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Hotel DENIES BLACK Customer A Room To RENT | Dhar Mann Bonus!

Jun 22, 2024
You have a good night. Can I help you with anything? I would like to reserve a


please do you have a reservation? uh no uh it was a last minute trip and then my phone went off. Pick some night, right? I'm afraid Are you sure this


doesn't have a never turn away policy? I guess you're joking. I said we are complete now. I'm going to need you to step aside, please and thank you. Hello. Sir, do you have a reservation? Not really. My flight was just canceled due to the storm. Oh well, we're pretty booked for tonight, but you should be able to find something for yourself.
hotel denies black customer a room to rent dhar mann bonus
It really is great. You are a lifesaver. Well, it is. Our


policy is that we always reserve some


s for storms and emergencies, things like that, and our owner believes that he should never turn anyone away, especially on a night like this. Oh yeah, okay and you're lucky. I have three rooms left. We're all single, that'll be fine as long as there's a roof over my head to keep me dry. I'm fine with that well it'll be 225 and I need a credit card of course yeah great thanks and my ID is oh. No, it's okay, sir.
hotel denies black customer a room to rent dhar mann bonus

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hotel denies black customer a room to rent dhar mann bonus...

I won't need to see your ID. There is. It will be on the second floor. Just get out of the elevator. You can not miss it. Thank you very much and thank you for making this so easy. For me, oh, it's my pleasure, have a good night, you too, excuse me, did I hear you tell that gentleman that he has some rooms open for times like these? We have rooms for real guests, not for people like you, like me. Sir we are a five star hotel we don't cater to street bums okay look I know I look like a mess but that's only because I had to walk a mile from the airport and the pouring rain and I couldn't get a cap, sure, look, I know a bum when I see one, okay, look, I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm freezing, I'm exhausted and I just want to take a shower and get some rest, we've got a big day tomorrow, big day, really I'm doing what I'm doing Picking up change under the highway Where does it come from talking like that to a guest?
hotel denies black customer a room to rent dhar mann bonus
That is the point. You are not a guest here. That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you now. Could you go? I'd like you to call your manager I'm not going to call my manager, he'll look at it and fire me for wasting his time, plus even if I let him in he can't afford to stay here, why would he think that? Because, sir, all our guests are here. You have a job and are clearly out of sight, you'd probably feel more comfortable staying in one of the cheap motels in town. You know, the kind that


the room by the hour.
hotel denies black customer a room to rent dhar mann bonus
I can assure you that I can pay for the room. Eh, please, this is not like that. I mean whatever, you probably stole it. I am not a thief. Good. I'm going to need to see some identification. You didn't ask that other gentleman for his identification. That's because he wasn't trying to scam me. Have you ever heard of the expression? never judge a book by its cover oh please this id is so fake it says you live in beverly hills someone like you could never afford to live there someone like me you mean a


man excuse me , that's not what I said, I'm not a racist and I'm offended that you would accuse me of such a thing, well it's funny that you mention that because from the moment I walked in here you've judged me just by my appearance, this has nothing to do with it. to do with race, I'm just trying to do my job and protect this hotel from bums like you I'm not a bum don't raise your voice at me I want a room right now that's all I've had enough get you out of here now sir you can get out of here or I'll drag you out I'm not going anywhere oh boss I was just heading to Brave the monsoon okay drive carefully and get some sleep tomorrow is a big day oh I just heard that the hotel owner He's going to present at our corporate management seminar tomorrow that's really cool.
I know that someday you want to become a manager. Yes. A good impression at tomorrow's seminar will be a great help. It will be an amazing networking opportunity. Well, then I'll make sure I'm here early tomorrow. tomorrow to help you set up well, have a good night, you drive carefully too, okay, I just found out the owner should be here any minute oh, I can't wait to meet him oh look, there he is now hey , there it is, it's wonderful to see. You again, ah, thank you, happy to be here, the rain is over, eh, yes, uh, before we start, I want to introduce you to Janet, she is applying for the management training course and she is dying to meet you, come on, Janet, don't be shy, so it's you.
You two already know each other. I tried to get a room last night and she didn't think she could afford it. Security kicked me out. I had to walk to a motel over a mile and a half in the pouring rain. I had no idea who you were, how could I? Because a good manager doesn't judge a book by its cover. It's not my fault. He came in like a homeless man off the street. Believe me, you would have rejected it too if you had seen it and that's it. The exact attitude that made me open my own hotels.
You see, growing up, my family didn't have a lot of money. My father always dreamed of taking me on vacation and staying in a fancy hotel, so he scrimped and saved for two full years. to make that happen, but when he tried to check us into the hotel he refused to honor his reservation, they took one look at our skin tone and assumed we couldn't afford it. That experience motivated me to be so successful that no one would betray me or leave me again, so I studied hard, got into one of the best universities, and finally graduated at the top of my class while working double shifts as a valet at the most elegant hotel in the city.
My boss noticed my strong work ethic and desire and took me under his wing. I suggested I enroll in some hotel management classes after years of saving. I brought my first hotel and in 5 years I turned it into the national chain it is today. You see, the first policy I made was to never turn guests away no matter what they did. It seems like a policy that you ignored and because you ignored that policy, I had the worst night of my life last night, all because you thought I was the type of guest that couldn't even stay in my own hotel, please, it was an honest mistake, no. .
When you hurt or belittle someone, that is not a mistake, it is a sign of bad judgment and even bad character, don't worry, Mr. Johnson, I assure you that we will not have this problem again, Janet, you are fired, please gather your things and leave, no, no. , I'm not going anywhere, okay, what not, wait, please, no, so that's okay, so let's start the conference.

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