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HoI4 But its FALLOUT! - Saving America, one dead ghoul at a time!

Mar 17, 2024
war war never changes until it does and the world explodes welcome to Fallout or rather to the Fallout mod for Hearts of Iron 4, the old World Blues now I enjoy Fallout I love the environment I love the games Fallout 76 does not exist, you can't convince me Todd so make a good one and let's see what factions we have here, there are so many options, the new California Republic, Mighty Caesar, the Lost Hill bunkers and the Brotherhood of Steel, even Mr House, all lovely stuff though , looking at this, it is clear that America needs a savior they have blown one of our engines fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it in 2077 at the beginning of the Great War and consequently at the end of the Great War due to the nature of nuclear war America fell America was burned and America is gone, but it's not completely gone, there are glimmers of hope and one of those glimmers of hope is the MacArthur enclave outpost around MacArthur, based in the Air Force, General or rather Colonel Ellen Santiago leads an Enclave Outpost and you know what I'm about, that Enclave game, the people of America will be free once again under the flag of the United States of America , we are down but not out, we will purge the mutant, we will purge the heretic and we will recover him. this great nation the usurpers of the new California Republic will be overthrown Caesar's uncivilized hordes will be put in their place and the merchants of the Brotherhood the vile traitors who would once have called themselves Americans will be brought to justice the Brotherhood of the Acero has gone against us too many


s, first of all, I want to say a huge thank you for reaching 200,000 subscribers here.
hoi4 but its fallout   saving america one dead ghoul at a time
It's been a wild ride and I want to celebrate it and to do so, I've come to you with something I hope you like. Some beautiful high quality mouse pads, the design made by a real human for the first


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hoi4 but its fallout   saving america one dead ghoul at a time

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hoi4 but its fallout saving america one dead ghoul at a time...

I've been using this one for a while. It's like the test sample they sent me. I love it, it shows. that the people who make this epic desktop I have associated with it mainly because as the founder, he knows what you want, Trey is a PC gamer. He started Epic Desk because he was frustrated by the lack of creativity and honestly questionable build quality of what you can primarily buy online and they have made some wonderful designs over the years and now I am very excited to partner with them. Look if you want one of these, there's only one chance to get them.
hoi4 but its fallout   saving america one dead ghoul at a time
These are the dates. You will never see this mouse pad again, it will never be restocked, it's one and done, if you want one of these check out the link below and it will take you directly to the product page. I'm excited about these, I'll continue to use them and I hope you guys are excited about them too anyway, back to the video, what do we have here? We have an Air Force Base MacArthur Air Force Base. We have several factions, one of which is The Enclave, so you already know which way the wind is going to go.
hoi4 but its fallout   saving america one dead ghoul at a time
In turn, we have the support of the Secretary of the Interior, so we are an outpost of the remaining Enclave holdouts around Detroit. That's where the Enclave's main Power Center currently is after everything in the East became, sorry, the West blew up, we have a Very Strong, Very Thick. The focus tree seems to focus primarily on making this a viable nation and further down here there will be a choice. Liberty, the last command and the long night, and looking at the icons, I'll take some power away. armor I think this is how we're going to spend the long night a pack of hyenas or I want some strong men from the Midwest Army we have auxiliaries and we have Enclave renman so these are guys in power armor and these are not guys in power armor okay so it's basic infantry and some power armor focus terms, there's only one place to start and that's on top and construction, what do I build really realistically?
I would say weapons workshops, but does this thing have a civilian economy oh Wasteland, so we? We're not really going to build anything very effectively, so maybe some infrastructure to get more resources and then build faster afterwards. Yes, it seems like a good idea. We will adjust this as we progress in the investigation. This is a completely elegant new research tree. this is infantry equipment support equipment robot vehicles I like robot doctrines that can now also be researched air you know the whole deal I'm thinking in terms of industrial planning the workers needed will be better than the work assignments I know, I know that en It's not very American, but work assignments cost us retaining production efficiency, which isn't huge, it gives us a lot of factory output, which is great, and more factories in a state; however, Top Line actually gives us more recruitable population and considering we currently have a population of uh well, 42,000 total with free labor of 760, we're going to need all the extra pop we can get and we're going to go to a lot wars and even though power armor is really good, we're going to need to increase those numbers.
What are we building? Power armor. Obviously, collect power armor. It's not as good as the real thing, but it will do. We also have energy weapons instead of trash. The rest of Wasteland uses excellent Pioneer kits. Commercial protectors. anti-tank rifles I don't think I need anti-tank I don't think I need Pioneer kits because Pioneer kits are for special forces and I won't use special forces I think so I don't think I want to do pioneer unless I do what does this require energy sells infantry equipment this requires infantry and power armor special ops is what it requires oh special ops team yes, I'm thinking I want my armies to be a mix of power armor for the shock troops and then the auxiliaries for the line, but considering our manpower problems, You could actually use robots instead, but they have their own drawbacks, so robots are maybe in terms of production, we'll leave the protections on for now, everything else we make.
It's pretty good. I don't know Pioneer's kits, although I can probably do without them. Caravans are my trains, vehicles are my trucks and I'm not going to use trucks, uh, I'm not going to use bikes, yeah, I'm just going to get rid of the pioneer. kit and uh make scrap CNC Bots and people want to pressure us, we won't be pressured, so the initial goal will be to set up to get some kind of real army, which will require more men in power. armor we can also send things to Chicago and in return we get bonuses for example if we send nine energies we get power armor which is cool you can see this here and it shows how many of our actual resources we are sending. to Chicago in exchange we get things or bonuses, in this case we send some of our mechanical components and energy and we get some research and I just took some power armor from them, this is going to get worse.
It's also going to get better, but it's going to get worse in terms of what we have to send to Chicago to keep the bureaucrats happy, a small price to pay for America, okay, the first families, what do they want? Research resources gain research speed o Factory Production I'll take the production team F October yeah right yeah she's not very good, she can only lead four divisions now that we open the wider tree here. I'm thinking we want to take things that give us economy. God's Garden looks good. free water outposts The Shield of Humanity and Human Resources okay, basic training for this, this is our military branch, essentially, this is our air branch for the Force GGY chair, the Missoula market seems to be focused on industry so I think we go there this gives us It also gives us some army stuff and it takes us to the rest of the tree and this gives us a variety of different resources so overall this is a really good tree for To start, let's get the Missoula market some industry.
Missoula Market is finished, that means we now have what's called a shopping center around here. I keep forgetting where my stuff is, so Missoula should now have a trade node which we can then promote to make bigger and bigger trade nodes give us more bottle caps. Bottle caps go towards things like salaries for our army, which is the main source of our expenses, but also allows us to make decisions to unite other factions for various bonuses. There is also a trash scavenger program set up that basically sends people out into the desert and hopefully finds things for you.
What is this? We have a couple of these events. They are all very story based. I would recommend that if you play this you read them. They really elaborate on your faction's history. What's going on? How do you prepare? although I'm going to click on them, pause the video if you want to read them honestly, just see what I get out of this, this gives me a couple of free weapons and this gives me a bonus for Ellen Santiago, yeah, okay Ellen, congratulations every Let's see where the stopwatch is. There is a stopwatch here like everyone, let's see in 5 days, so I know how much and how often 150 days is.
I can't really remember, but there's a hidden stopwatch in here. in the support of the mechanic of the Secretary of the Interior who almost constantly sends you this event you want to send something it could be anything to Chicago great or not if you say you don't lose a lot of stability and you're going to piss Those people leave and they are their main sponsors. If you say yes, eventually your bonuses will improve, but you continually send larger and larger parts of your industrial base and resources to someone else, in our case we can afford it. to take the hit, you know, if they order scrap metal and they order more than what I have, that's going to be a problem, so we need to make sure that we can expand, get more resources so that we can continue to ship things to Detroit, oh, we can too.
Establishing trade routes from this hub and then we can take tffs of your income and send them to Great Falls seems like the highest earning trade route and we are generating a good amount of caps. Boundaries are good. We are also getting gliders. I'm thinking about working our way into the fighters and cast so we can know that actually flying things that aren't balloons or gliders sounds like a good idea and hopefully we can eventually get Verte birts. The Verte birts are a special and unique technology that you can We can only go through a special offense, but considering that we are The Enclave, I think we obtain them or have the option to obtain them eventually and still we can also use nuclear fighter planes and aircraft. nuclear powered attack, here we come, the golden gecko, free and unfettered political power.
Free stability, more caps, that's a no-brainer, get the golden gecko first. I also like to just walk away and see what happens because there in the south, here you have talokan, it's like a super computer that runs Mexico and well, what used to be Mexican. I think Mexico was annexed by the United States at some point it became its own occupied zone and they put like a super computer in charge, who controls the drones, the robots, whatever that still wanders around there and has a split personality, it it's dying. eventually he knows that the computer system is failing, he is failing and he is setting up redundant functions, one of which is the mexican army here under the air of his son, he quotes a santaana computer program, essentially there is a split personality that is It's going to divide more of itself and It's very funny to see this, you know, I'm going to get rid of the protections.
It was a stupid idea. Same for CNC Bots. It was a stupid idea. Let's focus on the basics. The frontline soldiers' power armor and that combo is going to We have to win the war, let's go down Little Slice of Heaven and then raid Lords, we've grabbed a weapon, quite a lot of bonuses here. I hope to catch more from the other trees there. There are like a ton of bonuses here for doing this. a really strong nation or faction, well we are a strong nation with the United States of America the only legitimate representative of that great nation that is still great.
I'm not saying they aren't great power armor and all the gear. Manpower comes back and I get a schematic of the Arcjet tech system, so this is one of those special techs and it unlocks one of the pre-war designs, like these were real legitimate businesses that existed before everything went to HS and this represents your plans, your schemes, etc. to do good things, not Wasteland garbage, but they are thingsreally good ones and I've unlocked one for Arcjet bombers, which is nice. I guess what I really want is power armor, but I haven't found those schematics. we have our war objective, we will declare war, we will take our states, we will slow down the game a little bit.
I need to micro this, we don't really have enough troops to do it completely, so we'll just go for the encirclement kill troops and then push them out as fast as we can. We want to invade them whenever possible. I guess more things like outposts and equipment and such will be very valuable. Basic training will also be good, since everything is fine and I. I really don't know where to start sometimes so there are so many choices to make, yes it seems like they're not really home. I don't care, I'm going to come in here and take all their stuff and there we go, we take all the demands submitted and the other guys can't do anything because they don't really have enough points to do anything, they confirm and leave, it's all mine beautiful, let's bring everyone back and regroup, damn this is beautiful, this is beautiful.
Alright, we're consuming labor at an alarming rate, so we should start working on that, but we've expanded and all that new territory It will start with at least some compliance thanks to the well compliance consultant we hired, so let's see, yes, it begins. with 11% compliance, which isn't terrible and you should be able to move that to a higher priority. I should be able to garrison them reasonably well while I was busy here. I also went and renamed all of our divisions, all seven of them. for channel members, I have to do this manually, so as soon as these guys show up, we'll all get fancy new names.
Anyone who supports the channel through membership will have their name assigned to my splits in my videos, if I don't. Forget it, sorry, I think we're going to need to heavily leverage the fact that we have great, great, pretty good early technology, because we're going to be outnumbered everywhere we go. You could get a reasonable number of power armor divisions, but what is this? the glass hammers blah blah blah blah blah yay I have mercenaries okay we will also start with some improvised squad automatic weapons always good to add to our divisions. I am thinking, considering our population and manpower problem, even the medical company is not such. a bad idea, it makes the support team cheaper, but that's not really relevant. 15% monthly population, although that could be good.
The engineering here is also good construction speed in mills and screens. The other things just aren't as good. I think Lock and Load is fine for infantry. equipment 10% soft attack but hey, I don't research ballistic weapons. I'm going to run with energy weapons and our energy weapon producer just isn't that good. I don't need hard and piercing attacks on energy weapons, it's good, but it's not worth the higher cost of them, so just go for engineering. I think so, I will get more out of engineering than I will get out of the doctor's office. I'm a little disappointed with how long everything will last. our war goals seem to be hidden, I could justify them manually, but I guess part of the appeal of the mod is the storytelling and if I just go around, you know, declaring war on random people, I think it might break some of the immersion and Some reinforcements arrive, two more men in power armor and now they steal fire of the gods that allows us to go to war with these guys from the south.
I think we can do the same thing, so we use regular infantry to buckle up and use the I. I wouldn't say shock troops, but heavy armor is literally guys in heavy armor. We will use them to drill a clean hole. We will also start adding some fireteam support primarily through infantry first, infantry being the most vulnerable. part of all this so we can also start production of some planes soon as some transport gliders will be useful and then Fighters and Cass slow down the game a bit H that seems strange what just happened and our glorious glorious infantry in Power armor, of course, in power armor will crush everything they have now if I'm fast enough.
I can get to like the Baptist break and I can isolate these guys completely because they are all tight and beautiful if I can take this tile, this tile and that square, almost their entire army is stuck, this is an unstoppable tide of armor. Alright guys, keep moving, keep moving, keep moving, these guys are stuck here too, so that's two more divisions that are never coming home, sorry guys, and then just one more. next step, go to one more province to get in, that's up there and we use these guys to fix in Pine Creek that secures everything there we go and again we'll just annex everything, send demands, confirm and we'll go bada bing bada boom, we get bigger. yeah I've been working on the army tree a little bit to get some bonuses because I was locked behind conquest here so now we can do the Great Falls restoration to make this place a little better and Prometheus bound I guess it will unlock something about the Energy Supply that comes from GE geothermal energy here, so we'll see in a moment reorganize the army a little bit.
Prometheus linked to fire, so this is all the geothermal power we are harnessing. I can send it to the Brotherhood. That will speed up my research and get me some weapons. I can send them to Chicago. This gives us pretty good gear and another research bonus. If we use it ourselves, we get a little extra power at a cost of 15%, no. "We are not using it ourselves, we must share it here with our fellow Americans. I like the population bonus and the political power, but that sounds very communist and the first families can use this energy.
I don't want to lose the stability of the base, So I guess we'll do it." We're sending this to the Brotherhood, uh, no, to Chicago, it's time to change the economic law. Let's go from a waste economy to a well-equipped army. This speeds up almost everything a little except in the cap department, but you know, we're swimming. limits, we have a lot of limits, we are making a lot of limits, we just don't need to worry too much about it now, actually, let's know how to get this country where it needs to go, it's almost too easy to have access to the ability to just buy power armor using these decisions.
I'm going to send a lot of energy and metal to Chicago just to get plasma guns and power armor, but it'll be worth it when we kick down the door. Oh, look, Special Agent Johnson showed. Now that's a man I can trust, Special Agent Johnson, welcome aboard sir, welcome aboard, oh what a check announcement, we have decent stockpiles of even power armor and power, oh, it's mostly firearms , what is our army equipped with now? I'm making a lot of power equipment. These are just good enough saws. Yes, I think most of my units are equipped with real weapons and for some reason some have knives.
Let's also work with laser rifles. I could get NG 42. the buzz saw they're iconic, I know, I know, but energy weapons are our thing and you know, T Tesla Cannon, Tesla just says yeah, a lot of people are starting to get wiped out, things They're starting to consolidate, we're getting a little bigger factions here and there Santa Ana here Caesar is expanding NCR is expanding Washington's Brotherhood is expanding too, so we'll see how things look when we get to our final game , this looks great. 5% recruitable pop is huge. but 15% stability, although you know what I'll take and try to fix the stability another way.
Let's make Steelt Town Great Falls become Steel Town and get a lot of new things and become an old world town. Great Falls here will become a city worth living in. Well, we have a mission here. Where is the mission? We lost contact. Shall we send a rescue team? It cost us manpower and, of course, it cost us a rescue team. Why wouldn't you send a Rescue Team, okay, that's Steel Town, now we have to choose local self-defense or Wings of Freedom. Now I'm going to go with the Wings of Liberty because I've already decided that I want the long night, let's go for the pure.
America experiences Manifest Destiny. These are all lands that belong to the United States of America and we will not tolerate the usurpers of the new California Republic. The barbarians of Caesar's Legion or the traitors of the Brotherhood will all submit to the banner or be destroyed. Let's lean on the wings of Liberty Branch leading into the long night. Let's also continue to militarize this nation. I want to advance to the Military Academy training so that our army is truly Elite. Now let's start with survival in Wasteland. Although training, I would like to find a way to get some stability besides the buttons I already pressed, okay, go and get some power armor.
I'm not really sure how to get stability if anyone knows how to play this mod. I am always willing to learn, so let me know where I can find extra stability time to achieve our war goal. Liberty Haver. The Cult of Liberty is about to get a lot less gratuitous. The Power Armor guys will take care of that, but I wonder. Would there be something like artillery to make these Enclave auxiliaries a little more effective in combat? I haven't seen it in my research tabs. I don't think there is anything like our well that is anti-aircraft, this is simply for support. weapons, this is anti-tank, this would count as artillery, grenade launcher, oh boy, I think this is this, this counts as artillery, I think, oh yeah, dynamite, dynamite, I'm fine, let's get artillery for the kids too.
Let us declare that war should be. It's pretty easy, the power armor guys are going to plow through these guys like they're not even there, oh I forgot, I have cargo planes. I should definitely use them soon, get some air drops with my power armor, that should be pretty funny, you know? While I definitely see the appeal of playing The Enclave for reasons of who doesn't want to be the bad guy once in a while, I feel like we can be too powerful since literally nothing so far can resist our power. armor, it could just be that I haven't really fought anyone worth fighting yet, that's also a possibility, but I'm starting to feel like there's literally no one here who can stop me, come on, let's add more uncivilized masses to our glorious nation . oo I can attack them instantly, that's also a good deal, okay, the Montana chapters now at war demand territory, it's not okay to close ranks and now we defend ourselves against the Brotherhood, this will be a spicy battle, I think well, the next one is coming Brotherhood. for us instead of the other way around, so apparently the detours are that safe.
I'll start filing my claims and we'll work our way there. I'm not at all worried. I'll be honest, I think I can carry it, that also means I can now get out of the self-sufficient society and straight into the well-equipped Army, look at the Brotherhood, this is what happens, this is what happens when you mess with America, oh geez, in fact, I've sent enough stuff to Chicago that they don't want any more, so if you send more like a total of water power and machine parts, they don't want any more and you can make the event go away or at least you can make the event stop costing you so much despite its It was an incredible fight, we have managed to surround all the power armor to the east, all the infantry to the west and we will try to suppress them, another wave of human reinforcement.
Humans, everyone is human. The brotherhood is


. they won't be able to, you know, defend their royal territory. I should also have most of the involvement in the war, so I can probably accept everything, confirm a way out, it's all mine, the fate of the merchants, never forget the Brotherhood of Steel. They are merchants of the United States, they swore to serve, they swore an oath to the flag and they turned their back on the government and the people, they will be brought to justice, oh, I forgot, I can centralize the territory and pacify states, which gives me depending on what What's in the state will have a different cost, but once compliance is over 95% and borders something that is a core, I can spend a certain amount of political power depending on what's in the state to make it my core. and, if it's my core, I get more manpower I can get more resources and factories, okay, okay, so we have some extra manpower, last minute reinforcements and then we start the long night, so the long night, Special Agent Johnson has just staged a coup d'état, has imposed order on the enclave and has firmly aligned them.
This Special Agent Johnson will lead this expedition from now on.ahead people will start a civil war, okay, move the treasure. I guess it could be worse. I'm a little surprised. that a lot of our guys in power armor have abandoned us, a lot of them actually well that just means I can promote you Colin, welcome, it shouldn't be too hard to suppress everyone and we'll just use our big guys in big suits of power armor. power the enemy, okay, come on, it shouldn't be too difficult, just clear that thing that's blocking me for a while.
Well, I'll see if I can get some bonuses along the way, then there must be other things I can do. I'll have to hurry up and end this quickly right now to bring the full weight of our armies to bear on the enemy. Unfortunately, I'm going to report on Frederick Negan and Kevin's precise plot as traitorous, traitorous scum, so their names will be published. be deleted from the list guys, I'm being forced to trade with troll Warren, troll Warren, you know how that feels, it's almost over, come on, the Civil War is over, we got some of our stuff back and now we can rebuild again new. to get as many divisions out of these maroon companies as possible, they are closer to 20 without combat and to do that I think I'm going to need to change the divisions currently deployed.
I think it's the easiest way to do it right. we can move forward Washington quickly declare war here take what we can because the Brotherhood is closing in we really need to grab what we can get our hands on before the Brotherhood wins obviously peace deal I'll take what I can, which apparently is This has no more points. I can take a fleet, but what the hell am I going to do with a fleet? I'm nowhere near the coast. Let's fight for the new Moscow. I guess that looks good. Alright. Infantry. Power armor. Boys around. The Vault is ready for a push to the North and then more infantry on this flank, we're going to need more infantry, we're definitely going to need more men.
I have run out of manpower. I have run out of manpower. I definitely need those Midwestern men badly. I have my Handsome Men of the Midwest, I'm going to get another research position. I'm going to have to manually justify these guys because I don't control the entire core territory of the grand Inquisition, which is stupid. just justify uh for a claimed state I guess we're getting more manpower, we're getting more divisions, we'll make this one. nation to be great again, we have the equipment, it's just manpower, it worries me, we even have the air power to back us up.
Come on, we also managed to get a nice upfront bonus for Power Armor. It's still a long time, but I think it's worth it. You know Power Armor is really our thing here. It's what makes America, America. We will declare war here. slow down the game and I hope we can make this happen so what I want to do is get through here and move along the river towards Fort Spokane oh god we're going to take a beating our regular infantry are really going to We're going to be taking a beating beating, we're under pressure, but I think we can get half of you isolated there, slower, okay, we're at Fort Spokane, yeah, okay, so we have you isolated up north here to do this. clean, how do I do this?
I need to surround them all, cut the line, just completely surround them, but I also don't want to weaken my position too much, everyone reposition, at least those forces will be stagnant, yes, this is it. most of their army i think was left up there the damage from the launch, although that will help, we should be able to push and clear that pocket quickly well, well, well, everything is working much, much better now and the air support is certainly helping, Oh. look at the launch damage, yes we have the numerical superiority, now let's get going, drive out the Brotherhood that is severely weakened.
I think we can defeat it now that it's down to 18 divisions and most of those divisions probably won't really be able to stand. It's up to us, okay, let's keep moving south, the more we go around, the better always remember in a circle and destroy and destroy the infantry to the outer flank, power armor to the inner flank and there goes the last of them, new front line , so complete front line. with all the Infantry integrated and the guys in the power armor they will advance directly towards Capitol Hill. I thought Capitol Hill was in Washington, even though it's not Washington, the other Washington, yeah, full on, there's nothing they can do to stop me and there goes Washington.
Brotherhood of Steel and I get all their stuff, all their ships apparently and confirm a way out, oh Montana, the Montana Enclave is superior, let's make Washington proud, so we'll get a bunch of cores now, which will be a wonderful set of affirmations , this is strange. So a lot of things are going to happen. I'm not really sure what they're going to do. It's not right, so we're basically split down the middle. We created a puppet called Washington Enclave. We are the Montana Enclave. We just split up. So whether we have settled in as a little puppet, at least it is not a total loss in this area.
Okay, we can work with that, we can work with that to get the troops back to Missoula and we'll get the guys out of the power armor. Back at the Air Force Base, okay, okay, this is okay, I froze a bunch of manpower because we got a bunch of EXT, well B, no, we didn't get a bunch of extra cores. Washington got a bunch of extra cores, oh. they have their own little, their own little focus tree, someone is justifying themselves against me. Mele, if you are going to be like this, I have no choice but to send forces and I will defend these men because I just spent a lot of time liberating the area, so be it, I will move my army in that direction and they are going to have a very bad time, bugs stupid these stupid bugs are going to get one so looking at this I have a wing full of birds look at the range on a see bird I think power drops are back on the menu guys power drops are back on the menu.
I'm going to move them to the Portland area. I'm going to remove some of my poisonous power armor to start falling behind. Enemy lines like taking the capital and taking some supply centers like the port there, a couple quick hits that will allow me to quickly expand on those Verte birs we worked so hard for, we can investigate them, it only takes 251 days, it will be worth it. okay ancestors let's declare war, let's take them out quickly, we can continue down the focus tree, eventually we'll go to war with Standing Rock as well, it should be pretty easy, they're very distracted and of course I have massive amounts of power armor. nothing that can stop my massive amount of power armor, well it looks like we're not going to be able to last much, this is just going to suck, no rock left unturned, come on, it should be pretty easy, I don't think they have too many.
Friends, no, as long as I only use the power armor for these offensives, the casualties should be really minimal ooh, I found recruitable pop that I want all the only ones that matter, 2% recruitable pop, yes, and that's all of us, including your ships, right now. The bugs are going to be coming at me relatively soon, so let's get everyone back to the front line. all B bugs have a war goal, they just aren't using it. I guess in that case I might as well take my boys out. I need to take out Crow Creek. I can do it with the units I assigned to power delivery, so even if war breaks out now it's not a big loss, it can still work.
I'm surprised people are still trying to confront me. At this point we undoubtedly have the most powerful army in the Commonwealth, this is not even a Commonwealth, just the United States, look at these casualty numbers, 28 men against 52,000 losses and with that we have Montana secured once again and there are two of the three fallen trees. Let's grab the vertebra tech, we honestly don't need it anymore so it's advanced power armor and after that we head north. It looks like metal mouths are about to go away to make America great again. Everyone else has to die and there goes another beautiful enemy. beautiful, so we have those three war objectives, let's go ahead and eliminate those people.
I will not allow any of them to live. I also have to keep creating more cores, which I can luckily do because I'm always out of manpower. I'm going to need a lot of manpower if I'm going to take on the new California Republic, which are the next three brands, so we'll take the bark of Safe Haven Middle and the great Stampede in one fell swoop, mainly because I don't really do it. I want to bother with separate wars here, it's easy enough as it is God, this is so powerful that I don't even need to think, I just need to tell my men to march and they will walk to victory.
That's probably the most American thing about this. game the ability to win any war with minimum casualties maximum reward beautiful I can weather this storm for a while, but not permanently. I'm also going to miss this war objective, which is going to suck, but I think maybe I can use these guys to take out the big Stampede, I think it'll be possible to rush it, that should give me a chance to middl Mark and go from there . I don't have the strength to get the Nitti toy or whoever is involved in this, that would push me. pass the breaking point maybe, although if I can shorten the front a little I can free up units to achieve it.
He would only need to freeze the northern front long enough to free up some troops just to station them on the line. I can probably hold them off reasonably well if I get units into position, well I can do that, but it will be incredibly risky. 20 divisions is 20 divisions enough to cover the entire front line here, yes in theory I can cover the entire front which frees up these guys in theory to cover that front and in theory again in theory I can use these guys to cover my flank south so put two guys here and put the rest here now if everyone can move fast enough we can get them into position and declare war okay I'll declare that war we might as well dig ourselves another H oh like I said we might as well dig another hole It looks like we're doing exactly that.
Yes, my weakest enemy is the great stampede. So yes, I can get this part of the front to move. I have the possibility to force the gap. uh, let's redirect some throwing, expand the gap into a full front line, sweep these guys aside, get to the halfway mark from the North and then. just turn towards nppi from its northern flank as well and then we'll take them all out in one go. This is certainly proving to be a challenge. I grant you that it is fine, the front is consolidating. Who would have thought the auxiliaries would do it? be the key to breaking the stalemate, all those guys in power armor, but it is the auxiliaries, the men and women on the ground, the humble rifleman, who wins this war.
I have no doubt that the eventual casualties will be repugnant, but it has to be done. We have to move on, woo, that's the big Stampede we're dealing with, so at least they're out of the picture, confirm an exit and pause and see what that gives us, that makes everything a lot simpler here , It does not move? these guys in this general area that will free up the men to push, push, push, okay, let's hurry up, let's get into position. Ah, that's it, we've broken them, we're done, so the basic infantry can cover the North and I can shorten the power armor. line towards something a little more reasonable and with that we've also dealt with um, whoever this tribe was, the NIT tapi managed to fight their way through the north as well, so they took on four at a time and we still got out. up, we did it right, that frees up the entire army now and the entire army is going to make very short work of this.
Oh, there we go, that's the last of our enemies. He confirms an exit. Now we can continue down the focus tree. let's work for the rest of this tree uh this makes me go to war with the communists this gives me bonuses and this just finishes the tree so we'll eat the commune of Strath I think these are the communists that don't I don't think there are more communists up there we'll see what people do anyway once we're done I'll eat the bugs manually and then we'll go to war with the NCR and I think that's where we're going to call the video without the rest tree gives us no War, we will have to find each of these nations manually considering that there are not many of you who know real factions out there. that gives us a big meal of gi we'll have to eat everyone individually that'll take too long so we'll get this over with and get going we have our war goals the last communists in America are going to die We'll declare war power armor rush towards NetworkDeer and we are going to try to take them out quickly, hopefully it will work because there are a lot of communists here, they definitely outnumber us.
I just hope to find out that I've surpassed them considering their numbers Advantage I'm going to have to focus on destroying their divisions instead of just pushing them back, which seems to be working somewhat. Come on, okay, so these guys are stuck a little bit. Things could be better, they could be worse. Keep the Air Force following the power and I think we will advance from Red Deer to the north of Redmond, we will rip out the heart, since they say okay, we are just outside of northern Redmond. I'm not going to hit your uh last.
Stop, I'll just dig in with the Infantry for now, throw the power armor to this western flank, cut off the point here, and then advance. I want to destroy their units as much as possible, not just push them back. I do not do it. I have the numbers for that, so I need to be economical in my actions, so the Rio PCT here is going to war with the NCR. Oh, we're going to have a horrible time, aren't we? If we have to fight whoever wins. that 19,000


communists we have not even lost 600 men that is the strength of the American man and there go the conquered communists like all the reds must be conquered and destroyed the Montana Enclave is very good with that there is not much left to do we receive lessons from the winter war and we get another reward from the secretary and that ends the whole deal, so we'll see what the final Focus brings us, but I think that's where we'll end it, honestly, I don't know.
What else is there? Oh, we can set ultimatums, we can demand our rightful territories. Well that's the final focus of the focus tree done and it didn't do anything, yeah that just didn't do anything, while in my South there is a massive NCR and a massive Rio Grande Republic. so RI is full and NCR fighting, yeah if the focus tree isn't going to give me anything else there really isn't much point in maintaining the race. I think the mod is wonderful. I love playing as The Enclave. Needs a little more content. I think it more means going to war quickly to gobble up larger amounts of territory if you can handle it because you want to rebuild America.
I'd say that's the whole point of playing as the enclave that you want to remake America and I. I don't even see a button for that as a formable nation, so it's a missed opportunity, maybe overall, although once you get the ball rolling and can handle the Manpower problem, probably the most powerful force on the entire map, except maybe the NCR. if they do well or the legion if they do well anyway I hope you enjoyed this video. I highly recommend you take a look at the old World Blues mod. It's wonderful and I hope you enjoy the next video too.
See you.

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