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Apr 01, 2024
meet zotra, a


maine who beat up eus Master, but this isn't just about


. There's a new special build here that goes from being a full tank frontline to becoming a CC-dodging heal support item in a meta full of enchanters and healers dominating the bot lane. our player followed the classic motto if you can't beat them join them when he couldn't scale with his tank build he switched to a special healer build which also has great damage and of course great matchups for fights with your support also. He gains thousands of stats worth of gold every time he upgrades his teammates' items, making him a very high value support pick and this guy is very special and has some unique minion tricks to surprise your teammates. enemies and get early kills, and we also found a huge ornberg that will affect worlds, if I don't fix it before the tournament starts, let me show you how it works, but first let me tell you about the League of Legends app that can literally help you win more games .
how a healing ornn support got master
This is a poor teacher. A League of Legends overlay app. It's like having a support challenge at your side and unlike some supports, the Professor will never wander off and leave you behind, he will always be with you helping you in and out of the game from the automatic rune selection in the custom champion select settings. directly into your game. store that gives you the best build without the need to Tabulate Summon a spell tracker that shows all enemies and their spells every time someone uses one, you can click on the game overlay to start a timer that tracks exactly the cooldown with this feature also syncing with the other 8 million poor Professor users and of course there are many other features like statistics analysis.
how a healing ornn support got master

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how a healing ornn support got master...

After Game Pro creates jungle camp timers and much more, before you finish this ad and try to get to the Nexus, you can download it directly. now from the link in the description all you need is a couple of clicks and you will immediately have all these new tools to win more games and best of all it's free so there's no harm in trying it out make sure to download it. now let's go back to zodra and support a player with a story that started in bronze in season 5 after reaching level 30. Soldier quickly fell to bronze a long way from the Master level where we see him today immediately, his friends in that moment.
how a healing ornn support got master
She started making fun of him and of course he had to get out at all costs. Ultimately, his solution to this was not to pick a carry champion or even a carry role. He became a thresher and after fighting his way out of bronze, he began. Ranking up in Season 6 of the support game, he had reached Platinum with a 55 win rate on Thresh and then made his first Thresh build, but only entered outside the meta in Season Seven. He loved selections outside the goal like all of us, but more than that. He loved meta ways of playing, not following standard league rules and instead finding strange mechanics that he could use to gain victories.
how a healing ornn support got master
The first one was when I was playing Scion support and suicide very early in Dragon to help his jungler get free for season 8, he had a new trick playing support in ifia and using his wall to block the movement of minions and create really good waves for his teammate and even found a way to use the wall to block the blitzcrank hook using this crazy trick to stop the hook from working and eliminate one of Anivia's worst matchups. The tricks continued in season 9, where he became a flexible Q player and actually beat Challenger in this mode by playing alone while he rose higher and higher in this mode.
Their champions like to thresh Anivia and keep flying. He became much more difficult to play, he would throw an uppercut and the enemy would easily dodge it every time, so he needed to find a new support that he could pick against the best players and never miss a skill shot. This champion was ahead with the huge AOE hit from him. -ups on his e and ultimate, the ability to create terrain with his Q to block enemies and even the strange width of his W that would hit anyone in melee range was perfect, at this point he was still stuck in diamond tail and solo, but when he started playing, he would simply beat players who were better than him and in some matchups, like against hook supports, he could use his W to dodge CC by blocking the hook and making the enemy Champion completely useless, so in season 12 the ranker finally hit the Maestro with a classic tank with built in support and then it was all ruined by the durability upgrade.
Tank supports were pushed too far and removed from the bot lane meta and Awn was one of the victims, so that's when Zotra realized the dark path he had to take to turn. On a hybrid tank


enchanter and it was clearly worth hitting Master once again and becoming world number 12, the only one in the top 100 to even play him as a support, so I guess we can call him number one in support. and at level 1 he immediately starts doing one of the coolest tricks I've seen in the league, so the minions in this game have Collision, which can sometimes block players and this annoys a lot of people, but one One thing I've made sure of is that players can never force minions to do anything special at level 1, as that would actually break the game, so minions appear as ghosts when they leave the base, so similar to the summoner spell, but they can walk through the champions until they reach the lane, but Unfortunately, the riot has never met Zortra and he has found a way around this.
This is his minions trick. A way to split the first wave so that one of his minions always gets to Lane first and dies before the final enemies can get to him. they missed out on XP, which causes a lot of confusion at level 2, so Zotra can level up and enemies just don't give her an easy way to get early kills. The way he sets this up is really impressive. Sotra came out of a covering base. to invade and then at 40 seconds he walks back to his lane standing in the center of this platform next to his Tower taking his signal and pointing it at this Little Flower.
It is very precise when the minions reach the minute 10 seconds, he throws a q. which divides the first minion from the wave of the other five. This is the minion that dies first. He follows the wave of him to Lane by using Q again on the next Tower to split the enemies even further and then again on the outer Tower, leaving a minion. to continue alone and the rest having to walk around his pillar, the minion arrives at Lane being focused by the six enemy minions and this means that he will die before the enemies in the bottom lane realize this is so powerful because everyone knows that it takes 9 minions to reach level 2 in bot lane, so when enemies count the minions preparing, they will think they are about to reach level 2 and can start fighting, but then your 9th minion dies and they just don't get it because of this trick so they don't know what's going on until it's too late already at level 1 ontar Paul looks pretty good.
He also works on the other side of the map with a different setup, the same moment but a new place to stand and also aim. Q again using his Q on each of the towers, so when he finally gets to Lane, he's just waiting for this time bomb to go off. Ideally, he should also throw another q at the enemy backline minions just to keep the wave going, even otherwise the wave. they will quickly push you and may have a hard time getting to level 2 first, so then at level 2 the fight can start using your Q to push the enemy and take their e to get the huge AOE.
This ability is very difficult to dodge. Bot Lane because of how wide it is, also max this skill first on most lanes because it generates a really high amount of A.D by taking his w at level 3. He also now has 400 gold using it to buy Ruby Crystal with his passive which allows you to buy into lane, so you immediately have more power than the enemy can handle in a fight. He's surprisingly annoying to play against in bot lane because every time you use his Q, the pillar will stay there for 4 seconds, so this buys you a lot of time. to attack e if he wants or just leave it there for pressure, the Q only has a 9 second cooldown and the pillar is there for four, so enemies are almost always under pressure from this ability.
His ideal combo is Q to slow down e. to knock down and then W, after that he automatically attacks the enemy to activate the fragile for extra damage and power it up to get an early kill. This is the safest combo for Bot Lane and is a little different than Top Lane in the way it can also take W. at level 2, if you are against hook support, as this makes them completely useless for everything. lane, another big advantage has as support in this clip, while 80 carry bases to buy some items, but Awn doesn't have to, she can simply buy her items using her passive shop in lane, giving her extra time to wander around and make plays, you don't have to waste time running back to base and you can always stay at maximum strength by spending your gold as soon as you get it. having to join a fight with a ton of gold in your pocket and then at level 6 his massive AOE slows down to maximum.
This ability in Top Lane is good for chasing down enemies, but in Bot Lane it simply destroys so many champions that it attracts alts. through the enemy robot, Lane to land slowly and then headbutts them to knock them down and stop any of their escapes, following up with Q to set up another takedown with his e. Immobile enemies have no way out and even dashed enemies. You're still going to have a hard time dodging all this CC, you'll most likely be able to get a kill at level 6. The best way to do it is around this distance, so not max range, but not close range either, this distance It also gives you enough time to catch up to the alt and follow up with the additional CC.
You can also do this trick. Everyone thinks of an enemy and then switches targets to surprise them. This Tristana is modified to be launched into the air. They are launched into the air again. hits with w and then his jump is ruined by Owens' fragile auto attack. I'm pretty sure the auto attack even cancels her jump since the W creates knockback, but either way the damage is too much for her to survive without support, he's one of those pigs where if you die to him once, You're going to die for him over and over again until you lose your Tower and lose lane.
It's a very risky choice with a great long-range ult, of course, Audrey has to roam whenever she wants. It has a window to exit Lane, you can attach to your jungler or mid laner and use it for long range kills while you're roaming, you can even use this W trick to latch onto some of the walls and extend the range of your protection. The best example is this one in the dragon pit. Her main goal, however, is to set up a really good dragon fight, since her ultimate takedown is so strong in a choke point. If enemies start it, then you can take on your team.
He aims with his all to try to predict enemy movement and then follow downed targets, but here's a great example that, being also appeal support, this fight seems like a bit of a disaster once the teammates have low on health and they're stuck in the pit with an ultimate swing coming straight to clear them, but Dawn's ultimate launches the Swain into a full chain CC and a brittle peel and gives her teammates time to burst the hold until death, clearly orn is not just a caliber and since this video is about his


. Teammates, we should show how he plays more like a charmer.
You may have noticed that he needs glacial augmentation. This is because of how well it works with Orn's ultimate, giving you and your teammates more time to catch up to the enemy and follow them, but that's not the only reason the glacial slow also increases based on how much heel and shield power you have, so when you buy Redemption, this minimum goes up from 30 to 44, which may seem small, but it's a big difference when you stack it on top of the rest. of CC, so the healing synergy is based on his runes, healing is not only useful for keeping his teammates alive but also slowing down more CC and should be better as attractive support, in addition to this, Ultra He also usually buys.
The chains of anathema, which are great for making you even more resistant against a Fed enemy, butThey also improve your CC again, making you more attractive. This item increases the duration of your CC on your target, giving them 20 reduced tenacity, which gets even worse when you add their fragile eso. CC's duration extends up to this point, one has been pretty average as a support, has some cool tricks and a new build, level 13 is where it completely changes or now becomes a gold generator for your team. At this level, your Mythic item is upgraded to a Masterwork item and each level you gain after this, you can upgrade another Mythic item for your teammate.
Each of these upgrades has an approximate gold value of around a thousand gold in additional stats, and on top of this orn, for some reason, you also get four. additional percentage of HP armor and magic resist every time you upgrade one, making it even more tanky only for free, so the later the game goes on, this support continues to increase your gold advantage by an incredible amount, which is never a bad insurance policy to have in the solo queue you focus on. by upgrading your most fueled teammates to Mythic first and then any of your wielders, and don't forget that upgrading resets the item's cooldown, so for example if your 80k uses Gale Force Before a big fight, the upgrade will reset the cooldown giving them an extra Dash. to use at this really important time is a p.m. fighting champion, so the teamfights we all know are pretty simple, if the team is behind you can Alt from Far Away in a side lane and try to set picks or, if He is ahead, he wants to do it.
Get into enemies' faces and gain a huge advantage to buy time for your team to dive. This is the most shocking part of the game. I mentioned earlier a game-breaking ornberg that will probably affect worlds before I fix it. This mistake involves Owen. Ultimate and how slow he is in Pro play is one of those champions you see picked up and often even the worst teams start winning a lot more games for seemingly no reason. The error we have found is Ultimate OWN with the first one. throwing it should be slowed depending on how far it travels, so if you hit the enemy from the furthest distance it should be slowed by about 40 percent and should give you more time to reach them or if you are in melee range they only slow by 10 , which makes it a little easier for enemies to escape if you are already on top of them, the problem is that none of this works and Orange Ultimate always slows to the maximum, regardless of how far away it is, the slow percentage increases depending on the level, so it is different at level 6 compared to 11 and then 16, but because of this bug, the champion is much better in matchups. than it really should be, so I'd say Riot should probably fix this and here's a fun, maybe useless tip you can use: you can bend through a wall enough to enter a hexagonal portal, which which will allow you to make a surprise escape from the Pit or maybe even flank enemies, giving this choice a rating is surprisingly difficult and one of the reasons for this is that Zotro is not the best at playing macro, something he also admitted during our interview when you play with a roaming support and Making plays is one of your main jobs, all Challenger players do it, but Awn as a champion is directly against this being quite slow in the early game and also loves getting XP because loves to get to level 13 to get item upgrades and this. immobility continues later in the game, as does any support tank in solo queue, if you have a bad matchup or go too far you will die in that fight, so you will be punished for any mistakes you make, unlike of a champion like Janna or Soraka, who can sit back, run away safely, and continue contributing.
I think these macro issues and champion mobility are the main reasons why the qualifier isn't Grand


or higher yet, but the draft itself has a very low base skill requirement with your alt and enocher. being as good as most committed supports and his upgrades are much more valuable than almost any other passive support, so overall he's a solid pick that I'd say no player has perfected, so who knows how much better he can be this well for your heal Tanki in build, start with pretty standard steel shoulder pads, buying early ruby ​​crystal in Lane to get easier fights on your first mythic item for tanking ability, even trout is another good option, Besides being much cheaper than buying boots, of course, go for the tank. in Redemption for healing and also the additional glacial rise slow anathema is also good here if one of the enemies feeds, it reduces their damage and allows you to see them longer to shut them down or even freeze the heart if you are against many. from auto attackers then buy a rare item Watchful Guardian Stone, it is very cheap and has a special interaction with it.
The passive tank stats you gain from upgrades are multiplied by this item rather than simply added to it. The math is complicated, but basically it's very good. all night vote if you need to protect teammate mikhails for another healing option and take out a big cc or any of these tank items are also great if you need to be more on the front line for your own support ruins this glacial page It's his favorite part and the most interesting part for me is Ghost Poro, which he thinks is very strong and underrated. After the bounty dies it spawns and even after the poro dies it gives you a lot of persistent vision so even after enemies kill it they can still kill it.
You will be seen providing additional information within the fog of war that enemies will not know. You also take attack speed to make his frail easier to activate in Lane. Zoltra has a shrink link in the description if you want to see more about it. If you love meta supports like this and want to see more cool tricks, check out our Anivia support video to learn the crazy story of this other player and thanks again to the poor professor for sponsoring this video. I love the app. I find it really useful. Make sure to download it from the link in the description.
Thanks so much for looking.

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