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HMS Duncan: Inside The Most Advanced Warship In The World | Warship | Big Ships!

May 21, 2024
hands to action stations hands to action stations the attack package is already underway this is the story of the




of its kind in the


stay aware of the environment one minute at the


dramatic moment of its short history and make sure we are ready for anything, HMS Duncan is a Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer worth over a billion pounds and packed with technology. This ship can track a B size cricket. It rotates three times the speed of sound at about 100 150 Mi and is in a weapons bag, so my C Viper missile system is the best air defense system in the


, but this state-of-the-art ship also houses 280 men and women.
hms duncan inside the most advanced warship in the world warship big ships
Happy birthday, do you understand the charges against you today? Yes, Mr. Hing, fellow cat, that's what I am. hurting cats our cameras have had unprecedented access to Duncan's dramatic seven-month mission as they come face to face with Russian forces. There is a challenge from Russia at the moment as the planes pass through the aft port and the crew is in the front. line while missiles rain down on Syria, it's quite scary to think that we are literally at the center of everything that is happening, they are just waiting now to see what happens and see if someone FES attacks us, it's 8:00 morning and Royal Navy HMS Duncan is preparing to set sail from Portsmouth in the morning, but with just a few hours until departure, Captain Ellena's stack of the ship is struggling to arrive on time.
hms duncan inside the most advanced warship in the world warship big ships

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hms duncan inside the most advanced warship in the world warship big ships...

He's feeling particularly frantic right now, it's that last last-minute rush before deployment. getting provisions to bring and integrate new people on board and all the final details of the materials preparations that need to be done, so as you can see it is a busy old ship at the moment, stores include 6 tons of frozen 4,000 potatoes . chickens and 45,000 toilets r good morning Duncan, good morning Mom was right on Wednesday East northeast 20 knots and we are going to have a mixed fog Hill low Cloud certainly at noon thanks Freddy this is what we are going to fly this tomorrow, what is the flag of effectiveness of the destroyer, this is a reflection of all the hard work Duncan Naval Company has put into preparing the ship for deployment over 7 months today.
hms duncan inside the most advanced warship in the world warship big ships
Thank you, continue. I was that schoolboy in Glasgow with no naval experience. We had the opportunity to tour HMS Aral and I thought, well, this is quite interesting and my interest continued. I think my parents thought I was going through a phase. I think they still think I'm going through a phase and then here. By joining 2000 Navigator, you are in charge of preparing the bridge. Proceed, make sure all screens are on as usual. Chef Liam Fletcher, 26, is one of the latest to arrive. This is his fifth tour, but it will also be his longest. No KN, how are you? friend, you are right, the books give me a spin, the deployment for several months excites me, you never know in today's world what is around the corner with just a few minutes before the ship leaves.
hms duncan inside the most advanced warship in the world warship big ships
Liam doesn't have much time to prepare. I need your help, these are a little stricter than last time, you could have warned us on TV, you should have fired them from the pure York team after this good time to take one, yeah you won't. Liam will be away from home for almost 200 days. I'm ready. the bridge just want to start now do a good job after months of training and frantic last minute preparations Duncan finally scraps it love this is what I love for my chips right now to see how this is shaping up now sent head run to the port of Duncan heading towards the Mediterranean to rendezvous with a fleet of NATO


s and take them to the Black Sea.
Its northeast corner borders Russia and Crimea and is one of the most sensitive areas in the world when we receive our deployment orders. There are always things we must train to equip the man and then be ready to do at a moment's notice. You never know what is going to happen when we enter the Black Sea and what our presence there will do to other nations that go to the Black Sea. The Black Sea puts Duncan on a possible collision course with the Russians and no one knows how they will react tomorrow, are you scrubbing? Can you get rid of this cube to hide it somewhere?
The job of overseeing the crew's well-being falls to one key man. right, how are you? yeah, okay, Martin Watson is the EO, the executive petty officer, right, everyone's here, yeah right, happy days, I'm the eyes and ears on the ground, it means I need to be absolutely everywhere, from the bottom front of the boat to the rear. The end of the ship is fine and if something isn't working exactly right, it's up to me, as that unbiased person on board, to report that to the captain. You have been doing your duty to smoke. I have been obliged to smoke.
So if you went. a D if you had to clean that today what do you do how do you do it right that's the problem that's exactly what I was going to say so on the side of the boat there's a lot of ash and black mark So pass the but in general, the moral is good on board, that's what I generally do is have a blast and try to keep a high moral b, that's mine, that's my boss ancher. you're irritating there now, it's pretty funny that I come in and you're irritating my host, the Chief, my sister says he says you're the only 40 year old man I know who hangs out with Anie Chief, well you work very hard , So thanks.
Anyway, thank you very much, talk about morale, this creates morale, so obviously we have all these chocolates and sweets here, so some people call this the colel colel kfit na, come on, let's take a look, so the bar of crunchy chocolate with noodles that was a little embarrassing for her, bless her, I've been in the Navy for 26 years this year. I left my family at 16 and joined the Navy. Being at sea is where it is, it's a little more. money, which is always good, but it's also seeing the world a little bit more, so that's why I'm here, to see that world and at the same time, we could do a little work along the way.
Sir, how are you? Yes well HMS Duncan is very crowded with almost 280 men and women on board, there are not enough suitable beds for everyone so we are very busy and full at the moment if you can fit in so this is made up. for two of our young officers who are on board the ship so this is typical at the moment as where we are on board our ship we are absolutely maxed out and unfortunately we have had to pick up a few others. compartments where people can live when space is at a premium newer sailors generally get a raw deal this is M camp aka austerity this is where basically the sprog sprogs join in I have an empty bed here 18 year old Owen Clement is the youngest on the boat down here and it's his first time away from home.
This is the best area of ​​the mess right back here my man baby here covers stokers stoker up there my P up here pretty messy it must have been difficult at first it's difficult when you're angry when you're up here you're a little isolated from everyone else, which It's quite nice, the only bad thing is that you have to get up and it's annoying to make your bed in the morning, so I've had a bad nightmare and you're going to wake up and hit your head. Always always my Med at night. It's the one thing no one can mess with.
It is my only personal area. We are also one of them to click. The curtains together, no one will come in, this is my first time. I've never been a brad in my life. I've been to Wales, but I don't really count it. It was a shock at first, but it's quite exciting at the same time knowing that. I was doing well what I signed up to do, so my mom, little Owen, he was probably two or three at the time, pictures of my mistakes that she printed out for me. has collapsed the cas is being treated today by the first one party and medical staff all non involved staff the inant AR remains away from the fox section TR there is no one in this area the EO Martin Watson is coordinating the emergency response one from our ship's company complaining of problems with chess and headed to S where he actually deteriorated seriously from there time to flight station time to flight station a 36 year old helicopter engineer may have suffered a heart attack your life now depends on your own colleagues in preparing the flight crew to prepare for command, priorities are number one to deal with a casualty, number two to prepare for casac, as T1 is our casualty classification more severe, that basically means that there is a requirement for what we call casac or sick leave. uh, that has been activated and our own helicopter is preparing for that now two of the ship's doctors will accompany the victim on the flight scream mouth nose clip sharply breathe a hospital on dry land is your best chance of survival Duncan is running towards the Black Sea Pull towards you normally when a ship needs to refuel, is going to port but does not have time.
We will drive my boat next to a moving, floating gas station and fuel the boat, so that is a challenge. um, but also for many of my team, this is their first time boarding H Miss Duncan got ready, big shot, this nozzle will pump half a million liters into Duncan's fuel tanks R party h Raz is the Navy, talk to replenishment at sea I love ramming, yes Razing itself is possibly one of the most challenging but rewarding things you do in command. I'm steering my boat to get between 36 and 42M lateral clearance from the tanker, that's no more challenging than in terms of boat handling. 40 Year-old Captain Stack has been commanding Duncan for 18 months, star 2 270, it's a big responsibility and I think about that responsibility every day, if I wasn't thinking about that responsibility I'd be in the wrong job and it is like that.
It's hard work and no commanding officer in any military unit would say otherwise, but that's what we'll do. Refueling will take two hours. Duncan's engines are huge, generating enough electricity to power more than 18,000 homes. -old Owen has drawn another short straw, these strainers tend to get clogged with seaweed or fish guts or something like that what we do is take them out and clean them. It really doesn't take a genius to do it. The reason I joined that is how you find your first deployment up and down. Obviously, there are times when you want it all to be over immediately.
Mom is probably one of the people I missed the most. My dad and my trying to find my M when I can too, it's a bit of a shock to her because I'm out of it for 7 months with contact on the weekends and then when we get to the back we'll see. It will be very strange, it will be when night comes and bedtime. Pretty miserable, but yeah, because I'm going to bed, I don't have anything else on my mind, so the photos are on my wall, it's a little sad not to think about it. AV Colle, the fuel tanker also delivered the mail, a great moment for everyone Owen is waiting there.
There will be something for him. Happy in these photos, my grandfather is my uncle Michael, is it nice to receive things like this? Yes, especially when I haven't received any email since I left. I won't show you this very personal message that M sent me. a letter, it's nice to get some letters, although yes, I'll show you one thing, a bag of water slides, yes, that stopped pumping M, very good, once the refueling is finished, there is only time to keep the tradition of the Navy to thank the captain of the tanker that the present is an image of the magnificent ship Duncan and a tie adorned with a disorder Duncan specially commissioned Tartan to present them they will soon be seen on the catwalk Milan Duncan's helicopter returns the flight engineer suspected of having suffered a heart attack is recovering in hospital one of the doctors who flew with him are Ran Dilmore, 28.
So a door never dies at The Duncan, it's never there all day. He comes back, yes, he literally just came back. We have removed him and he is getting hot. the care he needs and he's in a good mood, he's in a little pain but he's in a good mood so that's good news for Ranne, she takes care of everything from blisters to gunshot wounds. I don't think there are many people who can say that. They have such a varied lifestyle in their work, I mean there are always negative things in everything, not everything is always sunshine, raindrops and lollipops, but yeah, I couldn't think of a better career, to be honest, your next work is a little different it's always funky to cover your monkey the Navy has a strict no touching policy on board without gloves no love but precautions for fishing permits are taken seriously have a happy condom day the fairy of the condom do they know that you are the condom fairy oh no, it's an absolute secret?
Secret STIs and stuff can affect both astrength like to the next illness, as there are always a couple of cases, um on a deployment, excuse me contemporary, this is Brianne wants everyone to be safe when the ship comes into port. Condoms, yay, condom, fairy, love. stay safe that's all that's the condom fairy G are you done Duncan is no longer alone she has been joined by allied war


we look forward to this deployment we are honored to work with Duncan's crew she is taking on the role of the NATO flagship by putting it in charge of a fleet of four


, it is very important for us to be the flagship, so this is the first time that a Type 45 Destroyer acts as a flagship, but being the flagship means that the captain's job is about to change. get a new boss NATO Commodore Mike Utley will take over as Top Dog, the captain is responsible for everything that happens in this.
I am a ship, if you like, the next level where I gave several ships within my mission I command a NATO task force in several areas. The commodore's first job is to explain why they are going into it. The Black Sea, its northeastern area, is full of attention after Russian forces moved into Crimea in 2014. For many crew members, this will be their first experience in a potentially hostile environment. People deploying in operations must understand what they are here for. To do that as task force commander, I have a responsibility to make sure that they understand why we're going to do what we're going to do, what their role is in it, and that they.
We are ready for it, do you hear that common language? Good evening, Duncan, let us have no doubt that we do not have normal relations with Russia. Each country has the right to exercise and deal with its own affairs, but what we do not expect is for other countries to occupy other countries in the same way that Russia annexed Crimea, where we will go in the coming weeks and, in particular, the Black Sea , Russia has shown that it really flexes its muscles and for our allies residing in those areas, these are genuinely difficult and challenging times, all of that is inspiring and it is not wrong for a commodore to report to his ship company even though there are Russian ships and all sorts of things going around in the black seat.
I'm really not so right about it CU I am confident in the cruise capabilities, the Black Sea obviously has its own surveillance area by our Russian colleagues. We have a huge job to do here and countries still expect us to be at the forefront of helping. them with their struggles, what I want Duncan to know is that they are at the absolute forefront of that, and for the next few weeks, that is exactly where they will be, the commodore is taking the fleet deep into the most tense regions of the Black Sea . He heads straight for the lions' den It's early in the morning, Liam Fletcher, 26, is one of Duncan's 10 chefs.
Getting up at 2:00 in the morning can throw off your body clock on the first shift, you know you start to get really tired, but after your body gets used to it as a chef you work ridiculously different hours um night shifts tend to be pretty good. because they're pretty laid back Liam caters for all occasions from banquets to burgers and everything is homemade uh for breakfast we have sausages, bacon, baked beans, tomatoes, porridge, eggs and American pancakes, that's pretty interesting. We have two breakfasts, one at 3:00 and one at 7:00. The first one is always busier because that is where the changing of the guard occurs, but there are approximately 266 people. all in an hour you order more eggs py I joined the Navy because I was a little bored of civilians buying bacon, you know I've done that for about 8 years.
I wanted to travel but I didn't have enough money to travel, so I thought well, why not join the Navy? Get fit in the process. Meeting people from all over the world and still being able to share most days. It's really good and I really enjoy it. Chefs prepare nearly 300 breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day. It's one of the busiest jobs on board good morning morning so pancakes your breakfast bang I don't know I don't know anymore I don't even know what day it is what day it's banging sausages I lost my dad . in 2009 and that's always constantly in the back of my mind and I wish my dad was here to take care of me.
I really do and especially when I passed out when he was standing on the playground waiting to go. He was standing on the playground, I just looked up and saw my mom, my grandpa, and the rest of my family in the crowd. I literally looked up and thought I wish my dad was here right now and yeah, I choked up a little. standing in prayer I know he would be proud of me HMS Duncan is about to enter the Black Sea, but first it must pass through the Bosphorus, a narrow canal that divides the Turkish city of Istanbul, pass any street.
Transit like this and us. I'm looking for anything that could cause me a threat and this is the challenge here. A threat could come from anywhere so close to Land. Duncan is within range of the terrorists. L she is now traveling through the more confined areas of North Street. therefore, the smoking area is now off limits. Anyone on the upper deck must ensure that a helmet is worn. Such a narrow channel is difficult for a ship the size of the Duncan, so a Turkish pilot will come on board to help. warning good morning, yes, welcome, also welcome to, so, on the street, I recommend 0 one0 a little.
Piloting Misty for reports like this is a must, especially for a vessel of this size, her knowledge and experience are extremely useful and the language is clear, but the difference with military vessels is that when the pilots come on board, they do not they take control, they don't drive the ship themselves, so with the merchant's loot that's what they'll be expected to do in sector h. The marine mammal registry actually records marine mammals. Marine mammals can be affected by our activities, especially when they are transmitting, so it is not important that we monitor their activities and send a report permanently.
It could be a Russian dolphin in the tightest part of the boss for us, one of Duncan's two propellers suddenly stops. The Captain Port Drive channel three controller is completely dead. Steering with a propeller is complicated, just having the boat motor on the St fix the steering of the boat, so the amount of steering they have to put in, um, the r has to change with that loss of the port continues that E 10 is going to use 5 above the broken propeller makes the Turkish pilot and Duncan's navigator disagree stud 037 037 you give him the I give him the he has this is my boat he has the approval he is asking you pilot is0 es 037 okay, he knows we've been up and down the streets before knowing that the Navigator is well trained to do this type of navigation, but there's always that delicate balance in the relationship, it's like doing it harder. than others, all very fun, the final bridge that the boss crosses for us marks the beginning of Duncan's mission in the Black Sea.
We have crossed the line. Welcome to the Black Sea. I have never operated in the Black Sea, some of my more experienced senior sailors than. I have been in the Navy for a long time and have never operated in the Black Sea. It is a fascinating place. From now on, Duncan must be on the lookout for threats. The 24 hours of the day. All of his intelligence is gathered in the nerve center of the ship. Welcome to HMS. Duncan's operating room is also James Smith's second home. This is the heart of the ship. It's the reason we have a warship instead of just a ship.
And what we have here are all our weapons and all our people who are in charge of them. that we can fight the ship and defend ourselves literally our job is to take the information we have to do analysis to make an informed decision pass that information on to the captain sell our decision making to the captain so he can make an informed decision on what our stance should be 2 suddenly there is an alarm because they have seen a warship on the horizon and they think it is Russian hands to action stations hands to action stations battle bags with anti-flare life jackets and coveralls must be carried throughout the personnel there looking at the Russian, yes that is that 9 M 12 knots 45 minutes sector 0 4000 yards this unit here is an AAC warship so it is heavily armed that is why we go into action now to be prepared to tell you We have other interactions with them, we don't want to make the situation worse, but we are at a high level now, because you never know where the Russian is, now that the Russian warship starts following Duncan, he will be here. to get as much information as possible about how we operate as a way to build a picture of how NATO operates in the Black Sea.
What wouldn't surprise me is if this unit followed us during our period in the Black Sea, I suppose. We will probably get to know this creation particularly well over the next 3 weeks. As soon as we reach this area, they challenge our right to freely navigate the high seas by immediately confronting us with a warship. That is a challenge for all eyes. on the Russian warship confirm the registration, but that's about to change man over look at SM the blocks and what do I have a Man overboard Where is the man? Can someone point it out to me?
The Man Overboard alarm has sounded. Duncan is wandering around. The search area is aware that a Russian warship is observing Port 35. Set the helm to Port 35. Change the ship. Something in the water we're not entirely sure what it is. He's the right size and shape for a man who just watches. let's see if we can still see last time we saw him he was um just chasing us sh it's for everyone Sean, someone up there the EO Martin Watson starts an urgent count to find out who's missing on one of our ships, he set off the alarm Man Overboard who has uh, put us all as ship's company to find out exactly what's going on.
Captain Elena has diverted her attention from the Russian warship to oversee the rescue decision. Minutes Doctor Ranne comes out to offer first aid to the Man Overboard, but with the light quickly fading the search is becoming desperate someone caught him it's not good for everyone, yet the ship's count is almost complete, that is , a 100% manual check from the ship's company, therefore I can confirm that the man on board was not one of our ships, here we go. C just found a way to verify the item and confirmed that it is not a tree. They found that there is nothing in the water.
We passed a log about 2 minutes before they did the right thing. They did everything well up to about 5m away. I still thought it was someone it looked like someone doing this in the water and we got to the tree and we were like oh it's a tree, okay you can stay, you can stay in the water, no dramas in this case, it wasn't like that. a body but this happens unfortunately in the sea uh quite sometimes you will come across bodies in the sea um and you don't necessarily know where they come from and you have to deal with that and you have to deal with managing that with with the ship company is also the second time this has happened to me I need a drink tonight I tell you that throughout the emergency the Russian ship was watching your every move but Duncan and the NATO Fleet are about to enter the safety of the Port where the Russians cannot will follow Duncan's preparation to entertain his NATO allies, are you guys coming to the cocktail park?
Quite a delicate job and there is a lot to do, we have 190 people coming, ladies and gentlemen, official hospitality is what the raw Navy does best, we have been doing this for hundreds of years and tonight will be no exception. Don't expect junior officers to find the most attractive man or woman in the room and simply talk to them. I want you to talk to the entire plethora of people we have tonight. It gives them a great opportunity to have that sense of what is. a country is dedicated to the military side of things, it gives us the opportunity also to thank other military members for working with them, and I find them fascinating, usually with moving nine times out of 10, you stay behind the scenes and you know What you put in There's a lot of effort that goes into the food that people eat and a lot of times you can't see how appreciated it is and it's really rewarding.
My chefs are on board the ship. I'm too afraid to have one because they look like they do. Too beautiful and I think you need, as my mother would say, family, catch up, what are you doing tonight? What is your job? Basically I'm in charge of everyone being properly incapacitated in a sensible way, making sure people don't go too far and serve the Queen's best alcohol, tell me what we have, to be honest I'm not too sure, well you need discover it, can't you, can't you? Asparagus wrapped in paham, some paham, what is this, eh, that's it.
HaveYou have to know what they are, right? The party is a success, but inevitably the conversation turns to Russia. Putin is not our friend. The Russian threat is out there and it is real, so we have to be understanding of what they consider. The Black Sea is like a Russian lake. They do not consider the Black Sea as a free seat. You know, that's how serious Russia is. It's very serious. Nobody believes the Russians are a threat. They are living in a dream world. The next morning, Duncan has barely left the waiting areas of the port when the Russian ship reappears.
He's been waiting for them 2 miles 10,000 And and this time he's not alone 056 headnet 056 showing 17 at 6 and 2 had been 223 85 miles now suspected of not conforming to ra AG, a Russian fighter jet is heading towards Duncan, what? where is your relationship with the left and right ships? Mr. Right, we have a suspicious plane closed, the force officially identified as a fence plane from the Russian Federation turns from right to left. This is the first time on our two El LXI points that we have seen so close to a Russian aircraft is that on the CRI now and departure turn tracking, the arrival of the Russian aircraft is an escalation.
The question now is what happens next. We always talk about the threat being capacity and intention. so we have a very good idea of ​​his capacity the intention is the most difficult thing to prove 53 correct three 53 they are a lot he is in a way, isn't he? They will know that we are watching as closely as a military commander is. It is always interesting to see what the other is willing to do: balance the amount of your hand that you have. Show him with great embarrassment that the next time Chef Fletcher and his team are under pressure, so we must feed everyone as quickly as possible, without wasting time, we must make people come in little, there is a surprise for the team we have. we have the drug testing equipment on board it's just me the captain and our commodore who know about this 049 D KCK 049 and tensions with the Russians reach a whole new level 16 or 17 um Russian planes and we're getting closer to what we had, it was about 200 meters from the beam, which is nothing we've ever seen before, get ready for them to come back.

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