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Apr 10, 2020
What's up guys? Welcome to the vlog. Welcome back to my channel. If you are new here. I'm Carter Shara and today we were playing




in a four




and the winner of today's challenge will win $10,000, so let's go. presents contestants with $10,000 to




where was this when I was little? stove hashtag hashtag hunter you're not going to find me for 10 K. I'll be fine. I already have the best hiding places in the whole house, so wait, what? Golden I can't tell you it's my secret and since there is so much money at stake, this won't be your average hide and seek game because there are no rules, which means you can hide anywhere. in the house the backyard the front yard under the cars in the cars wherever you want so let's go in and start this game this is how today's hide and seek challenge will work there will be a hider and a seeker the one who hides will have 2 minutes to go and find a hiding place and then the finder will have 3 minutes to try to find the one who is hiding, if the finder can find the one who is hiding, the one who is hiding is eliminated and if the finder cannot find the one who is hiding then the finder be eliminated from today's challenge this spin is for the one who hides for the first round smart guys No good then riot will be the Hydra for the first round let's spin again and see who will be right the seeker do you want a spinner right now yo Also nervous, I'll spin it, okay, you spin some kind of secret, okay, I'm looking, okay, around a hunter against Ryan, okay, I'm going to come in here and I can't see or hear, okay, Ryan, hunters in the bathroom.
hide and seek win 10 000 4 million mansion
I can't hear or see anything let's put two minutes on the clock are you ready to hide I'm ready I know exactly where I'm going okay the two minute timer starts now step one you had to distract him they can think You went this way okay so Ryan is Running to hide right now, there you go Ryan is running around the house, okay, you have two minutes to find your hiding place. I'm very curious to see where he will hide. Oh, have one you just cancel his distraction why do you close the backpacks and then it seems like he went out?
hide and seek win 10 000 4 million mansion

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hide and seek win 10 000 4 million mansion...

I'm healthy, so where do you think Ryan's been now? I think he's a roof-ogre, that's what I think. I think he'll go to the ceiling and like hang from the balcony sense, yeah, he'll do something crazy, so ridiculous, yeah, I'll hide here, I mean, hot air that's in the hunters sheriff's own room, he'll never suspect it. Okay, three, two, one, I can catch it, ah, it's. You're still up there, ready, not for you to hide. We're okay, Brian, are we okay? That's enjoying listening to music. They are ready or not. Hunter cuts not yet what your stopwatch starts.
hide and seek win 10 000 4 million mansion
Now you have three minutes. It's so unfair that you're going to quit. What do you think it is? Don't know. I just want to finish the first level. Alright. I like the hustle and bustle. Alright. The first floor is no longer there. How long did it take about a minute and a half? Go bear. I'm alone. you have longer legs, okay, you're eliminated, oh yeah, I was like, no, no, that was it: what are the chances of someone coming under my veto? I said: I'm very tired of my place, although the longest, well, I mean, your jacket was in the standard.
hide and seek win 10 000 4 million mansion
Sol, so was that to throw me off, he's going to reverse you, I called you to ask for your jacket here, I should have, so it was a minute, a hat, good job, actually three minutes is really good because you definitely can't get the three levels, oh. yeah unless you're booking it around 100 versus ryan hunter found ryan so you're out oh he's sure the psychology of hiding in his own room would have fooled him he's too smart for me first time that you looked at it, I know. I never saw that in the next round hunter number 2 will now be the one hiding and we are turning for the seeker, he is okay, ready guys, ready, yeah, a good turn, not so slow.
I feel fourth for some reason, okay? so now you're looking for thunder, you're hiding, okay, round two, we'll put you in the bathroom with headphones on so you can't hear and we'll give you two minutes on the 400 clock to hide, let's get started, okay, are you ready? what's good sounds good, okay, the stove is in the bathroom, he can't hear or see anything, we'll put two minutes on the timer, you're ready, but it's not your time, stars, now two minutes, here you go, this one guy has two minutes, so I'm thinking of two different places, comment below what you think I should do, so the first place, what do you think?
They thought they had a pretty creative dad, so yeah, they recovered, their long legs covering the whole house. In like 60 seconds, what was I supposed to do? Yeah, you literally did the backyard, the front yard, the main floor, you went up the stairs, you did the laundry and then I found them all within four steps, yeah, four strides, use one of these, yeah, yeah, I still do it. I'm trying. to find out where I'm going to hide the comment below where you guys would have to try to win this money okay guys the timer is up right now timer oh here we go ready and you're going to start now okay if you're giving your turns oh, you're lucky looking at the current cards interesting strategist up yes, soon Oh, his verse I called you there in black America psychology he will be he will be a good obviously I don't know where he is I don't have proof okay two minutes left in the stove, you're doing pretty well.
Two minutes left, he'll be out here, I can see this here, you see it down there, I don't see it to go to the point of view from up here, so halfway there. up a minute and a half okay, where is it 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I know it's hunger if you're around you better reveal yourself wow, that's a really good hiding place we've done it, we've done it Wow, so the hunter actually beat the stove you couldn't find them how are you out of breath um it's actually very exhausting going up three floors I mean it was a three minute sprint please yes you finished.
I'm glad I had to hide alone because I wanted to tell the truth under that bean bag, the night of sweat was for Ryan and Stove to be eliminated, which means that only leaves Hunter and me in the final round. Hunter, since you won the last round, you're going back to the seeker. I will be the one who hides. That means I have to go find a hiding place, so knowing Carter, he probably has some crazy place in this house, so I know I'll get big applause, so this final round will be fun. I want you to comment below. who's going to win because the winner of this round will be the winner of $10,000 hashtag hunter if you think Hunter is going to win come to the card hashtag if you think I'm going to win okay everyone Hunter goes to his position right now he's coming back in the bathroom so he can wait while Hard hides so the truck has to memorize everything and if something moves, you know that's true, it's a good tactic, okay Carter, you have two minutes on the clock, you ready, oh you. ready, take the stopwatch right there, let's see it stove and three two one panic no, no, you're not playing with this rug, see down here now?
Well, guys, what are we waiting for. Welcome back to the stove kitchen while we wait. I need them. to subscribe a stove on stoves cook almost a hundred thousand subscribers I'm doing an easy giveaway so look at that my name is Brian 20 make sure you subscribe to Brian Hunty is in orange I don't know if I can get him up there shoot this is no good okay , you're right, so I'm on the roof, but I'm on the roof, above the roof, so I lay down. I don't think this is crazy. I've never actually been up there. here before, oh, not now, I just hid, ok, time's up, we need you up to a hundred right now, let's look at the timer, okay, are we okay?, don't do it, don't start the timer, yeah, keep going and comment hunter below. read the comments, come on guys, you need support here.
Hunter will go if he wins this round, it's three out of three, he never cleared the entire house. I have another one who is very impressed, okay, let's go in three, two, one, well, if he's up there, good for him. I wouldn't do that, what's the time? Matt gave you plenty of time yeah just 30 seconds in the indoor rally wouldn't that be impressive that would be awesome if he's back in the adventure okay some roof to think about Oh jump and jump up the stairs yeah where is he on the roof okay, how much is my time?
You've got a minute 45 okay man hunters they cover a lot of ground real quick 60 seconds 60 seconds she's got the best ridiculous spot in the house I'm hiding in plain sight I don't know where Carter might be a lot of garage classroom seven six five where is? He could literally be anywhere. The hunters made me sweat by running behind the roof. Carter may be the best to ever play the game of hide-and-seek. I think The timer just went off. I think that means I'm officially the winner. You start going to the club here and check out my place and see what, let's see what he thinks.
I knew it. I knew you. I have not said. I said no? I heard myself say I said if he's up there someone like who helped you up there the roof on the roof big boy okay, now I just have to figure out how to get down from here. I'm a little bit nervous. I have a thread. needle in that thing I don't want to fall well I can come down here and stand up true friendship yes I did go down well it's scarier to go down that up now that's a well deserved victory right there okay there you go Guys that's the hide and seek challenge of $10,000 and a four




I want you to comment below where you would hide if you were playing this game and I'll see you in the next vlog, bye.

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