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How to Heal Your Emotional Trauma & Past Wounds/ Lisa A. Romano

Apr 06, 2024
Today Lisa, a harmonica player, the innovative life coach, looks at me. I want to help people understand why it is so difficult for us to


and many private clients and my coaching programs ask me this question and I think you already know. I'm watching a video and sharing some of my ideas with everyone and I hope they resonate with you, so a little bit of the backstory when I was in my recovery, you know, you can compare that very dark time in my life, although it was a moment incredible of my life at the same time I felt like I was in a maze but I didn't know I was in a maze I just kept going around and around making the same mistakes highly reactive very depressed full of anxiety nervous heart beating out of my chest tunnel vision panic disorder whatever they wanted to put me on medication I tried it I hated it and it was a disaster like I was having spiraling stomach problems just a disaster and I was so afraid I was going to die and what started happening on the road to recovery was that I started to understand codependency, narcissistic abuse, and I also started to understand, oh my God, I'm in a maze, you know, because my mother did exactly what her mother did.
how to heal your emotional trauma past wounds lisa a romano
What she did: My grandmother was an alcoholic, but my mother was an enabler and Anna was codependent and she was afraid of her husband. You know, people pleasers and all that, and I realized that I was in the same relationship with my ex-husband and that scared the hell out of me. of myself because I knew that the same thing was going to happen to my children, that if I didn't wake up the same crack was going to happen to them, that's why I embarked on this journey to make my way and resolve it once and for all. for everyone and so I look back properly, so I sleep for over 20 years, when I started to think that something was wrong with me and research, read all kinds of self-help books, but none of them always ended up feeling that something else was wrong. there was more missing and for me the missing piece of the puzzle I read books about forgiveness I read books you name it I read it but nothing really resonated with me to the point where it lasted there was always something else or it felt good I read I read The Celestine Prophecy I remember that I felt so good to be alive and then I thought in a couple of weeks I went back to where the hell I was, read the secret and all that and again I always ended up back in the same place I bounced back to the same place for me the big breakthrough came when I started thinking about life as a hologram and how I realized that my grandmother, you know, had my mother and she added me and we were all repeating these cycles and then looking at my daughter and knowing that she I was going to do the same thing that mom did for my son and my other daughter, and then I started to realize that there was a place that made everything crazy like the womb was real, you know, and that was really it.
how to heal your emotional trauma past wounds lisa a romano

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how to heal your emotional trauma past wounds lisa a romano...

It was a big breakthrough for me because it was at that moment that I could see the maze at least like I didn't know what to do. I don't know how to get out, but at least I could see the maze and that's what I just kept digging deeper and deeper and deeper and then the more I dug, the more painful it became, but finally I realized that the only way out of the pain, you know, it's through pain, it's the only way you have, you can't leave anything. Otherwise, you know what you think you're doing right in five years, you feel bad again, right? children repeating the cycle of November so joyful that what I began to realize was that in retrospect it was what was happening to me in my life and I want to share it with all of you is this idea that I was becoming aware that I was much more and that everyone on planet Earth was so much more than they thought they were and I was getting out of my skull I was getting out of I was learning to serve myself and observe my experiences I was learning to be less reactive I was going to be less


and I was learning to observe my emotions and make decisions based on how I was feeling, but that's just in summary, but let me tell you, it took me a long time to be able to master that shit because that took me a long time to figure out, so I just want to share with you some ideas that I think might help a little bit, so we have to understand that where we are multidimensional human beings we are vibrational, in my opinion, we are physical.
how to heal your emotional trauma past wounds lisa a romano
They are psychological up here, I notice that we are unconscious and conscious, we have a mass consciousness to deal with, right? We are definitely connected to this mass consciousness, even if we don't think we are, we are


and logical many times when you come of a dysfunctional home. You are more emotional because you have not


ed yet. You're still in the reactive pattern trying to protect


self from further injury, so you're stuck but you don't realize it. You have to do it. Understand that you have energy centers both in


body and outside your body, and that there is no such thing as space, so you are a time traveler, although you probably don't see yourself as one which we all are and the number nine, you are . man and I mean woman or man, but you are also spiritual or at least you are an extension of the divine source that created everything, so you are not just this girl whose mother was an alcoholic and her stepfather sexually abused her, that is not the end of your story, you're not just a little boy who was abused by the priests at your church, you know, and then was abused by the Boy Scout leader and then attracted more abuse into your life, you know, you know, because part of a guy or whatever he was. your experience but it's not your fault and that's not the end of the story you are much more than that we are not our dysfunctional relationships with our children we are much more than that so let's talk about why and how we naturally stay stuck and We don't even realize how wonderful it is to be here in space time right now, to be able to talk over the Internet and receive these lessons for free on my network and awaken and illuminate what is really happening. forward so that you can begin to tap into what it means to be a deliberate creator and manifest a different trajectory and really do it consciously and I can speak with authority about this because not only have I personally done it in my own life, but I have coached so many people from the which has been heard professionally that they do too, so I'm not just talking out of my ass, in fact, this is true, this works, so automatically, start seeing yourself, especially if you're down and depressed and you hate your life.
how to heal your emotional trauma past wounds lisa a romano
Well, I want you to contemplate and reflect on the idea and the fact that you are a vibration will be that at some point at a subatomic level you are resonating with a specific frequency. one step further I want you to understand that the universe maintains order by aligning energies it is simply the way it works with similar energies study a magnet it is they it seems that opposites attract which study a magnet and you don't understand that that is not what What is happening, what is happening is that we are looking to complete a circuit with a magnet and that is why people get confused, but they know that energy is always trying to complete a circuit, which means it is always trying to attract something towards her experience that is like herself, which means that if you are resonating with depression, it is not your fault, but if you are not aware and you are not aware, you will continue to attract energies from the past because that is all you know, that It's all you know, so you're also a physical brain, right, so it's not that you're your brain, you're not really doing very well, but the brain is part of who you are, so you're multidimensional, so you have You have to understand that your brain likes patterns.
Eva, they stink, dear. Your brain likes patterns, because the brain can only play with the tools that are in it and the brain is all about patterns, right, alpha delta gamma beta brain wave patterns, the brain loves patterns, okay, like this that whatever was downloaded into you before the age of seven when we were in a hypnotic brain wave state becomes your pattern and the brain none now don't confuse the word like oh this is cool I married another alcoholic for another drug addict, yes this is too, you know, I married another cam, another narcissist, this is just great. that's not what the brain says what the brain says is oh this is familiar oh this is familiar oh this is familiar I know how to navigate this because I've done it before okay, it's like thinking about the reason why you're going the same way to the mall all the time it's familiar it's comfortable you know which exit to take correctly don't deliberately break those patterns i suggest you start doing that because that will help you in the long run so the brain likes the patterns are fine so your brain I'm also more likely to remember


than something stupid, in other words, like where I put my keys, it doesn't matter what matters is who hurt you, when and why now, why does that matter?
Because your brain is designed to hold you back. sure, the brain is all about survival, in fact, the body is all about survival, right, the body is your best friend, right, you know, you pass out, your body is going to breathe for you, you will fall, Someone hit you in the head with a brick, your lip. it's still going to work, chocolate pie of your kidneys, they're still going to work, it's amazing, your whole body, you know, you overdose on drugs, your body, your hearts, if you're lucky, your hearts will still be fine, your lungs Are they still breathing?
If you're still going to exchange oxygenated blood with inoculated blood, it's amazing what will happen. In other words, you are built to survive. Now your brain will remember the


because it wants you to avoid it. Alice's dream. Hello Alan. wants to follow us once, greet you when it comes to the company camera, come, come, no later women, so you should know that your brain is designed to remember trauma because it is trying to keep you safe, that's not your blame, so, but this is. If you are unconscious, you could go to the next channel, but when we are conscious we don't know what is happening, we don't know if we are resonating with a certain frequency on a subatomic level.
I don't know that our physical brain likes patterns, even if they are ridiculous, the brain likes patterns, so that brings me to the next, the next point is that you also have to understand that you are psychological, so you are not just vibratory. not just a physical brain, you are not just a physical body, your psychological, you have an interior, you have an ego, you have a superego, right, you have an aspect of yourself that has these instincts for survival and desires and So you are the ego that is constantly trying to mitigate the environment and the needs of the environment, so think about a three-year-old who knows that his little sister is crying and knows that he is trying to get a bottle for her. the sister because she knows that the baby's crying is going to make mom or dad angry, so let's imagine that the three-year-old is acting as the ego to mitigate the needs of the egg with the environment, the superego is really whatever.
The authorities in your life and the influences in your life have been downloaded onto you, so imagine you're a girl who you know is looking for an extra scoop of ice cream and mom's super super skin and she has maybe an eating disorder and You know she has her own problems with food and she looks at you like that and you know what the look means, you count, the look, how dare you, hey, what are you going to do? Just stuffing your face with ice cream, now you know, so that's mom transferring it. problems with your daughter just a look oh a scoop of ice cream this is serious it's okay because that ruins us and that becomes part of our internal dialogue fighter for psychology part of the voice and narrative of the inner critic you have to understand your part of the be psychological too, so you also talk about consciousness, will you?, it is what it is, we are unconscious and conscious and 95% we are unconscious 95% of the time, so all those decisions that you think you are making, it is not your your brain or your subconscious mind is making those decisions we are on autopilot it is what it is would you have gotten married maybe you would even say yes but if you watch this video you would probably say no but you would have married the person you married if you were aware if you knew what your vibration would be if you knew that this is all about patterns that life is a hologram you would have married that person you would have had that conversation that went into action if you were aware if you knew that you were dealing with a narcissist who couldn't hear you well or with such silent listeners, they don't listen, they feel entitled to exploit people, that's what they do, they have no empathy so if we were aware we wouldn't be.
By doing these things, you have to accept that until you awaken both your unconscious and your conscious, but the amazing thing is that that is a fact, which means you can work on your state of consciousness, you can get out of the template, can you? you can break the labyrinth, you can create a new trajectory, which is so amazing, that's what I want to teach you, you have to understand too, dear, but there is a thing called mass consciousness, there is a consciousness of this planet, right? , and although we You may not be aware of it, it affects us, think about racism, you are not responsible for racism, did you createthe racism?
Sorry, racism, I'm NOT responsible for racism, I'm not, but you know, and all the genocides and all this terrible stuff. terrible and tragic things that have happened to humanity you are not responsible for it and I am not right either, we no longer have to participate in those old energies and that consciousness, those lack mentality, we do not have to participate in it and we can really create a new reality , TRUE? and the new reality and the new earth that begins with us, thank you Eckhart Tolle, that begins with you before there can be a new experience of consciousness, someone has to give birth to it, so that's what you're a part of, but I love you. to know that there is a mass consciousness, so think about how you feel about certain religions, where does that come from?
Think about how you feel about men or women, where does that come from? Think about how you feel about people who have three Ferraris in their hands. garage Where did that come from? Where did that awareness come from? Think about how you feel about money. Where does it come from? Where do these ideas come from? So we have to accept it. Think about how you feel about Trump or Hillary Clinton. Think about how. Do you feel where that came from? Because today we have the media and we have the Internet. It is very simple and very easy to access mass consciousness.
Now you have to be careful with the types of energies you are harnessing. In my opinion, lack is not an energy that we should harness. That is just my opinion. I'll leave it there. I just want you to understand why it's so hard for us to get unstuck because all of these things happen inside of us. all of us at the same time and yet we think we are what we are. The narcissistic husband just said no, you are much more than that, believe me, so now you are emotional as well as logical, you know you can figure out which bag to use. buy right or you know you can go to the grocery store and figure out what to buy for dinner and why you know you can tell your child okay, no cookies until after dinner, you know what, no cookies, how about an apple later?
At dinner, you can be logical, right? But you can also be very, very emotional, and when the wonderful brain activates you, you can be very, very emotional and lose all logic. Well, dear, we have to accept that we can be emotional and logical in the moment. The goal is to really balance ourselves and become emotional and logical, but in a balanced state so that emotions do not override our ability to be illogical. You want to be logical with your emotions, which means you have to have the ability to observe your emotions. without causing you to react to them, which has to do with the brain in the amygdala, the hippocampus, blah, blah, blah, come back, so you have to understand that there are energy centers in your body and outside your body , so you really exist in a field.
Even though you can't see the field and you are part of this field, so we absolutely discharge the emotions, remember that energetic emotions are energetic emotions, so you know that energy actually emotions are energy in motion. I hope I said it right, so the emotions. They are energy in motion, so it is important that you realize that you have the right energy and depending on what you are thinking, which really depends a lot on what your belief systems are, which depends a lot. of what is in your subconscious mind, which largely depends on your childhood. which largely depends on what happened with your mother and your father and their childhoods and their growth and their mother father and so on in order for us to have energy centers in our body you must expand your perception of yourself with certainty you have to understand that your energy centers can become completely blocked.
You could have a problem in your chakra system or your energy system. Your energy system. In your neurological subsystem. You could have a problem. flowing when the energy is not free flowing through our body we can become blocked and when the energy is blocked our system is corrupted it does not behave you know with the natural laws of the universe think about the earth it is always rotating and the universe is always expanding it's always about growth it's always about moving forward, you know, the universe, the earth doesn't take two steps back, you know, I think today I'm going to go the other way, we don't experience the earth going in one direction and in doing so , it's By the way, we are gaining speed and we know it because the distance between the stars is expanding, so the universe is definitely gaining speed, so you know what we have to be in tune with that, otherwise we won't survive, we'll get sick and he won't survive that's for another video though okay so number eight darlings there is no such thing as separation you have to understand you are a time traveler what do I mean by that?
I mean, everything is happening at the same time, but because of the way the mind works and because of the way the ego works and because this is a space-time reality, we don't understand it and that's okay because in On earth things have slowed down and I know this is a stock market, you know it and I know it. that I have to walk around the couch, not across the couch, because I might fall on my face and break my nose, break my teeth, so I need to understand this space-time physical reality here and now, but IMHO, I think We're all time travelers, so when I'm in the now and my lovely husband tells me something in the same tone, right, and this moves the same way, maybe my ex-husband moved in with my dad and he tells me something as simple as him, right, would take me back in time because that's where the brain works, the brain goes.
I remember when that happened, it was a painful event, remember this, so remember, remember, remember, but this is what maybe I don't have the memory and I may not have the memory, the hippocampus stores memory and many, many reasons , well, it could be a trauma like denial suppression, dissociation, my, my hippocampus may not have matured when, when the event occurred, well, it may not have the ability to connect its trigger to a memory that is not my fault, let me blame, the body works in its own way, but what could happen is that I am out of my consciousness, because really 94509 5% conscious, if that I will feel this, really my body will be flooded with this. little information because it has been stored because I have not yet learned it clearly and it will flood my system.
My sensory system will be flooded with the same types of feelings that occurred when I was hurt the first time someone said yes, right when they really were. They're really making fun of me when maybe they were embarrassing me in front of the crowd or in front of some friends' boyfriend or whatever. I won't know that my gut feelings are in relation to what happened in the past in the now and I will. I don't know that experience is now dictating my future so now here Anthony says something very innocent but I'm in the past because I'm a time traveler I just don't know and I'm reacting to it in the now.
I know I'm being very verbally abusive to him now because he pissed me off, right? That's rationalization in reverse. I have to rationalize my behavior. Who did that? He is the congruent tool boy's brain. Am I doing much to share that today? I hope you keep up. Just take. notes rewind the tape watch it again yes but anyway I digress but anyway yes I am in the now reacting to it and I am not conscious so I am a vibrational being and I am creating my future reality so later Anthony and I are not talking and then he says something here we both fall down the rabbit hole as a couple and I'm recreating the past I feel abandoned I feel hurt I don't feel alone I feel like no one cares about me Blah blah blah blah, blah, so we are time travelers, so you have to expand your consciousness, you have to understand that you are more than what you think you are.
The good thing is that you are a man and I mean women too, but you are. physical man, but you are also God and those of you who have problems with spirituality and don't believe that you are a spirit, okay, whatever it is, many scientists don't believe in that. I never, I don't know, put anything on us. in movement it is very difficult for me to believe that everything is by chance like the colors of a peacock and its way of dancing during the night. Seriously, like I'm looking at a flower today. I think you are not only beautiful as always, the master designer.
Why do we need flowers anyway? If humans are not supposed to be enchanted, then why are there flowers? fragrances you know like I know they have to attract bees oh my god I'm rambling again sorry I don't mean to do that anyway back to the number nine so you're a man but you were also God source so what What I mean by that is that you are Tom, you were, you were a Harry, you are a Sarah Sarah and you would kill whoever you are right, but don't take it the wrong way either. You were also mom and dad.
Grandma and Grandpa, aunts and uncles, you are everything and everything is you, you cannot separate yourself from your mother nor can you separate yourself from the creative being or the entity or the infinite intelligence that created you, so yes, you are a physical being, right, and I don't. I don't care. what your circumstances are. I don't care if you're in jail. I don't care if you've been dealing drugs, you know it your whole life. I don't care if you're part of a gang. I don't care I don't care, the reality is that we all do what we do based on our experiences and what we believe and what we have been taught to believe about ourselves in society and I do believe that the world is a place scary and my mom and dad are all about survival and they tell me this is a terrible place.
My mother and father kick me in the face and abandon me. Obviously, I'm throwing away, you know, I am. I think everyone is out to get me and me. I'm in shock mode and I have to protect myself and if that means I have to hurt you to do it based on my experiences, that's what I'm going to do. I'm not saying I condone that behavior, I'm just saying that. I can see how someone you know came from a really crappy home environment who never felt loved or accepted and saw terrible things in their life, you know, and at the age of five, you know, I experienced hunger and sexual use and neglect and poverty. and all kinds of abuse different kinds of abuse that you know and have lived with people who have taught you that you have to take advantage of people to get ahead you know that life is hard and it sucks and people are going to Fuck you and with how many of I grew up with it.
I grew up, my father told me that the world is hard and that people are terrible and that everyone just takes advantage of everyone, you know why, who said that, because I hate to say it, my father felt he had the right and my father had very little empathy for people and that's how my father thought the world was and that's why my father is a scared old man right now who doesn't know how to enjoy his life and his grandchildren don't run to him they don't want to have anything to do with him because he has a mentality of lack, that is what I have no relationship with him, but that is his perception.
I can accept it, it doesn't mean I like him, he's just fine based on his childhood programming and his experiences. Now I also know that my father vibrates at a certain frequency and it is going to attract to his experience that she resonates with whatever that means and I am not responsible for that dear, I hope this helps you understand that you are a sewer . incredible to be multidimensional and you know we have to break through, we have to overcome our limiting beliefs, we have to understand what happens to us when we are children, we have to understand how the brain works correctly and how it processes information and how the universe works.
It works and how we are we're not really programmed for recovery unconsciously recovery happens consciously and that's hard it's a hard pill to swallow because a lot of us are trying to save other people and the reality is I'm not a religious person. don't do it but there are infinite reasons in the Bible it states the truth makes you free or it is how it calculates that it will make you free and ask and you will receive people that we are trying to save who are not asking us for information they cannot be saved so you cannot save your narcissistic mother or your narcissistic sister you can't save your alcoholic façade you can't see if you're a drug addict you know it brother you can't save them you can lift them up in love and light you can imagine them you know in a different place at a different time you can't resonate with pity you can lift up your own awareness about this person and say I refuse to see this person in that light you know my husband has a friend who's who I was diagnosed with some pretty serious illnesses and I remember holding on to myself talking to Anthony because I could feel myself falling down the road. down the rabbit hole because he loves, loves this man so much, but I held on to my energy and my own conscious understanding of his friend and I said to myself in my head I refuse to see him that way I don't see him sick I won't resonate with that frequency and I go to bed at night and I imagine his friends saying that everything is fine everything the doctors don't know what happens with luck the values ​​are good I'm not kidding that's what he now tells us every time my husband calls him says my values ​​are goodthey're not interested interested by doing chemotherapy I'm defending myself I'm not saying I did it you just know oh my gosh but what I'm saying is there's a benefit to not seeing people as they are in this. moment and see people from a different angle from a different perception and hold on to your vibration and see people the way you want to see them and it takes awareness unconscious people can't do this they are going to perceive people the way they that they have always perceived them people think about their programming and what they have been taught to believe about people and to heal the world we must become aware you must become aware, deliberate and responsible for your vibrations, for what you are thinking, for what you're talking about and what your intentions are, so take back the criticism from other people, take back the criticism of yourself, try to do what you can to sit in love. and light and understanding that you are a multidimensional being and the more you understand all of your various levels, I need to go deeper into the minerals that you are.
I haven't even gotten into that, but you know a little bit about proteins. But what I mean is that if you can expand your consciousness in terms of who you think you are and what you are, then you have a chance to get through the maze, you have a chance to not get so trapped, you have a chance. In you you start to understand what you should be doing, that's right, you start paying attention to your frequencies, your thoughts and your beliefs, and that's where you can start, so name these ideas. It is my pleasure to enter your hearts and homes today.
I hope you check out my upcoming shows, follow me on Facebook and Pinterest. I have a lot of really interesting things going on right now and I would love for you to take advantage of that and continue to resonate louder and louder because I'm going to tell you that saving this world is going to be an inside job, it's going to be a grassroots job and I'm really excited to help someone who You know how to move forward because I'm thinking about future generations, I'm thinking about everyone. the pain we save the planet when one person heals all the darkness that is just banished forever and I think about the light that comes when someone heals it's really cool so I love my job so in a way thank you for listening namaste and As always I bow to the eternal love and eternal light that you absolutely are, goodbye for now.

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