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How I Ruined this Superpower Server

Jun 28, 2024
There are 20 other people on




and they all have custom secret origins with


s that I have no idea about, but I, as always, want to be the most powerful supervillain on the


, Thanos, Darth Vader, the doofen MS of


SMP . not only decimating each of these members but also creating a giant evil monument at the spawn location that commemorates my incredible power and I would do it eventually, but right now, on the first day, I didn't feel very powerful, okay, I guess I'm trapped underneath. this cobblestone overlook at the spawn site because I take damage in the rain so I literally can't move.
how i ruined this superpower server
I'm also Ed for extremely annoying people, but it's okay, I'm sure things will get better, oh shit, what the hell? oh, this is going to be a tough one, oh, he has the bottom complete, he has a netherite sword and Enchanted, okay, as you can see, things are not headed to a bright start, the first need to reach the state of super villain is obviously the team to the max, starting with iron things now. In my extensive experience in S&P, I know that the quickest way to get this set of gears is not by searching for it yourself, but by stealing it from people who already have it, unfortunately, although the only people around me at the moment were Pluto, who was naked, and Bubble, who is a little before escaping this horrible situation.
how i ruined this superpower server

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how i ruined this superpower server...

I'm so excited to interrupt this video to tell you that I have a plush, this is the coolest throw ever created. This company called Blockheads approached me and said, hey, let's make a plush of Ashar and I have one condition: you give him a gun, it's super high quality, it's amazing, you can do whatever you want, it's a 20cm cube , it's here for 30 days and then it's gone forever, and convince them to buy you removable Velcro. gun and one lucky person will get a gold version of this gun and you know what you can get $1,000 if you get the gold gun just tweet me so yeah check it out in the Blockheads store Link in description to come back to Being a super villain if my goal is to kill each and every one of them then my only rule for this challenge is that I shouldn't rely on cheap kills.
how i ruined this superpower server
Every MTAR I commit has to be meaningful, that's the trade-off of a good villain, but I needed equipment to do it. I knew the bubble was a Grinder, although it was very easy to steal items to survive and complete this challenge effectively. He needed to find out what each one's power was and, most importantly, their weaknesses, regardless of the time frame and he needed this equipment quickly. I realized that to make any progress I needed to do what I hate the most - socializing surprisingly, although unlike real life, talking to people here didn't make me instantly hate myself, but they invited me to visit their base later, which I definitely did.
how i ruined this superpower server
I'm not going to steal from there, there could be equipment there, but I would use it as a backup because for now I decided that I want to explore the server myself first, before which I discovered my second weakness, yes, becoming paralyzed and blind every minute for 20 seconds . I hope I have some crazy powers to make up for these. weaknesses I do it as soon as it stopped raining I went to spawn to talk to people to get things and learn about their powers and weaknesses to do this I employ two foolproof tactics Can I have things?
Can I have free stuff? Can I have some things? please beg even though something effective turned out to not be enough so I soon assassinated this little person in spawn to get him off my kill list and get all his iron, however this caused all of Spawn to start chasing me around. me and Coin Monkey. Goober helped me figure out what we were thinking, so now seems like the perfect time to use my secondary pump. We literally go to W. That is correct as the source of the error. I could teleport to a random location with a short cooldown allowing me to easily escape from this 2v5.
This was finally my moment to teleport again and easily eat the easiest full iron armor set in my life, get one step closer further to my goal and establish dominance. Oh, now not only did the ability fail me off the map, causing me to suffocate, but I also lost all the equipment I legitimately stole and made enemies while doing it on the bright side. This was something evil. I was chasing my gold. Well, you'll regret it. You will regret that and take the potion. off my kill list so I finally decided to use my plan B and head to Bubbles' base, which I wish I had done a lot sooner because she was kind enough to let me harness all the way to full iron and even charm fear , not because my pet antics weren't useless at all, in fact, they served a much more important purpose because during that 5 vs 2 score, miss I observed that laa was a powerful meta in the water, he was a ghost and Demi was an invisible villager with this valuable information. about people's powers but making enemies in the process I continued my journey to further prepare for which I would need to kidnap, I mean borrow bubbles, Farms to get levels and finish enchanting so I walked back to their base and during this walk I saw Roseen Pang's beautiful and cozy house on the hill, which they clearly spent time making, but I also saw Demi sweating and getting ready.
What the hell is it that people so clearly had wildly different goals on this S&P? Empathize with their different goals and show them Mercy at all. I'm still a villain, right? After stealing from Bubble's farms for a while, I felt bad and offered to help her get fire rods from the abyss at that time, which would be useful for I wanted to get potions but you also know that I wanted to help her because she was taking advantage but there was a problem with this. I have never teleported into the abyss. I don't know if she'll put me in lava or not, it was a risk. but villains are supposed to take risks, however, as soon as we arrived at the Fortress I saw a familiar face, Zam, coming towards us and the urge to kill him and cross him off my kill list was so great, but I resisted before ignoring it.
He and as we passed, I made a mental note of the fact that he jumped significantly higher just as we approached, that must be one of his powers anyway. I took advantage of these lower moments to collect Ender Pearls and Gas Levels because they would really come in handy. Later just wait, unfortunately though, just as we were finishing up with the nether, I accidentally clicked on my teleport power, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, yeah, turns out every time I TP it always takes me to the block higher, which is always in the lower one. the Bedrock roof I was trapped on, so out of sheer embarrassment I had to message Zam, the person I wanted to kill, just a few minutes ago, to come and help me, luckily, when it closed again the next day .
Zam had graciously built a portal to save my ass, I was still on the kill list, I don't care, but now I had to get ready again quickly and make up for the time I had lost on the roof, so I returned to Bubble's base. , this time hollowing out a giant hall beneath her. base you see, hard trapping these villagers and making them auto spawn would skyrocket my power because no one else in this S&P had an F villager, but now these poor fools would help me max out the team in no time and also be under from the bottom of the bubble should be the perfect cover to keep it a secret from the other members, I mean, who would predict that this healthy little person would have an underground black market?
Now, this village hall was on its way to empowering me, but it had another unintended effect. The bubble herself found the room in the construction process and she was getting a lot of use out of it. I mean, I didn't really care, I was like an ant stealing crumbs from the floor while you ate a package of Oreos or something. It really was bad, so over the next two sessions I cleared levels and books, all from Bubbling Storms, of course, and even got enough Netherite ingots to upgrade a set once I was done enchanting. All of these updates were just to make the genocide part of my challenge a little easier.
I was still in the iron, but I would have to work it up to a point where it was easy. As for the tower part, that was going to be a problem. Look, if you know me, you know I'm terrible at building. in Minecraft and I've never made a good build except this one, which they tell me I can't talk about Bubble, the person I'm taking advantage of is a good builder so I'm going to steal his skills and ask him to build this tower for me and by ask I mean threaten, but before I could present Bubble with a formal invitation to work, Zam and Rick said on Discord that they were organizing a big spawn play and everyone on the server was obliged.
Coming here I thought this would be a good place to get some of the server's croll members off my list by killing them with my bare hands. It also helped that Radius had a fully enchanted Netherite sword that he needed right now, so I made my way to spawn and came face to face with Spoke. At this point I had absolutely no idea about his powers and that led to an interesting encounter. spoke approaches me making a worm gesture that makes it extremely difficult to hit him because his hitbox is small, right? When I noticed that he was smaller than usual, he hit me with his Netherite sword, prompting me to immediately go on the defensive and raise my shield and switch to his ax while doing dabby mode.
The poor thing spoke, he thought he was skilled and could break me to finish me off, but. Little did this fox know that if he broke my shield right now the fight would already be over friends. I present to you my second and most important power with the middle mouse button. I can stop time in a 5x5 radius around me in the Genesis SMP freeze. all entities in the area for 5 seconds including the poor guy spoke here hey be careful what you do to me bro be careful what you do to me bro. I want that netherite sword.
I want that netherite sword. mine, now this was huge in the grand scheme of things and killing talking in front of everyone helped a lot with the reputation. Yes, the water still hurt and I had palpitations from time to time, which was embarrassing, but playing with frozen time was able to stop people in mid-air and even catch arrows. his place as Matrix in front of everyone increased his villain status for a loss and the status was shown when he was able to threaten Rapture to get me equipment and Charmed and grinded much better than him, putting me light years ahead of everyone else.
As for power, this power wouldn't last long, but at least now he had time to think about the tower. The second part of the challenge I thought I would have to threaten Bubble into doing it for me, but no, because I let her use a villager to trade. Hall downstairs, she was very excited to work with me, she said she would work on some sketches for the tower and I asked her what sketches and she said, yeah, that's something that builders do, they make sketches of the actual construction in real life. and I said: Anyway, while she was working on it, she gave me a list of materials to build the tower.
I made a small cache of barrels in a corner of the villagers' trading hall to secretly collect these materials from the tower and thus my evil was established. I ran the corporation with me, Ashr, as CEO and sole employee while he collected these materials during the week. I looked for some good real estate in spawn to place the tower right before handing everything out of the bubble. I realized that my maxed out team had that. I was so proud to have been caught by others, only a few members on the server also had Uncharted Full Netherite, but I still needed to kill them, how was I going to drop these fools Full Enchanted Netherite and take them away from me? kill when the bubble started in my evil Corporate Tower.
I marked some powerless people like JC off my kill list and went straight to the abyss to get fire rods and Ender puls. You see where I'm going with this, but like with most things reasonable? The smps people were angry that I was killing members for no reason, so I apologized, just joking. I created a reason to introduce the Hitman corporation service based in the beautiful and delicious Fank Tower in the middle of Spawn. You need someone to die, just fill out the form, it's not. genocide is just a business on the first day I got enough responses to justify murdering almost everyone on the server, so for the next week I made several enemies day after day, luring people in with fake conversations pretending I was helping them. a broadcast idea made them think they were safe and immediately, when I approached, it would stop them in time to freeze them in place and allow me to end it all by watchinghow life helplessly escaped from their eyes and the best part of all this is that for those 5 seconds that they were frozen, it didn't even matter what powers they had in the sil, this method of freezing and stabbing to death, however, was easy against Lower gear targets during the first few hits, but what about the other experts who also have the max?
At this point I pull out armor, well the answer to killing them lies in the immense amount of gas levels, ender pearls and fire rods I collected during my time in the Genesis SMP, which I would use to create final crystals, you see exactly where I'm going. with this after basically wiping out everyone else on the server at this point except Bubble, because who would hurt Bubble, hello Bubble? The last people left on my epic kill list were now four max players with full Netherite, Mixel Z, Rapu Mark and finally owning Sila's Prince Sam, at this point everyone knew that I was always up to no good because I really I sold like a villain by not only killing but also doing tasteful trolling around Sulla, like ruining beautiful bases by completely covering them with netherite blocks.
You know, maybe they just hated me like poison, but it was villain time anyway, now these L kills would eventually get harder and harder, so I had to choose my first target wisely, the rapu was a grinder, a great worker, but the worst of all was him. an Australian, I was actually calm with him because he was the only person who gave me things when I begged people the first day, he trusted me and that's exactly why it would be easier for me to end his life. I invited him to come chat in spawn, but using some excuse and finally I did this, te R.
I've been on a mission Hello, someone put your name on the death note and I need to finish it. It's just a business. I didn't want you to do it. I didn't want to surprise you with this. It's the only way for you to escape. Time stop is if I let you so there are two ways to do this okay but then you realize something if you logged out while time was stopping and then time stop was disabled and then logged in after that, you should look at when you log in in theory. to me on ice, this is too boring, let it go, yes, frozen in place forever.
Now I could leave him here to rot for the rest of the server and condemn him to being a mediocre Australian statue and spawn for the rest of eternity, but I didn't. It wasn't because I decided to recruit him for a special mission after killing him, so although I had to burst him like a balloon to get him off the kill list, in fact I didn't even know who hit him. Really look who did the punching. I just wanted to kill people, but you don't need to know that he realized that I spared his life by not freezing him forever and he decided to join my mission.
What this mission is is very important because it was related to ending my objective hearing about my actions putting others on even greater alert no one would even log in to meet with me because they saw all these murders happen They were avoiding me like the plague was avoided Like a villain and it wasn't until I made Bubble ask people to give him building materials. Did anyone even log in and approach Fang Tower to my utter surprise? One day, the three of us, Demi Mark and Zam fully equipped, my last three targets came directly to my base even though I already had I have no idea if I could go 3v1 against fully equipped players, which I would probably lose. .
I logged in immediately and quickly realized that I was going to lose if I got into a fair fight. I decided to be a rat. I quickly logged in and froze everyone. instead Crystal Demi and then left now, was this something wrong? Yeah, but did I kill one of the toughest players on the server who could literally turn invisible overnight out of my kill list? Also yes, unfortunately, although this is called consequences of my actions turned against me after this, Sam and Mark, who were there and witnessed everything, then went through a process of creating a complete organization, a structure who directly challenged my authority over silver and went against everything I stood for and stood for with a building on the island that spawned right in front of my gloriously evil Fang Tower, the PAW Patrol, now I hate law enforcement , everyone in the silver knew it, but Mark and Zam founded the PAW Patrol not only despite me in front of my face, but also for another main reason. and this is where my special mission that I talked about comes into play, sometime in the last month a giant chicken with glitches appeared in the Sila and all the members quickly started worshiping this big chicken, now me personally as a villain.
I felt inclined to subscribe to this religion, but the PAW Patrol was the main group that was founded to dedicate themselves to protecting this deity. Now Zam and Mark were fully aware that I wanted to kill them and would not agree to see or confront me. Not at all like usual, so I had to do something to force their hand, something that would require them to come confront me regardless. I was going to do it with a kidnapping, not just any kidnapping. He was going to kidnap God, so in the midnight hours. Me, who I recruited, and a secret third player we tied up named Pluto, decided to go with this big chicken that was right next to a giant pyramid, which is really symbolic.
Now we spend hours digging a giant chicken-shaped hole right in front of us. and with great difficulty, many bridges and many buckets of water, we put God in a hole. Yes, we were going to hide God, but since the Glorious chicken head was sticking out, we lowered the hole even deeper, we let him fall a little more and we covered him, the next step. Now it was dropping the chicken even lower so that it would be difficult for anyone to see underground, which brought us to the next step. Now we would tell the faithful that the big chicken was gone and only we knew where. he was this, in theory, I should force Zam and Mark to finally come out and confront me.
Now everything happened like clockwork and they agreed to come see us in the next session. The final battle occurred on the fourth Saturday in July. Rapu and Pluto, my only allies in Sero. weren't available and couldn't help me, it would be me against Mark and Zam with a somehow prancing and now supposedly neutral Z dixel hanging around as well, as well as big 2 and a half targets standing right in front of me in the Being. If somehow Any way I won this battle, I would finally become the strongest member of Sero and then defeat the Paw Patrol, but somehow that's a big deal, so the scene was set and when the sun set Beyond the horizon, the two last people on my Kill List finally confronted me before the fight started, let's discuss what we're working with now.
Mark is an inch link, which not only means he was small and agile with a smaller hit box making him harder to hit, but if you notice he also has the power to ride on any player's head and become impossible to reach. Zam on the other hand as we saw before had the power to jump extremely high being the goat origin and would deal extra damage while going down speed wise, however they were both maxed out with Zam being limited by the addon to max out. the diamond leggings and boots simply because his origin was so powerful now for the v, as soon as the fight started you'll notice Mark dismounted from my head, hit me and then remounted.
This was really annoying because he avoided stopping me from healing and stopping me just in time for Z to rush in and deactivate my shield. What you'll also notice is a fully equipped Mixel Z standing right behind them, who claims to be quote-unquote neutral and doesn't want to get into the fight. Dude anyway, as soon as I deactivated my shield, I knew I had to think fast and then I remembered that I literally have


s. As soon as the shield went down, I teleported away just to heal myself, but then I started taking damage again, I moved away because they were chasing me.
Like real rats, I thought I could quickly escape through the nether portal to re-equip myself, but they continued to chase me. Prince Sam kept repeating that he was S while he yelled at me several times and I walked away just in time as Mixel Z followed him. Suspiciously close behind, well now I had some distance and could eat, but my saturation was high and my hoton was begging and Prince Sam was singing evil songs as he chased me. You can hear Mark say go get him because it was clearly a 3v1 it wasn't a 2V1 I stood my ground and asked him time what the hell but then I got him I just caught him time stopped him and now I'm bashing him until he dies almost a second until it dies but it just comes out and the Mixel Z follows close behind.
I teleport just in time just to regroup because there's no way I can fight these guys normally. I'm on the side of the hill teleporting randomly, but I'm not sure for how long. I can stay safe, what the hell am I doing? I thought to myself cowering on the side of a mountain waiting to heal while three law enforcement officers were trying to kill me and the PAW Patrol was there mocking me while I did it. while I was hiding from the people who wanted to kill me, I wasn't a villain, I was a fraud, if I was going to lose, no matter what, I wasn't going to let Chase from Paw Patrol stop me, so I climbed to the top of the hill and I finally saw Zam at the end of a bridge across the lake is this what you wanted is this what you wanted leave the dialogue bro come on Z proceeded to charge me use a little jump skill and crit.
I caught it in a while, stop. Like that, but he got caught in webs, he proceeded to hit Crate right in front of the other's face at the top of the bridge and that led to me leaving slightly above, leading Z and using his great jumping ability to just withdraw. This was my chance. I knew that taking him one on one was my best chance of winning in this 1v2, so Agro pissed on him, you're evil, thanks, that's exactly what I was going for, so why do you want to kill me, Z, if I kill? Your Paw Patrol is going to collapse, the whole building will be brought down by your bare hand, brother.
I was getting Zam down but his allies were getting closer so I teleported away before he could get to less than five Hearts just to eat, but I got stuck inside, which is. When I saw Z, his high jumping ability to cast the super crit on me again teleported just in time, but my health was low, I had no food, and I wasn't sure what to do when Mark's boom hits. behind and reminds me that he's a 3 on 1 guy, yeah man what's Mark doing here bro, who invited this guy? Him in your head, wait, this is a little unfair, so mark it and I did the stupid Dismount hit to stop right in It's time for the other two to come at me, time to, hey, don't come, I've got them both stuck and this is it, this is it, can I leave Prince, oh are you kidding me, I lost my only chance and to make matters worse, Mark came over and mounted me, which means he could see my health hey Zam Zam has four hearts minus he has four hearts are you serious?
Mark, oh my god, you're such an Anno fiasco, I'm in the a, I'm in the and, oh I forgot you know his heart, that's really amazing, how do you know that one has the heart of a horse? it's because I'm riding it oh oh you guys are actually the worst the worst oh my god this fight was basically lost my armor was breaking down fast. and I was taking fire damage and I barely had 7 even hearts when Zam decides to do this, which is his super jumping ability and as he rises into the sky suspiciously falling towards you, let me remind you that if he casts his crit on me, I will.
Dead my villain story would be over and I would have to leave The Silo and Retreat to a life of Tranquility in the mountains and as Zam descended to come and execute me while imagining my serene lifestyle as a monk in the mountains, it hit me. the crystals in my inventory I can't relate I love watching the light escape their eyes the absolute desperation in their skull when they realize there is nothing they can do nothing that will stop the inevitable being a villain is not about principles it is it's about pleasure I thought if I phoned first oh now for the little one ah now I have you mother now I have you now I have you finished class when I killed Zam you will notice that I also blew up all his things which means he was naked so I spared him the life even more, just kidding.
I bullied him into breaking his paw patrol tower, taking it down brick by brick with his own naked Z, that's all. I wanted to hear you cry as you took down your professor control tower and as I dialed the last one. people on my kill list and watch them take down their police tower. I knew he would reach the peak of villain. I'm sorry, but we can never be friends again. Thanks for watching, we're back for the stuffed animal. Subscribe yeah ashwag yay.

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