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Hiding from FNAF Animatronics! – Garry's Mod Gameplay

Jun 06, 2021
we might need a shield uh you might want to generate it real quick so I'm pretty sure oh my gosh oh close it yeah that's the closest point oh here we are we're at what's this place Obviously, it's my cousin's bar. Here now, let's take a closer look, look here, everyone is rushing in this place, it's actually quite haunted, okay, obi, I hate to interrupt you, but it's totally fine, if you hate to do it, then maybe don't interrupt me when I'm talking, yeah, Oh. I thought they were going to pass me, oh guys, sorry, let's go ahead and get into the house, what does that sound like?
hiding from fnaf animatronics garry s mod gameplay
What was it that I want to leave behind? Your cousin seems like a strange person, it's sad to run away, but there's a red fox chasing you wait chasing you did you see me no I didn't I thought the window was pushed wait the popcorn just flew out the window in focus yeah I did I'm sorry, I was focused, I was deep and I thought a moment ago, Brandon, don't you see I don't you see me no no no other mattress flips like this okay okay I have this twelve twelve a card what are you talking about what's happening to my mattress hello brad oh that sounds horrible i took out the window to see it purposes popcorn out the window brandon they're somewhere wait a second i found them brandon i found them what i meant where are they brandon I'll push you I'll push you I'll push you how can I help you if not?
hiding from fnaf animatronics garry s mod gameplay

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hiding from fnaf animatronics garry s mod gameplay...

I don't know what's going on you stay there Brandon I'll scare them good idea good idea okay guys you want to go get a chicken okay here we go these breaks don't jump out the window because I'm stuck here. oh wait, he committed suicide, he's actually coming, i don't know if you can see me or not, chris, he's somewhere in the trees, i think, oh geez, mine was the dumbest thing ever. okay, do this, follow me, follow me, come on, come on. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh that's right, hurry up, I have a 25 murder warrant, I'm laughing, I don't appreciate that every time I do it, you guys find these Brandons crazy, just don't look otherwise.
hiding from fnaf animatronics garry s mod gameplay
What is the opposite of this circles circles don't make circles don't break circles I'll hit you what is a triangle? a triangle here's a new clue ball ball oh okay, I'm stuck in the basement right now okay? Don't exhale, look, what do a triangle and an arrow have in common? Oh, people have a point. Okay, we're on to something. Okay, I'm on the roof. Okay, you have somewhere. Well, the ceiling is a point. Hey, there's a seagull up here. he's walking up there hey what are you doing up there brandon balls oh i see these things brad look for the balls i see them what am i supposed to do with them balls they are balls just look around the area where the balls are I'm looking up, Brandon , what is the opposite of down?
hiding from fnaf animatronics garry s mod gameplay
Oh, I see something up there. Oh, oh, how did they get up there? Wait, let me go pee. Oh, he's going out. He is a giant chicken. I told them they ordered chicken wings. He does not have. arm wow because girl's butt is too big oh wait, he's awake no, don't kill him, don't tell, I'll save your b, I'll save you, hurry up, what's going on? I'm just kidding, sorry, okay, I'm getting really frustrated. Would you say you are a frustrated gamer? I'm waiting, I will be, I'm trying to save you, are you still in the attic or what's going on trying to save?
Ob, okay, this is getting ridiculous, what's up Brandon, are you ready, can I? Don't be discouraged, poor Brandon, this isn't funny, okay, I'm so sorry, spy, is there something in that big place over there? Did you enter it? Yes, excellent


place. We just found another one that's great. Hey, high five. away oh brat you're so tired buddy i walked past you yeah this hydrospot is a lot harder to find what's this fantastic oh my god what did i just find ok my rounds always They become the longest, what is this place, oh my God. I saw it on the camera, I don't see the camera, wait, keep pressing the button, oh, close, close, close, close, guys, okay, what's the opposite of the other triangle?
Oh here we go, so the other train triangle pointed up, wait, wait, not yet I don't even know what the triangle has to do with your lap oh yeah, maybe it's not the basement somewhere other than the basement oh here we go brandon, get out of the house, get out of the house and look for the shed outside the big shed with the little grate in it I don't see a damn hole bad shed go the other way this is nice down here it's like a mine one mine certain iron look at it from the mines you know that mark speed up the update right no no no no that way guess what laughs are left okay okay we might need a shield you might want to spawn it real quick because I'm pretty Sure, oh my god, oh, closer, he killed the kimono.
I think the explosive barrel was waiting for you. you're not dead you're lying wait wait it's me it's okay I'll be back he's hot bye sorry ob spy where are you I'm scared why don't you kill me I'm sorry I'll be I wasn't paying attention I live in the trees spy where did you go okay he's in the corner go here go here oh I see it I see it I see it in this corner what do you think they ran past him did you do it? I just saw it. I did it, sure guys, I have the perfect costume.
Come on, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, thank you everyone, whoever has seen Winnie the Pooh, yes, I have, I have Brandon, see the one where he ate too much, honey, no. I don't think there's anything else, Keith Air Claws, yeah, we've seen Winnie the Pooh, um, wait, I've got an idea, I've got it in your pocket, what kind of idea is it? Don't worry, wait, where are we


here guys? Where what are we doing here? It will not work. This is just don't listen if there is a motor. This is not going to work.
Don't listen if there is an advantage. Uh-oh, yeah, get ready, wait, run over, sorry. You're the bait, hey, go to the attic, I didn't do it, but he was part of it, right? oh no, uh, take the circle and turn it around and that's where I'm hiding in your ass, hail, yeah. Are you throwing this out the window? What's going on up there? Come on, come on, I'm trying to murder everyone. What are we doing? Why would you do that? We are nice, no you are not nice, you just told me to change your circle. from the inside out to the boat what I didn't say what you said is a free victory free victory we won wait wait wait come on I b I already have the three of them now what are you talking about I'm going to kill you every free man, hey, what What if you see a lot of creepy things?
Don't worry please, a lot of creepy things, don't bite them, done, he sees me, you understand, yes, but it was working, there's something talking and I'm not. I don't know what it is, huh, I heard that too. It's a little creepy. Nobody is not doing that. Oh yeah, wow, don't move Komodo, why don't you do it? No, no, oh, we're fine, we're fine. we're okay um ob i found a creepy shed oh let's go there hello there's a bunch of spy cakes bones here you got me wait it was one of them he got me uh now we gotta go find komodo guys oh ryan killed me man did we really get inspired today?
He was hidden inside the bones. Oh, okay, wait, Komodo is there. We're trying to be on his team. I saw him move. Okay, guys, I hear noises. Yes. I hear you. Don't worry. Oh, did you? just go to the kitchen appliance store yeah i did thanks for asking guys there are noises in the living room what am i turning off the lights i don't like it when the lights are off it's scary don't come out brandon why not captain no guys, I see a bear that looks like they want to eat me, Brandon, I got them, no, no, it's hiding under me, what the hell was there? a little hobby, don't talk to him like he's a cute stuffed animal. rip your head off, are they talking about that behind me? don't come here friend brandon stay here with me you're safe this is my new friend we collaborated together now wait who do you find his name is pidgey oh um that was an evil laugh I was stuck on the roof are you still alive Brandon?
Oh, I'm alive and well. Oh, were you up again? No, we're down, we're up, we're down, we're on the side, we're all around honestly, honestly, yeah, I think. go around, I'm going to stop talking so much in that house, biting my ear there, man, oh, come on, come on, come on, no, there are boxes, oh, I'm trapped, guys, I can't see anything down here, oh, I was trying to make the code for ob, yeah I don't want that code right now, I'll be a little busy surviving it, it's called survival, survival, obviously I can't try without the code.
I am making my own code and you are making the euro code. so I'm thinking together, he's serious about your life, he was upstairs, okay, so there's no one upstairs, so I'll close it, no, wait, I think the spy got in here, they're barricading me, get it, barricading pretty well, I'm helping to get it. I'm here, I'll help you, why are you with the basement? Dude, no, it's okay, I saw him, he was going over here, okay, everyone down here splash, I'm not down here, honey, you said down here, I'm not here. down up wait a second he may be very healthy he's here I'm trying to get him sorry brandon hello he's outside no he's not okay this place is haunted we're getting out of here

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