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How I Would Relearn The Guitar From Scratch

Apr 22, 2024


, this fingering for G minor I put the fifth here and I skipped the B string because it's a much more reliable fingering and I can play the minor here, so then I say, you can do that too and you can do it like this. i have this playing piano finger g minor fifth root third fifth third fifth third right or off this chord form that's how the cage system relates to these things and once again, it's all in my Interactive biato book, you can get my beginner


chords and quick lesson course all for $99, that's fine and for those of you just joining on September 28th in Atlanta, I'll be at the Variety Playhouse.
how i would relearn the guitar from scratch
I'll probably only do three more shows if you ever want to see me do it. a live concert you'll have on October 17th next month in New York City at The Gramercy theater or in Berlin at the Passion Church on October 28th and then I'll pretty much call it quits from there. I love doing shows. I love making them. but, um, traveling is hard when you have three kids that are in school all the time, you know, maybe in a few years, if I'm on YouTube, you know, when the kids don't go to school, I mean Dylan is in 10th grade now Lenin is in 8th grade Layla is in 5th it's hard it's hard okay so I like to play these chord shapes right one thing I don't like art like this I just do it one one four three three two one four but I prefer to go or one one one two three two one for me if skipping as many measures as possible makes the fingerings more reliable when I say reliability.
how i would relearn the guitar from scratch

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how i would relearn the guitar from scratch...

I compare it to someone who said Rick, do you have perfect pitch? Someone emailed me today and says how do you hear this stuff? um and I was like and I always talk about this you've heard me talk about this on live streams if you watch this channel for a long time a vocabulary of recognized sounds like what did they do? What did these chords sound like? What is a major seventh chord? What does a minor seventh chord sound like? What does a flat minor seven chord sound like? If you're figuring out a song, it makes it a lot easier if you can recognize the quality of the chords by ear instantly and then just relate what the correct bass movement is, which brings me to the next thing, uh, so this is, um these are essentially 14 chords that I


learn, jazz chords, you really narrow it down to about 10 um or eight Jazz chords, so I


, uh, and these are things that I learned in my first lesson, but this is something that I would still learn, uh, let's say we take, uh, we'll do it in C here, C Major seven I.
how i would relearn the guitar from scratch
Sorry C major seven C dominant seven or C7 uh C minor seven C minor seven flat five and C diminished seven okay and in that position would learn the arpeggios of each chord. I repeat this at the beginning of my interactive Beatles book. and I like to play the chord first, then play the arpeggio, then play the chord, then I use the dominant seven or you can go up to the third as well, then you do the minor seven, then you do the minor, you simplify the five, beautiful sound, then the diminished seven. there's a lot of different fingerings you can use a lot of different fingerings that you can use for this, it's a repeatable pattern if someone had shown me those things, actually my teacher showed them to me and then did the same thing. the fifth string, so we call it root root six and root five root six means that the root is outside the sixth string root five the root is outside the fifth string the a string I would stay in this position let's say we do an F major seven F7 um F minor seven F minor seven flat five and F diminished seventh okay F major seven F dominant seven foreign I like to put that root on top, just look at it so you can not only do that, but I like to see actually no , I like to have my arpeggios that move positions so that you don't, um uh, so you're not locked into any particular area and you're not thinking about a box, you're not thinking about these boxes. like so, then you have f minor seven flat five or you add the root, so if I'm playing this chord here and I'm playing a D flat seven chord that's actually part of that's a first inversion of the dominant D flat chord and then obviously you do F diminished strange now these things I have a very relentless tone here super clean uh everyone is like Rick don't play with distortion so that the F diminished chord you play it everywhere it moves every four frets well so I would learn those two, that It's very important to connect these chord scales and arpeggios from the beginning, okay, the other things I would work on would be things like, uh, how to mute strings that you're not playing.
how i would relearn the guitar from scratch
I've done episodes. on this, but I can't, um, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to get it right, it's like muting, I talk about muting in my quick lessons course, I talk about muting, it could be an interactive auto-booking, but I can't talk enough about muting the strings you're not playing, it's not just for playing power chords, if I play a power chord here, just a d power chord, so it's d to d when I strum this one, that note is muted, so I'm . Sorry, that and that are muted, so I only get the notes I want to hear, but if I play a note in the middle of this, let's say I turn off my delay here, so I don't bother you guys, here I can strum.
I'm just playing this G note, great practice, so there's a lot of muting on my index fingers, muting the A string, my thumb means the E string and my index fingers meet all of these. strings and sometimes my right hand is muted, but it starts with just how to play a clean power chord and that's something I show you how to play a clean power chord on the sixth string and mute these other notes when I go to when . I'm going to this power cord here my middle finger is muting these other two notes this is what happened when I was a producer this is when I was a producer muting was all I told people it's like no you have to mute that you don't listen ringing those open strings and a lot of times there are certain fingerings like um, if I take that triad in G major or anything else, I'm muting with this hand.
I don't know if you can see this here, let me. See if I stand up a little bit, do you notice that this hand, the palm of my hand, is actually muting the other strings that I'm not playing? I wish I had learned this from the beginning and it's easy to do, it's like learning to play power chords without other notes playing and you know, I learned these things when I learned, I started learning Hendrix right when you know it, because I would learn, I would learn how, how to try, I would always practice. trying to isolate one, try to isolate just one string, so if you have a lot of distortion, you don't want when I'm, if I'm breaking strings, I don't want any other strings, it's especially hard to do. when you heard that open string with my thumb, there you have it, you have to take it to where you have practiced it so many times that there are no other notes that sound good.
I'm playing notes on the inside of the guitar. the G string and the D string have to make sure they don't sound harmonious and that's great for teachers to review and play well these things are very important now, sometimes you want to have two notes sounding together. good, but you want to be able to control when you're doing it right, so you want to be able to play the things you want to play, that's always the idea of ​​being a great musician, playing the things you want to play. I mean, play it well, mean it when you play it, listen to it and play it.
That's the whole idea of ​​this, so if I were


ing how to play guitar from


, I would take these basic ideas that I talked about today and make up some exercises, practice them for a couple of months, practice them every day. until they become fluid and you know I can do it accurately, let's say I could play six times without uh every single thing. without making a mistake for me, that's if you can play something six times in a row without making a mistake, you practically have it under your fingers. There are people like Vladimir Horowitz who I heard would practice 120 times without making a mistake and then I felt like his fingers were down uh you don't have to be like that um you know, someone just Cindy just asked if it's the palm or the base of the thumb .
I don't know what you're asking, but when I'm muting and stuff with my right hand I'm muting with this part of my thumb of my hand the palm of my hand typically um so you want to be able to do these things without thinking um like I said this is all in my courses here I saw my four courses for 99 dollars, that's how I support the channel, that's how I can go and do these interviews and I really appreciate you guys, get something for you, a gift for you. that will make you become a better musician, that's what we're trying to do here on this channel, so I've been trying to do it for the last seven years, improve myself and improve the people who watch this as musicians and also have fun because that's the other important part of music is having fun anyway you guys are great for those of you it's Labor Day and you're in the United States we consider this the end of summer so I hope you They had a great summer.
Although the 21st is really the end of December, for those of you in the Atlanta area, leave on the 28th of this month. I think my multi-million dollar band is going to do a short set that we're supposed to rehearse next week. Um, it's going to be a fun show, it's going to be different than any of the other shows. Gramercy Theater in New York City on October 17 and at the Church of the Passion on October 28 in Berlin. I can not wait. I have never been to Berlin. Will I ever get it? Jerry Cantrell on Charlie.
I'll put Jerry Cantrell on. I hope they are great. Have a wonderful end to your vacation. See you later.

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