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How I Paid For My Revuelto | Full Breakdown

Jun 20, 2024
When you tell people you spent half a million pounds on a car, they assume you simply stick your card in the machine and £500,000 is withdrawn from your accounts. There is a famous saying: "Don't work for money, make money work for you and this works." Whether you're buying a Renault Range Rover or a Welter today, I'll meet with Jordan from RJ Stanford and we'll explain the exact method I use to purchase all of my cars so you can avoid the mistakes I've made. go to a deal and buy a car with cash. I would never do it again today, you'll find out exactly how I bought my Lamborghini rival, so I'm with Jordan from RJ Stanford Hayden, you've seen it before, um, we.
how i paid for my revuelto full breakdown
Previously I made a finance video talking about finances but now it financed my Lamborghini RTO. Yeah people think well if you finance a car you don't actually own it and why are you financing a car you obviously can't afford it if you're financing a car and that's a lot of the feedback that I'm going to get and other people are going to get when people buy cars, some people will buy them outright, some people will finance them, some people will lease them and return them at the end of the year. the term this type of car is not a car that you can lease you buy this car it is a car that you buy let's look at this now first of all the reason I have financed this car is because I use my money and other things like you.
how i paid for my revuelto full breakdown

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how i paid for my revuelto full breakdown...

I've seen the property videos on Yanni's YouTube channel, it doesn't make sense for him to invest £558,000 in a car. I prefer to put down a deposit, pay a monthly payment, and then at the end of the term pay for the car with a balloon payment. or sell the car before the term ends that way, then the finance is simply settled and any extra money that is there I receive, they want to know how I bought my car, what deposit I


etc. So, let's throw these things on the screen. so my car purchase is 558,000 and by some small chance this car loses money which is very unlikely over the next year.
how i paid for my revuelto full breakdown
I don't want to make a mistake with my finances when you sell a car and have to pay money to sell your car, so if your car is worth £200,000 and you owe £250,000 on your car, you will have to pay £50,000 more and sell your car At the same time, we don't want to make mistakes. financial negative capital avoid avoid at all costs okay so that's the price of the car my deposit is £1,14,150 which leaves a balance of $418,900 so that's what I borrowed from the company financial, right, yes, that's fine and we've done it. it's in what term, two years, so now at the end of the two years, before I give you my monthly payment, at the end of the two years, what happens, you have a lump sum payment due of £391,000.
how i paid for my revuelto full breakdown
The balloon payment is where they estimated that car. to make it worth it after 2 years it's probably a good balloon payment, a balloon payment will always be a bit cynical because if a finance company ever gets this car, say if the animiz world ended for whatever reason and they got that car back. I need to get rid of it as quickly as possible and every car dealer in the world will be rubbing their hands trying to make a deal, so they will always be cynical. What I would say is that in your particular case it's good that you're amazing a little equity the amount of money you're borrowing the amount you're paying per month it's good to know at the end of the agreement that you're not doing it anymore you're not doing it yet I owe what you borrowed in the first place because yeah, it's just a bit of mental psychology I guess, and that's it, and I very rarely keep my car for 2 years, let's be honest, I usually keep my cars for a year and 18 months. months and I put mileage on my cars.
You know I'm doing the Aniz Grand Tour, so there's going to be some serious mileage on that car. Ok, so we have made a 2 year agreement. Well, that's my deposit and my monthly payment. the 2 years £4,095 42 each of my competitors are going to do the math on this, reverse engineer, your interest right now to find out what you've got, so are we telling them it's a good introduction? I don't mind telling you. them 8.82 I think nowadays that's not bad, it's less than what I pay for my car, so it's a good rate, it's a good rate, yes, he drives a Veyon, no, he drives Shiron, so yes, I wish it was good and the interest rate with what the market is now is a decent rate, I think it's competitive, yes, especially on loans of this size.
Interestingly, there are only a certain number of financiers available who can reach this level of loans and some of them are actually less expensive than the more consumer ones. Based financiers can offer sort of 7.9 8.9 to 9.9 right now so it is a competitive rate today and it is also difficult for financiers because they have no prior knowledge about this car because it is new. The car just came out, no one knows what this car is going to do in 6 months of the year, two years, three years, does that play a role? Yes, every fan will have a different opinion on these cars and, some of them just like to have a little more capital amortization built in anyway, others probably could have gone to another undertaker who would have made a larger lump sum payment for this, but they would not have met the interest rate, it is possible that they would have ended up in a similar position with the monthly payment.
As for smart, but it would have cost you more in the long run because, because the interest rate is higher, okay, so if I kept this car for two years, I would have that balloon payment, is what you said, Yeah. I know people who just pay, pay the minimum deposit and only pay interest based solely on the car, knowing that the car is not going to depreciate. Would you recommend people do it this way or would you say you know how to pay off the loan? I would recommend you do it this way. because this fits your circumstances perfectly, so it all depends on the individual and exactly what you are trying to achieve, as long as you get that point across to whoever is in your place from Finance, there are enough lenders that they should be personalized enough to fulfill. your criteria, yes, so with property I have some properties that only charge interest and others that are payment, obviously with property we know that properties increase in value all the time, so when it only charges interest it is not so bad with a car, cars depreciate and Usually on cars I don't go as close to interest as possible, but on this car I know I'm very safe because it's one of the first cars and there aren't many of them out there.
You wouldn't sell it for 585,000 right now. You don't, not exactly, unless you make a lot of money from it, it's not going anywhere. I'll be honest, I wouldn't sell it anywhere. My relationship with Lamborghini. I don't know my cars. Lamborghini knows what I'm like. Yes, I could sell. a car after 6 months but I'm down to 5,000 miles and they say yeah that's definitely not a mistake because he's driven it a lot so I get away with it. People are going to ask if I bought this car. my personal name or I bought it in the company name now, normally when I buy cars I buy them in my personal name, however, in this one because we know how much content we are going to publish and we will literally call it a company car, but it is a car that We use YouTube for social media and they are organized media, so it made a lot of sense to put it through the company.
It is a true commercial asset. It's a little hard to explain because you'll have a big smile on your face while driving it, so it won't seem like a business asset, but we'll ask you what the pros and cons are of buying a car in your name compared to buying it from a dealer. company name, so most of the public will buy a car in their personal name, which means it will be a regulated contract, which means the first terms if you don't execute it for the entire duration of the agreement for any reason. Early settlement terms are set by the Financial Conduct Authority, not individual lenders, basically meaning it is as fair as possible to get out of that contract.
It typically means up to two months of interest as a high net worth individual or business user. you will lose your rights as a consumer, so this is the downside, so technically these lenders, if they don't agree up front, can tell you that you can actually pay the


value of the interest that's left on this, so that it's up to you to have that conversation as a high net worth individual or as a company to ensure what your early settlement terms are before you enter into that contract because that's typically the biggest friction point, there are other elements like word that you need to understand, but that's the question.
They ask me more, so I have an amazing fan base. I have those who love me and I love you and they support me and then they won't call you enemies, but we will call the people who like you. to make little hints on the keyboard Warriors yeah, there's a lot of things that we could call them um. I'll make you a question. They say if you finance a can, you can really afford the car. If we use your particular case as an example, you have to do it. Putting £40,000 down first, raising £140,000 in liquids is not simple in itself, paying four thousand dollars a month is not simple in itself, as having the liquidity available to do all of that suggests that you have some kind of financial status, But what would be the benefit of going and selling like a couple of other assets that are generating you income, whether it's a couple of properties?
Maybe you have stocks and shares like that, what's the point of liquidating everything? that thing about getting an asset when you can leave it where it is and finance it as well, which will actually appreciate in value over a period of time and serves your purposes as a business that will generate more income, but usually in a car it does. depreciate, so obviously this is a different situation, but I think you answered very well. It will be really interesting to see the comments section on this and what it says there, so I have a lot of friends who are very, very rich. richer than me 10 15 x me, do rich people buy cars this way or do they just buy them properly and be like whatever?
Yes, I would like to give you a good example. I had a client when he worked for an Italian manufacturer other than Lamborghini. and he had an extensive collection of cars, uh, he financed it all, he had a line of credit of about 78 million quid um and he had 95 million in cash reserves available to him, but he still chose to finance because he says, well, I think these cars are going up in value so I want to finance them with my cash for other things, so £995m in the bank is still financed. I bet you'd still say he's broke, even though he wouldn't, and he still couldn't afford it because he financed it.
His cars, let's say I reached the end of my car's term and I thought: you know? I don't want to sell the car. I want to keep the car but I want to refinance it. How does this work? The same principles. how we did this basically we just submitted an application to a fund or how happy to extend the term could move on to a different fun if interest rates have gone down and someone is more competitive you might decide yes I want to keep it but I really want to to pay a lot more, I want to get to 10 grand a month and own as much of your car as possible by the time you sell it, um, it's not just cars that make it to the end of the contract, or you can have people who own it of their cars and then they say, you know what, I want to buy more cars, but I don't want to pay cash for them, maybe I'll get some money out of this to pay for that one because it's a little easier to do it that way, maybe they're financing a project like restoring, restoring a car.
Equity releases are something we come across quite often. I did it in 2013, so I bought my Aventador in 2013 and bought it outright. It was a dream to go to a deal and buy a car with cash. I would never do it again, but that was the dream and um and then I had it for I don't know 6 months, 7 even months and I was like, you know what? I'm going to take some money out now because it's ridiculous to be sitting in a big French car back then, so yeah, I totally get it, I totally get that the money was put to good use and I put it back in the machine, yeah, I put it back . on the machine make more money, that's the end of this video Jordan, I appreciate it, thank you very much, look at RJ Stanford, he's my guy.
I've been using it for what, three or four years, it was a minute ago because obviously you have. I also did all the cars in Urban, it was one of the urban casts. I hope you enjoyed this video if you want more talks about finances or anything else you want to know or you want me to talk or talk or bring someone with me. Let me know thanks for watching guys don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button it's been a minute cheers.

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