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How fast can 8 people beat Mario Odyssey?

Jun 18, 2024
So, a while ago, Craftyboss was able to create a mod that made online multiplayer possible in Super Mario Odyssey. Since then, we've played a lot of hide-and-seek and even done two-player speed races, but that wasn't enough. I wanted to push Odyssey. The speedrun time reached its limit, so I wrote an extremely complicated route and invited seven of my friends to try an eight-player speedrun with me. That's how it was. Oh, and if you liked the video, be sure to subscribe. It helps the little alpharad ant a lot. grand pooh bear fail ship black skin cunning boss and I were ready to start the race let's go in are everyone ready yes yes okay I'll count us in three, two, one, come on, eight players and we're all just going to watch.
how fast can 8 people beat mario odyssey
As Mario, let's see who can skip the first scene the


est. I'm spamming the button right now, it goes oh, that was a pretty good jump for me, oh, I'm


, why am I like the last one? None of them have hats, come on, come on. I don't know who I am to begin with, we all had to finish Cap Kingdom as quickly as possible. Nico was the first to finish, so in Cascade Kingdom he fought Madame Brood while the rest of us got the first moon and bit the rocks. It was here that a couple of


's games froze, but since it was our first run, we went ahead and tried to fix it.
how fast can 8 people beat mario odyssey

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how fast can 8 people beat mario odyssey...

Wait, my game is broken. What's going on? I'm soft. Wait. How did you self-block? I'm really observing. the game i just go to sand in the sand kingdom alpharad went to the oasis to get three moons there nikro got the moons in the city the little ant fixed his game and got a couple of moons and while everyone was getting moons I cut out the inverted pyramid to defeat Harriet for a reason I will explain soon once the sand kingdom was finished everyone was divided into the lake and forest kingdom in the late kingdom a small ant ran towards the range boss while failboat and alpharade picked up the rest of the moons to leave in the meantime. in the forest kingdom, Fur started by entering deep forests and collecting five moons there, Nikro got this tree moon, then clipped it out of bounds for a quick move and grabbed four more moons to finish his part of the kingdom.
how fast can 8 people beat mario odyssey
The cunning boss killed this rabbit and got the moon on the rock and grand pooh bear got three moons but it took them a while to find the nut around the corner moon what am I doing now where is the nut in the corner ? I don't know where the note in the corner is, I mean, it's like this, everything is fine. let the lake go to the forest with the lake and the forest kingdom completed everyone just had to go to the kingdom they didn't complete deposit those moons in the


and move on to the cloud kingdom each player had to


Bowser at the same time, which It looked amazing then it was the lost kingdom, this kingdom moves extremely


so only a few


had to get moons while the rest waited for the


how fast can 8 people beat mario odyssey
Now you might be wondering what I've been doing all this time. Well, you might remember that I went to the pyramid and


Harriet in Sand Kingdom. The reason for this was to unlock Warp Paint in Metro Kingdom using a complicated and precise cheat called CRC. I was able to teleport Cappy and access Metro Kingdom early. This means we can basically be doing three realms at once. During this speedrun, you also skip the wiggler mecha boss fight, which usually adds about 3 minutes to the speedrun. With this crazy strategy, everyone will be able to enter Metro Kingdom and leave immediately since I already have the moons or that's what should have happened unfortunately.
The other seven players defeated their kingdoms much faster than I expected and I couldn't think of the best route to get metropolitan moons, so they arrived a little early and had to wait about a minute for me to finish collecting moons, but I'll fix it in the next round, so wait, what are we going to do? So if we show up tonight, I'll get all the purple coins. Yeah, that way we can buy some costumes. That's what I did in Sand Kingdom while you guys were playing. Let's play a mini round of hide-and-seek, come on, I say, let's play tag, but you gotta stay down, oh, okay, okay, okay, hat, that's because that's it, yeah, Aaron, oh no, oh no , careful, I got it, I got it.
I'm grabbing it, come on, come on, come on, now that everyone was finally able to leave, they separated in the kingdom of snow and sea, the first alpharade grand puber and nikro went to the beach, there was some confusion with the route, but nico got six moons, pooh got two and alpharad was nailed. it's out of bounds clip to get the last two no i got it i'm trimmed yes in the snow kingdom little antskin sly and fallboat rush to get their moves fallboat has goomba room sly has the moons in the poison room the little ant has three moons lying around and Fur got three moons and then performed an incredibly hard jump called Snowdramp to finish the kingdom.
I just want everyone to know that I got Snowdram on the first try while all this was going on. He was traveling through all the kingdoms depositing the moons in the odyssey and striking. bowser on the road with snow and beach ready, everyone moved to one of the most open and complicated realms, okay, I'm at lunch to start lunch, the little ant entered the spiritual fight and at the same time, the fur got three moons and then they all died. respawn in the spirit arena I'm almost getting the moon you're going to die soon you should be able to go right now after this fight Smalling got this pillar moon, then the salt pile moon and got both moons in the fork subarea nico got the the cheese story the moon picked up a couple more and then got the meat multiple moon at the top of the kingdom should grab the multiple moon yeah, grab it tight, yeah, just grab it, everyone do the odyssey, I'm here, those damn moons get it They managed to get four moons in the city, while the cunning and the big pooh bear got the last three even with a lot of confusion on the route.
I don't know what the lava boost is for but I guess it's to get to the mountain moon and get to the lava bubble sub area I already screwed it up I'm just going to leave okay I got it has anyone done the branch subarea? I already did it, I made forks, I made four, I'm going to make slots, I'm going to make slots, we. I'm ready, someone already did it, yes, we already have spaces. I don't think we have the communications in this case. We still managed to get out of lunch in less than 29 minutes.
It only took one person to beat the dragon boss fight, so I did it, are you guys? I'm not coming to the dragon to give cj tomorrow sport no no no no down here it's okay you know I'm going to hang out with you cj have fun in your fight he's okay okay I just killed the dragon I just killed the dragon everyone else They are clean and waiting in Bowser's kingdom, rushing to the ogre's story, the failed moon got this moon behind the odyssey and the little ant got another moon using a pokio once the ogre's moon was collected using the same strategy of death that in the lunch kingdom, everyone reappeared in the ogre oh wait now oh now he's dead now die and the little ant came forward to get the story of the fragment there die die yes die okay I'm going to kill topper and harriet later From doing the death warp again I ran towards topper and harriet boss fights, then everyone went to beat the mech.
I'm entering the fight. In this version of the mod, each player had to beat the mech fight individually in order to progress to the lunar kingdom. This was fixed later, but unfortunately it caused us to waste some time. This executed them in first person and then it was time for the Lunar Kingdom again. Everyone had to go through the Lunar Realm individually. Some of the racers weren't very familiar with the moon cave jump, so we wasted some time teaching them how to do the trick. I will teach everyone that the race time ended when the last person finished the Lunar Kingdom and our final time was around 55 minutes and 32 seconds.
This race was still faster than a player's world record, but there was a lot to improve. Parts of the route were not timed correctly and as no names were assigned to the moons, there was a lot of confusion and loss of time on the route, but we decided to do another race next week, so there was plenty of time to sort everything out. With this we got a world record, guys, no matter what we have to worry about, that first run was very happy, it was a lot of fun, I'm excited that it's more optimized. I'm going to look at it and edit it. the route a bit over the next week I worked on the route, color coding, adding names and reviewing everyone's runs to see any mistakes and problems I might face, then came race day which we spent about an hour on and practice anything that people don't fully understand, okay, so there are some things on the route that we need to go over real quick, okay, I have to do the dss right or dsta, okay, that's what I meant, so I remember the last time you could.
I didn't understand what the cable was or not, did you figure it out? Yeah, I found the corner nut, it's right around the corner and then we started three, two, one, this race was crazy, everyone was on their games in Sand Kingdom, everyone knew exactly. what to do besides this, a change in the mod made it so small that an ant could beat harriet instead of me so I could skip the cutscenes and get to metro kingdom sooner. I just got the crc and then metro kingdom came up with a brand. New route that made it possible to obtain the required moons much faster.
The weather still wasn't perfect, but we were able to leave the kingdom much faster than before. Furthermore, each kingdom was much more efficient. Since the new route made it easier for everyone to know which moons they were supposed to get in Bowser's kingdom, the new changes in the mod and the new route helped us get through the kingdom in the end, only one of us needed beat the mechanical fight, so I went ahead and didn't toot my own horn, but I crushed it a little. Were you getting it? Was it making you feel good? I obtained the acquired objective.
The only kingdom left was Luna. Oh, I failed. Oh, I am completely. Oh, I almost made it. Can. I can't skip this, I don't know where the second jump is, we still have like 42 minutes left, oh my God, oh my God, I got it, I got it, come on, I got it, I got it. I'm in, there were some issues on the moon cave jump and Crafty had some bugs in the 2d section. uh oh, I missed, I failed xd, come on, I missed Etsy again. Sorry, I can't, I didn't. I'm not trying, but in the end we all finished and won the game in a crazy 44 minutes and 15 seconds 44-15, come on, it was ridiculously fast this time, but there are still some points to improve, there were a couple of glitches in Luncheon and Bowser's Kingdom, oh.
Guys I'm frozen in fragments, restart the game, no, okay, someone in charge, I don't know, okay, go get it, yeah, I'm getting it. I don't know if we can get shards guys I'm just frozen wherever it's small and I grabbed that moon like it's right under it and now I'm stuck here I can literally move the camera and that's it like I'm still stuck in these scenes as if this could be a problem and there are still a couple missing. times with the route, but for our second race we were all incredibly proud of this time.
I hope you enjoyed this video. Be sure to check out everyone involved and a huge special thanks to Craftyboss who is the only reason this was all possible. possible anyway if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe thanks for watching

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