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How I cured myself of chronic illness and reversed ageing | Darryl D'Souza | TEDxPanaji

Jun 01, 2021
This is a photograph of me in 1988 when I was only 18 years old and had never experienced any


in my life. The photo below is of me at age 25, two years after I survived a near-fatal bout of pneumonia, but right now. He also suffered from a high bias infection in the small intestine after drinking mountain water and that just wasn't


as easily with allopath II, even with our Veda and homeopathy, and his continued until this next picture when he was 34 years. 2004 and at that time I not only suffered from amoeba colitis but also irritable bowel syndrome blood toxicity internal heat skin allergies candidiasis which is a fungal growth in the intestines and third degree hemorrhoids which had to be operated on now?
how i cured myself of chronic illness and reversed ageing darryl d souza tedxpanaji
Which of these three photographs do I take? how I look today and what has happened to me since 2004, long after all modern systems of medicine failed to cure me, I switched to natural therapy and in about a year and a half I was able to reverse all those diseases I mentioned and something like that. Something else happened along the way too and it's called reverse aging. Now this happened because I followed some very important principles about food that they call the natural laws of nutrition and that's what I'm going to share with you today, now that nutrition is such a complex topic. topic for the common man it is very difficult to understand what is the right type of diet for you but let me tell you that nutrition has nothing to do with the mind or how well read you are, it has to do with an experience you are having Now if you look at animals, birds and reptiles in nature, you see them simply going about their daily tasks, whether it be running around their territories playing with each other in the mating game or just exploring the area and in the middle of it all. that hunger for life occurs automatically as a feeling in this part of your body system, so I invite you to imagine that I invite you to my house where I am going to do this experiment with you on what is the true healthy diet for you because the conclusion is that everyone wants to know, do you know what the best type of diet is for me and I tell you that I will offer you all the foods that you eat and even foods that you don't eat if you think that they are healthy for you.
how i cured myself of chronic illness and reversed ageing darryl d souza tedxpanaji

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how i cured myself of chronic illness and reversed ageing darryl d souza tedxpanaji...

So you come to my house and contact him and give me this long list of food and I give you a room of your own, but you have all the facilities and even drinking water, but no food because all the experiments with food are going to end. it happens in my dining room at a very long table so you come to my house around 3pm and we just sit and get to know each other for a while we have a long chat and when it's around 5 o'clock I ask you You are hungry and look you say is it time for tea and how about some tea and some snacks and I ask you again are you very hungry because hunger for me is not a time on the wall or on the clock and what I explained to them before is what real hunger is now, why is this happening?
how i cured myself of chronic illness and reversed ageing darryl d souza tedxpanaji
It is the first law of nature that says that all eating beings eat food only after being hungry and from what I explained to you in the example that I made you think about it and check it yourself and you do not feel those hunger pangs, so when you're really hungry and a couple of hours go by and it's around eight o'clock and then you get to the dining room table and you see everything carefully laid out, you see a plate of vegetables and fruits and nuts and beans and peas and you also see that there is a live chicken tied to the leg of the chair, which is the ingredient of our chicken biryani.
how i cured myself of chronic illness and reversed ageing darryl d souza tedxpanaji
You see the meat of your life floating in its last breaths. That's the natural Bhangra that you ordered. You see a cut. freshly cut piece of poke ribs and that's the glazed pork ribs that you ordered now why I've made. this because I am following the second law of nature which says that God or nature or the cosmos or whatever you want to call it has provided every being that eats food in its natural and unaltered state and that is what I have given you, so look all this and I tell you to look at the poke one more time and you will see the detail of its skin. this hair there is mucus, you see severe bumps and arteries and fat and blood and the smell is quite horrible and you see, get me out of that and now they are so hungry, what do you eat first?
You go to the other end and pick some fruits and when you pick up maybe your favorite mango, you take in the fragrance of it and you say, wow, eat it, maybe leave a couple of mangoes, maybe some Chico's and then as they fill up, your mind comes into action. You need some protein, where do you get that form? and you pick up some nuts and some seeds and then you are full, so we call it food and you go back to your room, maybe you sleep, you go to bed at night and then in the morning when you get up you are very hungry again so you come to the dining room table and you look for the food again and notice that there are no fruits or nuts because I have taken them away, what are you going to do next? to eat the edible vegetable, what I call things like cucumber, tomato or carrot, next to it there is also some broccoli, some spinach, but you don't feel like touching them at the moment and there are the grains, the rice meat, the Live animals, dead meat, what? obviously you eat, you choose the edible vegetables, you prepare them as a meal the next time you are hungry and you come back, you don't see the individual vegetables and you only see the inedible vegetables, you are looking at them for a while and thinking I have never done this before but no there are options so good that you leave some and satisfy that pain and hunger in your tummy you may not need a full meal next time you are hungry and you come back even if that is not there you see the dry grains, beans, beans or rajma you say There is no way I can eat this, I have never done it before, so I play a video from National Geographic, but it shows primates when they eat hard grains. beans they put them in their mouth and they don't start chewing them right away, they keep them there for a few minutes and absorb them and when they soften they start eating them, so you have an idea of ​​that and because there is no way out you try the same thing and it works for that time maybe you don't need half a kilo maybe only 100 grams or 200 grams but your hunger goes away and then you think about it and you know what is going to happen in the next meal and you are there and even the grains are not there this time and you say hey, you know these are the scenarios that don't happen in life, this is a twisted experiment you're doing and I, just so you know, my friend, these are the In the simple seasons of the year you don't get fruits all the time. year, they come and go, the vegetables come and go, the vegetables come and go, and the next season comes, but when something is not there, we always make it to the next thing you know with the next best option, so now we do it You think and realize what's going on, but you put your hands up and say no way, I can't do meat and I tell you I can eat meat, but it shouldn't look like that.
The meat, can you please make it brown, orange or green? It shouldn't smell like meat. So could you add the fragrance of some herbs? I can eat meat, but it shouldn't taste like meat. Could you put some spices and herbs in it? it pulls on my tongue completely, it shouldn't even feel like meat, it's not that soft and sticky, textbook ribs, so can you brown it a little and by the way, also give me a spoon? So what's going on here is an ass, but the following law of nature that says that the God-given senses of every human being will tell them every time food is presented to them which is their food and which is not, so everything This makes sense to you now and I share with you the following law which says that you can only make the human body eat foods not designed for it once you completely deceive its five senses and this is what we do today with modern cuisine.
I could even feed you poison today, all I have to do is make you eat it, it's full of your five senses and you can die tomorrow. This is what we do with food today and why food has become our poison. I now work with over a thousand doctors, healers, therapists and very, very sick patients. three conventions on mind/body/spirit medicine. I have come to understand very clearly that 70% of all


diseases in society are what you call lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hormonal imbalance, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, They all come from food. the wrong type of food or preparing food in the wrong way, then what I am saying is that 70 percent of all these foods, that is, all these diseases, can be


if you eat the right type of food, this is what Edison said some time ago.
The doctor of the future will not treat the human body with medicines but with a way to cure it through food and that time is now and the people who are going to do it are you because no one else is doing it for you and you are all getting sick increasingly. By the way, this is what I had to do in 2004 to save my own life and this is what I ask you to do for yourself today. It is not a very difficult job. You know you already have all the senses you need. that thanks

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