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Jun 04, 2021
what's going on guys welcome back to my channel today we are going to do something that i probably did almost a year and a half ago is the hot



these are the fun and lovely contestants who will be joining us there will be one person in the hot


, four people will ask you a question if you answer it great, you'll get some juicy hot tea gossip drama and if not you'll have to stomp, oh you've got to stomp on this leg spread, who's up first? hot seat What do you like least about me?
hot seat challenge with vlog squad
Sometimes you are very bold and I think you are angry. You don't like the same characters as the two of you. That doesn't know what the worst fight you've ever had is. Aaron so we're at VidCon remember she was showing a video to people about a youtuber who liked to prank a youtuber or something she wasn't showing me but I don't think it was on purpose but I thought it was on purpose at the moment where we were sleeping in the same bed because our vet because we're my mother's, yeah, because we drove back to that member, Heyse, and then we woke up and I think we apologized like a world of dragon lovers, they're really crazy , as long as you listen to Bruce's penis.
hot seat challenge with vlog squad

More Interesting Facts About,

hot seat challenge with vlog squad...

I heard right, nice one time for Bruce, everyone names all the drugs you've ever done, your 1200 music tylenol, yeah, well marijuana was illegal, yeah, that's literally, I've never done any other. I'm too scared to do drugs, okay, she did it. throughout the round, oh how many people have you had sex without it being your own lane or taking the Legos between 10 and 20? I live with most of them, yeah, who do you think it is? Our group of friends has the worst fashion sense. via the blog the sponge is anywhere like a Rugrats t-shirt right now what you think, isn't that a good answer?
hot seat challenge with vlog squad
I can see what are the names of every youtuber that you don't like that people on social media have made that you will be thinking of like num ray or masturbating to their Instagram photos any of our friends or a group of friends any of our friends those who like more friends regularly oh yeah right yeah you never asked what you like about me who do you think is a better musician around Scott Scott thank you. I just cut you haven't made them our group of friends. I want to tell this person. I don't want to feel stupid, so I'm going to walk.
hot seat challenge with vlog squad
Say. Oh, what a Bombo, give it to him, which one is yours? Least favorite video Kristin has ever posted. Yes, I saw a lot of them recently. I probably think the post about Malone being hot was just a Q&A and he said to pose hot if you could only save one person, who would it be Kristen or your name each time? STDs, just cotton, chlamydia a long time ago, damn that's it, who do you think he is more attractive? You or Toddy. I think Todd is more traditionally attractive than I am, for sure, what traditionally non-traditional or sexy therapy they say, but this isn't about you. guys, okay, so I stole something when he was younger and committed some crime, oh really.
Oh, smoking real weed, that's legal now, yeah, what else, yeah, yeah, I said okay, that's it for today's video. Thank you very much for watching, please do. I'm sure you'll like it, please subscribe Jonathan, because Alex, thank you so much, I probably love it, I support it, I really appreciate it, thank you to these brave souls that are here for taking the plunge and getting another high CV. I see them in blue and purple country style jeans. Paisley, I'm making statements on the pavement rocking the new Luke, a parking lot at the club rollin' with my gear, I ask if I just dip it to wake us up, we're moving, you're patrolling, looking, oh yeah, two minutes ago, hey guys, so this is it. my mom, you guys have seen some video before and this is my grandma and grandpa, they're in town right now.
I just picked them up at the airport. This is the first time she's been in Los Angeles or California and he's not. been here since I was 8 so they're only visiting for about a week it's their 60th wedding anniversary so we're driving or flying to Las Vegas on Monday and they're going to renew their vows for their 60th anniversary and then they're staying there for a while and then my mom and I are going to come back here and then once I get back on Friday, I'm going out the next day for the Shorty Awards so hopefully I can pull through for you guys my fingers are crossed and you guys.
Talk about your wedding real quick and like when it's your first wedding. I don't have to get married. Yeah, you guys get married at 16. the reception like the after party, yeah, so you had your wedding and then your party was your high school prom, which is crazy. I think you guys are probably the only people on earth who have done that every time we went fishing. We get champagne for each onion because we are the eldest who has been married the longest. Uh, all the kids don't go, but they do, so I'll show them around. I don't know what I'll post next because I want to spend time with them and show them around, but stay tuned.
I'll post soon hopefully next week and yes you guys have something to say to the younger generation you just gave up ok I love you guys and I'll see you soon bye.

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