, we want to pick one. column and then you're just going to stay like cars on a highway, you're going to stay in your lane until the end and then that way what it does is on the edges, it kind of does a heat seal on that edge, you want to make sure that you're using this on a well ventilated place.
I'm doing it here in my tent, which is huge, and believe me, it's very ventilated because if it wasn't, the cat wouldn't be using three different types of heaters in here. to heat everything up, so we're making 10 inch pieces, we're making them in orange, we're also making them in green, and to do that, let's go ahead and cut another piece so you can see it. longer so stretch it, make sure your bottom and top are hitting your 10 inch line because we know it always wobbles in and out, pick a spot, your wood burning tool is your car, keep your car in his lane, us not changing lanes and that way we have even pieces P, so I'm going to take this to disconnect it.
I like to move them away because the last thing you want to do is burn it with a wood burning tool set to 425°, so I'm going to use the large flower board, only one in the stream, this one is 15 and A2 inches and I'll show you how I lined it up. all my 6 in bridles. The easiest way to do it is to show you the probably back so we're not using anything from the outside here we're going to row two so row two Row three and row four is where we're putting our zip ties and if I give it When you turn around you will see that the flanges are inside. each full location, so not just the two that are together but also the holes shared between them, this gives us I mean wait a second I'll tell you I mean it's 32 on the outside 24 let me look, I've got them all written down um we're doing 32 24 and I think it's 16 16 24 32, so those are the only rows that we're using and I think so, you can't see the numbers on this particular board, so just rows two, three and four you're not using. the center which is where the center of our


will go.
You can get the unique boards in the creek at Uniqueinthecreek decom. You can also order them through Craft Outlet and a couple other craft companies, and even I believe. That Hobby Lobby, if I'm not mistaken, has the big flower boards. Hi Cheryl from Ontario, Canada welcome, so all the holes up to and including the shared holes in rows two, three and four are fine, that means you're going to need what's there. it um I think I counted all of these before four I think I'm thinking I wonder if I did my calculations correctly, we could be doing this again um so 32 24 and 16 I think that's what I said let me count the inside of someone's is here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 16 clearly C I can't, I did it right uh 72 you're going to need 72 pieces of petals in total if you want to make them all the same color there are some people who vary, they can do it like orange in the center and then they can make a pattern and then they make orange again towards the side, it's completely up to you, there's no hard and fast rule, it says you can't mix it up and make it any which way, but I thought at least would show you this way and then also at the top of our board you will notice that there is an orange sunflower.
I felt it was appropriate just to make sure. That we did something so coordinated with that is kind of funny because my husband was like, "I forgot what color she got and I was like, um, it's an orange wreath, we're going to do orange, so I'm going to go ahead." and cut this piece because it's too thick to try to get through there, so I'm just going to go, I want to go down and up, so I'm going to try to do this where it doesn't come out and I bought this from Hobby Lobby last year in the autumn, it's just the braided cord.
I'm going to do it like this, we're going to go ahead and tie a nice knot here, a nice left over right, right over left slip knot and that will create our hanger for our wreath. Any questions before we go ahead and get started. Hello Charlotte, welcome. Hello Shirley from Oklahoma. Hi beautiful. Hello Margie. Hello Rosemary. Well, let me show you how you're going to put the pieces together. I like to use zip. ties, can you use ribbons from Dollar Tree? You'll find that this method will work a little better because our rubber bands can degrade over time and you want to keep the petal pieces intact as they come in here and then.
Also, if you go and straighten out the petals, you'll see that once I have them secured, I'll place them under the board flanges so they can't be pulled out, which creates a sort of resistance. Portion now I'm taking the finished edge. I'm putting it right now, it's at the top. I'm going to do a slight twist to give myself a diamond shape. I'll just go from top to bottom and if you've cut them. straight, you should get a nice perfect triangle if they are slightly off. I guarantee you don't have a 10 by 10 square piece. My husband gave me 10 by 11 pieces yesterday, so I feel like they don't line up, so once. we do this we're going to take this corner I'm going to keep one finger here one finger down at the bottom and I'm going to lift my corner and take it to the other side why I do that is because I want to keep clean lines at all times and now you're probably recognizing this like your Star Trek pedal, that's what some people refer to because it looks like the icon from the Star Trek TV show, so we're all What I'm going to do is pinch in the middle and then I'm going to grab and Pull my end in.
I'm still holding that, I'm going to grab the middle and then I'm going to bring my ends forward and then like you. You can see that we created a nice thin tip for our sunflower, so I'm going to take my zip tie, put my zip tie right inside, nice and tight, super cute like that. Most of our sunflowers that you have seen have very large petals. here where are my cutters here we go I'm going to go ahead and trim this I'm going to move this to the side because I don't want that little dot at the top and then I'm going to cut off the excess here, so I'm just going to use about a thumb's length, we'll leave that little portion intact and that's how you'll create your petals for this particular sunflower wreath.
Have you seen this before me? curious, hey Jan, okay, let's do this one more time and you can leave it if you want, you know, it's long and oblong, you can play with the way they are placed, but roughly it should end from top to bottom. We're looking at, let me do it here 7 inches from top to bottom a 7 inch Petal, okay, let's do this one more time, here's our finished Edge, they're all cut with a wood burning tool, let's turn it around so that our finished Edge It's on the left side, we go from top to bottom, push them down, we have perfect corners all the way.
I'm going to place my thumb here and my other finger here so they don't slide while I'm carrying it. these up and then it starts to form your little Star Trek petal which we're going to put together in the middle put together once again pull the ends in pull up the middle side and then lift up the end and now you have these beautiful little ones petals remind me of little goldfish, is what I was telling my husband. They look like fish, just small fish, and I wanted to share them with you. I'm officially a grandmother.
The youngest daughter, my baby, had her first baby over the weekend. Um, so he and they are happy at home and resting, very happy that they are starting his family. We won't be visiting until after my dad's funeral, so we have a busy month ahead of us, so let's go ahead and get started. putting these together, thanks Margie, okay, this is how we go, we're going to take and place a petal on eachslot, so I always want to make sure that when I tighten my zip ties, I have my zip tie on. the inside part so that if I squeeze them they won't come out, so we're going to do this all the way around and now you can see that by putting them together you can see the look that we're trying to achieve. a real sunflower, right, and you may notice that they are not all exactly the same size.
I don't know if you've ever picked up a sunflower before but not all the petals are perfect, so we'll go ahead and keep adding them. We're starting with the outer 32 trimming them as we go, you'll see how this starts to come together just trying to move some around. of the road as we get a little closer, okay, this is the easy part, thank you Cheryl, she said, thank you or congratulations on your first grandchild. The only thing I regret is that they live so far away, but that makes visits go away. Visiting us gives us a reason to leave the house, so nice and tight, make sure you place them on your board really perfectly.
I already have my petals built, so luckily you don't have to watch me go by and do it 32 times and we. We just keep them nice and pristine at all times, so if I can move the little ends to the side, it creates a softer base for the ones that are going to go on top of these, what do you think? away super simple right we hope it's super simple we hope there's that one and we sat here and I made all of these last night to have them ready for you when it came time to review them when I've seen them on Etsy they don't have that many they only have 24 on the outside, they don't have 32 so I don't know how they are doing it, I guess they are squishing some together, but I like fuller look, just like that and you can get this polyester burlap at Craft Outlet.
It is available now. They have this color in stock, which is just the orange 10 mesh polyester burlap, trying not to cut the other zip ties next to each one. It should go pretty fast and you can just push them down as you go. CH says I love the color. I also love the color of this because we actually have some sunflowers in our garden that are the orange variety, so you can do it in white. do it in yellow, honestly, you can do it in any color combination you want, um, sometimes you can do it, you know, uh, varied colors, you can do brown, yellow and orange, a couple of different options, oops, trying get that shared in the center!
They're the big holes so you have a big gap and this is where the zip ties really help push all those ends to the side, super nice, the only ones I've seen because I was looking yesterday, um, I think people had private tutorials , so I went to my store, played with all the decorative mesh pieces and as I walked by my scarecrow, I realized I had the same setup for his little scarf and I thought, "Okay, I thought." I know how to do it, so it will create a very clean and precise look and you can decorate them in different ways, you can put a butterfly on them, you can put little bees on them, there are different types of centers that you can create or buy we are almost done with the outsides so let's see how the zip ties keep my pieces from coming off and we can see all those individual petals like a sunflower, okay, trying to get the zip ties off in the process, look how pretty. and I think on Thursday I'll show you how to do it the old fashioned way um sarl says I've been looking for bees uh do you know where you can buy them?
It depends on how big you want. I know Craft Outlet carries some, I know, Hobby Lobby has some, it just depends on the size, but I think I had some that were pretty big, probably like 3 or 4 Ines bigger, so I found the ones from Pro outlet. I think we have three more. 1 I don't know why my trash can is missing every time I go to put the extra piece I cut off in the trash. I'm like hearing a plop on the floor, okay, here's our last piece for the exterior. This is what 32 petals will look like and you will need two full rolls of mesh.
Now here's the trick: you should get 36 pieces on each roll, but on my first roll I could only get 33, so it came up. short and then on my second roll I was able to get 36, so I actually had to cut into a third piece too, and you don't have Hobby Lobby? I'm thinking Cheryl Pam says I love the smaller petals, Charlotte, this is the Lar, big, unique on the creek flower board, it's the 15 12. You buy your poly burlap from Michaels, just be careful. When you buy them from Michaels, you want to make sure you get 10 yard or 30 foot rolls, so here we go. ready to go inside, so we're going to do exactly the same thing, we're going to add these to the inside and you'll see that this is going to cover all of that space.
I just dropped another one. on the floor I don't know why this girl can't organize her pieces carefully, throw her trash in the trash and they are like getting between these pieces. I want to make sure I lift the piece first. in the middle, so now you can understand why we're going to go to each hole, grab some of these so we don't have to go as far, right, in the middle, push that piece down, loving the way it go, so now you guys have a whole new tutorial. and I did, I searched everywhere and kept finding all the standard ones, but I didn't find any that showed how to put one of these together, so I thought, hm, I guess we're going to have to create a video here.
Wow this one has 24 to the outside which is what most people do for their outside piece they only make the 24 and most of the ones I've seen for sale only feature um they only do the center and the outside, so They might make it on the smaller board, unique in the stream, much more for your mesh and I love the way you can look to the sides and you don't see the board at all. Everything is very well put together, as if I were. look at a real sunflower from the side that's what I'm seeing all I see is the back of those pieces and let's get this one out of the way so I'm trying really hard to contain all the mesh pieces so there are no raw edges so this should hold up very well of course it is poly burlap so you still need to be careful using it outside if you have crazy weather, high winds, rain, snow, I would take it off and put it would move Inside I can't wait to see this finished because all I could do was play with a couple of sample pieces, um, but I was still like I'd never seen it done until the end.
I wasn't willing to put it on. They all saw what it looked like together, so we're creating it together, okay, and I'm a little crazy about Nate, can you tell? So all my pieces are like they're lined up pretty well, let's put this one underneath. look, it's covering this whole section right at the top, like this, this one is a little longer, the little tail is a little longer, here we're going to take a couple more pieces, so I've seen them in purple. I've seen them in red like I said, I've seen them in a wide variety of different colors, like this one, um, not as many petals as I said, I think the most a person had on the outside was 21 and we have 32 on the outside. , I always say.
I don't know why I say I put the 32 on the board because I wanted value in a good quality product, two more to this and then we worked on the interior. I think it's 16 and then we'll put our We'll leave it to you what you think until now Elizabeth says how about we use mesh cloth. I'll have to try to come up with lots of crazy ideas. I'm not sure how that would hold up to the one thing I like about the polyethylene burlap mesh. What's happening is it's got some kind of weird plastic layer over a burlap mesh, so now we're going to the inside of the 16, so I'm trying to make sure they're lined up, so we're going to make a tight circle and I'll look if not. we would have done this, let's say, for example, what everyone else did.
If I had done that you would have seen spaces like if I had done it here you would see the space in the middle so you have to keep filling in the spaces so that's why I thought oh so I have to continue with each one of them so they fit snugly and then the interesting thing is our Center will cover these little pieces, here we go, a couple more pieces, look, I was telling my husband, I said, hey, some of these are missing, they don't have the ends. cut off and he said, "I cut off the ends." I was like "there are quite a few of those that didn't have the ends cut off, but I was." I'm happy to have his help because sometimes it takes a while for the whole process to come together, bringing that to the end for me, that's what a sunflower should look like, it should have a lot of petals to get it out of the way. push that down and then trying to get this one in there, we go over that little piece of plastic because it looks like it's too loose.
I can still see a couple of tighter pieces underneath just inside. I guess I just have to look before I throw my piece on my small end, make sure it's over the trash can before I let it go. Okay, underneath, look how nice, nice and comfortable, and look, I'm trying to keep the ends pushed to the sides because when we go to place our center. There I don't want it to hang on any pieces of plastic, so I need them on this side, we don't need any more barriers, so it looks like four more. I think it's okay, here we go.
Two more here, we need to cut some pieces of decorative mesh because we're missing two pieces, oh, wait a second. I put them here, so I'll show you how to create the pieces again, so we'll end up with two zip ties. Border at the top, we're going to go from corner to corner and then we're just going to press that down so it's a nice, neat crease, put a finger here, your thumb in the center and then we're going to go up and up and up and that's it. how we get our Star Trek Piece that we're going to put together in the center put together again pull the outside part together pull up and then towards the middle and then we just want to shape it into a little cone like that um Margie says wondering how many petals come out of a roll, if you decide to use two different colors, logically you should get 32 ​​pieces, not 36 pieces, but in one of my rules it came out 33, it fell short because you should get 360 inches and if you cut 10 into pieces, which is what these are and I think I just answered your question, Charlotte, they are 10 inches by 10 in pieces.
You should get 36, but it doesn't always work that way, so it's always good to have a little bit more, so placing my Thumb here, I'm taking the bottom corner and I lift it up and then I want the clean corners here and here to go in the middle. , bring them together towards the middle, bring them together and then just tilt them in so they're like a little scoop. You're welcome Margie, it's okay, I think it's hailing again, it's been hailing on and off oh, how long has each petal been finished? So now the weight is finished, it's 28 inches long, but we're going to cut off the end, so what?
What I do is I just use my thumb as a guide and I'm going to cut the rest so that it's a 26 piece, so now we're going to feed these. I'm going to stick this one in. remove that, push the ends down, see, I don't have any plastic pieces on top. I'm trying to push them to the side, there's our last piece, we're fixing that one up, so now our sunflower is complete with the petal part anyway. now you have some options um yeah I used all the shared holes Barbara So if you turn this around we just use rows two, three and four in each hole so where you have the two you put the flange there but also the shared holes in the centers the same here for row three, each one, so you have 32, 24 and 16 petals, so a couple of options for the centers because I have had a couple of them, you could make your sunflower petal standard that goes straight in the center like this.
It looks beautiful and then you can also use the flatter pieces of wood and you can use this one right in the center, which is where I'm going. I'm going to wear this piece even though it feels more like your real sunflower. Center, I just like the contrast of the darker color than the lighter one and you can get both at Craft Outlet. There's the hail, so let's go ahead and use that for the center. These are seven. I mean re seven on let's look and that's heavy um tail 7 on the right the darker color should stop here momentarily and I'm a metal road so give it just a second it'll go away it never lasts long okay let's go to go go ahead and fasten the back, I'm going to use the pipe cleaner, there's a lot of hail, there it goes, look, it just comes and then it's gone, and then we're going to use floral pins, so there's a lot of hail when I go outside, that'll probably be it white um, so we're going to make it in a V shape.
I'm going to place it right in the center, so a little bit of hot glue I'm going to place it right in the center. I'm going to let it settle. up while I'm doing that I'm going to cut out a piece of felt that's an intense hail storm okay and there it goes look it never lasts long um let's go ahead and clean that up a little bit I just really want to keep it in place here we go let's do it this way so I can cut the end off, there we go, so I'm going to nail it over the top, crazy, right?We're going to use our floral pins and I'm going to do them at an angle, so I'm going to push this in and of course this doesn't want to go through, let's try to go in this direction and it just doesn't want to go through that tip Bel.
I just don't want it to come out, so I'm going to go here and the floral pins are designed to have a little indentation. I don't know if you can see that it has a little wavy indentation, so I can follow. The pipe cleaner is there, so nothing happens on the other side, but I want to make sure that when I go to lower this, it doesn't pull the pipe cleaner all the way up, so what you need is a pipe cleaner and some floral pins. We'll need it and we've secured the bottom one, so guess where it'll go.
H the two remaining holes in the center, which is where this is going to go, so I'm going to lift it up. I'm going to pull our center down. It's going to be a tight fit on top. I'm going to turn this around so you can see it, so let's go. make a couple little turns like that and there's the health storm so we're going to go ahead and cut that off and what we're going to do is stick it back into that hole that has a bunch of That's there so I'm going to feed it back down, nice and smooth, completely smooth back, look at the top and that beautiful, super simple, right now we're going to add some leaves, so on a sunflower, you usually have about three. leaf sets, so that's all we're going to add.
As a designer you have the option to put leaves every which way because remember when we flip them we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. holes 16 if you use one of these to add leaves that's where we go to attach our leaves and we are using the normal green mesh so the new petal technique is amazing Kathy she says beautiful I want to try this okay so here is what you need the others to make your leaves the same 10 into mesh pieces cut with a wood burning tool, we're going to go from this corner all the way up, so now this roll goes this way.
I'm GNA, let it go. That way I'm just going to put them together and walk to the top and then we're going to fold them over and that's our set of leaves so what I should have done is pre-prepared my holes so I think I want one right here I'm going to go ahead and take it out and I want them so that the smooth, bubbled edge is facing out, so that's how I'm going to fold them. I'm going to lift my bridle here. You do not know? I've got it facing the wrong way, okay, let's go back, we have to bring it back up, we're going to fold it, we're going to place it this way because I want the bubble side to be down, there's a nice tight one.
I'm going to take that, once I cut it, I'm going to take this little end right here and I'm going to tuck it back into the center of the board because I don't want to see it so that when I turn them over now that I have my nice sunflower leaves, so the we'll do in a set of three, so I have one here, flip it probably here and then we'll do them here, so zip tie, what did you do? I say here, let's see one, two, three, four, five. I'm trying to see if I keep three in the middle, three here, three here, yeah, let's put one here because it's right up and down, right from here, so that's going to hang from the bottom so same thing fold it on the opposite side , go from the corner, walk up to the top, okay, let's turn it over, place it here, zip tie, so remember the bubbles, it's like bubbling, this way I'm going to take that and put it around and then we're going to put the last one, we can put it here just so it's a little bit outside.
I don't want to do asymmetrical, yeah, I'm going to do it here, why not? let's dare to be different, okay, so here, walking up, we're folding, in fact, backwards, putting it here, grabbing my flange, putting it on tight, with a completely smooth backing, nothing is going to scratch your client's door , it's okay, you can clean any bits. You see, this is typical of polyester burlap, it usually frays if you have no way to contain it, like we have our edges here, so they won't fray because everything is contained within all the cut edges, so that's our wreath. sunflower. you guys are ready to see this at the front door okay I'm going to show you how to do this and then I'll come back and we'll show you how to build your padal pieces one more time and how. to build the leaf pieces so let's do that before you turn so just to recap I'm going to do it with two steps of our green so to make the petals um let's see there was a big question eona says why you did not do it. place the leaf between the petal and the board, um, so it will be a little difficult.
I guess I could do it. I just like it on the outside, so if you look at it this way you'll see the petal at the bottom. I don't see it hidden in the middle, does that make sense? See what I'm saying when you look down in the center, all you see is like what you would see on a petal, you don't see the board, it's all there nice and smooth, so leave the finished diagonal edge here again. , you're just going to bring up the leaf piece, you're going to make those bubbles like this, that's your leaf, I'm just going to tie it there so you guys can look, here's our leaf petal and then I'll show you how to build a petal.
My zip ties and I always go the wrong way, so there's your petal or leaf and then pretend it's any color other than green, so let's go. Let's say you want to make a green petal, this is what we're going to do, we're going to make them with the curve, you're going to finish the edge here on the diagonal, you're going to take the top, move it down, you're going to make sure that all the edges spread evenly, you're going to put your finger here, your finger on the bottom and then you're going to go from this corner to this corner just like that and The only reason I keep my fingers there is it keeps my mesh from sliding and this will keep you gives that Star Trek petal, so we're going to put the middle together, put another middle together, then grab the end, you're going to grab the middle and you.
You're going to grab the end and then you're just going to concave that's your sunflower petal, then you're just going to zip tie them right where you have everything gathered together, you're going to cut it out and then you're going to leave a thumb. length of your tail and you're going to cut everything else like this, this is how you build the petals for the flower, this is how you build the leaf pieces. Any other questions you have, this is currently available on my website if I'm interested in purchasing that and the orange one, but let me show you what it looks like on the door.
I'm going to go ahead and turn them around. Hello everyone, you just survived a hail storm. We're going to go and Lower this, lower that and we're going to place this on the door so you can see exactly how big it is. This is a 36t exterior door, we're going to try to get it in there, get it all the way. Rinse back making sure all of our petals are on the outside and that's your sunflower wreath. What if all the openings in the petals go the same way? Can you do that Elizabeth. I'm not too particular about making sure all my petals fit.
In the same direction, you could do it if you wanted, but like I said, sunflowers in general are not perfect, they have slight defects, some petals are bent, some petals are shapeless, some are short, some are long, but that's exactly how seen on an average front. door, so any other questions and like I said, this is strictly a guide for you guys to create your own, you guys can make all the petals face the same direction, which means all the folds are folded in the same side, they could choose to put all the leaves. instead of just the three locations that I did, you can choose to put a different center, you can choose to do uh orange, in the center, here you can do like an orange and brown plaid and then on the outside do brown. and then do this like green it's completely up to you it's just one way to learn how to create a sunflower wreath and that's what most of you asked me when I taught you how to make the rose wreath on the only one on the board from brook I thought well let's show you how to make the sunflower wreath because I honestly thought I taught you but obviously I didn't so I thought I'd make a whole new wreath tutorial for you using this one so that it looks like a real sunflower wreath sunflowers, but if you want to learn how to do it the other way around, join me on Thursday at 11 Pacific at 1 p.m. central 2: p.m.
This one and we're going to make the other type of sunflower on the same single on the creek board, okay everyone, thanks for joining me and I'll talk to you soon, keep creating, bye for now.

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