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Hot Tub Confessions but very sus questions...

Apr 02, 2024
Look at you, oh you want minutes, bro, you're a threat, I don't want to extend my hand, bro, if you were the opposite sex of e


one in the group, who wouldn't you date?, uh, Oliver, wouldn't I say Oliver, why Yeah? His living room is too big bro, hey, okay, I guess I think it's me, I wouldn't date you, bro, why are you manipulating? Oh my god, you're a man and you're an Aries, bro, that's already a red flag, what do you think it is? him bro, yeah bro, e


one hands you the phone, bro, that's a cat, bro, jp, he's a gas, that's why I can't go out with him, bro, take out the black shirt, look at us, I would go out with reggie and go out With Justin, why would you date me? bro, tell me why, yeah, if you tell him, you gotta tell me why too, because you guys are the most loyal here, that's right, what the fuck is that, bro, only guys can do that hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, That's a big bummer, yes, closed-minded?
hot tub confessions but very sus questions
Closed-mindedness is a tournament that says you're good at volleyball but you're actually not good. Does it turn off too? You said Aaron. Oh no, he wasn't pointing at anyone. Wait, why are you pointing at me? Not this guy. You didn't get a single point, you saw me play the first game and I had people on my team that you didn't even know how to play, bro, Mr. Electric sent him to the principal's office and asked him to expand and we still had six points and Guess how many points I reserved? I got uh, when they're not independent, have you ever kissed a girl on the lips?
hot tub confessions but very sus questions

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hot tub confessions but very sus questions...

No, yes, many times, have you ever kissed a girl? I kissed several girls. Hey brother, they're lying, you have to be there Saturday night. Just stand there, you'll see it, yeah, you'll see me, bro, you got it, what turns you on the most, uh, back scratches, waist, waist width, just your waist, waist, antenna, my strangest turn-on is like If it was a certain smell, I can't describe it, but it's like it's vanilla and lavender, a little flavor melts on my tongue If you're going on a world tour, what would be the first country you'd visit? Would you ever date a military girl?
hot tub confessions but very sus questions
No, they fooled me perfectly. Not me, how military. I can't have long distance relationships. I'm thinking against the girl, but I'm like the views. No, I can't, I can't do the uh, yeah, it's hard, okay, I need to touch it like you're going down. Yo, that's what you need me, have you ever cheated on anyone? It's in no way overwhelming, yeah, I haven't, uh, who gets the most girls, uh, ollie darren, sure, sure, sure, what's a guy, what's a guy you're looking for. because yeah, I'll eat a chocolate cat right now, bro, I'm not happy, I'm not kidding, I mean, if I see a pretty girl, I'll tell her, but that doesn't mean I understand what you are. doing brother what are you doing brother?
hot tub confessions but very sus questions
Okay, next question, have you ever been rejected? I know I don't miss, you know what? Because I don't shoot first. They can't reject you if you don't shoot yourself. I haven't gone. rejected before I rejected her all the time she just doesn't like me today today today she said she wasn't rejected but she said I'll be here next Thursday she said I have a boyfriend although no that's not true yeah you have potential girl wait you didn't even respond brother, no, what, yes, that's because I shoot like no, no, yes, brother, there is no one to shoot a shot and always no, you lose the opportunity, no, you don't. shoot so technically you got rejected without even asking who bought that girl shoot your shot for that gym girl bro now you're lying next question red flag and a girl oh he's hot oh was he a guy he's right, Did this god make you right?
Yes, brother, what are our balls? No communication, uh, no communication, yeah, hypocrite, hypocrite, yeah, I don't like hypocrites, I hate liars, red flag and a girl, I think that's when she probably has a lot of best friends guys, um or some better friend then you don't have friends anymore no no no I don't have friends best friend after what we're still talking about what if it's a girl? no no all i know is don't trust the guy best friend bro okay three two one celebrity crush uh Ariana Grande Beyonce have you ever posted something on social media that you really regret?
Yeah, yeah, anything between 2017 and 2019. Hey bro, don't get me, this guy is never possible with me, man, hey bro, he was a tram, bro. good morning, hey, what you guys didn't see, but he has big balls, they also pushed the last three people in the pool, bro, camera, you guys don't know, but off camera, they would be hugging, it's true, yeah, It's a baby lying around. thank you I would call more volley although at night something a girl does that drives you crazy in a good way nice smile nice smile what are the things you drink you know a little not very daring movies when they are coming and they do this, you stop, they I lick my teeth like they lick their teeth like that, like pick it up and that's what you do, I don't know, bro, they like their teeth, their teeth like that, well behaved, I can't do it, bros, big guys. and big tits baby, okay, they're crazy, oh, I feel something in my butt.
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