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How Brian Tracy Went From Rags To Riches

May 04, 2024
foreigner welcome to the show it's a pleasure to have you here thank you Jason uh it's like being with you you come to us from Bali I've been to Bali I've been all over Indonesia I've also traveled 125 countries and given seminars in 84 countries so I'm not familiar with the way people sell all over the world and the differences are not that big. Surprisingly, it's not that European ways of selling are dramatically different from Asian ways of selling. Selling and Chinese are different from Indians, Indians and Chinese are different from Australia and New Zealand, the essence of sales is very similar around the world and once you master the fundamental skills, it's like learning how to build a building once you know how to find the land, clear the building, build the foundation and then build the walls and roofs, you can do it anywhere in the world and I learned this when I was young, I was struggling to fail, I lived in my car, I lived on the floor of my friends' houses in apartments when I was moving forward and I finally learned that the essential skills that you must have in any field and once you have those skills, you must continue to strengthen them, you must identify your weakest skills and work to eliminate them and identify your skills. stronger skills and work to improve them more and more and sometimes just one idea here can transform your life, transform your career, transform your income and you will be able to become the top 20 percent of the highest paid people in the world in sales, anywhere in the world.
how brian tracy went from rags to riches
If you learn the right skills and practice them over and over again until they are like inhaling and exhaling, you could go anywhere in the world and sell effectively, so those are some of the things we'll talk about today. I love that you tagged that. as a skill because I think one of the most important skills for success is sales, but you know there's a lot of stigma, we have an uphill battle when I started talking about selling with love, some people raise an eyebrow and I know you. In particular, I've noticed that some people may have a negative perception about sales, but you label it as one of the hardest jobs in the world when some people think, "oh salespeople," they barely do anything and only collect a commission check.
how brian tracy went from rags to riches

More Interesting Facts About,

how brian tracy went from rags to riches...

Why would I say that it is one of the most difficult jobs for those who may be skeptical because anyone who starts selling immediately learns that it is not just a matter of making a presentation and receiving a check. Let me start with my own story when I speak and I have already spoken. For millions of people when I speak, in my notes next to it I write MOS my own story and that's why I always try to give an example of how this thing that I am teaching has affected me and what happened is that I worked as a child I started washing dishes and I


from washing dishes to washing cars and from washing cars to washing floors my wife always gives me things to wash I tell her she wants me to keep my hand in she wants me to stay alert washing things and that's just a joke, but from there I


to work in a factory.
how brian tracy went from rags to riches
I worked in sawmills when I was 23 years old. He was an itinerant farm worker who lived on the farm in the farmer's barn and worked all day and ate with the farmer's family during the Harvest and it didn't pay well, except it actually paid well during the Harvest, but when the Harvest was over , the itinerant agricultural labor is no longer employed and the only thing I could do is go into sales, so I went into sales back in and out and I was not afraid to sell. I discovered that hunger is a real motivator for a job job, so I was selling a 20 item from office to office to business people.
how brian tracy went from rags to riches
It was a kind of credit. card to go to restaurants and if you presented the rest of the card you would get a discount, so a person could buy the card that only costs twenty dollars and use it once and if the meal was big enough it would pay for itself. It was like a discount card and I thought it would be easy to sell. People would just take it out of their hands. Well, it turns out I started learning the worst words in the world from Sally. It was so let me think about it. let me think about it let me think about it leave me some information why don't you call me again uh in a week a month or something like that but it was never yes it was always an excuse and that's why I used to get up in the In the morning I thought well, if I made more calls according to the law of probabilities, we would make the probabilities ourselves, so I get up at six in the morning and get ready and make my first call at eight o'clock. in the morning and I started knocking on the doors of offices and factories and talking to executives, people who had twenty dollars to buy a card but no one bought anything and it was always the same, so let me think about it, leave me some information.
Think about it, let me talk about it with my friends, who else do you know? I know you may have bought one of your cars etc but it was always an excuse not to take action and I thought there must be something defective with one of my products if no one was willing to take action and after about six months would make a sale, eat food, is the word, pull the right grass out of the ground with your hands and feet and, um, enough. to live week after week sometimes I didn't do feet or just eight once a day I say that uh learn to sell make a living selling without selling property proper sales training is the fastest weight loss program in the world, uh, You can, you can, I lost about 18 pounds when I started selling the first few weeks and months it was bleak and finally after about six months there was a salesman in our company named Pete.
I still remember Pete and Pete made 10 times more than anyone else. more and I arrived at the office at nine or nine thirty I left it at 4:30 or 5. I went to good nightclubs and good restaurants I had a pocket full of money, I was earning more than anyone else and so one day I did something that changed my life forever and I still remember it I said to the guy who came up to him and I said Pete, what are you doing different from me? How come you are making so many sales and doing so many things? a lot of money we are selling a simple product at a low price in the same market to the same people under the same conditions and yet you are selling 10 times more than anyone else so I still remember it because it changed my life he said well uh show me your sales presentation and I'll critique it for you, I'll give you some feedback on it and I said well I don't have a sales presentation, he said well how do you sell?
I say well I go from office to office and I tell people I have this really cool product and if they buy it they will make money or they will save money and they will be happy they did and he said well that's not how it's sold, he said don't sell by telling this we call it a challenge we say counting is not selling whatever you find yourself telling about your product means you have gone off the chart you are not selling anymore he said you sell by asking questions I still remember this, he said come with me and we walked across the street from the office, sat in a park on a park bench and he said, I'm going to show you the pre-sale process and he walked me through a series of questions that he asks a potential client and he's in charge. very general questions.
He said that he must be sure that he is dealing with a genuine potential client, not a suspect. A potential customer is someone who can and will buy and pay for your product within a reasonable period of time. At this point, a suspect is simply someone who is breathing and may or may not be a potential customer, so the first thing you should do is ask questions. and ask them about this and ask them about that. The most important part of selling is that the potential customer likes it. you know they like you and trust you and believe in you now, how do you build trust?
The three words that had a huge impact on my life forever were the words listening builds trust and if you're in sales, write this down. write it on your hand write it on your wrist remember talking doesn't build trust talking in a way turns people away asking questions and leaning forward and listening carefully builds trust and people can't buy into it until they reach a certain level of trust where they They feel safe enough to accept your recommendations, so the way you build trust is by asking questions and listening carefully to the answers, by the way, if you are a single man and interested in dating girls when you meet a girl, don't Don't talk to her or try to impress her, ask her questions about herself, but the more questions you ask about the other person and listen carefully to the answers without interrupting, the more they like you and the more they trust you and the more they open up to you, nothing will destroy a budding relationship. faster than talking non-stop, so this is the first thing I learned is to ask a question now, what kind of questions do you ask?
Will you ask questions about what they are doing now? and what are their plans and hopes for the future and how does what they are doing now work and are they open to a different or better way, etc., but you ask questions that qualify the person before you start mentioning your product. In fact, in many cases the customer or prospect doesn't even know what your product is in the first part of the sales conversation because you are more focused on asking questions. The beginning of your conversation is to build a friendship. trust and listening builds trust, remember that, so I went out instead of talking, talking, talking, talking, I just ask questions, listen, lean forward and pay attention, and another thing that builds trust is when you write down the answers of people to your questions, what the listener shows, that you really care about what they say, that you are not bothering them or playing with them, so ask questions, listen carefully, ask follow-up questions, write down your answers, etc., so that the potential client realizes that you really care. about what they want and then you can ask more detailed questions, for example, if the person never uses your product, there is no point in talking to them about how good your product is, so you think that the first thing you started was a La question is: do you use this product or would you use it?
Would you find it useful? And that's what I started doing and I went out and what Pete did was take me with a piece of paper and draw a funnel. the document and a general question, then a less general question and then I like, I like the word seven, so I worked out seven questions from the general to the most specific and then after the seventh question you start making the sale, so I went out and did it all day and the clients behave differently towards me, they lean forward, they offered me a cup of coffee before they made me sit in the waiting room and brought me a glass of water and now they take me to their Offices. and they offered me a cup of coffee and uh they were interested in buying from me so I said no now what are you doing he said well uh have you read any books about sales and I still remember that kind of saying are there books about? selling I have read 6,000 books in my life.
I'm a voracious reader, as you know, I've written 91 books and published them in 55 languages, so I'm pretty knowledgeable on the subject of writing and reading, and um, I said. Are there books on posters? Where would you get them? Well, you get them in a bookstore, which made me feel pretty stupid, so, since I love bookstores, I went to check out the magnitude of the bookstores and then I went down to the bookstore. I have any books on sales, they said yes, they are in the business section and I went there and there was a wall of books on sales.
I still remember the first book I bought on sales. I looked, I didn't have that much money. I looked at the book and they found a paperback called How to Sell Well and that's what I wanted. I wanted to learn how to sell well. This book was written by a man named Heights of Goldman. I was from England and I read. the book from start to finish and I read it again and here's a guy with 30 years of experience to explain every part of the sales process as you understand the product, how you find customers, how you position yourself against the competition, etc., and That's how I read it. book and I was Aaron every time I learned something new I went out and practiced it I practiced it immediately and this is very important if you learn something new put it into action immediately now here's the second thing nothing works at least it doesn't work the first time and what most What people do is not learn and if they learn, they postpone trying the new idea and if it doesn't work they immediately abandon it and go back to what they were. doing which wasn't working either, so this is what you do, when as soon as you learn something new, you apply it immediately, you try it.
I would get up and go straight to an office and use the new stuff, and if it was a good idea, it would work for a little bit, and then if you used it over and over again, it would work a little more, a little more, and pretty soon people would start to respond aggressively and started making more sales in a year after using aggressively. By dedicating myself to reading, learning, and testing my sales, my income increased 10-fold, and over the next year I was allowed to recruit and train other salespeople. In my second year, I had 95 salespeople in six countries working under me and from whom I was earning commission.additional and then I started training other sales managers and soon I had all of Southeast Asia under my control and I made more money than I ever dreamed possible and it came from learning how I started studying a philosophy about this. time I don't know I'll show itThere are many topics, but one of the things I studied was Aristotle because Aristotle was the greatest thinker of all time and what I learned from Aristotle was the law of cause and effect and what Aristotle said, which is basically the basis of all science, all mathematics.
All philosophy is that the law of cause and effect is that there is a reason for everything that happens, if you want something to happen, find someone else who is getting that result now and do the same things they do, and if you do the same things, they do it over and over again, you will soon master the skill and soon you will get the same results as them. I have easily five million sales graduates worldwide. My audio show, The Psychology of Sales, which I produce for Nightingale Kona, became a best-seller and is the best-selling audio show in multiple languages ​​in history and people have literally gone from




with the psychology you are selling because they have become rich.
Nightingale Kona to produce the program said that more people have become millionaires and more salespeople have become millionaires. with sales psychology more than any other sales influence in history, one of my clients that I really admired when I was growing up was Xerox and Xerox had an organization called Xerox Learning Systems and what they did was develop a sales system and then they sold the system so if you wanted to train your sales people you would call Xerox learning systems and they would charge you a fortune to train your sales people well so I really admired Xerox because they were very successful and then they fell out of the sky and their sales system stopped working and then what I found and this all happened over a period of years but I found out that Xerox had developed the xerographic printing system and this system was basically the only way you could duplicate a letter except write it yourself itself, it was with xerography, which consisted of printing it through a cerography system, so they went from store to store and people said: "My God, this is to save a fortune." I mean, you can actually produce dozens to hundreds of books if Well, then Xerox sent their people out and they all bought Xerox systems with both hands.
It became one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. The sales people got rich because everyone could write it by hand or type it on a typewriter, which I did at one time or you could get a photocopy machine and if Xerox became the world leader and everyone said "wow", their sales system is miraculous, they go out and sell to everyone and then um uh Rico and several companies from uh uh Japan uh, when the patent expired uh and Madden came out, they developed their own machines that are far superior to the Xerox machine, much better, cheaper and faster, etc., and literally Xerox stopped being the kings of the world that they were.
Just one, many companies that made Xerox machines and instead of having this miracle sales system that they sold to other companies, they found out that they didn't have any miracle sales system, they just had a patent on a cerography process. and all the other companies that I know because I trained them, they all hired me to train them in sales, so for me it was wonderful, but I found out that this, the cause and effect, was that Xerox had the patent and if you wanted, they wanted to copy a sheet of paper, you had to use Xerox or do it by hand, what happened when their patent expired is that now they had to sell based on competition, speed, quality, price, etc., wow, so I started studying the science . of sales and I began to put together Sales Systems and people came to my system my first specialty my first public seminar to seven people my second I was 12 my third I was fourteen my fifth I was 20 and the next seven are 25. in two years already I had twelve thousand people attending my big public seminars in huge auditoriums and what I did was I put together a sales system with seven parts and I said here are the systems, the cause and effect relationship if you followed this system little by little.
It's a bit like a recipe if you mix the recipe in the right quality and quantity of ingredients in the end and the sales will come and they did and people got rich and it used to be that you had to work hard to get it. people to come to my summer soon. I had the best promoters who would hire me and they would go out and put a team in a city like Chicago and they would bring a thousand or two thousand people to an auditorium and I would come and teach my The system and my system was very simple and it still is to this day. today.
In fact, I'll just tell you the system and here's something interesting: it's like a beautiful dish if you don't make it, if you miss one of the ingredients or if you have the wrong quality and quantity of the ingredient, you won't make the sale, at the same time. Just like if you make a dish, your dish won't taste very good if you don't put the right ingredients in it, so I started taking these ingredients and found out that your weakest ingredient or key skill sets the level of your income. Now this to me, I said it still sounds like your weakest key skills, that's the level of your income, so one of the things you have to do.
That's what you have to say well if I'm going to be great at sales where I'm weak that's where you start because that's what holds you back that's what determines the restaurants you go to the car you drive the house you live in everything It's determined by your weakest skill and so what you do is you start by going after your skill week and I remember my weakest skill was closing sales closing on the sale and here's an interesting thing is that if you're not good at closing the sale You are not good at opening the sale because something happens inside you if you know that every time you get to the end you ask them for the order and they discourage you or make an excuse or ask you to call back later, you soon get discouraged and lose the enthusiasm for calling and making calls in the first place, yeah, because what the heck you can make 10 calls, talk to 10 prospects and everyone will say no, so this is one of the biggest killers and me.
It took me years to understand that these people sabotage themselves with the thought in the back of their mind that they're not going to buy anyway, so they're not excited about making the call in the first place, so I realized of that and I realized. That closing the sale was the key psychological barrier for me, so I started reading, studying and submitting information about closing sales and then I put together a program and the program is called the art of clothing in the sale and it became the more popular. the only sales system of all time in the whole world, you can get it right now, you can go to audible, you can download it and there are 24 techniques, there are over 100 sales closing techniques, but according to my years of research and thousands of sales calls, there are 24, so what?
What I do is they teach you in that course, you just listen to it and you practice it, you listen to it over and over again until you memorize it and then from then on you can hardly wait to make calls because you already know if this is an interested prospect who will buy from you because you have the answer, there is no manipulation, there is no trick, there is nothing quick, it is all very genuine, helping a good prospect decide to buy from you, so I did these 24 techniques to close the sale and when I started public speaking, this was the first course I offered and I charged 95 and right at the point where I was almost broke, 95 people came to my first seminar in a downtown hotel and it was me.
We guarantee it unconditionally if you are not satisfied with this three hour seminar free of charge, but you have to pay to enter and no one ever asked for their money back, the sales got bigger and bigger, and so on, and so on then we it went all the way to prospecting so now if you know how to close the sale you now have to know how to get the sale so there are seven parts to the system and they are all based on an incredible amount of research 22 years research projects paid for by some of the biggest companies in the world with a good friend of mine called Neil Rackham.
I became friends later and what it was like as a professor and what he did was they paid, they put about 20 million dollars behind it. He asked him to go out and do interviews with customers and sellers and find out what really happened when a sale was made and so he did. He did it with many or a certain number of people. My job was even better because Neil was never in sales and was never in sales, he's still a good friend of mine, but he was, he never had been, he never sold anything, he had just researched how sales were done and so what I did was gather and take his things, I took them apart.
I emphasized some of the material and then started reading all the other research that had been done for hundreds and hundreds of hours, so I came up with seven. Part number one is prospecting, it's how you get a uh, how do you get a meeting with a qualified prospect in the first place, step number two is establishing rapport, it's how you build a relationship with a client. potential in which the person likes you, trusts you, is open to you, and is willing to answer your questions. By the way, the critical skill that comes from listening builds confidence.
Listening creates stress, but there are several other things that build trust and then step number three is qualifying and you ask them all kinds of questions about what they're doing now and what they're doing. I've done in the past what they plan to do in the future, etc., and then step number four is the presentation. Now that you've found the right prospect, you've built Rapport, you've qualified them by asking them a whole series of questions. about what they are doing now, what they hope to do in the future and then you present and demonstrate that your product or service is the best decision for them, all things considered, number five is answering objections because every potential customer has reasons why. no. so there are objections because all the prospects are afraid of being taken advantage of, they are afraid of paying too much, they are afraid of getting the wrong product, etc., one of the things that was very useful for me and I learned this from some of the The best companies are to offer a comprehensive warranty, they find that the longer the warranty, the more confident a person is in purchasing from you.
If you have a seven day guarantee, your return rate will be nine sixty seventy percent if your guarantee is one. year or five years and then I finally learned the big secret that made me the best-selling professional audio tape producer in the world: the lifetime warranty and they say, look, people take advantage of you, they'll take your stuff and use it . and then they will ask for their money back. I said no, there is a certain type of person who is developed and who is committed to personal growth and personal development, they don't want their money back, they just want their product to work and us. i learned that oh my gosh so what you do is you tell them this product will work this is what it will do for you these are the results you will get this is an exam here is an additional income here is an example of people who rose through the ranks to wealth and so on and I used to give a one month guarantee a three month guarantee a one year guarantee I will tell you what the programs take listen to them try them and if for any reason you are not happy with the rest of your life send them back and There is no charge, there are no questions, and if people say well, how can you do it?
Because if people are happy with the program, if they get the results that you promised, they don't want their money back, they're too busy making money, I mean, it's a pain in the ass too, it's packing things up and sending them back for a hundred bucks. or whatever it costs, etc., and my sales went up and my return rate went up. I walked around the floor and, um, people started telling other people to go to the seminar, buy the programs, go to the seminar, buy the programs, and I met my friend Harvey McKay, I asked him to do a little promotion for me for one of my programs and he said there are three reasons why you should buy Brian's program, it works, it works, it works, which is the only thing that people want to know, just convince me that it works, just make me feel confident that it works and we had people. who have asked for their money back, sometimes we get a rush of returns around Christmas time, they buy the program in the fall and then December comes around and it's Christmas gift season for their family and they ask for their money back and then after mid-Christmas.
In January they came back and bought the program again, so that was great. I made Nightingale Conant a rich company because my sales rep, a huge amount of a huge percentage of their sales, number seven is closing the sale, so here we come. Have you met people? Does it establish a relationship? You qualify them to find out what they want and need and can afford for you. Present your product or service. Respond to their objections. Closethe sale and then you get resales and referrals. So once one person buys from you, they buy from you again and tell other people to buy from you too, so my sales skyrocketed and everyone who used my Breathe In Breathe Out system follows the system like a recipe and you .
I'm going to make a lot of money and as you know from my stuff, it's not complicated, it's not manipulative, it doesn't make any attempt to trick the person, it's to help people, so I tell my sales people, I told them no. see themselves as a The salesperson sees themselves as a helper. You are a helper. Your job is to go out and help people achieve their goals.your goals with your product and so you find out what it is that they want and need and they are willing to pay for what the goals are that are most important to them and your job is help them achieve those goals in a profitable way. way and if you would do that and if the customer sees that you are genuinely concerned about helping them achieve the benefits of your product or service, they will buy from you, buy from you again and tell their friends to buy. from you too, so the key to a successful sale is basically having the resale people be so happy with their first purchase that they buy another one and the second part is bringing in and getting referrals.
There are many companies that only had one central focus and that is to get referrals and to treat their customers so well that their customers voluntarily give them names and addresses of other people who buy, so the best companies in the world are the ones that have tremendous referral systems. references, everyone is trained to ask for references, how do you ask? for references, you promise them that if you are not satisfied for any reason, in case you get your money back, this is my experience in sales and everything you study should be based on that seven part system, that recipe for a salesperson and it works anywhere in the world and it works with any product and service and anyone of any age in any company, but it also fails if you don't use it, it fails, it's like you haven't used a particular spice in a particular dish that requires that spice and then, and then, this doesn't taste as good, there's nothing you can do to make it taste good if you leave out an essential ingredient, so that's what we do in sales and now I've created a 150 percent sales consultancy. hundred, you know, an organization around the world where people went into companies large and small and trained 20 30 40 50 people and we had overhead projectors and all kinds of equipment and workbooks with all the details written down still.
I have them and more people, as I said, have become rich using this material and it was all back to Aristotle's cause and effect. How do salespeople make sales? They follow these seven steps and do them one at a time. They do not go. They do it all at once, they do it one at a time, sometimes it takes two or three meetings. I've worked with sales professionals who took uh who would meet and they would meet for an hour and say I'd like to meet with you again later and show you some of the things we can do for you.
They wouldn't even try to make the sale, but they would try to achieve a very good understanding and establish a good relationship so that you knew them and you liked them and you trusted them and you are open to talking to them, listening to them and buying from them in a later meeting, so everything This is cause and effect and if you want to make a lot of money I used to when I started in sales the most money I ever made in my life was fourteen thousand dollars in a year and working hard to uh I start in the morning I work all day, I work on weekends, I go.
I go out at night and knock on doors and stuff and I made fourteen thousand four hundred dollars. I know this because that's what I wrote down on my tax return and we normally don't lie or exaggerate on our tax returns and then it went up and he and five years after I started using these techniques, I amazingly made one hundred and forty thousand four hundred dollars in five years later and within 10 years I was making over a million dollars a year in sales selling commission based products and so anyone can do it, just do it, it's like riding a bike; the first time you write it, it will wobble and you may fall, and the second and third time you finally get to the point where you can ride the bike without any problems. nerves without any problem and the more confident you are, the faster you drive, the more money you make, the faster you advance, so I'm talking a lot, but I want to give your guys as much valuable information as possible, but remember, that's up to you.
You have the power in your own being to decide to earn 10 times what you are earning today I call it the same time factor earn 10 times what you earn a day and then learn to earn seven steps the seven steps in total The products and Services all over the world have the same seven steps and you know, I think I'm the only person who has ever crystallized the steps, written them in books, taught them in seminars and people follow them and get results, they just explode like fireworks. . Wonderful thing Brian, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to hear all the amazing insights from what you shared and everyone else listening had the same experience again.
I just want to reiterate the prospecting and relationship building qualification present. Answer the objections, close, and then the biggest one that I know a lot of people forget to put so much emphasis on is reselling and referral. He has his seven-step formula and he makes it so powerful that you think, hey, we have to look. what our weakest link may be and make sure we work on that so that our baseline moves forward based on what is the lowest step that we might be struggling with and there are answers for all of them, there are product libraries, whether it's the audiobooks, books, shows and for those of you who watch the show notes, there will be a psychology of selling where you can learn a lot more from Brian, you can click on that link and get it. a copy I have read this book, fantastic thing to listen to and apply in your business and one of the things we start with is just looking at sales as something very difficult, yes it is, but if there was a warning about its difficulty I love that home sales tell you the truth right away, you know we talked about the bad recipe and I love that example, Brian, but sometimes when we're nice to people, even if it tastes bad, we tell them it's pretty good. but in sales the cause and effect of the results is so immediate and direct that you know when it is bad and you know that you can improve and have faith that when you follow the steps you can improve you can be good and it can give you such a beautiful well-being. amount of income to be abundant in the process while helping people and again you have said this several times, it is never manipulation, it is helping, you are a Helper and this is the mentality that I have been trying to instill in everyone in my show and bring someone like you to share your vision, what you teach is so aligned with the values ​​that we have, which brings me to the one question that I love to ask in closing, Brian, to each of my guests, that is selling with love podcast, what does selling with love mean to you?
Well, it means that you care about your customers, you want to help them, you want to help them improve their lives with your product, as long as you see your product as a leverage factor, them plus your product. It equals a much better life, much better results and sometimes a new product, a new service, a new idea can transform a person's life and make them much more successful and they will remember that time I learned or that technique or received that message o I bought that product from you, it was the turning point in my life, so your job is to see yourself as a Helper and remember, there is a wonderful saying that some will do it, some won't, so what go on?
So you will talk to people. and they won't be interested even though they obviously need what you have to say, so some will, some won't, so what's next and keep moving, keep moving, you will always be polite, always be grateful and keep moving. Remember that ultimately your success will be determined by the number of people you talk to and the number of people who talk to you and who like you and feel positive about you and the most important thing to do is call. Doors talk to people, the more people you talk to, the more sales you will make and at the same time, the better results you will get and the less time it will take you to make those sales.
I love it and you were very lucky in your youth to have I found a Pete that you were able to model and learn from and I think it's wonderful to see that you have had the opportunity or have had the opportunity to be a help to the millions of people who are looking for more success and who are facing the struggles and hopefully a few thousand more by listening to this podcast, you have been able to be inspired by the one and only Brian Tracy Brian, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing.
I had a list of questions, but you got it right. They're all in the conversation, so I'm happy, I'm excited and I'm grateful, so thank you very much and for all those who are listening, look at the show notes, you can get this psychology of selling, you can go deeper with Brian. material and of course when you leave continue selling with foreign love

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