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[HOONIGAN] DT 194: Tanner Foust Ultimate Smokeshow Man-Line in VW Drift Passat

Jun 01, 2021
Alright, today we have a special guest and before I tell you who the first time I saw this car, I'll just show you my reaction. This is from 2015 after Long Beach. I just wasn't interested in it and not for nothing. For another particular reason other than I hated it's a front wheel drive car converted to whatever and I don't know I come from a


ing pasture fish and that's weird to me but it's going to hit the crazy v8 headers , it sounds crazy and the man, the myth, The legend Tanner Foust drives like a crazy man, so obviously I have no respect for someone who drives like that for a long time, I don't see how you do it, it's uh, it's quite different, yeah , that's due to Brian Scott, he sits there, he looks good, that's all, it's funny because I.
hoonigan dt 194 tanner foust ultimate smokeshow man line in vw drift passat
I've seen, I don't know, 12 or 15 cars or tons of things and everyone's like, but this is yours, let's look at it real quick, so I was telling people when I first saw this, I don't know if you saw this video, You actually know where this goes from here, it's putting one foot in the back seat, which is really what this thing that's going to become a


ing taxi is, so all right, Volkswagen Passat, no wonder you're a professional. sponsored driver, so you have sponsorships, they demand things from you or ass things, so this is one of those things, so I was doing it, you know 240 Wow Stefan said: I want you to come drive at 4 a.m. you can drive whatever you want like As long as it's a 350z suite, let's do it, it's my first kind of paid gig, you know, yeah, after that drift it started to go a little crazy and I like the idea of ​​being a little disruptive with things, just when we built this.
hoonigan dt 194 tanner foust ultimate smokeshow man line in vw drift passat

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hoonigan dt 194 tanner foust ultimate smokeshow man line in vw drift passat...

Me in NASCAR mm-hmm, the NASCAR-powered Scion, we were talking about that earlier because you know, I wish I had shown some of my coworkers the video that I just showed you and then it brought me back to the Scion tC. and I remember I didn't really dislike that car when I got out because every time you passed by my chest Rumble of that v8 that car was gnarly, it was fast and way ahead of the curve. I think it was like Stefan's, you know how it really worked, Stefan. Papa Doc, oh, so he put the G-force transmission in there, which is now like a standard for drifting.
hoonigan dt 194 tanner foust ultimate smokeshow man line in vw drift passat
There are a lot of things that car had that really become standard, right? and this car was supposed to be a little disruptive too, you know? The rules change, so now you can't move the firewall if you really want to race, yeah, so installing a motor here becomes a bit complicated, that's why it's just as light in weight, that's why it sounds like that. So the problem with putting all the heavy stuff as close to the firewall as possible is that there isn't enough room for the exhaust, so the exhaust really needed to move forward to accumulate in a single tube, so this equals eight to one. length sequential manifold and then pushes it all the way around the back and that's why it sounds strange, each design triggers the other.
hoonigan dt 194 tanner foust ultimate smokeshow man line in vw drift passat
I wouldn't call it strange, it sounds like everything you did right, all of ours, you showed up with a bunch of pipes no way, so you basically had to push this thing up against the firewall and then you're like, oh, where's my exhaust going to go? and then this is the answer to that. If you ask me I mean eight to one and it sounds like a Ferrari well yeah I'd like a Ferrari you can hear every cylinder firing yeah what's the backup plan? What is the backup plan if you hit the front? I have done that.
I've done that and there was some backup stuff, when did you get this? Where are you here in life because you have all these backup tracks? Your child does not have a backup plan, the initial backup plan is not to block him. I may be in an episode because I'm going a long time ago with Tanner, except somehow I didn't age well and Tanner still looks like Zack. There is a long way. This was a long life with a beard or is it like yes, sassette ls7 or w8. That is what i want to know. It's LSD, wait, okay?
Now, why did you put the engine so far back? Was it something like that or did you work with it and that's it, we did it and that's it, get involved in it. Oh yes, you know it has factory unlock buttons and can change the mirror seamlessly. I know I won your car, I looked at it, I looked at it because I was trying to figure out how I was going to sit down and do a Burnout later, but yeah, for Rockstar Energy, no, no means no, so that means you have permission to give it someone's right to drive it well hurts, am I looking out for you or what would I prefer?
You know we built it to compete in some rounds and we did that and you actually did well for what we set out to do but it was more about you know. We had been with Volkswagen for a long time and we wanted to do some disruptive things, we wanted to connect them with a market that they had never really been connected to on the track, so that's what this car was really about and you know it's lived a good life and now With the back seats we can go to do great events. I'm out of life.
Yes, you'll want to drive it. I just want to live. Let me ask you this two-time champion and then you came. Return aids are coming back, there are three things that changed, the cars progressed safely, the steering set up, the steering angle was crazy, the power was double, the drivers had progressed to be more suited to their cars , they've been on the same track for 10 years, so I had marked two cars, I had laid the tracks and the judges had changed what was wanted, you know, from the cars that really did a 180 degree turn in the game of proximity, yeah, there was no longer a radar gun and you know it wasn't about a big speed compromise or anything like that, it was really about angle and proximity, which I love proximity, we kind of built the car A little towards the old judgment, perhaps, but that's what you say, it's fun to travel, huh, how dare you say? that doesn't hate my happy self, that's honestly one of my favorite things about exercise is that you go out and just navigate it even when you're sitting there sweating your ears down, you often know you're waiting in


to get out and just see these cars steamers coming out of the truck after practice runs and it's like the most ridiculous variety of cars and engineering emanations in monstrous tilt configurations and that's what it always is.
I'll be honest, I've always been drawn to Formula Drift because, the normal base Joker will look at this car, let me show you that video where I dislike it, but at the end of the day I went for it because, like you said, all the Formula D cars, each one of them is crazy and if you are a driver and you say you wouldn't want to drive one of those cars for the experience, I think it's crazy, still, it's still the best thing about drifting because you know that each one has a style different driving, as we see.
I see a curve differently than you do, even if we go through it and at the same time we're just cars, actually you know, six or seven years ago, the first time I met him and he, yeah, he found a disgusting image Of the same. I've seen things about him that none of you ever want to see because of this man and we'll leave it right there because he found this photo and then Tony Angelo says, I'm so bummed out that I'm like, well, everyone's seen my embarrassing photo and Tony says, he's well I have one too and he shows me his embarrassing picture and I think I really didn't need to see Tony, yeah, yeah, thanks, yeah, so I'm just a kid hanging off the table with a bunch of disgusting guys, me and now we are on the show together, what other motor sport do you watch? 4 6 8 and 10 so that's the other thing about all the freak show builds, but all the different power plants, no other motorsport in the world, I'll give it to Jim and Ryan because they've made a great job keeping it free, yes it is much stricter, the rules are much stricter and they have to be for safety reasons, but they left it free to use my style is different in a curve than yours, so I can build a car that suits my style, it will have a completely different balance, a completely different engine setup, all that kind of stuff to make it work for me, but it will be judged on the same thing.
I have a question: you didn't compete this year. Great, did you see anything? Are you keeping up? It's something you have time for because I know you're a busy guy. I've seen that on TV for a while. but I get the press releases and contact I love the dice for such a big comeback, yes this comeback this year, yes I loved his driving this year. I had a very slow attempt at dialing in struggling new cars and now all of a sudden. Everyone knows it was fine, you know what happened, you know what happened, it killed your back, well, well, no, that's not why.
I'm telling you why you know why he fell while saying that he won the championship and then the visor. disappeared, oh the charm with the visor disappeared, yeah, and then he came here, we made them do it, live man, his English got too good. He hadn't dared him to say creme brulee that it would turn you into that and he just said it would be like that. I wonder how that upsets you about him now, you know, when he covers his mouth when he laughs, oh my God, good job, it shows, though tell me about your cohorts, Rutan Adam, what's going on there.
I see social things in the making, what. Those three guys we didn't film anything, but we got something in return. We had a great time with the best team. We film 150 days a year, so we cut out a little free time for each of us. I found out we have you. Another interest sometimes is that the beard came from a work in progress at least two years later, yes, meaning someone could take it off and potentially get into it if I hold it to them and they can potentially this is your chance. it hurts come on come on it doesn't look like a place to eat it hurts that's for business come on come on yeah sure oh oh oh I think we've got something I think we've got something look at this if it sits it fits like you feel confident it's tall oh man I need a dead No really I do like a good sauce that feels like the cars are are you?
Is it like a hug right now he's hugging me tight you look really tight a little too tight that's it that's the big booty it feels no, I'm going to give him this, I'm going to give him this back, I heard a part of a part of the daily interaction and transmission is that most of the guests that come here have history, so we have to do it. I have to share some history sometimes that's just the way things are it was a good night I had I had a fight before we got to it oh yeah he wouldn't take a shot by the way bond I'm calling you wouldn't have a drink and then he threw the drink, he threw the drink at me and then I threw my drink back at him and I seem to remember Vaughn threw a bunch of barbecue sauce, let's listen to this bad boy, Avik, hey, this Yeah, what is he thinking?
Wow, the driverless car is crazy, yes, we have to let a tailor get into this car and then break it. That means it's a good car, Brandon, those cars are crazy. I've never been in a V8 that accelerates like that. that car accelerates faster than my spinning anarres pass the unfortunate v8 boner because that's not what I want to say right now no, no kids, do you think whip dancing really hard, really hard like that? I'm sure streaming is a gift given to all of us, where is it? everything, oh my god, so much smoke everywhere, look, forget the man lied, he can't even make two for... without wasting our long beach, there's a snappier card I've seen in my life song class , every major national rotation is so fast. this broadcast is a gift, it was just bananas inside, he had proximity on that one, yeah, it's not over, a motherfucker, real mercy, let me drive it, it's just me or him, yeah, this is him warming up, that's where I'm sitting .
I'm going to say BAM, Jesus, it just happened, it was crazy, crazy, my God, my God, first try both ways, let the biggest car that's ever been here, wow, what just happened, of course i wasn't worried about me now driving this thing and bringing a way off


every day man lol be the godfather like today Oh No thank you so much damn

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