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HOW LONG WILL YOU LAST? | The Watson-Scott Test

Feb 27, 2020
do you want to be stronger? Oh hell yes. My incurable narcissism says yes, do you have any old ladies around? How many bones does a newborn baby have that I don't know yet? I'm going to go with 3 or 5. Ayyy! 0, 1, 1, 2... what's next? Oh, this is the Fibonacci sequence, it's three easy ones, you know? I... that's right, I know it's right, you stupid idiot, do you think you're smart? I'm a fucking genius level, it's Fibonacci, a *narcissistic laugh* boastful bitch. I know, fucking incredible. It must be my incurable narcissism and my addiction to old women. How many times a year does the average human heart beat if it is not stabbed?
how long will you last the watson scott test
Well, if your average BPM is 60 per minute, that's if you're pretty healthy... multiplied by 60 it would be 3,600 multiplied by 24... 7 *music notch for intense thinking* I'm going to win 30 million *applause* Haaaahahahahaha One of the most venomous land snakes in Australia, unlike ocean snakes? -- the Death Adder bites an adult woman by injecting her with a highly deadly neurotoxin. How


does a woman have to live? I guess it wouldn't be that fast. Just because she's one of those poisonous ones doesn't mean she kills acutely, she's probably closer to that. six hours Hey! What the fuck am I doing great Oh yes, a man is tied to a chair against his


in a funnel placed inside his mouth.
how long will you last the watson scott test

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how long will you last the watson scott test...

Pulverized pig in


ines are poured in. How much volume does a man's stomach have before it ruptures? Let's see, it is. a surprising amount before it breaks? It's probably like 5 liters, I mean you can drink, you can't really drink a gallon, that's close, but I think five liters would be the limit. I'm so fucking smart. Okay, look at me and how big my brain is, right? It's going to scare me, the fear of butterflies is called oh this, I wouldn't know Alektorophobia, Cibophobia, Lepidopterophobia, that's a big word, I like it Hey! What the hell! heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! heh heh heh heh heh heh!
how long will you last the watson scott test
The armless boy faces west, walks forward for 60 seconds, and then enters 90 degrees to the left. He sees someone running towards him, so he turns 180 degrees and starts running. In which direction is the child looking? It's not a trick question okay so you're facing west if you turn left you look south then you go north Okay pretty easy Duh *slap sound* Ok continue That thing is counting down really fast How do tapeworms enter their hosts? larvae ingested by humans. That's an easy question. Please choose the third answer this is not a trick I won't scare you if you do what I say I'm not lying, well I have Yeah, whatever, okay, oh... yeah, whatever Ha ha ha , ha ha ha!
how long will you last the watson scott test
What is a positive electrode called? Oh God, I'm out of time. Death? Oh, that's not a good cathode and anode, oh God. I can't even remember what is this? I think it's a cathode? Ah shit, well here comes a scare. What was the best video game- they didn't punish me. Uh game of the year 420 blaze it *high/drunk laughter* Am I dead already? oh god which one is my favorite What to do Stab people in the eye! Bath and deer blood Aww The


is now complete. Your result ah very- *three loud knocks* ooh hello Your participation was adequate there are no more tests here we are done for now Is that all?
I'm so sick of watching that I want to start participating... okay? Bye bye! Alright, see you then! Alright, that was Watson Scott's test. I am happy with my results. I like that it really provided a good atmosphere, it made me fear for the environment I was in. But at the same time I think it relied too much on the same angle throughout the whole "I'm in Your House" thing. Look behind you!" thing and I don't know if that would have changed if it was something different or if you had made different decisions. I really don't know.
But for me it was too much and once I got to the point where it's like I get it, you're in my house, you're going to stab me in the eyes and that's when I lost it, but then you know it was great. The bonus test I have no idea what that was for, I got a lot of them right, but anyway! Thank you all so much for watching! If you want to do this test yourself, I'll provide a link in the description, but this one costs money, I think it's like 5 bucks, so thank you all so much and as always see you on the! next video BUH-BY (Nawh, damn...
I forgot the name of their ending music, but I'm pretty sure it's by Teknoaxe)

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