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Horrible $39 Million Apartment

May 30, 2021
A couple of nights ago xqc watched the streaming video that was about a 39




in New York and it looks like a dog, it's


, it's a


place to live if you can afford to live there and you buy that you are officially The dumbest. Person on Earth, I don't care how much money you have or how successful your purchase is, it shows the entire human race that you are a true failure. Let me show you this


and we can go over this mess together because it's amazing. How horrible it is, so the location here couldn't be better.
horrible 39 million apartment
We are just a step away from Center Park. I want to start with this statement where the location could not be better. First of all, there are no good locations in New York City. What I'm going to hear living in New York City are screams, screeching, and the sound of blaring horns 24/7. I've been to New York several times and it sounds like a perpetual Xbox Live lobby with people constantly shouting trying to talk to you and your friends within New York City is harder than trying to talk to someone right next to a turbine reaction, it's so obnoxiously loud that I couldn't really imagine living in the heart of that nightmare, but even putting aside my obvious bias against living in New York City, the video itself does a good job of showing why the location It's still bad it has five bedrooms four full bathrooms four fireplaces first of all who needs four fireplaces what are you a James Bond villain?
horrible 39 million apartment

More Interesting Facts About,

horrible 39 million apartment...

That's an absurd amount of chimneys and also look at this here, what a wonderful view you have when you see the construction, not only can you see the construction, but you are woken up every day by the extremely loud sounds of construction, your alarm clock, Throw that right in the trash bin, you won't. You need it if you pay for this 39


dollar apartment because you are going to smell, hear and feel construction every day, of course this may not be under construction the entire time you bought this apartment and lived there, but that's the beauty. from new york city, honey, it's always under construction, it always will be, the entertainment area of ​​the three floors, I happen to love this floor, the flow is so beautiful, the great room here where you have your nice bar complete, is covered with this.
horrible 39 million apartment
Very beautiful onyx. The onyx is also backlit with lighting so at night this really stands out. You know what else stands out? That sharp edge. Holy, look at this. It's like a giant razor blade. This is something a puzzler would have on their furniture in case someone escapes. in one of their games they might run around here and open wide in this, first of all I don't know what flow really means because it doesn't really flow, everything is everywhere, you'll notice that's a common theme for this apartment where everything has a different texture this entire apartment looks like a horribly designed video game level it's like it was made by someone playing sims for the first time they just keep choosing different random things from the options menu and just randomly rolling them like that they're made of onyx bathrooms made of granite this is made of marble this is made of frozen plutonium concentrate this is made of unicorn tears that was superheated and then frozen and put next to the sink like that's it There are different kinds of things that collide, like this that nothing matches so every time he mentions flow I throw up a little because there's no flow and I just look at the color of everything, there's a gold couch in the background surrounded by black chairs and then in the kitchen there are these really gray chairs everything is constant it's like a battlefield here is this three story monumental staircase clad in marble it is a masterpiece we also have a unique feature with an indoor outdoor fireplace so you are entertained outside you can look into your fire and you are entertaining inside, you'll also see who you entertain the oak man, only Neanderthals, cavemen that we thawed and then brought to this 39 million apartment, who entertains with the fireplaces, there are four here, so I guess the only ones people.
horrible 39 million apartment
They go here are fireplace enthusiasts, so that's the idea of ​​the entertainment area, look at this fire, oh yeah, wow, I'm going to show you what entertainment is really about here at the Panthers, follow me to the terrace. I have never seen an apartment in new york city with an outdoor fireplace, I mean this is set up just for entertaining, it's all beautiful exotic woods, we have a green wall, all the landscaping and oh my gosh look at this we have a complete outdoor kitchen. I see that we are really expanding the definition. of a full kitchen here you have a grill you have a grill with the most uncomfortable chairs that exist in the world this place is not prepared to entertain it is prepared to torture sitting on one of these seems so painful that it probably explodes the design seems like it's just a pile of broken glass placed on top of each other looks horrible let's take a look at this on the other side of the terrace we have a formal dining room with a fire pit this is an apartment for cult members or something so you gather your 12 occult brothers satanists, you gather around this cube here and stare into the fire pit while you try to summon Lucifer, it doesn't work there, so you go around the corner here and there's a fireplace in the other one.
Next to this giant wall, this big domino right next to the fire pit, less than five feet away, there is a fire pit and a fireplace. It's crazy, this entire apartment is obsessed with fire as a means of entertainment. It's wild and it's also a horrible place. because again you are surrounded by constant construction. I'm really starting to believe in the reptilian conspiracy theory because who else would consider this thing to be worth $39 million and we're barely scratching the surface? We're just getting started on this. An apartment that's a mess, there's just a random giant marble wall for no other reason than to have a fireplace, like who cares, that's bullshit, this whole apartment feels like it's some kind of scam, like if they had all these expensive materials and it had nothing to do with it so they just randomly threw them in an apartment everywhere and then made a big ask for 39 million just to try to make up for what they spent on all the raw materials which you have this Japanese maple wood, you have a beautiful Paris velvet and my favorite, this workshop window that was custom designed just for this penthouse and the view, you can see half of the island of Manhattan here, you can see like eight buildings in a car accident below. not the most fascinating sight, this walk in closet is like one for the stars, storage galore, I mean oh my gosh this is a dream come true, it all goes on in this Japanese maple and this counter is marble, there is no way be the only one who finds this. absolutely horrible, it looks atrocious, that design makes it look like space is melting around you, it looks like a bad LSD trip, it's horrible and then for some reason there's Paris velvet on another wall right next to it, for some reason reason, what are you going to do with the velvet wall of Paris comes as if there was no reason for it the private bathroom here is something you will never see again.
You have this panda marble that has been combined with books. You have all the nickel brake accessories. Floors with radiant heating. My favorite. Of course the beast, free standing tub, double toilet and spa shower, what can I say? I would simply never get out of this bathroom. This whole apartment must weigh like 10 billion pounds because it's made out of stone and I wouldn't be surprised if one. of the rooms was made of rhino horn and shark teeth and whale blubber like it was a waste of all this stuff that was just thrown in here the reason she would never get out of this bathroom is because she would probably die in it it's like a hall of mirrors, I couldn't even tell which half of this was in the bathroom without her telling me it's disorienting, how confusing and scary looking at it looks so bad.
Nice salarium that's actually set up as a gym right now, but this could be a nice art studio and how about 39 million dollars and you only have enough room in this gym for a treadmill, a bike, and 15 pounds of dumbbells. You could spend $39 million on anything else and get a lot more space than this. a full marble bathroom up here and my favorite fabulous terrace and now it's set up as a sculpture garden and you also have a green wall up here of course the bathroom is completely made of marble because everything here is made of marble, I would do.
Don't be surprised if the host is made of marble and onyx and whatnot here and I don't know what you mean by setting it up like a sculpture garden. There were no sculptures unless you count the green wall which is literally like the name. It says it's just a green wall, that's dog, this is a place where you can entertain 20 of your best friends, the custom marble clad windows that actually adjoin the bar which also has this beautiful marble. I have heard marbles so many times. It has completely lost its meaning. Absolutely everything here is, for some reason, made of marble.
I don't know who built this, but that guy must be some kind of marble alchemist. He is able to make marble out of nothing. He can take a tissue and turn it. on a block of marble, it has nothing to do with it, except making ugly apartments with it. You have Wolf Sub-zero appliances and I can guarantee you that you won't see any other Pentas in Manhattan with a large window overlooking downtown. parking is a little disingenuous with that last statement, it doesn't have a view of Central Park, you can just reach the top and see a little bit under the chest of Central Park, like you can see a little sneak peek, like you know Central Park is there and You're peaking. the right angle in the girls locker room and you can see some boobs like you don't have a full view of central park you can barely see it you are catching very small glimpses of central park from this location it's not great when seen but it's great when it's about your marble because Jesus Christ again the whole kitchen is made of marble there is a breakfast room it's made of marble I'm trying not to show you everything because it's the same and once again it's like this absolute diarrhea of ​​marble in this apartment just this volcanic eruption of only marble here uh, I don't know who the subzero wolf is unless I'm talking about mortal kombat characters, but those appliances look cool and I love the name, so so far it's the only good thing about the apartment, but I don't know if those appliances are worth 39 million dollars.
An extraordinary library that was actually the fifth bedroom. There is an access point to a full bathroom as well if you want. To convert this, you can convert it back into a bedroom. I really wouldn't want to convert it. I would like to just demolish it, tear it down and sell the materials because I really think you would get more value just from it. raw ingredients for this recipe here, I just can't imagine there is anyone currently living there, which there isn't, nor can I imagine anyone wanting to buy this, looks horrible, beautiful design, ample space for office work, entertaining if It has a fireplace. exotic woods imported from Africa absolutely beautiful two chess pieces are a custom design beautiful onyx metals and are simply beautiful there is no way humans would actually use this it looks like prisoners sleep on it it is a stone frame with a very thin structure a small cushion film on top and a horrible pillow, if you can call it a pillow, this looks terrible, I don't know, I don't understand who thinks this is a good idea, it's not comfortable lying on it watching TV wouldn't be comfortable either sit and watch tv because then you'd be at an awkward angle there's no way a human being lives in this apartment the chairs above were the first example where it looked like you were sitting in a jagged metal car crash and then there's this one, whoever is currently living here and did all this is a real maniac, a psychopath, they hate comfort, they are the opposite of enjoyment and right next to the media room we have the home office. the home office has these beautiful ones, i was totally right, a super villain lives in this place right now, look to the right, it's like a steel balaclava, what's that thing that looks like something a villain from a marvel comic would it be like a trophy?
His wall and his desk are just a bunch of little pieces stacked on top of each other, literally pieces of dog poop that have been stacked on top of each other and wrapped in gold. I won't bother showing you any of the other places. Here because it's all the same, it's just covered in wonder, just marble vomit everywhere without thinking about it. It seems like the worst place to live. They don't have guests in this place. They have prisoners, but yeah, anyway, that's it. This is the worst use I could imagine for 39 milliondollars, that's all, so yeah.

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