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HOW I MAKE $700 IN 1 HOUR AT WALMART | Retail Arbitrage Amazon FBA

Jun 08, 2021
Hello guys, welcome to the channel. My name is Mike Resendez. My name is Reezy Resells and on my channel I teach people how to


a living selling on Amazon, even if they don't have any money to start. Keep up the hustle now before. we get into this I want to tell you a little bit about myself I grew up on food stamps I dropped out of high school I don't come from money I had a difficult childhood and yet I have sold almost 10 million dollars on Amazon and I started all of that with five dollars, which you will see in this Video is how I


seven hundred dollars in three


s buying new products at Walmart and then selling them on Amazon for a profit.
how i make 700 in 1 hour at walmart retail arbitrage amazon fba
This process is called



and can be quite profitable. You'll also learn a little about Amazon's third-party fulfillment service, also known as FBA, and why it's the best there is. Now there's just one thing we need to mention before we get started. Hit the races and run and you must understand that Amazon will not allow new sellers to sell any products they want as a new seller, unfortunately many products will be restricted and you will not be able to sell them on Amazon, unless you get approval from Amazon, this approval It can be extremely difficult for new sellers to get, but there is a way around it and if you stay until the end, I will share a big secret with you that will allow you to get approved.
how i make 700 in 1 hour at walmart retail arbitrage amazon fba

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how i make 700 in 1 hour at walmart retail arbitrage amazon fba...

Sell ​​almost any brand you want to sell on Amazon approved, enough talking, let's make some money, so I headed to Walmart. Surprise, I ended up in the Lego aisle. First things first. I started looking for hidden clearance, that's when you use the Walmart app. to scan items to see if the price is lower than what the label actually shows on the shelf, you can find some really cool stuff like that. We didn't actually find any, but we did find some Lego Friends sets that I had sold before and I'm using the scoutify 2 app to search for them.
how i make 700 in 1 hour at walmart retail arbitrage amazon fba
We also found some Star Wars sets that I didn't show in the video, but this is actually the email I got from previous sales of that Lego Friends set, so that's cool. To have that peace of mind, we also grabbed some of the gujitsu figures here, nothing big, they cost ten dollars. I think we made a three dollar profit on each one. The last thing we ended up picking up were these young cutter soccer gloves that they didn't have. The biggest demand was for a few different sizes, but the markdown was significant, so we picked them up and put them in the cart when we left, we ended up spending just under eleven hundred dollars and then headed home, so it was an


and average job at Walmart to make seven hundred dollars profit and I know what you're thinking and you're right, I didn't actually make that money yet because I didn't sell those products yet and technically it's expected profit, not profit, and to make that profit we have to Process that inventory and send it to Amazon FBA where it can be sold and ultimately fulfill its destiny of becoming dollars in your bank account.
how i make 700 in 1 hour at walmart retail arbitrage amazon fba
I'm a rich boy, oh rich boy, you guys are ready. to head to the garage and do this job, okay, you're okay, come on, okay, welcome to the garage, now it's time for the fun part, we have to list all the items we purchased from the inventory lab, a service we use with the barcode scanner we will print labels we will package it we will ship it to


this is all the necessary things you have to do after purchasing the inventory if you want to be an


seller and make money and honestly it will probably be a little boring , but if you want to learn these things, stay tuned, get to work.
This is a very simple basic garage workstation that I have set up here. I have a laptop, nothing special, eight gigabyte Windows. 10. I have a USB barcode scanner, it's like a 20 joint. I have it on continuous scanning so I can put barcodes underneath it when I need to. Don't worry about the mess there. This is mostly like supplies and stuff, but here. We have the products that we bought, we have the Gujitsu figures, the Tie Fighters, the X-Wings, the friendship bus and a lot of those soccer gloves, so the first thing we will do is make a new batch in the laboratory inventory and me.
I'm actually going to list these things in different batches because I want to do what's called boxed shipping, so we're going to start with our first shipment, put the barcode in the search field there. and we're going to scan it, then you're going to press select, you can see a little bit of information about the product there, we're going to scroll down to the total quantity, here we're going to put four because we have four. of them right here it says average cost per unit we are going to put 999 because that is what we pay per supplier we are going to put Walmart that is the store where we bought it also there is the purchase date here it is already full like January 30 and then you can see that the sku that you build here is relevant because it says the date, then you have your supplier, then you have the sales range, then your cost and then a random number at the end just to differentiate everything here on On the side, you can see the different offers and how you would price the item.
You can see that the lowest FBA bid is 19.99 and then the next lowest is 2052. And if you click on that price, it puts it here in the calculator. and if we price it for 19.99 and pay 9.99, it looks like our profit here will be three dollars and 28 cents or a return on investment of almost 33 percent, which is not bad and, in fact, I I like to price my FBA items a bit. higher than what the current market is right now considering we will ship them and it will be one, two or three days before they get there and who knows, maybe even a few more days before Amazon receives them and then they can be sold to customers for now, we're going to put this one at 21.99 and I'm going to put my minimum price at 19.99 for now, which is actually the lowest current price and that's basically a profit of 20, let's review. here and press add to batch, our stickers should appear right here when you place the stickers on the items.
Amazon wants you to cover the barcodes, you need to make it so your employees can't scan one of the barcodes on the toys when you're done, put them aside and then process the next unit, let's move the process here basically It's the same thing, as you know, we bought a bunch of these gloves, each one of them has one of these little yellow stickers on it and they don't really come off very easily, so we're going to have to use a heat gun to take them off. This is the heat gun. Ideally I like them with a small stand, but they do have a couple of configurations.
It's basically a hot hair dryer first we're going to put this on low heat and we're going to be careful not to damage the product or the packaging if the packaging can melt or the product can melt you have to be very careful with that. see the decal changes because they are thermal decals so they react to heat so the darker it gets the hotter it gets so we're going to turn this off take our tool and start scraping get to the edge and So Generally, when you lift it up, you can remove the rest. This may take a while.
We'll need a little coffee break. Oh, that's great. It's also a little hot. Nothing like removing stickers from 50 items in Austin. Clearance Labels Picked Up Now that we've taken off all these stickers, we'll include them in the inventory lab. What are you looking at? Now it's time to list all of these items on those clearance tags. Man, they just stick to everything I don't do. I don't know what happens sometimes, man, static electricity. We have the gloves separated into four different piles. Let's go ahead and scan one. The current low price is 19.94 and if we list them for 1994, the profit will be 6.58 and I'm actually okay. that, but I'm still going to raise the price in case those deals sell out while they're in for these, we didn't get any stickers, you can see it actually says no label, Amazon doesn't require us to label these because they do get mixed up.
Inventory Now that everything is included in this shipment in the inventory lab, we will upload it to Amazon and create the Amazon shipment. More fun stuff, let's get into it. We'll hit review batch, then we'll hit Submit and you'll be able to. Look, it's telling us all these different locations that it wants to send things to. We're going to say, go ahead and send product sync feeds now on this screen. You can see that these are the actual shipments that we are going to create on Amazon from the inventory lab. We're just running over here and clicking create shipment and then it says do you want to create this shipment? and you say yes and that's when you actually talk to Amazon and then you create the shipment and you'll see these shipments here in a Secondly, each of these will be a separate set of boxes or shipments that will go to different Amazon FBA warehouses .
In fact, you can see the warehouse codes here on this side and how many units will be in that shipment once all the orders are completed. the shipments are completed, you're actually going to click on the bottom here below, complete the batch boom attached, the bottom is done, now we're in the shipping queue on Amazon and we can see the shipments there with the orange ticks They say they work on shipping. I would like to start with the largest shipment. Make a box. Take the products. Put them in the box. Now we're going to add some packing paper right on top or bubble wrap.
Close it with tape. There you have it. That's the box. Let's weigh. take out five pounds and eight ounces that means it's six pounds in step three after you choose everything in a box go to the right side put in the box it weighs six pounds put in the box dimensions you don't really have to measure it , you can just estimate it but if you don't feel comfortable go ahead and measure it and we'll continue press confirm now it says it's going to charge us five dollars and 30 cents for those six pounds it's not 50 cents a pound but it could be a lot more, it's not terrible so ideally you would want to ship that are heavier per box like up to 40 45 pounds that way you'll get a better rate so we'll accept these charges and you'll get two labels.
UPS shipping label and you have your Amazon box label so put the UPS label on one side and then put the Amazon label on the other side and then that item is ready to drop off at a UPS store or hand it to a UPS man. Make sure you get a receipt when you deliver your FBA shipments that way you can prove that you actually delivered it to the UPS store. Also, if you are reusing a box, make sure you cover any other old addresses or anything else so that the box doesn't actually come back to you.
If this had happened multiple times, the first shipment is made, we will set it aside. Actually, there's one more thing you need to click on complete shipping here at the bottom and then click on mark as. sent and then we can close that tab and start working on the next shipment, so one shipment is the five friendship buses we could pack this in with paper or bubbles or whatever, it's just not as safe or fast How to cut it so fast. You're just going to take your knife, put it in the corner as close as you can and cut the corner up from the corner right here because there's a gap right here on this side that we're not going to. to fold it on this side first, we're going to fold it on this side first, so we're going to fold it against the product.
Okay, so I'm going to create that nice fold and now that we have this cardboard here to hold it. side we can make a nice fold there and then down here at the other end, we actually don't even need all of this cardboard, we can cut a little bit of this cardboard if we want, be careful, this is not something I recommend for beginners to do. but if you hold it nice and tight you can cut a nice perfect piece through a layer of cardboard and then they fit nice and perfectly and then just tape it down like normal, let's go to the last one.
These four are so small that I'm actually just going to throw them in a bubble mailer so this one actually only weighs 11 ounces for this one pound package we're going to pay four dollars and fifty one cents this is the inventory labs rundown of the shipment we just sent the total sales value is 2500 the The purchase cost is 1100. The total net profit is just under 700, which is not bad for a few hours of


shopping. Four dollars and fifty cents a pound is not what you want to pay if you know the tips and tricks I'm about to give.
I'll tell you in the next section that you can pay as little as 50 cents a pound, even as little as six cents a pound, because four dollars and fifty cents a pound is just ridiculous. Hello, welcome back to the studio guys, for the most part, our work is done. and that is the beauty of amazon fba, now one of the difficult things when shipping amazon fba and you may haveNoticed in the video in the garage it's called split shipments or splits, basically what happens is we tell Amazon, hey, I have 23 of these things. to ship to their FBA warehouse and they say sure, ship 10 here, ship 10 there and ship three there, and the problem is that shipping three units is very light and we won't be able to get optimal value per incoming pound. shipping rate for that three unit shipment, luckily there are some things you can do to combat this and I will share them with you now, number one, ship larger shipments, larger shipments have been shown to get far fewer splits than larger shipments. smaller shipments and divisions. that they get are much more manageable because they are larger, for example, you could have 60 units and Amazon could ask you to do it in six shipments, but if you had 600 units, Amazon could ask you to do it in two shipments, one of 400 units and another of 200 units. and that would not only save you a lot of money on inbound shipping costs, but it would also save you a considerable amount of time in creating those two much larger shipments.
Two adjust the quantities of your items in your shipment. Amazon allows you to change quantities plus or minus five percent, so take advantage of this to consolidate your random loose items into single shipments and maybe even eliminate shipments that you don't need to ship because it was just one unit and you can ship that unit there in that shipment. which already has that unit three and this is my favorite tip for this section which is to ship packaged in boxes. Now the nice thing here is that there is no fixed definition of what a box is, so we can define this every time we ship to amazon fba. of a specific product, for example, let's say you have 30 of an item and you can fit 10 in a box and that box weighs 40 pounds, which is a good inbound shipping rate.
In this scenario, you would ship a boxed shipment that had a box configuration of 10 units per box and you would ship three boxes. Now Amazon could still decide to send each of those boxes to a different warehouse, but at least we can still control how many go in a box, which also means controlling the weight and gives us a lot of control over what we're going to pay for our fee. of inbound shipping per pound, not to mention that shipping in box packages saves you a lot of time because if you have dozens of the same item or even hundreds of them, you can set up a box setup and you can ship very, very quickly.
Now tip number four is to use Amazon's inventory placement service. Amazon's inventory placement service allows you to ship your units to a warehouse that you specify and that is close to you, but before reaching the supermarket. Happy with this, you should know that it costs 30 cents a piece and is not an option for all product categories on Amazon, so depending on what you sell on Amazon, it may not even be an option for you. Wow, so if you have It was so long in the video. I really appreciate you. Please hit the like button because I'm about to drop the super explosive nugget you've been waiting for.
The last tip I have for you is how you can get approval not just to sell toys. on Amazon, but how you can get approved to sell Lego and many other big-name toy brands on Amazon is actually a lot easier than you think. What you will want to do is set up an account with a company called ee Distribution. They are a very large and reputable company and they are not going to do business with a random person who wants to sell some crap to get approved to sell on Amazon. Make sure your business is registered on all necessary official channels and has all the proper permissions. commercial documents you need before contacting ee Distribution to set up your wholesale account and please do not check your account from your hotmail.
Get a real domain email address, maybe even set up a one-page website for your business now. contact ee distribution be professional don't lead with you are an amazon seller and you need to be approved and want to get off the wall they don't know anything about it and don't really care and you may be shooting yourself in the foot because They might charge you more when they find out you're an Amazon seller who probably won't buy more stuff from them because they know it's being used. I'm not telling you to lie if they ask you. If you sell on Amazon, you can tell them you sell on Amazon now.
Once you have your account set up, you will want to order 10 quantities of an item that you are restricted from selling on Amazon and when you receive your invoice. you can send it to Amazon to get approval to sell that brand, they will most likely reject you when you send your invoice and that is simply because their system is completely automated and you keep sending the same invoice over and over again until it works and they remember That we are ordering these things to get approved to sell on Amazon, not necessarily to make a profit, so don't try to find a certain item that will make you a lot of profit with ee distribution, focus on products that won't cost you much.
It looks a lot like a keychain or some very small item of clothing that preferably has a high demand so that when you get it you can sell it very quickly. You could lose 15 or 25 percent of your capital, but at least you got most of it back and now. is approved to sell that brand on Amazon now for a super duper pro tip for those of you who stayed until the end when ordering so your item isn't closed from electronic distribution, don't just place the order. a lego item asks for a star wars lego keychain why, because not only can you double dip, you can triple dip that invoice, you can submit that invoice once to unlock in lego, then you can submit it again to unlock in star wars, then you can send it again to leave Disney now if you're not going to like or subscribe after that pro tip.
I really don't know what will convince you, but I promise I'll keep trying, so if you're interested and need more information about Amazon, click the link below in the description to get a copy of my free introductory course to Amazon and that will allow you to enter the game. Remember that if you are not going crazy, peace.

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