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HOW ANGRY CAN ONE MAN GET? | Cuphead - Part 1

Feb 27, 2020
the lunar phase is approaching. Problem. He wasn't paying attention. Oh wait, no. I'm still a vegetable. I still did it. Alright. Still immunity. Yeah, yeah, I don't need to do that. I'm going to do this now run or dodge oh oh no if I hit something it's going to go wrong no okay wait okay miss me oh god no I was paying attention to the UFO and not the stars Perry okay , God, there it is. There's a lot to look at, oh, so it's the look, so let's look at God God, okay, okay, ha ha ha, I just have to keep my eyes wider, open to infinite possibilities, infinite possibilities on the horizon , the world is full of possibilities. you just need to grab them always start with the pole laughs no today no I wasn't paying attention damn oh damn - slap oh here comes Dumbo me kaboom okay okay ah I don't have doors after doors I'm so bad ah I'm a blimp, you're a coward , I'm not a coward, I'm not a coward, I swear, why do I need to kill you, why can't we get along?
how angry can one man get cuphead   part 1
You seem like a lovely lady, we could be friends with you. hot you just love the way you laugh there's a scrilla vibe what I mean I can't live life this way I'm going to bomb you boom that's what you get It was like a life bar something some life some life in my life God , oh no, this slap, oh, let's go this way, okay, now he's getting into dodging bullets which I'm fine with, but that's when there's ten trillion God things never mind, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, no Never mind, the guy wasn't panting, where did he make that note, you know, I'm going to try again, you're not going to do that, okay, everyone, hold on to your hats, I've got this, I've got to settle for more dubious, shrug it off.
how angry can one man get cuphead   part 1

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how angry can one man get cuphead part 1...

What I need. okay, okay, okay, okay Oh, where's all my Perry? No, you better slap me. Yes, how does it feel? Oh, how does it feel? Yes, yes, like a bag of penises. Hate myself, okay, ah, the two ladies, huh, ha ha ha, I'm booming. Damn, damn, and my good looks slap you in the face. Bob. Oh I got it, oh why is it still there? Why does it still exist? That is not fair. It's gone and? run and run I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy she's like a moon I guess slap here we go double key Wham boy, that's dangerous to be in front of that oh oh man, bastards suck Oh God Oh God, I'm so close dad, dodge the slap - ah, I'm going to kill, you know what that is, what that is, go away Oh, she, my eyes have never been more open, syllabic, it's okay, oh, my slapper, no, it's okay, ah no, it's okay , okay slap my missamma slap hell I miss okay anyway I go boom boom the kids boom I miss me I miss brick you know I'm mad when I switch to another language accent not to another language it's not even an accent when I start talking stupid you know I'm


stupid oh that's not good, yeah yeah we get it, we get it, whatever it is, it's probably painful too, but I don't care haha, okay, okay, I don't know where UFOs come from, dodge.
how angry can one man get cuphead   part 1
Oh, dodge snapper, the ultimate combo. Here we go, the bomb is going south and in brew and a Dodger oh, I didn't see that was my game again. No, now, let's do it. I'd almost get an A+ if I were to take a hit right at the end, wait. It's a big dick inside me, okay, okay, I've got this in the bag. I'm so good at everything ooh, I was still holding the burger, that's funny, that's funny, that's funny, Burgh hail, okay, I get it, okay, you're funny, you're funny, just everything. okay, try, steal, trouble, I did it, I'm awesome, I know, I'm awesome, awesome, here goes the truth, drop throat, Rumble, treetop, Trump trouble, double-dipping and trouble, what's that?
how angry can one man get cuphead   part 1
That's not right, don't dodge, slap, oh, oh, God, I'm invisible. slap no, snap I'll never be able to slap her again I get it anyway I didn't need the slap no why do I shoot my slaps murder murder is all I am all they know is death I want my slaps okay you just oh man you you Boys are ugly, you know what I hate calling a spade a spade, but you guys are, oh man, you're ugly to be believably ugly, oh boy, yeah, I got that slap, slap you think you do, oh, that was my slap chance, my slap, eternity, where's my slap me - oh why but I got the slap okay Jesus, stop oh oh oh how did I do that what happened where am I no no no no no no no for no no Why am I so scared I don't know I'm just scared just turn around Elise is scared, whatever it is.
I'm playing this game. Okay, you seem friendly. Oh, they murdered you for helping me. Did you get murdered. Why were you murdered? They were horribly murdered just for helping me. I didn't know what killed me. I became greedy. I'm with a normal weapon. Yes, you have to be smart and make sure you get through these guys. Know? I'm not going to be normal, Gómez. snap, I got the slap, oh, cut the smell, my slap, damn my home, now you take my smuggler away from me, so sad murder, all I know is death, that's all I do, I don't even need to kill to those guys.
You're not a slapper oh oh oh oh God you hit me with a slapper, finish it quick, one slap oh no I missed it, damn it's okay God I just can't be Papa Frick's slapper, no, No, I think I have that good stop. garden you're leaving no I didn't jump again why did I jump forget that ah I'm so nervous now god that's the worst every time I get


I get nervous oh god damn damn I'm fine it's fine it's fine it's fine I've helped you to overcome this with my integrity of slap in the taxi, I miss me, no, so sad, no, why, how did he kill that thing and me without slapping me?
Oh, no, no, no, no, oh, there we go, I don't know. why do I care so much about that shouldn't I shouldn't let it get to me no, it's not like you even know that no oh it's okay, everything's okay I just have to shut up a little, it's going to shut me up, that's all I have to do and then you wouldn't know that magic happens. Do you want? Why do not you die? Sorry, sorry, sorry, oh now, oh now, now we die, it's okay, it's okay, you'll be okay teaching me, something hello, welcome back, okay, jump, it's okay, I understand you, no, it's okay, That definitely scared him more than it had to be, why is there nothing?
No, I didn't know it would be like this, why doesn't Bose stop? that way give me another give me another I hope you can hold me indefinitely because that would be really nice if you could do that I don't like this I hate this I hate this I hate this okay you're dead Now I hated being able to use my super but I did and I didn't . I'll accept it, okay. I'm going to do one more boss fight and that will be it. I'm going to find out what's the next boss? Where is the boss? Give me a boss.
I want to fight a boss. But before we do, I want you to know that Christmas sweaters are on sale. Markiplier. Don't worry, we're going on tour. again in January and February February we're going to Europe so look at that mark blare calm o tor markiplier calm that's there what are you looking at my chip? Hey, it's not my fault. I've been busy fighting casino debtors. I have to save up to get my sword fixed, so help me. I wish someone would break that King, given one, okay, okay, I don't know what that means, but okay, hey flowers, that's pretty good, floral fury, why isn't there a super hard, super hard? setup that's what I need okay whatever you say what's up with jazz hands hahaha that's what's up with jazz hands I don't like that come on slap that was supposed to be a slap , that's just no, my slaps, I'm very allergic rhinitis.
I don't even know what that means, okay, a spanker, that's not good, wait, change hands, ah, what's the paying attention to where you were delivering jazz? Why damn it? I'm not paying attention. I know the hunter is weaker, but you know what. Hey, I made up for it with my terrible aim. Do not look. Was not. What fight am I fighting? You're not a slapper. you're not slow you're a slap oh I can't reach that slap okay okay what oh no wait no me once then I hit those why did he hit me shouldn't he hit me no no no no no me No, I'm not stupid, so do it.
Oh God, oh, oh, they get to where I'm okay, okay, no slap, no slap, slap, ha, I almost have enough for the last of whatever this is going to do, no, no, no. I don't know what did this yeah, yeah, ah no, that's no good, okay, I should change to maybe I don't have a super maybe I'm stupid maybe I'm mine I'm stupid the answer is yes, I'm stupid oh god, I hate that, It's okay, it's just a nice calm, relaxing whatever we're doing there. I saw you coming, stop giving me the jazz. Okay, I'm going to have this guy shoot the seeds, no, really shoot the seeds.
Oh look, I was being him. opposite of smart oh oh boom Oh Oh what's that I don't know if that's even though that's weird okay Wow okay I hate that's horrible oh no no no no no oh that's a slap how do I slap look how we slap? down I don't know oh I slapped him I did oh wow I wasn't looking that's a slap no no where did your eyes go okay you're so dead okay that's horrible Oh God, my heart, my heart, my heart , okay look, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad at this, I'm not that bad, I just complain a lot while I'm doing it, but I'm not that bad, so thank you all so much for watching, that's the end. from


for now I'm going to do more cuts, obviously I don't know if I'm doing a livestream forum or a normal forum, let's play, but we'll see, remember to go to Margaret comm to see the tour, remember to go.
Check out the cool sweatshirts I bought for Christmas and thank you all so much for watching, let me know if you want to see more of this in the comments below what I posted and as always, see you in the next video, bye guys, bye. baby for

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