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How Jawbreakers Are Made

Mar 04, 2020
To make their gum centers, a worker mixes synthetic rubber with powdered resin that will dissolve the rubber, adds a thickener, a preservative and an oil called palm soybean, stirring so the candy doesn't stick to the teeth after mixing, and steaming it at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for four hours, the dough is poured into trays to cool the sugar, the coloring and flavor would deteriorate with heat, so workers add them later, there is enough of this base to make Gum centers for 450,000 little


After 24 hours, the hard workers cut the dough and mixed it with corn syrup to make it softer and sweeter, they had just under 100 pounds of finished gum that was previously unavailable It used to be a jawbreaker because it wasn't the right shape, now they add natural and artificial flavors that can include lemon, orange, strawberry, grape, even tutti. frutti then add icing sugar, this makes the gum softer to chew than regular sugar.
how jawbreakers are made
Woodworkers pour the batch into an extruder which forms two continuous streams of dough called rope, another extruder divides each rope into six hollow tubes, the interior cavity will become air pockets. inside the rubber centers, the next machine cuts the tubes into segments three feet three inches long, a mechanical arm pushes the segments into the channel of a forming machine, then cuts the tubes and shapes them into balls, whose diameter varies depending on the balls. Depending on the size of the jaw breaker being produced, air is blown through perforations into a cooling tunnel to cool and firm the center, then they fall into another forming machine which restores their round shape.
how jawbreakers are made

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have hard candy in the center, the machine that makes them works like the press pharmaceutical companies used to make pills, it introduces powdered candy into the dyes and then applies up to five tons of force to compress the powder into a candy. solid. Now for the rest of the jawbreaker, they first dump the candy centers into what's called a coating tray they had. a hot mixture of water, corn syrup and food coloring, then dextrose, a type of powdered sugar, the fan spins for 20 minutes as hot air blows the ingredients over the center, the factory repeats this step 10 times for each layer , talks about a sweet test to make a jawbreaker.
how jawbreakers are made
It takes four days, workers give this badge a special treatment, they stain these jawbreakers with different colors, giving them what this company calls the psychedelic look, after letting the candy run for 24 hours, a worker adds pinches of wax of carnauba powder, this gives the jawbreakers a shiny finish. You can see that these jawbreakers have ten layers of flavors and sugar surrounding the hard candy or gum, of course, they measure two and a quarter inches in diameter, as big as a pool ball, and if you're counting calories, forget it, a Jawbreaker is 90% sugar. you
how jawbreakers are made

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