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Horrorcon UK 2024 was THE BEST!!

May 25, 2024
oh what I feel I feel like that's the one I feel like that's the one for me it's red a good one I guess they're all good I guess they're all good our red prizes are any one from here or you can I have two from here to take this is the one it's the yes I'm happy with it thank you this is a really good idea I look like oh love Little W like oh wow like oh look at this guy wow oh my god this was a really good idea yeah oh geez , it's a bit nervous, will you stop, oh dear, next photo, thank you, oh, oh no, don't excuse me, hello, hello, look, no, thank you, oh, no. find oh no, it's too early to lose a limb get it oh my emotional support SPO him up my b hey no I'm going to save you oh sorry I'm going to have the day he left oh ago pound there you go in you go take out a lollipop and have you been Abus oh no tempting I think I would have chosen the Pikachu oh oh ah yes oh now n he n a w a aahah n a he n he heyy hey hey hey hey this is my Horac loot this is your creepy guest good spicy beer nice this is my gift his name is Sid and I won that on the hook do it and I'm going to eat that for breakfast and that's the poster very good poster I have packages and I have a little ear I know this is not your thing at all but bear with me , look Sil, says along with some juice, well, yes, so I thought maybe the look will be with me and I can take out a sir, maybe there are some shiny Japanese treasures, yes, shiny, that slide, slide to all.
horrorcon uk 2024 was the best
It made me jump but it's okay because I'm a bit loud anyway, you'll have to tell me if we get anything good because I can't see from this angle, talk to me, well that was a h, no, no, no, move on. Next one you're going to see what FL flitt is yeah all the rest of the basics Yo col is not basic yeah he's she's okay well I'm happy that I'm happy that you're happy this just happy I'm opening packages and then I'm going to eat Dracula, there he comes in my belly, okay, tell me who we all have, we have that one, that one, that one, oh, shiny and not that one, why do you keep doing that glamor glora, Jesus Christ, how . we have a lot of those in every set, yeah, energy ball, okay, last magic pack, last pop, magic, fingers crossed like we still haven't gotten the secret RI out of this Japanese box, you opened like more than half of it, Yes, I know you have a pair.
horrorcon uk 2024 was the best

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horrorcon uk 2024 was the best...

There are packs left, I know, maybe this is the one Charizard has, who knows, let's go Charizard, to school, Flying Pidgey, thing where yeah, that's it, oh, shiny, there's your finger, oh no, it's Silly Billy ex, what a box of a ship that is. is that the uh, that's the


secret, weird, adorable, it's not, it's the shittiest, oh no, oh well, you never know, you could have a bug box and you could have something special. I think you can still get a gold, right? I don't know, I like the reverse pattern. Oh, I thought it was about you like there was little around.
horrorcon uk 2024 was the best
I was going to say Donuts Penny, yeah, yeah, I love that Penny backpack, yeah, do you feel accomplished now, yeah, and then I want to. I want to see you drink that beer because apparently this, yeah, I'm not going to do it, yeah, maybe later, maybe later, yeah, stay tuned, yeah, maybe I'll see you soon, watch out, oh.
horrorcon uk 2024 was the best

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