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How to Build a Basic Fuel Table from Scratch

Mar 29, 2024
foreigner welcome back to the GSP YouTube channel, today we are going to make an interesting video, I don't know, I think for most of you who are starting out and have asked me to do this so many times and I have never done it. We're together for the sole reason of, um, just time and really having more interest in a little bit more advanced stuff, but um, the day has come and hopefully I'm going to watch a pretty short video. I want to do this for about five or ten minutes about


ing a


map from


, just a base map, we're just going to


something that we can


ally start the engine, warm it up and start the tuning process, but this will take you to the stadium, um.
how to build a basic fuel table from scratch
We'll do it the first round with just a NA engine and then we'll go ahead and do a three bar map just to show you the difference between the two, but to be honest with you, if you can build a basemap on a it's very easy to extrapolate that. to make a momentum map, so I'm going to go ahead and just jump in here. I have a generic map loaded right now and that's not going to matter because look at this. I'm going to highlight the whole thing, yes, I'm aware that this button exists and boom is the end of nothing and this is the moment where you shouldn't panic because everyone wants to think, oh no, what do I do now ?
how to build a basic fuel table from scratch

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how to build a basic fuel table from scratch...

It is not so difficult. Here it is. The way I want you to think about this is the interesting part about working on five. Some guys like speed density. I like the Ve. The reason I like the Ve is because I tune a lot of different things if you have a really good idea of ​​what five three LS is. Engines want a velocity density map, so that's great, but if you try to translate that to a 454 Big Block or a 302 Ford or uh, you could do four and six cylinders and there's all kinds of things you could do, that would cause that


, that map is wrong because let's be honest, for a na53, I really sincerely hope that you're flowing more fuel through a 454 Big Block um or a 565 or a 632, then you'd be in a regular old five three. or let's say even a 4A so ultimately fuel is just liquid horsepower, the more horsepower you make the more fuel you need to flow now, how much more you need to flow depends on a lot of things and we're not going to get into it. into all of that tonight, but the most important thing is to understand that a volumetric efficiency


will really get you very far for all kinds of different engines, so I can say with pretty reasonable confidence as long as our RPM range is about the same. and I think for most people watching this video it's probably going to be that we can make this happen pretty quickly and easily.
how to build a basic fuel table from scratch
So how am I going to start? This is super easy. Let's just say if you have something else. that the stock cam moderately to really aggressive, a camshaft, then it will be idle at about 50 ve, if it's really aggressive, it could be 38 40, if it's fairly mild, it could be 65 percent, uh, a stock cam, maybe 70 75 something like that, but anyway, just take our idle region, no matter what manifold pressure it is, let's take this entire region here, let's say 500 to 1000 RPM, and I'm going to make that 50 percent okay and The nice thing about five is that it follows the maximum torque, so if you have a really aggressive camshaft then you might peak our cup at 5000, if you have a soft camshaft maybe it will be more like 37 50 or 4000 and a Stocker might be closer to 3000 32.50, something like That anyway, based on how much camshaft you have, just choose where you think your maximum torque might be.
how to build a basic fuel table from scratch
Let's say I have a medium cam, so 4500 is where my maximum torque will be, so I'm going to highlight the cells. you know, thousands of the thousands from the left to the right half of the map and I'm going to write for a Holley map, let's say 110. so there will be our peak torque and you really know with a low vacuum manifold you're definitely not going to have more than five idle, so down here on this bottom row, let's call this 50 percent and in peak horsepower, if I achieved peak torque if I achieved peak torque uh in the 4250 4500 range, then my peak horsepower will probably be around 62 6500, so right here we're going to go out and make these cells at 95 percent.
You're always going to do a little over five at maximum torque and you'll be about 10 to 15 under that. as much as 25 when you're at full power, okay, so I'm going to get some sales in this region and I'm going to click the r key, which is the fill row value just like here and I'm going to do Exactly the same thing until here. I'm going to fill in the row values ​​and let's make this row here be 90 and this row here can be 92 and then this is an easy column fill, click the c key, okay, now here. that thing over there, you highlight it, you gently click twice one two and start the engine.
It's not exactly what it will look like. I can tell you that right now it will look more like this. In fact, I'm going to adjust this to Let's change this, so control right arrow twice and let's grab the bottom left control arrow twice. I'm going to fill the values ​​in the rows on the right here and I'm going to smooth that out a little bit. closer to what it will look like when you're done, however, you don't need to do that because in the end you'll never end up hitting these cells down here and there's a good chance you won't hit them. cells down here that will probably end up here at the bottom, the reality of the situation is that when you start the adjustment process, all these little points will be fixed and it's no big deal, so right there is how to build a basemap from


in five mode um just for reference if you want to see what it looks like there's our fuel flow and I'll give you a little trick here um this is this is the bonus round for the N A version of this number up here in its power area maximum, that number will be about half the power it will make, so this engine at 6500 will make about 440 horsepower.
I don't even know what this is. It doesn't matter, but the main thing to remember here is that this is the flywheel horsepower and this is


ally 0.5 bsfc, which is why I say this number is half of what you're going to make, so keep that in mind. that's a gut test, you know you can look at this and if you're used to looking at speed density, I don't want to go too far on that because I want to do a little bit Boost the map here real quick, so I'm going to change this map sensor. of one bar, let's do a uh, let's do a three bar here and now I don't want to scale anything because I'm going to do it myself, so all of this says that my manifold pressure has a much larger range than n a and what you need to remember it's 105 or technically 101.3 kPa is atmospheric pressure or zero pounds of boost and for the Boost guys, I'll switch back and forth a few times. but we're going to go ahead and change this to map to PSI, okay, so basically I just have one bar here or there's no boost on this left y axis.
Now this is how I do it. Well, this is a super simple way. For it to do that, you really need to take everything we have here and condense it, so what's the easiest way to do it? I'll just take about half of the medium. I'll show you what I'm trying to do here. in just a second I'm going to take a little bit less than that, like this, okay, I'm going to copy it and paste it, okay, not quite there. I want to take a little less than that. Come on, uh, let's go in here and take what I found there and I'll explain why in just a second, so copy that and we'll paste that too, okay, what I'm trying to do here is establish where I'm going to put the in the middle of this


, so I'm going to make this place right here.
I'm going to make this zero like this and down here, it can actually be anything, some low vacuum or a really high vacuum and low manifold pressure, so it's 20 right now, which corresponds to 11.6 PSI negatives, so I'm going to take from zero to negative 11.6. I'm going to press the r key to fill the row values ​​and it's basically done. that for me, every time I put that on that zero, now I have a three bar map sensor selected, which means I basically have at my fingertips here I have 44 KP or 40 yeah, 44 psi, sorry, worth the pressure from the collector, but the first 14 and a half of that is n a, so I actually only have basically 30 um, actually 29.5 or something like that, no matter what your map sensor reaches, you can put it in the cell higher or at the maximum amount of momentum that If you are ever going to get it right, it doesn't have to be that way.
I can put 14 right here. My map sensor may be larger, but I can make it 14. In this case, I'm just going to put it at 30 for the sake of the video. and the same deal highlight press the c key to fill the columns now here's the interesting part you really just need to grab this deal right here from zero all the way up let's do it this way I'm going to grab the zero line right here I'm going to press Ctrl C or copy. I'm going to set that to the top value. I'm going to press or to do a shift and multiply it by 1.2 so we can have a A good number, here's a news flash, it's not going to be that high, but I'd rather you consume a little more fuel and let it take closes than be the other way around to say your closed loop doesn't work, so I'm going to take this row, I'm going to go to the top here.
I'm going to press the c key to fill the columns, fancy, fancy, now what do the white cells mean? That means I don't have enough fuel injector to support the engine at that time. amount of boost and that amount of fuel flow given that amount of five um I'll show you how to fix that real quick uh so I can show you that it works you only have 30 pound per hour injectors look at this if I put hundreds in there oh look at that now I have enough fuel flow so anyway I just want to end this here because I want to be a quick and easy video for anyone who just wants to do this on the fly.
Sorry, I always talk too much about these things, but I want to be as informative as possible. This is not a one-size-fits-all situation, it is a one-size-fits-all situation. I want to emphasize that it is quite easy to make a basemap. so it's completely sufficient to start the engine it's not for you to go out and make power groups on my gas map that's not what I told you to do what I told you to do is build a base map here to get started and then Start the adjustment process now, what is the adjustment process in a matter of 30 seconds?
The engine starts. Set the throttle position so your IAC is set correctly. Take the car out. Take a short cruise around the blunt. Make sure you Return the idle and everything good does your cruise region, which will basically be low here, 2000 RPM ish range, half your manifold vacuum and then once everything looks good and this is in stadium, then you can go up and form a power pole at I don't know five fifty five hundred RPM if you have an LS to turn seven, turn about three quarters of what your RPM range will be just to get an idea and if you get it in here and you need 30 extra fuel you should probably stop and figure out which injector isn't working or figure out why this is bad maybe you came here and touched the displacement oh man maybe it was a 372 instead of a 364 or a 427 on instead of a 364.
That might cause you to have a big error, but you don't, you're not going to have a 50 error on this map because if you do, something gets misspelled and you're out to lunch, it's time to stop and find out. what's going on. It's enough. You know the deal. I have to say it like: Subscribe. Share it. I'm definitely trying to get to a thousand subscribers. Maybe I can use some time. to make more of these uh if that's the case and anyway happy tuning and if you ever have any questions you can message me on old YouTube or email me and I always help everyone out as much as I do.
Possibly time permits, so thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed the video, thank you foreigner.

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