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How EVERY Harry Potter Character is RELATED (All Family Trees Explained)

Jun 28, 2024
foreign families in the Harry Potter series and almost all of them are


in some way. We're told from the beginning that most of the True Blood families are


, but when I look closer I realize that it's not just pureblood families, but almost



in the series. It's wild in this video I'm going to break down the entire


tree in the Wizarding World and we'll see how over 150 different


s are related It's completely mental completely mental of the world okay so we'll start with Slytherin and the Pavaro families we have Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts and the three Pavaro brothers, Antioch Cadmus and Ignotis, the brothers who accompany the origin of the Deathly Hallows, we know for sure that they are related because Cadmus obtained the Resurrection Stone. which would then be passed down and placed in the emaciated ring and that brings us back to Salazar Slytherin from Slytherin, we have the emaciated gormlith from Family First missing and his sister Rhea is not gone, Riya is not gone, it joins us to the Sayer


when she married William Sayer. and together they had a zolt Sayer, one of the founders of the American magical school, Ilvermorny zolt, would marry a Muggle man named James Stewart and together they would have two daughters and at the same time adopt two boys named Webster and Chadwick. connects Terry booed a Ravenclaw student during Harry's time before Zolk had his own family, although his aunt Gorm was gone, he killed his parents, Riyanak and William Sayer, and Gorm would eventually meet his untimely death as well.
how every harry potter character is related all family trees explained
Blue thought that was the end of the emaciated one. family, but that was just the end of the emaciated American family. There was actually one more overseas, in England, called Corvin, who left and is the ancestor of Marvel. Agon Marvolo had two children, Maripi and Morphin, who left and Maripi would link this family tree to the Muggle family. known as The Riddles, she and Tom Riddle senior would have Tom Riddle Jr aka Lord Voldemort, so so far we have seven families connected to each other. Slytherin pavaro gaunt boot Sayer Steward and riddle dating back to the Three Brothers pevero ignores iolanthe pavaro's ancestor who would marry Hardwin Potter Hardwin Potter's line would eventually lead to Henry Potter, who was the son of the mistress of Mrs.
how every harry potter character is related all family trees explained

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how every harry potter character is related all family trees explained...

Limond on the deathbed. Mrs. Sliman asked her son Henry to keep her mating name alive, so when Henry had a son she named him flea montpad air. Combining the surnames of his mother and his father, Flemon Potter would eventually marry a woman named Euphemia and together they would have a son named James Potter. James married Lily Evans and together they had a son named Harry Potter. Lily also had a sister named Petunia and she would marry Vernon Dursley and together they had a son named Dudley, so now this adds four families to the mix: The Potters, the Flamingos, the Evans and the Dursleys, which means that 11 families have been connected before continuing with this line. although we start a new line with the black family, it starts with four members of the family Phoebe Alexia Eddie Juarez and lycorus black of the four only one had children and that was how Horus married magenta callos and they had three children together cygnus octurus and misopinoa black Mr.
how every harry potter character is related all family trees explained
Pinella married into the Billswick family and added another family to the mix, while Cygnus Black married a woman named Ella Max and together they had four children, Eldora Isla Phineas nigellus, who you may know for her portrait in the headmaster's office, and Sirius Black, the First, Isla married into the Hitchens family when she married Bob Hitchens, however only one of the four siblings had children and that was Phineas nigellus black . He married a woman named Ursula Flynn, which connects the Flint family to this list, who you may remember was the last name of Captain Marcus Flint of Slytherin Quidditch together Phineas nigellus and Ursula had five children cygnus Black II phineasbach II Sirius Black II Arcturus Black II and belvina black Sirius Black married Hesper Gamb and together they had three children as Horus regulus black the first and actors Black III Octurus III married a woman named Melania McMillan who connects Ernie MacMillan to another character during the time of Harry Arcturus III and Melania McMillan had two children: Orion and Lucretia orian Black got married while Burger Black, so we have a bit of incest and Together, these cousins ​​had a son named Sirius Black III, which is the series of the original series and its brother Regulus Black II.
how every harry potter character is related all family trees explained
Both brothers died prematurely, so their line ends here and we'll come back to Walburga in a second. Even Phineas Nigellous Kids reviewed Sirius Black II, so now let's move on to his brother Rockturbus Black II. He married Lysandra Yaxley, who eventually became involved with Corbin Yaxley during Harry's time. Then Octavis II and Sirius Black II's brother Cygnus Black II married a witch named Violetta. bolstroud that connects all of these families to Millicent Bowstroud, a small but semi-significant character in the original series. I already have mine militant, second and violet, reinforced, she had four children, Marius Cassiopeia Pollux and Doria.
Doria married Charlie's Potter and coincided with all these families. With the families we went over at the beginning of the video and they connect even more, but we'll come back to that later, going back to Cygnus II and Violetta's children, the only one of their four children who had children was Pollux and he married Irma Crab. which now links the Crabb family to all the other families and of course we know the crab family well as Vincent the crab was one of Draco's friends and his father with the same name was a Prominent Death Eater. Irma Crab took the surname of Black Pollock and they had three. children cygnus Black III Alford black and his sister Walburga black, who we already reviewed because she is the mother of Sirius and Regulus, while Burger's brother, cygnus Black III, married Rego Rosier and yes, that is how they pronounce together , they had three daughters, Narcissa and Ramada, and black Bellatrix before we go over the three black sisters, although let's go back to Regal Rosier from her mother, this obviously connects the Rosier family to the rest of the family and of course we know well to this family, since Evan Rosier was a Death Eater in the original series. and in the Fantastic Beasts movies, one of Grindelwald's loyal followers was Vinda Rosier, going back to the three black sisters, Narcissa Black married Lucius Malfoy, which adds another big magical family to the mix and it's a family who has many ancestors prominent in Wizarding World History. he made a video on his own family tree, if you want to watch it it's linked below, but anyway, together Lucius and Narcissa had a son named Draco Malfoy.
Draco would later marry a story in Greengrass and together they would have a son named Meanwhile, Scorpius Malfoy, Bellatrix Black's narcissistic sister married Rodolphus Lestrange and married her into the Lestrange family, which of course links us to Lita. Lestrange from the crimes of Grindelwald. Also worth mentioning is the addition of Corvus Lestrange to his brother who drowned as a baby. although the distanced family tree is complicated because it only records the man, while the women are represented as flowers, my father obtained a very strange family tree, it only recorded the men, the women in my family were recorded as beautiful flowers separately, which means it's hard to follow these


, so we'll leave it at Lita and Corvus being part of the larger family.
The sister of Narcissa and Bellatrix and the Black drama also got married and had a son. She married a muggle boy named Ted Tonks, much to the disapproval of her family and together. they had a daughter named nymphadora nymphadora then married a man named Remus Lupin which now brings the Lupine family into the mix and they had a son named Teddy Lupin so that was added to the list of family relationships in addition to the 11 that we already had. now we add 16 black tripe more bilshwick Hitchens Flint gamp MacMillan yaxley crab bostrode Rozier Malfoy greengrass Lestrange Tonks and Lupine that was a lot so now that brings our total to 27 different related families now we're going back to lysandra yaxley as her and octurus black II had three children, Cinderella Charis and Calidora Kadora, married Harfan Longbottom and added another important family to the mix.
They had two children named Algae and Augusta Longbottom, who was Neville Longbottom's grandmother and the person who raised him after his parents were attacked. Augusta. of course, she gave birth to Neville's father, Frank, and he and a woman named Alice had Neville, then Neville eventually married Hannah Abed, a Hufflepuff girl who was actually in her year at Hogwarts and dated back to Octurus II and Lysandra's children, his daughter named Charis. She married a man named Casper Crouch, adding another big name to the list and together they had a child named Barty Crouch senior. Bodhi senior followed the father with the body of his son Crouch Jr, but killed his father and of course received the kiss of the dementor, meaning that this was the end of his line and the third daughter of Octurus II in Lysandra was cedrel of lack and she married Septimus Weasley, which brought the Weasley clan into the fold and could see which three children, one of whom was Arthur Weasley, Arthur married Molly Pruitt.
Bringing the Pruitt family into this and working backwards for Mali, she had two brothers named Fabian and Gideon, who died fighting for the Order of the Phoenix. We don't know her mother's name, but we do know her sister's name and Muriel was Of course, the aunt who was prominent at Bill and Flair's wedding, honestly, boy, are you sure you did you know? And Muriel's brother Ignatius also married Lucretia Black, just adding another connection between the Weasleys and the blacks. There was also a mention of Ron's great aunt Tessie in the fourth movie Smells Like My Crayon Jesse, however she was never mentioned in the books but I thought I'd mention her anyway so now Abbott Crouch Weasley and Pruitt, the latter are added to the list of connected families, bringing the total to 32 families, that's crazy.
Going back to Arthur and Molly Weasley, they had seven children Bill Charlie Percy Fred George Ron and Ginny Bill married Fleur de la core and together they had three children Victor Dominique and Luis. This marriage also connects other members of the Delacour family as Flair Sister Gabrielle and her parents, George Weasley, married Angelina Johnson and had two children together, Fred, named after her deceased uncle, and Roxanne. . Ron Weasley married Hermione Granger and they had two children together, Hugo and Rose, and eventually Ginny married Harry Potter, which is actually the second connection the Potters have to this tree together.
Harry and Jenny had three children, James Albus and Lily, so with that three more families are added, since we have the decorators with the Johnsons and the Gray Rangers, so in total there are 35 different families in the Harry series Potter related is absolutely wild, it's completely mental, isn't it? There are some important families that weren't connected, like the Fools, the Scammers, and the Love Goods, which I'll go over in a second, but first let's look at Some interesting things to point out: This means that the entire turia was related to the Malfoy crab and Goyo. Harry and Voldemort are related.
Harry and Neville Longbottom are related and three of the ancient rotors are related to each other, as James Sirius and Lupine are all connected. In some way, the t-shirts are also technically related to almost all the main characters, including Voldemort, the Weasleys, the Malfoys and even Sirius, which is funny when you think about Vernon watching him on the muggle news and complaining about his hair, now the families that were not connected. some of them are connected in their own right, for example the Goldstein sisters, Tina and Queenie, are related to the Scamander Newton Theseus brothers because Newton Tina marries and eventually has a grandson named Ralph Scaander.
Ralph's leader marries a member of another major. family as he married Luna Lovegood and together they had two sons, Lord Cannon Lysander and with Dumbledore's secrets, Major Spoilers are coming your way, by the way, skip to whatever time is on screen. Queenie, of course, adds to the family tree by marrying Jacob Kowalski. which means that almost the entire cast of Fantastic Beasts is related, this also means that almost the entire cast is related to Luna Lovegood, xenophilius Lovegood and Luna's mother Pandora, and Dumbledore's secrets were also expanded in the family tree of Dumbledore, they are the only family that can't. be connected to any other family and again spoiler alerts go off whatever time it is on screen, we find out that Credence is actually aberforth's son and his real name is Aurelius Dumbledore and he gave Albus a nephew, overall, It's pretty crazy how closely bonded each one is.
The family in The Wizarding World is, like I said, we're told from the beginning that almost all pureblood families are related in some way, but I don't think I realized the extent of that.until I made this video, hopefully. You guys enjoyed this one, it was definitely fun to make, it took a lot of research but it was very satisfying to see how this all turned out. Shout out to Gandalf 117 on Reddit for the way he created the family tree I used in this The video is linked below if you want to watch it anyway, that's all I have for you today.
I'll see you in the next video. Thank you very much for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video. You can follow me on Instagram to see more. from my personal life like my cute dog Loki and some behind the scenes stuff from the movies. I also do similar content on Tick Tock and Twitter that I do here on this channel, so if you like what I do here, check them out. All identifiers are correct. below me and the links are in the description, here are my wonderful patrons, if you want to be featured in the next video and get some other perks become a patreon today, as always if you liked the video hit the like button and subscribe and stay tuned for more great movie videos on their way overseas.

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