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How I STOPPED Using Cocaine - Client Update

May 30, 2024
Hello, here is an


from one of my previous


s who actually used


excessively. The reason for this


is because a lot of people watch my YouTube videos with customer testimonials and are probably wondering how long this is and how it works. Did this magical change last? Now I thought I'd catch up with Charlie on his last session and I've seen him now six weeks after his initial consultation and his first session, so this is what Charlie has to say if he has any type of behaviour. addictive. or even an addictive thought, put yourself in his shoes because he didn't believe he could change.
how i stopped using cocaine   client update
Six weeks ago was when I came here for the first time, for many years I have suffered from many things, I probably only remember it now. I felt like I never saw myself as someone who felt sorry for myself, but for myself, I did feel sorry for myself or I felt like I deserved more and it was like a conflict. I tell you about that conflict because I was not achieving it and the other reason. What I wasn't getting was a feeling, so what did you come for? So I came here because I think I had a problem with snorting


and drinking alcohol.
how i stopped using cocaine   client update

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how i stopped using cocaine client update...

He also smoked so well. Realistically, I came here for cocaine and that was my biggest thing and when I left about a week ago today for the first time, when I left, I didn't have a residence of cigarettes nor a single element of desire, of wanting to take a drop of alcohol even though the The next day, one of my best friends came to see me and that's what we used to get up to drink hard drugs, snort and yes, even, and I said, "Look, I'm going to sit here with you and I'll be partying but I'm going to drink non-alcoholic wine and I even sat there and smoked in front of me um it wasn't like I didn't want it but I felt like I'm better than that and now I look at everything differently I feel I feel um I feel like I'm floating I don't feel like I don't feel like there's any weight almost like I feel it I shudder bastard you sound like I feel like I'm holding the moon too, so what do you say to people who are skeptical about changing or blowing up your bed Yes? , military, I've been to Afghanistan, I've seen I've been in jail, um, so I've seen both ends of the spectrum and I would.
how i stopped using cocaine   client update
I was skeptical about a lot of things   uh, I don't know what to believe  these days, so what's different now? So I feel good, I'm happy, yeah, I'm very happy, great, I'm very happy with myself uh, I wake up, I was just saying I don't want to hit the snooze button. I set my alarm for six o'clock this morning. I woke up earlier. Well, well, yes, but yes, and what advice for skeptical people. I can't do this and with hypnosis. I work for myself and I can't afford it and stuff like that for anything if you don't want to look if you want to look at things with skepticism uh hypnosis or anything maybe look at the other side of things of being a mental coach and just helping you see things that you had never thought were there.
how i stopped using cocaine   client update
I didn't even think that what's happening here was something that happened there and was correlated and that what I thought was the biggest problem for me, I literally couldn't put down two flying books and I came because cocaine and alcohol basically They were taking over my life and I was


that as an excuse because I wasn't doing well, uh, after my immediate Seeing the derrick, it totally capsized and since then I've smoked a couple of cigarettes, but we didn't really focus on cigarettes, but the difference now refers to the level of control I have over situations. and now I get more buzz from telling people no, so what I did with the buzz was more the feeling of buzz before I got up than actually getting up and now I get more buzz from my friends or someone who told me, oh, you you go for a drink for the first time   I'm fine and I get even more excited when someone says don't you drink yet? are you still huh?
Are you sniffing again? I say no, I'm dumb, so yeah, my control levels are He's crazy, so what do you say about someone who's skeptical about hypnosis and such? To be honest with you, I thought, I thought, this was going to be one of those types of hurt reading things and obviously I've always been skeptical. I've never done it like that, but when you're in desperate times because desperate measures, that's where I was, I thought I have to try everything and if you don't do it, then what you're going to do is regret it. If you finally do it, but in the future you will regret it sooner, that's all and how did you experience today's session?
Yes, crazy, crazy.

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