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How did the Orbiter Vehicle work? (Space Shuttle)

Jun 04, 2021
Spacelab provides additional



for scientific experiments. Astronauts can float into the access tunnel. On the left side of the cargo hold is a robotic arm called the Shuttle Remote Handling System, known as the Canadarm. This was a contribution from Canada. It was operated using buttons at the back of the cabin. They looked directly out of this window. The Canadian arm has been used to pick up and transport payloads into


, as well as transport astronauts. When astronauts put on their spacesuits and go out, it's called extravehicular activity, EVA. Astronauts put on their suits inside the airlock and then open the portal to exit into outer space.
how did the orbiter vehicle work space shuttle
The airlock was removed from the mid-deck on later


missions and another airlock was installed inside the payload space, a system called the "orbital docking system." Here is the air chamber, the load-bearing structure and the upper docking mechanism. This is how the space


was able to dock with the International Space Station, allowing astronauts to move freely between them. The shuttle does not have batteries or solar panels. Instead, electricity is generated beneath the payload compartment, and you'll see spherical tanks for hydrogen and liquid oxygen. In the front there are three fuel cells. Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity.
how did the orbiter vehicle work space shuttle

More Interesting Facts About,

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