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How Dennis Rodman kept Shaq at 0 Points - Master Mind

Jun 08, 2021
Hello, good morning everyone, how are you doing? I'm Sean David, welcome back to a new episode. Let's talk old school NBA in today's episode. I want to talk about how Dennis Rotman held Shaquille O'Neal to zero


with an incredible defensive performance. but before we get to that, I want to quickly thank my patreons. Thank you all very much for supporting the program. I appreciate it a lot. If you want to support this show, check out my Patreon account. Well, they already said, let's go diving. Just in today's episode in the first half, oh, watch out, wait a minute, let's see how the refs handle this.
how dennis rodman kept shaq at 0 points   master mind
The advantage is three entrances and exits. Rodman rebounds timeout Chicago and Percy throws the ball, watch out, here comes O'Neil sitting the last two. and that's called


uille it's an offensive foul he can't play with me one on one I mean the rules are one arm and the arm has to be in the middle I mean he puts two hands on his back and a knee on his crotch I still can't hold it, so I want to say, but this isn't a



shack thing. Now let me take you back to the early 1990s when Shaquille O'Neal joined the Orlando Magic and became the most dominant force in modern NBA history when Shaquille O'Neal was drafted with the first 1992 environmental draft pick by the orlando magic the entire league was shaking it's been a while since a rookie came into the league and automatically destroyed everything that stood in his way even though the orlando magic were a relatively new franchise , everyone could see that


and his team would be a force to be reckoned with even with the league's best big men, such as patrick ewing, hakeem olajuwon and david robinson, who had their hands full with these sensational and powerful young men, eight out of 10. from the floor by Mike Price has 20. a steal back to him yeah yeah back to him way to set it up scotty pippen we've been waiting for that big big pass scottie pippen yeah I love it this is what I'm about to do I tell you it was actually a fact that players actually called in sick just so they didn't have to play against Shaquille O'Neal.
how dennis rodman kept shaq at 0 points   master mind

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how dennis rodman kept shaq at 0 points master mind...

Can you believe it? When the teams were preparing for the games they would play against the Orlando Magic, they would come up with the legendary hacker shack tactic to put Shaq on the free throw line to at least have a chance, now let me fast forward to the year 1995, while Shaquille O'Neal was already the most dominant big along with Hakeem Olajuwon, there would be another team to make a lot of noise, of course I'm talking about the Chicago Bulls and their newly acquired Dennis Rodman, who was already known for being one of the best defenders in all time, now that the Bulls would play the Orlando Magic, Dennis Rodman would get the job. defending shaquille o'neal even though he was much smaller would be a sensation



has had some success playing with shaq even though dennis only weighs around 218 pounds he has a strong lower core capable of pushing shaq around a bit more far from what he wants no double team came there if the double is going to come it is going to come from the strong side of the field of the passer who enters shaq in 1996 shaq joined the los angeles lakers and was laying the foundation for a future dynasty but the current dynasty was the chicago bulls with michael jordan scottie pippen dennis rodman and of course an incredible supporting cast watching the bulls play the lakers was always a pleasure but not always for shaq the game I want to talk about was December 17 1996. the bulls were still advancing in the league and the los angeles lakers were a power in the western conference and in the first half of the game the los angeles lakers were destroying the chicago bulls and especially shaq was taking the bulls big scottie suffered that shoulder problem while surfing in the pacific ocean ah, good baseline move for shaquille o'neal now jones goes back up to the ground and o'neill good pass and he's well expanded now in the last two minutes of the first quarter o 'neal, well it didn't work 25


in the first half only for shaq only at one point the lakers were up by 22 so in the first minute of the second half shaq lost four points to bill's victory before phil jackson she finally reacted and put dennis rodman in the shack and the rock man did what dennis rodman does best to defend himself she got help from her teammates there okay they go overtime she lives under the shack it's out of their hands and he will go to two coats this training times I guess he had no choice jones takes it low for shaq is against rodman jumps in front of the truck excellent dribbling in fact we should do it just reporting a good total so far tonight he has 27 points and nine rebounds May 12, 18 from the field 23 of those 27 in the first half throw the ball to the baseline in the corner for shaq boy that pass has to be precise jack drive goes deep if he traveled he was not fouled it is due for a basket, goes deep and gives Kersey a 20-foot shot from the veteran.
how dennis rodman kept shaq at 0 points   master mind
The rebound is nowhere near Rodlin's cutter. Leading in the rebounding department is now 13th as the Lakers defense leads by just eight. That's near the Chicago bank out front. yard cross cart passes campbell 235 play shackle they have two baskets yes and a great bulls defense smart foul smart foul by shaquille o'neal another guy who is not a great repo shooter that no one talks about is scotty pippen from very early on in the third quarter, he has 27. maybe this is his moment at the front door, then there are four minutes left to play, this is the strangest game in certain places that you will ever see falling into the hut fifteen in the triple clock is no good again the rebound timeout is called by robin, that's stupid, rodman, his teammates fall to the ground, jordan picks him up by his shirt, he said you want to provoke the ball game, the bulls came back from a 22 point deficit To send the game into overtime, Dennis Rodman made two crucial free throws. but even more importantly, he held Shaquille O'Neal to just three shot attempts from the 22nd minute onward, including overtime.
how dennis rodman kept shaq at 0 points   master mind
Incredible. Now you can say what you want about Dennis Rodman with all the crazy things he's been doing, but when it comes to basketball. and especially for defense, there is no one better than Dennis the Rutland Worm. Alright, that's it for today's episode. I hope you enjoyed this video. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a like if you liked the content. See you next time. in the basketball time machine, take care and goodbye, this program is brought to you by Jam Time Machine Radio, the best of old school black and pop music. Visit and listen non-stop to old school black music in pop music.
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