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How I maintain this physique going to the gym 2-3x a week

May 04, 2024
you are a if you go to the gym more than three times a


yes I said it if you want an aesthetic


you are a if you go to the gym more than three times a


let me tell you a story back then When I started


to the gym, I was literally obsessed with the gym. I went to the gym sometimes even twice a day so I could do more sets and workouts. At the time I was doing a push pull leg split. training about 5 days a week, almost every day, and obviously


to the gym that often maybe you can see that it's healthy because I like to exercise, which is good, but


is the problem that it took too long.
how i maintain this physique going to the gym 2 3x a week
Imagine going to I went to the gym so often that I didn't have much time to study. I didn't have much time to do other things other than go to the gym and eat and yes, basically go to my lessons in that time like I always wanted to start. a personal best, but I could never do anything because I obviously didn't have time to do it and all I did was basically go to school, go to the gym, cook, eat, sleep and you know what the voice part was. After all, I thought I was building a ton of muscle.
how i maintain this physique going to the gym 2 3x a week

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how i maintain this physique going to the gym 2 3x a week...

I went to the gym so many times a week. There is no way you aren't building more muscle by doing it right. I felt big, but I was actually getting fat. instead of building more muscle because I didn't have much time to do cardio and of course I was lazy and in fact at my heaviest I reached 80kg at my height which is 170 that's incredibly heavy bro, I literally had no confidence to even look in the mirror because of how fat I was. I kept convincing myself that he was huge or that he was a huge, muscular guy.
how i maintain this physique going to the gym 2 3x a week
I would have built a ton of muscle because of course wearing shirts, I look good in shirts. My dream will feel everything. It was perfect, right, I look huge in clothes, but once I took them off I looked in the mirror and thought I had the confidence to do it. I had even lost my BR applications and after that, after I finished my university studies and entered university. I actually became busier and started prioritizing my studies during the day and actually eliminated my gym routine from 5 days a week or about 3 days a week. I thought


would actually be terrible for my


, that it would make me smaller, fatter, but the truth is that I got to the physique of my dreams much faster than I could have imagined.
how i maintain this physique going to the gym 2 3x a week
I started to get fitter than before. I looked at my old photos and thought, "Damn, he was so saintly and fat, but now you're wondering, like Sean, how." Do you really


and get this physique just by going to the gym two or three times a week after all these influencers telling me I need to do push pull blit? I need to go to the gym every day and stuff like that, yeah and By the way, we'll get to this video today if you haven't seen my videos before. My name is Sean and my mission is to inspire as many young men like me as possible to become strong, masculine versions of themselves. videos like these to document and share my experiences so I can help you progress faster toward your goals.
If that sounds awesome to you, be sure to click the Subscribe button below. Yes, I know and that's why I listen to those influencers who tell you oh, push your legs P, go to the gym six times a week and that's what I really followed. I followed your advice. The truth is that the advice is not rubbish. Going to the gym often can help you build muscle faster. That's the truth, but. Here's what's left out and it's a CA for that too and it's that extra cost that probably isn't even worth it. First of all, you will see that the result you get from going to the gym does not increase. the amount of time to go to the gym, let's say you do 20 sets of exercises in a workout, you'll probably get 20 sets of results, but as that increases beyond that, let's say you do 30 sets, you do 40 sets, that doesn't da you get 40 sets of results, it's more like let's say you do 30 sets instead of 20 sets and you get 22 sets of results and then you go to 40 sets and you get 23 or 24 sets of results and that's why if you go to the gym, that often probably means you're doing too many junk sets right now, all these influencers are trying to create all these weird butt exercises that you probably see on Instagram trying to make things more complicated than they look.
What's wrong with doing the normal bench? PR What's wrong with doing normal squats? What's wrong with just doing pull-ups? You don't need to do all this, like yoga ball squats and stuff like that, bro, those are just exercises, they look cool but they're effective, bro, just do the same exercises. over and over again the most scientifically proven exercises over and over again that what flat bench press incline bench press pull ups pull ups pull downs downs shoulder press tricep extensions bicep curls squats any form of squats use some of the machines for legs and You are pretty.
You don't need to do all these new exercises, well just repeat the same effective exercises over and over again and you will get the results you want and that is the mistake I made. I used to go to the gym. so much because I was doing so many crap sets that I basically just brought it in and did as many exercises as I could as many sets as I could I was in the gym for like 3 hours a day, it's just a waste of time right? You don't need that many exercises to optimally build muscles and develop an aesthetic physique, maybe if you are a bodybuilder and want to compete, you have a totally different training plan, but you just want to look good and have a physique, come on. you don't need to do that, here's the key point, no one tells you that you actually only need to go really hard on a few sets of exercises to build muscle optimally, let's say you're used to doing like 10 reps of 10kg biceps.
Because you feel comfortable doing it, so you like four series. How about instead of doing four sets you do two sets, but instead of doing 10 reps, go to failure? Push PA Beyond failure, ask someone to see you pushing the fool. get up when you're failing or maybe you can even do a drop set after finishing those 10kg to failure, pick up the 7.5kg and go from there, that works too, that's the concept I never realized When I first started going to the gym it was basically just lifting, say, comfortable weight for four or five sets instead of focusing and pushing myself beyond failure for each of the sets I was on, you don't need that many sets, maybe only 10 sets. of chest exercises for a workout, you're doing a day of pushing and then maybe even five sets of triceps exercises and that's it, you don't need more, why are influencers nowadays promoting fitness a little bit more? realistic to save time and in fact make it practical for busy people, we don't have all the time in the world, we just want the maximum benefits without you having to sacrifice so much time, unless of course you like going to the gym and spend time there, if that's your thing. so feel free to click on this video, but if you just want a good physique and want to have time to enjoy other things, follow this, okay, just push yourself on a few sets, your exercises build muscles and of course choose the correct exercises to Do it, you are not doing too many garbage sets and continue with the point I want to make.
I used to fall into this fake fitness influencer trap of these extremely big guys and Jack and muscular guys who just ate like junk food on camera. and shows his 10,000 calorie challenge 20,000 calorie challenges bro those are real foods like bro those foods are horrible for your health but I used to believe all you needed was protein the rest didn't matter so what did I do ? I saw some food. You probably know that nowadays they have junk food that they label as high in protein. The other day I was watching one of the most popular soda brands in my country, they literally labeled themselves as high protein because they added some kind of chemical protein powder. the soda, can you imagine how misleading it is?
Just because something is high in protein doesn't mean it's healthy. BR, let me tell you, the easiest way to eat is to make it all natural, no processed fruits, this is literally what I eat. now, what helps me get my physique today, I literally only eat meat, fruits and vegetables, not processed, maybe once in a while I have honey, but that's it, no bread, no pasta, no rice, the police , to be honest, you don't really need them, you can. They work perfectly well, I noticed that these carbs at least make me feel slower. I don't think so clearly when I eat them, I feel lazy, I feel tired all the time, yeah, they're just not that good for you, now I can hear some.
Of you say, well, but if I don't eat carbs, how will I get the energy to live well and exercise? At least the refined carp, that is, maybe you can eat a few pieces of food before exercising. Well, that's good, that's all the cup you need to work out. BR, you don't need all that stuff today that we have fed with the huge food industries. My opinion is one of the biggest factors that contributed to me having a better physique than when I went to the gym so many times a week and think about modern high protein foods that aren't even healthy anyway and of course.
Moving on to the last point, this really helps you and frees up time to do other things in your life, bro. In fact, changing my workout routine from 5 days a week to two, 3 days a week now helped me free up time for cardio and to get more sleep back then, when I didn't do cardio, how the hell could any maybe take advantage now? I probably run three times a week, this really helped me lean really hard and get the physique of my dreams. It's much easier to not have cardio kill your BR game unless you're like running a marathon every day, which you probably aren't anyway, so instead of just being a gym rat and working out every day days in the gym lifting weights. weights, yes that's great, but why not implement more cardio into your life?
Cardio really helps you lean and look much better and more athletic than if you were huge and muscular as a half; You're probably much more attractive with your slimmer body. you actually sleep a lot more, you sleep a lot easier that way, you're tired from the cardio and you actually have more time to sleep, like I got from cutting my sleep schedule from five times a week to three times a week. I can sleep at least eight hours a night, which of course I recover faster and my muscles grow more sleep, more testosterone, more gains, more muscle growth, more recovery, sleep is just this brother, you don't need this, you need to sleep and Now, finally, you may be wondering, what is the SPL I currently do?
I do an upper, lower, upper split, so basically right now what I usually do is right hand days. I do a top day that focuses on my chest, but also. I do a little bit of back but instead of two back exercises I do two chest exercises and one back exercise and two arm exercises and one shoulder exercise on my leg day only under my bottom on the day I only train legs any form of leg exercise that we do and onwards On my other top day I will be more focused on the back, so I will do two exercises for the back, one exercise for the chest, two exercises for the arms and one for the shoulders, and that works, works pretty well, six exercises or probably three or four sets, that's it, not necessary. spend more time in the gym after that unless you want to, but I bet you probably have other things you really want to prioritize in your life.
This is a minimalist gym routine that I follow to help me get to the gym physique I want. Let's not forget of course to combine it with diet, sleep and of course having more time to do cardio, that's it, we don't need to complicate it so much and as always remember, I will vote for you and we'll see. By the way, in the next one, if you want to move faster to achieve the aesthetic physique of your dreams, the link below is a sales call so we can chat and see where you are in your fitness journey and if there is anything.
I can help you progress faster and if you're interested, be sure to click the link below.

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