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Hiroshima – Short Film

Jun 23, 2024
We've spent more than $2 billion on the biggest scientific gamble in history. It's an atomic bomb. It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe. With this bomb we have added a revolutionary new increase in destruction. That bomb has more power than 20,000 tons of TNT. We will destroy your docks, your factories and your communications. Make no mistake: we will completely destroy Japan's power to wage war. Enola Gay, this is the command. You are ready to take off. On. Copy that, Command. Starting takeoff now. On. Command, I'm Enola Gay. We are approaching the starting point. On.
hiroshima short film
Roger, Enola Gay. Confirm weather conditions and visibility over Hiroshima. On. The weather is clear and visibility is excellent, Command. Wind speed at altitude is within acceptable parameters for bomb dropping. On. Payload status about confirmed, Enola Gay. On. Little Boy is safe and armed. Security mechanisms have been disabled. On. Enola Gay in command. We are currently at 31,000 feet. Adjusting course for final approach. On. You're ready to move on, Enola Gay. We need to reach the Aioi Bridge for maximum impact. What is the status of the payload? On. The payload is ready for deployment. Maintain speed and altitude for optimal fall path.
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On. Good luck, Enola Gay. Departure order. Enola Gay in command. To bomb. Got it, Enola Gay. Start the post-release maneuver protocol. Recently, an American plane dropped a bomb on Hiroshima. We have won. What has been done is the greatest achievement of organized science in history. We knew the world would not be the same. Some people...laughed, some people cried. Most people remained silent. Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds. We must strive not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but rather not to participate in anything we believe to be evil. This just in, ladies and gentlemen.
hiroshima short film
President Truman has just announced the first use of a new secret weapon. an atomic bomb of incomparable strength. The bomb was deployed 16 hours ago and engulfed Hiroshima in a cloud of fire. Japanese officials have confirmed the immediate loss of more than 78,000 lives following the explosion, and the total number of victims now exceeds 130,000. President Trauma has called on Japan to surrender or expect a rain of ruin from the air the likes of which has never been seen on this Earth. Sir, when you first heard about the atomic bomb, did you consider it a curse or a blessing to humanity?
hiroshima short film
Well, I thought it was a blessing. And I thought it could be used and become a blessing. I never worried that it was a curse. He wanted a weapon that could win the war and he did. That's what interested me.

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