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HIDE AND SEEK in Our Mansion!

Jun 07, 2021
guys, welcome back, I hope you're having an amazing day and if you're new to the channel hit the subscribe button because we're almost three million now, but today we're going to play




in our


, we've done it. This before, but when we first did it, we bought the house and it was completely empty, but now that we've been living here for a few months, we have the furniture, the tables, the sofas, so there will be more places to


and when. we did it first, it was me, a very key verse, Rohan, so it's only fair that we bring back the butter himself.
hide and seek in our mansion
I lost because I lost my rhythm. I think the only fair and logical thing is that you should come first because I love you. Congress, yes. sense, that's the only thing that makes sense, so you're clear h2 doesn't make sense, yes, because he's the youngest, it's an easy job even though I'm the loser, I'm losing and if you don't know how high and search works, so I don't know, but I'll still explain it to you. Everyone has a turn to look twice to hide. Whoever takes the longest to find the other two has to make a loser in the end and we have something good. two hours in a row baby one goes three minutes on the clock I have to count out just so I don't know where they're going I'm not going to cheat because cheating is not good and I'm not a cheater I like to win Fairly, I'm going to the back corner from our house and I will hide inside this teddy bear.
hide and seek in our mansion

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hide and seek in our mansion...

I'm going to put the camera here in the corner, hopefully Nick won't see the camera or too. no, he is aiming directly at the bear. I think I can last a good amount of time if not. I hope Rohan has a very good point. Important technique number one, I have to take my socks off, so if you have to run. Don't slip or slide. I'm going up, we can indicate it with a ninja cloud. I know, boy, it's almost a good thing they made me count first because I'll have a chance to look all over the house and find places.
hide and seek in our mansion
While I'm looking for them I don't really know where they'll be hiding, most of the dots are pretty small and I'm the only one who can fit in them, but we'll see, I'm ready. I'm going to appear on the bean bag and act like it's not there. Oh my god, that was the scariest thing I've done in a long time. Oh my gosh yes, so basically this is my technique. Nixon, come in here, you can. I hear you jump in here and make you think, but if he does, I can go there if you come to see that you're right.
hide and seek in our mansion
I am down. I'm taking Vanessa first. I think I'm going to check the foam pit just because it's such a large area and there's a high chance someone is hiding under the foam. I'm going to run there. I see someone hiding in the foam pit. Great accessories for them because it smells like, oh, I'm so dumb, how did I do it? I don't see it coming Yeti, I have to get there. I got a sound, honestly, a good place, bro, I don't know, man, I don't know why I didn't look at how bad it was the first time I found you with a search engine, although there's no time to waste.
Showering, one thing I know now is to check my surroundings. I didn't check my surroundings and heard him loudly when he came out, buddy, wait, I see you're moving. Oh no, then bring me. I touched your finger, not my phone, but you did it. Don't touch no boom, oh I touched your finger, buddy, oh honestly, kind of happy, it was warming up minutes, 42 seconds, so who's going to go first first? So I think that means Rohan, minutes on the clock three two one. Oh, Samantha, I think you're going to find out. Just like that, I think this time I'm going to go for a movement technique, so if I see Rohan going in one direction, I'll go in the opposite direction.
The bear spot I just used was probably the best spot in the entire game. I have no idea what I'm going to do, luckily our house is full of produce boxes so I could go in any of these and they probably won't find me. The only bad thing is that many of the boxes are too small. This one is too small. It could fit in this one. Mr. smile there, so I think I'm going to go into the melting room, hide in here, it'll be hot, probably even hotter than inside the bear, just because all this merchandise is here.
I'm going to go under, under this shelf on the bottom, oh, it's about time, boy, it's tight, but I guess I keep choosing the most uncomfortable places to hide, but usually the most uncomfortable places are the best because no one wants to check there and the good thing about this place is that it is very low. the floor Rohan is a friend, so he probably won't want to check it out. I think I have this one in the bag. I'm going to try not to waste time, run fast here, it doesn't seem like there are too many people.
I change a lot here I think I'm pretty good everywhere, I have to go quickly, even if they button up the incomplete room back here, although very quiet because these steps the doorman can see clearly, open up guys, where are you? uh, up. Oh, incomplete because there are so many boxes inside. there I'm getting everything right now voice oh but you're here in front back man Oh friend, you're in there you're a Batman there's no way there's no way oh no this is not right Rohan just came in here open I went up to the closet and I didn't see myself.
I knew Buds was too tall. A tall man is good for some things, but sometimes being tall is not. He came in here and probably won't check here again because how do you check a place? that you thought you had already verified he entered the IBP, where is this rookie? These in one of these merch boxes. I'm going crazy. There are a million of them here. No no no. I've been here for so long. RVT. I didn't even hear him pass by this room. It's hot in here because of all the merchandise, probably hotter than the bear costume, but you have to do what you have to do to control the dubbing.
Hello, it took almost 10 minutes. 53 How do you hunt that heart? Literally put it on the thing. No, I said this is the longest anyone will hide. I'll call him now, if I take too long at 9:53, I'll officially take the name hunter, no. will become another because I am very confident in my abilities to find this man and this man 3 2 1 3 minutes game over, move on with the art of negativity, okay, hmm, that means inside I was acting very confident, but honestly, I'm a little nervous. The last time I was looking it took me a long time to find them and that's probably my biggest weakness.
I'm pretty good at hiding but


ing. I'm bad but I just wanted to look confident on the outside so Rohan and Nick are scared, well honestly I'm really nervous because I don't want to be called the hunter, that's Rohan, not me, I walked straight into the laundry room next to the kitchen and I'm going to try to hide in this little cabinet here, but there are some things in there, so I'm going to have to leave because there's going to be a tight spot. Just putting this out there, hopefully Ricky won't notice that these things ease up at the moment of truth.
I don't even know if I can. even fit here we're going to find out I'm going to come back here in the corner I'm going to have to switch to the iPhone BAM come on guys let's get this dub I'll hide here just blank on me and these two boxes, I'm under here three two a boom ready or no, i fit successfully, he's so tight in you, even though i was probably peeing his pants right now, he's so nervous because he doesn't want to do that, loser. dare these cabinets no no no where did he go no way I already have one of them who is this who am I who is that snake no way I already have Nick now I have to get real hard I found Nick in two seconds I thought Nick would be harder than good Because it's a little lower, but I heard you found it in about 30 seconds.
Now I have 9 minutes to find Rohan. It should be easy. Where is a line? I don't have time, Rohan. In fact, I'm starting to get a little nervous right now. A utility. Yeah, I knew look guys, I went to this bathroom right here. Roland's camera was in here, so I knew it was close, but I looked everywhere or I thought I looked everywhere, but I didn't look at the one place it was. I was under everything in the closet I somehow blew that license, I don't know bro, that was crazy, the Warriors took a 3-1 lead, I blew a 9 minute 30 second lead 90 I was so I was sure I was going to beat them, but I lost, so I have to do the challenge and now I'm Hutter himself and you're the mother.
Nick is the only one who isn't, so you'll know a lot about my day. Okay for loser Ricky, go for it with this one, it's a bit. a little elaborate so listen up Ricky is going to put a speaker inside a backpack he will take the backpack to a college campus give it to a student with an embarrassing message on the speaker the speaker is going to play Ricky will just leave and then come back and retrieve once let the message be ready Oh body, you want hot Rick, the message was made by me Emraan TV, yeah, and I won't know what the message is until a place, honestly, I'll be gone, so I won't even hear the message. and I have to go back and pick up the bag.
I have a very quick favor today. I leave my bag here like someone already put it away like last week and then I don't trust him so I have to go to the bathroom really bad. Hey, hey, yeah, I know you saw me, I saw you and I was like, oh my God, you're absolutely and talking to you. I'm so nervous to talk to you in person. I left my bag so I could go grab it. Nervous poop, you know how it goes, but I want to take you on a date once I get back for my poop because I'm a loser and I have a hundred, but with you I'd be complete, look at me shaking guys, oh god. god looking with legs

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