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May 31, 2021
Okay everyone, today's video, I have coffee because I'm going to explain to you how to


an eye and this is really a Spencer or a guide for those people who struggle with eye shadow or have





, which is where this part of the eyelid can go down and look a little tired or a little sad, so I'm going to use my brush, obviously, focus on it, oh look, you did it and then you did it, there you go. so the first number five that I'm going to use, I'm also going to use brush number twenty, which is a much smaller brush, come on, motherfucker, that's a bunch of brushes that are a little bit bigger and brush number five.
hooded eye hack tip to lift your eyes   beginner friendly
I'm so sorry and I'm also going to use my number three brush, so what I'm going to do is just apply. I'm going to use this palette here, it's a very old range looking palette and I'm just going to prep the lid by just applying the


hadow powder all over the lid because there's nothing else on my face so I want the shadows they stick somewhat, so when you have a problem eye that you consider problematic or an eye that is difficult or you just find In general, they are difficult. This is what we do, so I'm going to take a flat brown eyeshadow.
hooded eye hack tip to lift your eyes   beginner friendly

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hooded eye hack tip to lift your eyes beginner friendly...

I'm removing all the excess on the back of my hand because I don't want that to be the case. too much, so what I'm going to see in the mirror in front of me is very uncomfortable because it's at the right angle, but if it's not at an angle that I can't see it, it's very horrible, so what am I going to do? It starts at the outer corner of my eye and to start, I'm going to draw roughly under the eye, okay, all the way to the end and then all the way to the outer corner and right here, just touching the top of the eye.
hooded eye hack tip to lift your eyes   beginner friendly
The eyelid now may or may not be visible to you, it depends on the shape of


eye, but it's not just going to the outer corner. Now what you want to do is because there is a thing with a show where you can lower


eye. I don't want to drop an eye, so start from that outside edge and if you're a little skinny, hang. I want you to draw on that skin just like that, you'll only draw on the fleshy part. now I'm going to move on to my number 20 brush, which is a little bit bigger and I'm just brushing off the excess eyeshadow and now from here I'm connecting that outer corner up, so I just connected it like this.
hooded eye hack tip to lift your eyes   beginner friendly
Don't worry, if you go down here, if you have a good eye, you'll get something there, so I'm just going to plug it in and then fill in this eye area. Here because this is the area that most people hate here, so I'm going to fill it in. Now I arrive just before the halfway point. Here's a reason for that because what we mix will spread both inward and outward, so it will spread. I'm not going to take that brush that I used, which of course is brush number three and now I'm going to start blending this and it's going to soften this socket and it's going to start blending the same thing now with the eye shadow application that I like apply. things in two or three coats because I need it, there has to be longevity, so the more you apply something, the bigger the kind of payoff, the longer it stays on your eye, so now I'm going to come back to that outside. corner right here and then I'm going to blend it again and put my finger here and the reason is because I'm old my skin moves a little bit more and I'd like to keep things a little more stable so by pressing here I'm just stabilizing slightly my eyelid but I'm not distorting the shape.
I'm not doing this or this or this. I'm just pressing down here and now it acts as a little bit of a stabilizer when I mix. I blend back and forth in one night and then I blend and work so that the color fades down to the brow bone so you don't have this really dry bone and then it just darkens here so I'll darken the lid a little bit. a little bit more, so I'm going to incorporate this color and I'm actually going to incorporate it into most of the shape, you'll see why in a minute and then I'm going to blend it in, that's really important when you do it. an eye you have an end point in mind, so my end point is here, it's the end of the eyebrow now.
I don't want this darkness up here, but I need it to blend into nothingness, that's why I'm blending it. up and I'm mixing it at an angle towards the end of Bragg. It's also a good idea to go under the eye and just soften the line you've created, but you can easily soften it with a little foundation and a brush whatever you want now with your stencil or problem eye however you want to look at it, it's very important that this area from here it connects, if it doesn't connect, you've broken the shape we're trying to make, so I distorted the eye so this part here has to connect now I'm using just this brown color, you can use any other color you want.
I'm just doing it because it's dark and so you can see what I'm doing, but it needs to connect in that outer corner because you want them to connect the lower lid and up in a and then just blend it out, so I'm blending it in to So almost most of my highlighted eye is now covered with the brown eyeshadow, but it's lighter here because I've been blending and it's still darker in the crease, so what I'm going to do is just tidy up under the Be careful to give it a stronger appearance because it can look a little distorted when there is something like that. of a little bit more if we were, there's discoloration and drooping and things like that, so when it comes to any eye shape a lot of times I'll do this on the other eye to demonstrate what we see in the inner corner highlighted here.
It's a perfect corner to highlight because it will bounce the light and no matter how you shape it, this part here will always show, but what we see or I see a lot is this, so I'll show you the other eye. There is a lot of color here. I'm not a big fan of that. I don't think it looks that flattering. This is how we are going to do it. I'm going to take my number seven brush. Now this is a tiny brush. This brush can be used for the eyelid anywhere on the eyebrow. It's really great for micro-concealing, but it's also really pretty for highlighting the inside of the eye.
Now, with this look, we have gone out at an angle pulling it upwards. the end of the brown so we


it up and now we want to pull it down here to create that cat eye and this looks great on women with squinty eyes because you're extending the shape of your eyes a fraction of what I like to do is look down and what I'm working down I like to start right here at the tear duct and this is going to take this it's not as quick as just doing that but the effect is very beautiful because it comes apart quite subtly so you're going to highlight here and I've moved the natural part of my tear duct there and now I'm going to look down and attach it to the bottom so this area is now highlighted but very close to the eyelid, but now we need to blend this section here with the brain because we can't let it have the bone, so I'm going to go a little further in this section and that to me is much more beautiful because it slightly extends the eye by a fraction, but it's a huge amount, so come more and add more, which is perfect for eye makeup so now you want to use a small brush if you've never used my eyeshadow brushes before they are absolutely amazing but this one is phenomenal it's the number brush it's the smallest brush I've you'll ever use, it's perfect for carving in the most beautiful brow hairs, but then you can take this brush, that's what it was used for, and push it into your lash line to create. the blacker eyelash bed and what's really cool is that we've highlighted this in a corner here, now we're going to do two things: we have this light here and then we're going to add this darkness to the eyelash. line and it will look really great and the good thing about this technique and why you need a black eyeshadow because they are so important is because nothing will define your lash line better than this technique and you are not losing space on the lips everything and also the The fact that the mirror is so far away and I'm doing this that's a feat in itself I'm telling you because I'm about to detach my retina I know so now you can see that this area here is very well defined when it comes to any type of highlight on your brow bone, we have a drink, I'll tell you very few women will ever go, you see this, I want it to look very, very heavy and that's what many do. glitter there works for a lot of eye shapes if you really want to add glitter to the eye then add it and you can add it to the eyelid if you want here but I'm not going to follow this tutorial but if you want to add some glitter there you really want to highlight and I'm going to use my number 5 brush you really want to highlight just this section here that's it you don't want to highlight anything else in a very droopy eye or especially if you're older, you're over 40 and this area is very, very prominent, you're just going to call attention, so just one touch is enough, so next we are going to curl the eyelashes and the mascara, so I called the eyelashes. and one place where mascara is used is the new al-abbas mascara which is really very nice now if it is false eyelashes with truly hooded eyes that make a big difference they can open your eye like nobody's business it depends completely from Whether you do it or not, but a hooded eye is the perfect eye for lashes, but false lashes anyway, so I'm just going to apply another coat.
I'm not going to move this mascara and the reason is because I'm doing it for me. on my ridiculous eyelashes, well if they just fall out, just look for when this: it will build up in a second if I even think about doing a flicking motion almost every time, so I'll go from eyelash to tip and who won't. Don't I love a little tip now, if you have really good lower lashes, apply it to your lower lash line as well. I don't know, it's really very sparse and when I apply it there it just draws attention to the fact that they're really really shiny, which is not something I want to do, but there you have it, that's the template that's your guide, so It's how I apply eye makeup.
No, the reason is because I prefer to make the fold first and then join it underneath, but starting. below is great if you really struggle with eyeshadow application and eyeshadow work in general and it will make a huge difference because then you have a guide of where to connect, you can't go wrong and you can't pull the eyelid down , you can just go up and by really getting into this kind of inside corner here and just spreading it out a little bit, you get this really cool kind of sexy vibe, which I think is cool, there you go, that's what she does training.
See you next time bye everyone okay so this is just a nice little quickie so in the comments section below tell me what your number one best tip is so the best tip I give you have given, let me know in the comments section below I love listening and as cliché as it may seem and as you know, as ridiculous as it is for cliché advice, the best advice I've ever been given is to be kind, it's helped me get through it. , be nice, so let me know, no matter what it is, whether it's benign or whatever, leave it in the comments section below what your best advice is.
Thank you very much and see you soon, goodbye.

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