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High Stakes Duel | Round 2 | Phil Hellmuth vs Antonio Esfandiari

Jun 05, 2021






kicked off the




with a 119 hand head to head battle tonight they're back in las vegas for the second round of




same personalities you catch me there i'm toast but you're not going to catch me he's a little angry I'm not angry at all I already know the future I told you I'd play with you anytime I'm ready anytime I'm ready just trying to give me the chips good fight brother I know you're challenging me yeah right officer okay, You can count on me the last time these two veteran poker diggers faced off, it was Phil Hellmuth who found the gold now they return to the mine once again to search for each other's treasure, welcome to another edition of the high stakes


, heads up no limit hold'em with 20 minute levels starting at 100 200, winner stays, loser has the first option to challenge and if that loser decides to reject a new challenger he has 30 days to start the fight, welcome to Poker Go. studio here at aria resort and casino alina jad alongside my partner in crime nick shulman who you may have witnessed before during the weigh in and nick's mood felt quite relaxed between these two what are you looking forward to tonight in this game I didn't feel that relaxed I mean, I know what you mean but you could tell you could feel the tension and I mean, let's see, let's see how it plays out nice to be here there's a quick call from


ly boy, let's dance philly boy jack eight of palo couldn't connect with the ace kick seven board for


a major failure for


however, i mean, antonio, you have the watch, you have the now, what kind of shirt is it, it's a nice shirt, I like it, it looks very nice on you good. where it's from it's from it's an australian brand well the store is in australia i'm pretty sure it's australian it's called caliber calibra they make good shirts yeah what i have a strong suspicion nick that's just telling me again phil but what do i know I?
high stakes duel round 2 phil hellmuth vs antonio esfandiari
No, I'm sorry, I like it and I like the fire, like losing two in a row, it's really going to stay. I also like the gold chain, which also looks good. When I was, it's not a gold chain. This is like a five dollar necklace. yes one night we all wore it and it has been inspired by june 400. oh ladies and gentlemen I like it I like it it's not the Black Nine series what are we thinking we have to realign our thinking here I'm confused check eight is waiting looking one on the card is fine, no pair, no call, that's my motto paul, no pair, no call, well, one hand, one piece at the beginning, the first round between these two, nick snug, the July 29, you know, one, two, round two.
high stakes duel round 2 phil hellmuth vs antonio esfandiari

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high stakes duel round 2 phil hellmuth vs antonio esfandiari...

Now, days later, as you see, the prize pool is 200,000, each player contributed 50,000 in the first match, now 100,000 and it can get quite big quite quickly so you can deposit your cash; However, you must win at least three matches in a row so that none of you give up while you are ahead. You must assert dominance of the business right Antonio taking his turn with the pocket pair a pair of nickels come once dark lightning look a helmet is different I say three and flops bottom pair here he checks, wait, I said check before the flop, check, checks, okay, we're both looking at you.
high stakes duel round 2 phil hellmuth vs antonio esfandiari
Feeler call is interesting, really, you really have it in check. apparently dark check. Phil's second check after he called seabed 500. antonio's board pairs on the river 6.75 and phil's bet on the worst hand here he has value maybe against the ace seven the seven ball is good phil how can I beat to a seven six seventy five? Yeah, great, okay, so he's not as passive as we might have been tempted to believe the line Phil took there, how do you feel about all this shady check business he's involved in? By the way, the man who comes from Wisconsin, winner of 15 bracelets, are you a fan?
high stakes duel round 2 phil hellmuth vs antonio esfandiari
Dark check is okay sometimes. You know, I talked to Phil before today and generally he has his own style, he, he, you know he'll incorporate it and then lead out of nowhere, so as part of his overall game, of course, I mean, do you wear other t-shirts? versus besides yours yes, sometimes yes, we think that if you go to the supermarket, do you wear Phil Hellmuth is the best? I'll wear my ra hat to go to the supermarket, although I'll do that because it's easier to grab and wear the hats, you know, no, I understand you, I'm a hat guy, look, I wasn't until a few years ago and then, a Once I start wearing hats, it's like you don't have to comb your hair, yeah, it's easier to protect yourself. the sun, it's the crazy pair of nine irregular highs in nature that clash and don't connect with this five hundred ace high flop looks like a lot of fun, huh, okay philly guy, you win that one too, it's just running me over Ladies and gentlemen, I'll have to do it. take a stand on one of these in one of these moments I can't let you abuse me like this phil my kids are going to see this one day you know, let's give him a dark raise, he deserves it here we go, it's allowed ray, that Is it allowed, yes.
Is it recommended or what do you think is frowned upon? I want to, I want to fold for 300, which is weird because everyone else, every other poker player, thinks it's dark, but I need to raise it. You know, I'm thinking opposite the nice little ace five suited Antonio is going to wake up two here oh but two black sevens for phil and how he'll react to the dark rays well come up oh I can't oh geez I can't believe I woke up with this hand to be honest check check can't believe I woke up with this hand after a dark run facing a tie on the wheel oh that happens Phil, so glad to see that 500 seabed and now the check goes up 1500 more, yes, with the gotcha days high, we would love to have a back door, but we are there for Antonio to call.
Oh, sometimes you just have to bleed out, that's just the way it is. I certainly would have preferred to have a diamond on board just for backdoor flush prospects as you swing and miss the turn, have an extra 1k taken off your stack and now it's starting to get weird seeing how big Hellmuth goes with ace high , it has some showdown in its own right besides the 303,500 straight draw that comes with thirty-five hundred and it's a bit of a call, I think we sometimes call hope to win and in check the check lines maybe pair up, but well Antonio must be thinking that the ace is also a good card besides obviously the four and just the dynamic of all the dark rays makes it strange but nice, I mean the loose hair is not good, that was amazing.
Wow, I was hoping you hit what you needed on the turn, maybe not when you needed to ollie, but yeah, four could have done something. Fireworks go off from that seat as we recap the first round when Fandiari was ahead two and a half to a chip lead, the tide turned and the hands 78 and he called with fourth pair, yeah, he was sniffing a bluff, obviously, That wasn't the case, no. problem, why would there be a problem? Look, God, I should have hit 1500 before the flop. You're going to re-raise with the ace, of course, are you kidding me?
I could ruin your hand with the ace, the queen, the jack, the rainbow, here, gut shot, Broadway. for


, total air ball, air ball, more like for phil until of course he hits a five and they are both playing on the board. The kickers are going to check, check now the last two runners, runner for phil 500 500, you know, strange place for antonio ford, really jack three times phil. really okay jack nine or 10 something is okay curiosity killed the cat jack is good it didn't have a jack you may have already noticed if you're new to the format that tablet on the felt there oh i should have taken a shot of I change wow watch 30 seconds before crushing suited five of diamonds on the dark gray button I mean of course I'm going to wipe you out then you go flop and there's a lot of money in the pot and I'm going to fight a little more probably yes , you're going to shoot well, I'm glad an ace didn't come up on a turn running five five was a really bad card for you running five five could finish it off maybe how about just a four once? once run run up to 500 how nice that would have been that would have been an exciting hand at the end of the standard match 500 a man antonio the razor on the button 10 jack nine a big flop for hellmuth here 500 in the dark around five in the dark Oh, some spice, sally's bottom pair in the open end and the dark bet when esfandiari hits the five and just releases each player the way nick starts with a five-fold spread this decision was getting to me running out of time give them an extra make it 1500 so you can run again with a lot of lighter hands and the minutes go by quickly 20 minutes per level is fine for you yeah and when you started talking I can't believe I have a strong hand, I was thinking. oh, maybe I have tens, you know, at this stage, it's amazing if you can win ten thousand in one hand, right?
You know, they really prepared this match until the last stance, what's your feeling? Nick, are you leaning towards extra long deep structure or is there some turbo. like phil said it's a good structure it's a slow structure but the blinds will go up as the day goes on but yeah there's a lot of play here which is always good help me with the two pair let's find the ari with five tall without swords. To talk about not being sure which helmets, the other card is 300, I don't think this is going to make it Holly, just based on the strength of that card let alone the possible dessert, it does make it, so um pop it was small enough.
That Phil Wow felt like a fight at that moment, how does he know you say? How do you know when nothing happened? The most recent live cache and a heads-up event, on June 7, 2016. How does he know well that he finished it twice? on the all-time poker money list, courtesy of Hendon Mob, at one point he was at the top of that list, but he really moved away from tournament play, like you just said, 2016. A little bit more than I would have thought. I have to pay. 300 there that's why I checked the pair three times or save your money there's always that 10 8 right for phil call limps on this is augmentable antonio would agree and phil apparently just prepared for the punishment really a quick call from phil , I mean, and he hits an open ending on the flop two of spades, two, nine, and seven.
Antonio maintains the lead with a north of fifty percent and maybe that opening under that you just mentioned, Ali is forcing Phil to raise, it seems that he is right up to two thousand. with a little tickling one will probably make it king five no backdoor well done nice and boy from philadelphia yes antonio wants to flop that quite a bit although it's strange he raised pre after all against a limper how many times will he do it? chip change that's the question is a long amount zero could change six seven times right could be zero how long did it change last time did it change a few times at least yes, it was actually 14 times last time.
I got that stat right. here there were 14 lead changes in the first round and as for the number of hands raised with the lead it was approximately 50 50. Okay, same thing king jack against queen nine top pair against a brave, of course, a fireworks card It is possible in the form of a jack, we will see. check queen is quite interesting now esfandiari has second pair with a straight draw hellmuth improves to an open end to call the best hand against a bet of 1400 phil connor happy to call here antonio looking for value on the turn that's what it is a reasonable third dark check from hellmuth and he makes Broadway that dark check might tempt you a little bit to try to discard some of those king x hands with a barrel here it looks like Antonio tries a little to do it um maybe even chasing some value versus 10x and 5x I guess the value we're not trying to bluff those hands because we beat them anyway.
I think he's really aiming for something like queen king six instead of king seven maybe that region or the stubborn call 10x 5x but a little thin for him, kind of a fusion, a strange kind of who knows 600 and obviously he's About to receive bad news, we'll see, sometimes you can bet the hero calls a stranger and the ushers have been sent to see this queen off. 9. Yes, these places are weird because Phil could have 10x or 5x. He would have played it the same up until now, so they're in the range he got here, but he escapes.
Well, did he need to bet on the river? I don't think so, it certainly wasn't necessary to need, would you know that there is a right and a wrong? I'd be very inclined to check, but you see the end of the tape here. Hellmuth Fendiri. I think we all know what the deal is, but there. it's the details the very irrelevant stat line there, just age and birth, both two children, both married, I mean there it is, you know both human beings, yes, faint yellow when you see Iran is there, I'll guide you Do you know the homeland? homeland, that's right, yes, a couple of rubbish here, I don't think I want that on the pages of my passport, that is, anyway, a stampdangerous, okay, okay, king queens for a pair of diamonds, goes check check ace on the turn, now he gives us a fandiary gut. shot, let's see if Phil, that's this card check, unless Vandy Yards hits high six nine, any quick call, yeah, I was getting three to one, I mean, you know, just two, there's a couple in Georgia , okay, okay, number two, well, we're talking about married to two.
Kids, that's the dumbest photo of him I think I've ever seen. I wonder what the context is there. He wasn't born here. He immigrated at the age of eight. He used magic to socialize. He gained acceptance. 27 million dollars later, he transitioned to poker. I would say it was a good decision, right, I don't know how many magicians there are in history who have overcome twenty-five peaks before probably a smaller fraternity. I'd say, well, you could hit a four to be fair, there aren't that many. people who have won 25 million in pokerOkay, I'll check in the meantime the products for Esfandiari do not connect with this board, which gives Hellmuth the two-way straight draw.
Yes, a good flop for Phil could have some equity in the future and he obviously has some cleanup leads. His check call doesn't change anything, I think. We'll see Phil bet almost any card in the river other than a four or a two, two checks on the turn and now, no, that's a yes and for Antonio he has a decision. I think this is equal for him, at least sometimes we win. 4x 6x I didn't like the eight phil I didn't like the eight four six trying to bluff ace king over the guards 10 seconds okay take another good hand well so far it's been an advantage very well done yeah a little distance a little bit, you know, I mean, obviously, it's just math, any of these clues are relevant and I mean Antonio's decision was strange, I think we just look for it, sometimes they are difficult, we should pay Sometimes retreat, sometimes level two is upon us. splines at 150 and 300.
Phil really showed up very focused today, I mean, all joking aside, when I saw him, he was pretty reserved, I saw him before we sat down, you know, he does this, he's meditating, I mean, he's meditating. taking it very seriously and Antonio very relaxed, you know, let's see what happens this and that, so we'll see, he takes this very seriously. Another shot in the fog for a queen ace. Consecutive occasions with a similar board texture for Antonio. out of position this time it pays 1300 follow up and the ace high on the cards on the straight average type tables are just unpleasant very difficult to navigate playing heads up the ranges are wide we have some showdown value but not yet We really have a future besides taking occasional trips as our best prospect, there is a lot of guesswork in these places and Phil will probably be content to check it out.
I guess not, it's not an unpleasant turn for him at all, I mean, before the pair is still the fourth pair. but he shoots and you know he's got that straight straight shot, it's certainly reasonable and it makes sense, and the ice queen is calling him here, so well done, that kind of annoying style that he has, he's up to some things. chat chat very well closed at the end as Antonio notices that the couple is good and as he predicted, he has shown the two crabs and uh Antonio knows how to let Phil know that he tends to get lucky.
All I need is an ace high. You made a big hand, not one, you know all I need is an ace high, you, no, no, you haven't made a big hand, you pot and why don't you make your rounds and sets and series as soon as you can ? You're done ranting, I'll talk. I had your letters. It would have been over by now. I have a five, kidding. Are you kidding? You want to talk about luck. How lucky you are? The same thing seems like a pot, yes, and that was from the first game. I think you gave them that hand back during the weigh-in, yeah, trying to stir the pot, shulman, of course, I haven't seen a pot I'm not looking at. to scramble in a long time mate, I mean, it's a strange hand, you know, Phil was going to try it on the river, I think he could have done it, I mean, but obviously a salty river for Antonio, there are two 666s, we're going to call with both. hit the five at the end with five seven you only have one card over, you know it's to the six and you walk away like it's a bluff, obviously, two cards over to the two, it's just one of those hands.
Heads-up poker produces a lot. Of those, well this heads up here in poker in their second confrontation I certainly produced more Phil Hellmuth w's than Esfandiari and here's Phil with the right top pair and Espendiaria Gang Khan is stabbing seeing where he is with the fans you know They might consider passing the third pair perhaps. He has a plan on the river, but we will see that the sixteen hundred dollar bet pay off with an additional thirty two hundred in the middle, as these pots increase in size slightly and perhaps now it is Esfandiari's turn, as he makes trips of runner, runner and me.
I have a strange feeling. Phil isn't going to enjoy this river much. He gives you that impression. Just a weird spider sense. Yeah, I can't explain it. He's not 39. He's 84. Oh, quite different. It's really about betting more. 6800 in the middle by a decent margin. I like this size, let's see if anyone can escape. It's this guy, but he seems to feel it, but it's very difficult to double a king here, that was a time extension, not the. cards that his kicker doesn't play either, which is annoying for him, obviously, if it were something like a river two.
Now from time to time we can fantasize about beating king nine and king six, but as you said, 910 there is also a chance that we block 10, obviously, oh. boy, let's see, I caught every street in ten seconds, ah, this is so close, okay, wow, you know what I mean, how does he know how does he know how far he knows he had a big king antonio, good bluff, wow 8400 did I get you the boat? it was quick to call up 5 000. well in that case it's well done, sit back, I'm in great, I was about to do it, he's impressed, oh but I think he'll do it again.
I will and Phil's point is valid about the size. choice, it's one of those boards where an overbet is up to 13. Maybe Phil was right, maybe we have to reduce that size a little, but a nice pair, two suited aces, Hellmuth with the a6 against the ace lady for the third time. Antonio was dealt an ace queen the first time he was dealt the same suit, here he is with the second pair. I'm curious to see how Phil proceeds for this just south of 50 percent, obviously he's got the backdoor, he's high, he's reaching in a big way, right?
He's, he seems to be the first potential misstep here for Hellmuth, who is in very bad shape, as you can see by the percentages, and right after that last pot where he folded and, you know, it's weighing on both minds. . maybe antonio is thinking there might be a modicum of steam, nothing crazy, but a pretty blank card on the turn, there will be no backdoor to eliminate those players. check Antonio checked the third time on the river instead of looking for value, he was trying to induce that I think? he was more just chatting lightly than nine, it's so scary when Phil raises a flop on king queen and it still just compares, I think it was more of a scared call, check, check, fold, and Phil had a back door. the flop so it wasn't, you know, he wasn't totally bare just a poker hand there and I just decided I'm going to raise, I'm going to raise a lot more turns, especially I can see that, especially when I limp with big hands like that, I can see they came out slugging today.
I respect that and raise a lot more since you bet every fly, I mean I've raised a lot more flops since you're going to do the seabed the old fashioned way every day. flop, it's interesting when a poker player tells you they're going to raise a lot of turns, you know you can't trust anything anyone says, so when you hear them go back and forth with these little statements, it's like what are they? ? are trying to achieve with these things a bit just inherently unbelieving, correct poker players, meanwhile, the two diamond board with high jack hitting Hellmuth's 10 jack of the same suit and a possible 2700 bluff interference key card in the shape of the seven of diamonds, although it must be good now. knowing your opponent never makes a hand helps, it's a shame they had it this time, although I didn't have it last time, when you had it it was a bit hellish, like they were raising with top pair but showing an aversion to setting patterns Of course, I could be lying like you, well, Northern California is Phil Hellmuth's home, maybe that's part of the reason he seems to count so many tech valley entrepreneurs and venture capitalists as friends.
He's got good seats for warriors, Nick, I've seen them. seats, yeah, you know, unfortunately the warriors aren't as good as they used to be, so those seats have lost their shine lately, meanwhile, queen jack vs. 10 9 oh, oh my gosh, well, the first two for antonio and the nutter butters for phil, yes, fandiary, probably finally thinking. I've got something here, I'm a seabed guy, I mean, obviously things could get out of control here depending on the dryness of the spin and all that, if we're Antonio, we just call here, we're not trying. play for stacks, sure at this moment, but the brick becomes Phil throwing bombs, let's see a very wet board, obviously, with the two hearts, everything is fine, the three cards are coordinated, now the board is paired and little does, Antonio He doesn't know how good that card could be. for him to slow down yeah and maybe find some heroes to retreat and not do anything crazy like controlling lightning, now he has to continue again in call form but a lot can happen here no doubt it's something cooler for Antonio at this point and this.
The pot quickly inflates to 19,600, the biggest in the match and there is potentially an escape hatch for Esfandiari as the seven puts four to a straight on board and actually has a great bluffing candidate in Antonio, just to see that Ray is into some kind of thing that just interferes. with so many full houses, I don't know if he takes the spot, um, but if Hellmuth comes in with something like 60 percent or you know they're about, we definitely have a candidate for all-in, but you know, that's a whole - in the sense that you act knowing that your hand is well won and you have to give credit to your opponent for simply being able to do it yourself.
Phil can fold this hand. Phil may even retire. I don't really think eight seven is retired, but it's disgusting if Yes, uh, pocket seven somehow you know it's really disgusting when they check the jam here Jack Queen is kind of the background and the streetlights are these and then a lot of ships seem just body language as for him he's between calling and folding right now eleven thousand to the call getting shy three to one paul wow really wow we have the first stand up ollie thanks nice I'm almost moving on the river I want to turn my hand into a bluff so much who was trying to decide if he was calling you on the river oh well you called him nick wow he just had the right one but still I want to say his procedures were reasonable oh you're running pretty well mr hellmuth confirming that what was going through his mind is phil stacks a 41,600 chip pot could have been worse turned into a complete disaster from now on just do it just do it i knew you would never think i had to call you i mean i had you in i felt like you were unlucky and you had kings or something but i failed better that that, what is it, oh one? foot, no, don't give me that, well, flopsas nines and tens, oh wow, why would there be a problem?
Go up to a thousand. I should have done it. Therefore, take it with the ace nine. I think it could have been the same. like you know you know that pocket jack queen, I thought you would, I thought you might have gotten a jack in the river, I thought you had to stay in the river, I thought, well it's going to be hard for him to call jack queen like a little bit easier because you can move it with a jack, you have to call. I think I have to call. However, he would have made me sick because I know you seem to have led Antonio to take off his shoes since that wasn't before.
Very nice, maybe he. I'll take his pants off next, if this keeps up, I could see the hat coming off his head just to allow for a bit of cooling, yes, floating a bit freely with the hat on, feels like it's on, comes off, who knows two hooks and a six. what binks fill who has established a very significant separation between their stacks now here on the second level actually ollie well I was lucky the right pair hit there oh my goodness if a ten or nine comes up on the turn, you'll probably only pay 5k, of course.
I do the same thing and then I check, I go up on the river, you check the race up to 30, which I'm going to pay, yeah, I mean, if it only comes like two three, you'll probably win a bigger group too, I think I'm one. I could win as possible, I won, I'm not going to win the game, but you win a lot, yes, I would win a lot, as if there was no problem, verify that the diary was found, far from lining up in the punt formation, here it seems that It is still composed. check and uh, I think it's your turn to flop the joint, not against both of usfirst, but hellmuth has enough to continue, as he checked and called 400 dark check call with bottom pair oh, maybe a saving grace for hellmuth will be the control of his paw, the style that he has. just check instantly, call, check, check it, I was prepared for a six or a four there, by the way, I was prepared for two, oh, true spice, it comes with two points, a strange x and after having lost that big pot , this is going to be divided. desperate, right?
I'm getting tested early, kind of good, good, good in my own way, that's for sure, double, I have two pairs, well, I mean bravo, what can you say? That's two times, two pairs, Antonio, good bluff, I think we're seeing. phil hellmuth is a game on display for a second maybe maybe not, I haven't looked for it, I haven't looked for you in a big bet, but I was planning on not being two pair, I thought, I'm going to let him bluff and then double it start pretty brilliant from hellmuth here objectively speaking, I mean one hand, limp, he's throwing a very clean ball game, yeah, yeah, we're not even talking about that right now, that's how clean he is, you know what I'm saying.
You don't even mention it, yeah, they were calling you quickly if you had about three four thousand, you know, call, go, in fact, I called you so quickly on the turn that I was trying to make it look like it was a weak ace. jack nine pair of diamonds top pair against bottom pair on the flop a little annoying for antonio we are going to take a little river here and uh nine hunt for deuces is not going its way so far ali but not at all there is so much poker left third check out of the magician and these are so shady if we're up against something 1300 looks like the full pot could be wrong I think it's 1400 it's the full pot now it's back on third pair of bluff catcher, I feel like two is good for antonio for some reason allows the medium cards to float a little more, but it's not their start, as we said, a hint of proud enthusiasm, by the way, in the intonation of the disaster, hellmuth rolled that. one more and uh, let's go back to when he flopped the set against fourth place parallel for Antonio because we see that he has 15 dead.
That goes with the middle, there's not much room for improvement, but it still continues, which is completely standard and like we said, it's drawing. ollie dead, we lose all the value, it's not easy and he pays for it, so he's making trips, he's paying with the fourth pair. Hellmuth has him on camera right now, Ali and Phil Hellmuth are back picking up where he left off now. I'm talking about this bagel and cream cheese what are you working with here what is this byu oh my god phil take it buddy that just doesn't seem coronavirus friendly but we're doing what we can it looks like the distributor about to go to mine, uh, I mean, listen, okay, I don't think there was a proper chew to the burger, since he was very ravenous, I mean, it looked like he ate like 35 percent of that burger and that big burger also.
By the way, a great line, you know, I think 35 is maybe a little less difficult, but the race, oh, and he goes back to the burger, let's grab that other camera, shall we, something more interesting is happening. The mask just came back on, it's just yes, Mr. Douglas. How are you sir? I'm fine I'm pretty fine if you remember in the first round I'll be a little warmer I'll be a little better I got a little irritable so Antonio was kind of like I hope you like this game that involves dealer, let's see if Antonio likes these little games or what have you, of course.
Hi Douglas, it's not much, I mean it's just not, but you know what I mean, but I think he's also pushing Phil's buttons knowing it bothers him. right, right, all the meta, oh, and a snapper flop from young douglas king high that will work for hellmuth as a fandiari with dust, oh antonio, drawing phil dead, reviewing a hand that happens a lot in this place, apparently it's a good choice here, maybe not, maybe. Antonio would have been tough against a raise, but uh, third club at the end when hellmuth tried to roll out the red carpet, antonio was content to check the river, however, it's understandable and antonio has a high check candidate, a check aisle and a check withdrawal candidate. so the darkness continues let's see what's coming with ollie that just paid off and the rich got richer my hand where have I been in that seat or does it feel like they show you the winner non stop it can get weird out there a times credit to antonio he keeps it together all that but you can do it here it's really you can do it there aren't many people who can do it but you're definitely one of them just do it douglas are you excited, nervous, happy? deal with phil hellmuth of course all of the above is your favorite poker player in the world don't be politically correct okay let's skip the bs okay real answers phil is a little more tolerant of dealer commitment when you sit on the check two to one more.
Yes, everything is going so well for him right now that let's not rock the boat's seven queen tray, since the ducklings are off the flop, which is 1100. It seems that Antonio's size options are often in the range of the 40 to 60 percent pop on the flop and then. bombs as the hand progresses where am I ollie antonio turning a set and this a7 is certainly a lasting possession on this board it will certainly not go anywhere unless it transcends the play it has already called so obviously the Royal blood is possible in the form of the seven or the ace, but almost any card is difficult for Phil to navigate when it comes to folding because, as you said, having such a strong possession without a possible flush or straight 10 doesn't seem like it should be relevant. at all, so now we assume whether or not we are really facing a queen and there doesn't seem to be much doubt.
He overbought again, yes, and chose 13-3. Oh, he faces a set of fields. Well, finally. I need you, the dealer has to like it um, he has to drop the deck before cutting every time, okay, what is he complaining about? I was going to say something right away, but and like that, but I was waiting until I missed a pot, so what are you complaining about? What happened? I just need the dealer to release the deck each time before cutting. That's all. It's just a good procedure. It's what everyone on the planet knows. I mean, we want to, we wouldn't want to mess up the procedure.
Douglas, I think so. You're doing great, you know what I really think. I think that two on the turn was pretty beautiful if you ask me because there's only two left. I have two in my hand. There are four in the deck. somehow you manage to get out of all those cars and find that little devil for me which was very nice of you and then someone got up from their chair and was not happy with some procedural thing, you know, no, I just like it When I've been lucky, but that's not the point. The point is that I like it when they are dealt from the machine.
They don't have a machine. Douglas, you're trying however he wants. Okay, whatever. The great man wants what he gets, he's the king, well let me, you know, Antonio, you can interrupt me, tell me when you're done talking and I'll continue, please continue, okay, do you want to interrupt me again, I mean, it could depend on what you do. I'm saying oh, okay, then that's all I want, just drop the mallet and then cut, that's all, it's a good procedure. I get scared, you mean instead of doing it by hand, like you know when a guy has a sledgehammer like this and never lets it go? and then they cut away like I'm scared, I get it, yeah, because this is definitely the place you'd be coming to, you know Douglas and I, could you make fun of me all you want like it's them? to us douglas phil hellmuth is upon us, can you believe it?
I never thought he would catch us, but he seems to be catching us. I thought we were doing great, but you have to order the cut, you know, oh, just, no words. It has to be a strange place for Douglas, that you hit on the turn. I wouldn't want to know he had you on the flop. It goes up until it reaches 2200. I couldn't tell you what I mean. Other steamy, helmutian moments that were kind of nice, oh he's getting up again, oh we got another stand up, so what's this cold drag aisle one please, cold rag aisle one, go crazy with five seven and hit a seven?
Is there a better show in town? I know the movie theaters are closed, but can you imagine a better show in the city or not? I don't want to see him because he thinks he's going to cheat on me, right, he was ready, right, it actually took me less than five seconds to call you, except Douglas. It turned out well, Mike Douglas Douglas, you make a good team. Hellmuth is a true force of nature. It's remarkable how thin the ice was. I think he won 47 hands in a row and then lost one. Antonio, does he feel like me?
I'm on fire no three ben ace 84 rainbow king 9 off it's a nasty kind of fight but a fight anyway let's see if Antonio does something here four thousand three hundred thirty four thousand three it's interesting to go with something like ninety percent it's a winner good hand yes I already had a plan. I think he's going to bluff. I know it's him. I know it's Jordan for the big bet again. I know it is because I prove it. I told him he was strong both times he made the big bet, so now. I know he's going to try to trick me with the big bet.
All is true. All is true. Philadelphia. I'll be interested later to see if you had it for the other two big bets. I wasn't sure about one of them, that's just how it is. What you feel when a pitcher gives up a single during the no-hitter in the eighth is because we're not in the eighth, but there was certainly some disappointment on Phil's part just to blow a bounce there, great, it was big, but like you said that We're not in the eighth, but, he, he was throwing a shot, he really was. It's a bit of a high expectation in a heads-up match, as we see him pitting king seven against queen, two and queen. on the turn, hit esfandiari and around here he should of course, we never know, but he does it, that was a bit of a hit.
The shift in momentum is palpable, I hope I'm the queen, huh, yeah, well what's going on? I don't know, it's the only thing I can do. to tell you is that the third level 200 400 white I can't beat white magic phil it's not fair it's been good but you say you say you're the only one I've played hand to hand with who lies about every hand I can't beat white magic cheat I cheat yes check douglas thank you douglas really throws a lot to douglas ollie yes you realized that the right one never dug always douglas second pair for antonio here this check draws a 1k bet from hellmuth's ace queen on the button 3 100 and something interesting backtrack ace queen in that limited future well now a lot of territory 12 200 excuse me, I like this, we unlock things like seven eights, which are possible check-raise folds for antonio, we wrap that King would probably be a little cleaner if he had a gate rear here, but still this is convincing, obviously, and it can't be that bad, and maybe Phil really realized that this is not that strong on Antonio's part and it's not, it was more. of a type of information that is looking for a medium hand, so I mean, but therein lies the risks of Antonio taking this line, obviously, sometimes the test re-emerges as a game of risks, as we know, and he calls and We have one that is really brewing. that's interesting ollie, oh sure that's the kind of card phil could fold, well he already built this to 20. but a jack out of 10, even a king, are more natural barrels for me, this six looks really ugly for us, but you know.
We suspect that seven eight continues after our three bet, perhaps with backdoors it is possible even without it? Antonio is eighteen sevens and he will not be totally comfortable with these nines and sixes. Nobody here is totally comfortable with two middle ones against a guy whose reputation is to have it in big pots and all that, but we're not going anywhere, the question is equalizing or increasing the merits for both, as we see now, Phil is dead, so 15,700 seconds, great pick by Antonio, just call, now there's some stuff beyond just denial of equity, this is one of those times where they're drawing dead, even hands like the backdoor that didn't get there in the club spade variety and let's see Ali, Phil goes for it again, check now closes it and a huge pot headed to antonio who has now claimed the chip lead again.
I'm going to match 12,000 with a nine. We have a bleed, ladies and gentlemen. I win. We got a bleed. Was it the best hand? Of course, no. What do you believe? I don't know, oh we have a little lie, we have the best hand every time we put the money in, no I never make a hand so obviously I have to go in with the bad hands, you had four hundred dollars in the stack that you handled. to put twelve thousand some people know how to poke phil like antonio don't believe me take a look okay i could win this someone is a little hot there is it a little hotter on that side or is it both sides what do you do?
I think Rachel is a little hot in there because I feel a little bit of my opponent's steam coming out of there. Can we get a close up of Philswinging his swag caps nickname sports what else are we going to do with those eight seconds in our hands just go up there you can see how powerful that is okay wow you tried to give me the 19,000 wow why okay so be it He He says yes, so be it, God, I should have called, what am I doing? I really didn't think you'd want to give it to me like a 19 ball in a place like that.
Antonio claimed air at the autopsy, I think. he's claiming the air is a little lie, maybe not, although the small blind, the big blind, this time I won't fold it, listen to anything that gets steamy, it could just be speculation, although there's a nice one here to 1700, okay, here we go, this is where I usually check the rice. the flop, okay, three beds, one here is managing to get a queen out of the chunk really is a squeaker and some things here for antonio, obviously, with the royal flush draw, I mean, anyone who's played a little bit of video poker He knows that three for the royal is another check. phil rise recent trend some way to continue here is a must comes with a call certainly for that price 12-2 in the middle is not a very interesting turn however chuck antonio free throws a king again instead, raise the jack against the first two with the second pair of kicking kings now the first two no problem 52 good hand and I'm not results oriented, but obviously Phil bets the turn which we assume takes the pot right there when he checks, he It allows Antonio to improve in the only way that is beneficial.
The king comes out, you regret it, you understand, but you are right. I didn't like the five on the turn, but I should have crossed it into the deck circle. Five and ten cents. I like those lines. I must have gone through one thousand fifteen. thousand that stung you a little you stung a little you just won like seven times raising on the button not a single stone comes a small jackpot on the flop oh spicy I'm not sure about this, but it has Antonio's reaction to the raise of the checkman on the turn when I check with him I've always gone to check back, I'm not sure statistically speaking, but it feels like it's a form of initiative, let me see if I have a spade, yes or no, oh he has bottom pair of 900 against the second. pair, oh, how big, there are no swords anywhere, how big is the guy from Philadelphia, the question is to check, there is no second barrel now, the fourth sword, whoever wants it, probably strains for Phil, just It will be enough to double check, however, do you have too much hand to just walk away?
I think he does too and, um, take it down, sir, with the wrong shovel, that's all Antonio can think. Yes, Lily Boy did not come to dub, ladies and gentlemen. Now teach this boy a lesson. Oh, gotta keep those hips open, yeah. I guess God, I mean, don't hurt yourself, man, I guess he knows what he's doing, but a hernia over there, oh, this is compromising, oh God, I think we've got the idea, I mean, I've seen you, is that alkaline water. I don't know man, I don't think we'll provide it, I think it's a dead giveaway, I don't think Hellmuth will get the desired action here, maybe you'll get jack three at least, I mean, you gotta be careful with these jacks. three offs every now and then is this, see, miss, fortunately for antonio, that should be fine, that's fine, just know that sometimes you have to let go of the jack three, we know what we needed, we needed the old king three three flop.
That's hard to understand, although you know what I mean, or a jackeye flop, that would be good, it would sweep every street with that hand we played before. Are you supposed to check that flop? Phil seems content to allow him to continue. With that game plan, he sees and verifies that it begins where Antonio's left hand is, which is constantly supported by the scene of Jack Town's failure. This is strange. I think it takes me a while to realize watching Phil, but I almost feel like I've had this epiphany is that it doesn't run out for him, that's what he wants.
He really he's a counterpuncher. He really almost revels in it when you come, like in a fight, when you talk a lot of slaps. before them and then they come, you know, the bulls charge forward and the good forwards separate them and so on, and I haven't touched on it before, it's a defensive style, so I think a lot of us there's one thing you can learn Phil's, obviously. He's very emotional and Antonio may have missed it, he's fine, but obviously he's emotional and can you tell he wears that on his head? when his opponents overextend and keep shooting, I think a part of him likes it almost on some level, like that's what he's trying to do and induce, I think I agree with you, he prefers the counterpuncher role, but unlike boxing, I wonder, can you really consider Antonio's approach as something that could lead him to punch himself?
Antonio is an enigma. You know he's capable of anything and he's very difficult and complicated to deal with at all times, obviously, as we can see. I mean eight five off was a perfect example, this is a guy, a fantastic hand, that's how you cover silent defense suits and dark checks, but there are a lot of other ways this can go, but yeah, there are some punches that hit yourself, obviously a crude analogy, but I know I mean it's actually two different styles at play on display, the more seemingly cautious one doesn't tell the whole story and the deucey type of style and the bulldozer runs over you, sure, wow, there's only time for everything but defensiveness with the board.
Of maniacs I would be interested, he had the maximum color, what else could he have? I made it you bet I raised nineteen thousand of course I finished color you could have seven high he raised me with ace juice once just when you think you're dealing with a spoonful of vanilla it's actually vanilla nick madagascar vanilla oh here goes ladies and gentlemen? What did they think they were going to spend the whole broadcast and I was going to keep calm and be what's the difference between vanilla and Vanilla Bean anyway it's not, sometimes they just throw beans and to be fantastic, maybe even be just a visual thing, but it's not like I'm passing any taste test, well, no, thanks for joining me on that little one of yours.
If you have it, no problem, ace jack four here, bottom pair for hellmuth should work, you know? I mean, it's been a thing in sports with defense winning championships, obviously, all of this is a stretch to compare this to that, etc., but the ability. being comfortable with seemingly being pushed around to play that passive role and not overcompensate and, you know, wearing it almost proudly is something that Phil really does well when he's playing that character and it's interesting to see him especially in one-on-one because he's more active in it. What it seems, it simply takes passive roots from the beginning in the hands.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the dark bet you've made, maybe, maybe, maybe we don't agree with it in isolation in a vacuum in terms of raw UV light, but in terms of the overall metagame of the party, all this, here we go, oh, here comes a very quick box, oh God, oh my God, is that a burger from where that burger place there is nothing like a good burger, it really is the best, my thing favorite is a good hamburger, have you ever been to your father's office in Los Angeles? Oh great place, best burger in LA, so good it's in Santa Monica, dough goes.
My specialty burger shops are really nice, right? It's not even like a bar, but they only have this. The most incredible burger, I can't handle the silhouette of the person chewing behind the mask. I can only imagine the burgers. If you take off the mask, it really could be. I mean, by the way, in Father's office, Antonio mentioned a fantastic burger, but you can't. Damn it will be a top pair, not for me, how deep is the menu? They only serve standard cheeseburger, regular burger, yeah, okay, well, you know, I have a bad feeling that you gave that one a four.
Does he still chew? I don't know, we are. on the turn he needs a ton to quit right now, dude, I mean, let's see, he needs a food processor to drink the rest of that stuff, aces and eights, just in case, in the end, what did he come here with? ? It seems that they have broken how much. Did he bet? How about 10 8? I have a hand in three hours and it cooled me down, come on, well, yeah, ready, help me. It certainly has a history of complaints. He doesn't understand strategy at all. So bad, I don't understand the truth. way you are supposed to play plays any time you want to double the bets or play for more add a taser gun.
I'm available. I'll go to Las Vegas to play every day for the next year. We can have a contract, brother. Know? I will play with you every day. I'm sure not a friend. I'm available. Let's see. Say it, but you don't really do it. I'm ready. I told you I'd play with you anytime. I'm ready at any time. I'm ready with luck or the last one I made three times I don't care who was lucky or the last 20 minutes now that 20 minutes who cares about 20. because the blinds are like what do you care about 20 minutes oh no?
It doesn't matter what it is, it's five and one, yeah, yeah 22. The most unfortunate thing on that table is the hamburger. You've been lucky in the last 20 minutes. Oh, it's amazing. I should be lucky every minute of every game. 20 minutes. Can? Believe this guy, he will understand what you are doing. Is incredible. Tripp Jacks right on cue for Phil. Correct. Just relax. Check out. Check out. Antonio. Choose not to bet. put that on his pile give him something yeah I got that right you certainly maximized it's about maximizing what you want you know whatever you've been helping that one you nailed it perfectly nick shulman has nick schulman have you ever seen it? maximization at that level how pure was that I mean, it's amazing when you're done talking I can make a comment I'm done, you bet on every flop you raised, trips, why would I bet and bet every time you bet when you were dead, others four times and you made your heart and your ladder and all that, what do you mean?
I know you're going to bet on every flop that was unlucky, all you had was an ace high. Wow, you know there's a lot of pressure on Phil for this match, I mean. maybe the pressure is wrong, but it's strange, if you lose this one, all of a sudden you get stuck and it feels like you don't have control because Antonio had to lead a lot in the last match and some weird hands, but you know, it feels . like you've had the momentum for a while and suddenly sobering reality can creep in to where it might be antonio who starts to take over i mean look at this guy who has high knees i mean wow okay . to keep those quads loose um I've done it not by holding down the button I've never used it but it looks cool I bend them all the time that was the third one today I'm actually the last match how many buttons did you bend?
Are we talking about the last game or today or I don't know, probably a couple, yeah, and how many did you retire today? Three, yeah, three, yeah, you're playing great, buddy, that's on me, you do the hot yoga I got, yeah, yeah, that's it. disgusting, come on, it's not for you, it's relaxing, no, let's relax and show them what we've got, you know, I could have folded for 12k that hand that they say was tipped, which was like the second hand of the match, I raised, what? You know? that you are paying attention, but 2500 suits covered once again goes up to 2500 and equals 554 on the board, both with the same type of situation, back door, open end and the suits and overs keep checking the board now check 35. sometimes i have to fold the best hand ray it's just the name of the game it hurts someone has to do it poker wouldn't be betting unless people fold the best hand sometimes a certain guy from philadelphia, you know, most of these games I fold the best hand three four five times what really matters is if you win, that's true, a small caliber shot fired there, a little more than a small caliber friend, I mean, you know right, I thought the match might be over once i started doing good reads on you yeah but then i texted you.
Maurice took a break and he came and delivered. He needed that. I think the break was good for you and that break feels great for you. He was begging her to keep playing. You raised me with an ace high and I called you with Jack. Hello. and I was like, "Okay, this is what's going to sail." I've been known to say it, I mean, if you weren't bluffing with ace high, like I smell weakness, if I win that pot, then you're 65. big difference. so i thought you were going to fool me, yeah, ace five for antonio could be a problem, you should keep esfandiari out of harm's way even if he checks, check, hellmuth, two overs on broadway, gutty, winner of the best hand of 2005, yeah, oh, it's hot. not here, a little warm it feels like Phil is a little less rusty, there's a perfect temperature here, well you think it was just contradiction, maybe you're right, it never stops, although it feels like Phil might be a little less rusty in terms of poker because it is much more current and playing and competing, but at the same time there is an investment aspectHolly, it can happen, it's hard to see a refrigerator like that, I think they both fought hard.
Phil has really played very well, I mean, but you know Antonio has gotten cooler than some tremendously big pots, I mean, he really has more than both matches and it's going to be hard to beat that and just two pair over two pair leaves you with a little i hate to see him fall like this but this is the life we ​​have chosen i mean how much do you have behind antonio approximately 20 sorry to ask it seems he comes with the limp 13 and a half yes 77. I know they are different situations but Phil has found the full button on numerous occasions and he's saved tons of chips, that's true and I think Phil would have doubled those nines where the rolls were reversed and it's not that easy to fold in that spot, you know? visibly I just want to say it's a painful place for nine nine but yeah, you're old when you know your beach is full and Antonio echoes that it's feelings.
I knew you had it. There's no way you wouldn't have had a hard time bending it. sevens and twos, although I'm a fish, there's certainly a lot of clarity from the booth when we can see the full cards and for those at home, and it feels like it's a lot easier than it obviously would be to always sit there like that. and I mean, I mean seven and two, I think it's just to go on, it's just a cooler, but that kept me in a bed of three in that situation and I hear you, it's the guy who has the maniac team and shows up with it's not dust, but if there are Straight Flush Draws, there's the max flush draw, maybe probably not and then occasionally ace king is an ace thing, ace, you know, they're not that deep right now, it's too much difficult to start folding two pair on the turn, I think so. doing something like betting on the turn alone in a hobbled pot at this depth, such a tremendous range advantage over the big blind checker on king ten nine against most opponents, some of the really super complicated ones appear with a shotgun gap still pretty wide in terms of pre-flop raise and seabed, you can limp, kids, you can limp and check all the time and win, I mean, there's an engraving down there, i.e. a frequency monitor cardiac, I don't know, I like this. little green chart we have I think it's the chip lead yeah okay well Antonio needs to spend ollie he's limping in eight four diamonds 14 grand I mean it happens check check two diamonds on this flop that is fandiari with the flush draw he should be able to Take it easy like he does and you're right Nick that 10-15 range blind Hellmuth approaches it very differently than most nurses.
If he does some things very well, I don't anticipate Antonio approaching it the same way, although I don't. I think Antonio especially likes this depth. I don't think he ever had it. He is a deep stack player with no trade limit. That's what really at the end of the day, where he cut his teeth, was playing no-limit deep stack cash games. total 13 14 big blind nuanced stack size guy phil probably has more experience than antonio I think that's fair and he's definitely battled that stack size more than him obviously he's in the driver's seat now with the huge lead in chips, but king 10 for all. hearts second nut color tie for esfandiari as you go check check queen high happens to be in the lead four four small pot full and oh no, that's a mistake, it's a mistake if we saw it correctly if there were three hearts on the board and In fact, he had the queen of hearts, which I think is what we just saw.
A check-fold would be a mistake, but I find that you saw three hearts on the flop. Yeah, I'm just doing girls, sometimes a diamond slips in and you know. I've made that mistake before It sounds like the four-color platform lobby I like the four-color platform Maybe one day we'll see the live four-color duck I'm up here Maybe not, though I hear you again The club is covered, check the thinking on the flop, even balance his dark guys, dark checks with check, the flop that came out of nowhere, open on board 668, I think we have a clear raise, put it in here, I think the standard is to just raise , but nine slaps fill six.
It would have been pretty classy to check it out as it turns out and I think it's something to consider anyway, but um, take it down, Phil, go ahead, they fight classy in what sense, yeah, it probably would have worked where Antonio would have. stabbed and you know boy, there is the essence of defeat, yes, antonio developing right now is a tough man, I mean, he has also fought hard for a couple of matches, he also wants to win, I mean the indifferent way in which he approaches it or indifference, but we. I know he wants to win, he's obviously a warrior type, a psychopath, you know, an animal type, so you know he's a competitor in his own right and he's deflated right now, understandably, although I think he feels like he's played pretty well and that there has been a pretty uncooperative deck at times, I think that's how it feels and you know they'll probably play again, this match hasn't ended well, he's already said he'll automatically challenge if he calls four more pretty quickly, that's good know it.
I don't even think Phil means that like a needle, he's just so dialed in, oh, too many cards, I don't think Antonio's going to love that, no problem, why wouldn't he have ice cream that wouldn't have been? your hand maybe I don't know if it would have been my hand you have an extra guard it didn't make any difference you have an extra card guy when you run bad yeah I mean you know nobody plays the loser better than me, man, so I He Been there, but there's a bit of grief, it's me dripping with Antonio right now, it's the why nots and the comments.
He feels like he's been unlucky and he's angry and it's all real, but you know at some point you have to weather it. the storm, I mean, there's 100k at stake here and the glory and but now he's lost twice in a row and he has to sit out if he doesn't make it, I mean, yeah, just a double and you have you know, a double and you have a chip three to one I mean for sure a double and there's a little bit of movement for sure oh man this is just a punishment yeah this is getting really complicated but it's okay and I think the feeling by Antonio en These are not moves that Phil can make without actually hitting these flops and I think Antonio is sorry to interrupt.
I think Antonio feels that he has won more pots and gotten cooler than the really great ones. No, that's Antonio's. plus the little ones maybe and he's v pip tire and he's stabbed more and been more aggressive, but you know, he may not tell the whole story. Phil has done a lot of interesting things, but when it comes to the big pots, he's going to be getting into the big pots most of the time doesn't tell the whole story, but yeah, he's struggling right now. He's deflated, it's so simple. like that, he feels like he's not going his way, no, he certainly hasn't 9 4 in the marcus phil is now asking antonio to commit to one hand and go with her, he has that robe and the scythe, maybe he.
I'll spin him, ollie, maybe he'll spin it, you know, I wouldn't mind seeing at least one spin and then watch him navigate the waters from there. I think this will be called dominasius. It's upon us, Jack 10. vs. king 10. 21. even that good hand filling was a bit sarcastic in reference to the dominations, it didn't go well for Antonio today, if this is so, it certainly doesn't qualify to be so , as you see the percentages there to a large extent. in favor of phil hellmuth here who already won the first round for 50,000 here he is 100k a man ready to win the second round antonio agrees to play once again in a third round for 200k per man if it doesn't work out eight seven two guts straight shot and a clean over for antonio needs the nine that was for the jack we fought today you deserve the w profish can't leave a hand just can't do it not there on the turn a post from the remaining deck phil I'll see you Next time, respect, you have my respect, but I don't want to get angry, come on, it's official.
Okay, Phil Hellmuth beat Antonio Esfandiari in the second round of the high-stakes matchup. Antonio even said it when you know it. He said you deserve it and I almost felt like he meant it, that's right, you played very well today, take it sir, well done, well done, congratulations to 15 time world series of poker bracelet winner phil hellmuth, who feels like he's destroying that monkey. His back has been Antonio Esfandiari for so long, but time will tell as these two will meet again for a third edition of this head-to-head battle, but until then, on behalf of our entire team here in Las Vegas and from my colleague Nick Schulman, this is Ali Nejad says see you later and see you next time.

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