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Help us Unmask the Game Master! Project Zorgo is Still after us!

Jun 28, 2024
What's up awesome ninjas, welcome back to Ninja Kids TV? Wow, if you watched our last video then you know that YouTube hacker threatened to remove Ninja Kids TV. We cannot allow that to happen. This guy has to be stopped, so let's fight him. We are going to defeat him, but we need your


to be our eyes here, so if you ever see or hear anything that could be a clue, write it in the comments, this will be the best way to defeat the hacker together. It's a great idea what's that noise someone calling from video chat?
help us unmask the game master project zorgo is still after us
Oh no, what if it's the hacker? No, should he answer? Guys, comment below. Yes, let's answer. Yeah, I'm just going to take my chances. Oh, they're superheroes, kids wait, and Noah is kind. See you, nice to see you guys, hello ninja kids, we need his


, what do you want to help the youtube hacker behind us? This is perfect, we can, we can catch that hacker, where are you guys? Please come right now, where are you? They didn't tell us they were gone, they didn't leave an address, how can I receive a text? It's from a block number, but it says it's from Hope Noah.
help us unmask the game master project zorgo is still after us

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help us unmask the game master project zorgo is still after us...

He's pretty far away, so how are we going to get there? Let's just ask. Dad will take us, yes, but he will be worried because the hacker we could tell him that Hope and Noah are in town and we wanted to go hang out, but guys, what if it's a trap from the hacker who comments below? I think it could be. a trap do you think we should leave? Don't know. I mean, the voice chat was a little weird. Some people tell us to leave, but others tell us to stay. Yes, what should we do? He comments now.
help us unmask the game master project zorgo is still after us
Don't know. You know what, even if it's not like that, we have to take risks to save our friends, honestly, yeah, yeah guys, let's go, yeah, let's go, okay guys, we're almost there, we're almost there, okay , so I'll leave them. off, call me when you want to be picked up, I got it, thanks dad, okay, I love you, come on guys, be careful guys, the hacker could show up any second, bye guys, I'm a little nervous, comment below if you're nervous , guys, this. it's a long driveway yeah well the superhero kids told us to come here is this the hacker's house whose house this is i'm a little nervous yeah yeah you could be watching us at any moment yeah and right now there's cvx , so a lot of youtubers are coming to town and I wonder if the hacker is here for himself, what if this is a big trap?
help us unmask the game master project zorgo is still after us
Oh no, it's closing, how are we going to catch it? Maybe it can happen. Oh really, you have to straighten up, come on, do it all the way, all the way. my head why does your head have to be so big only if it didn't have ears well I would say go back because you probably shouldn't stay like this all day because the hacker could come at any moment move your hand, I don't I know I can, You got it right, oh, will she make it? Don't get stuck and you won't make it, oh no, oh peyton I say come back, oh his head is too big, oh I just realized this thing opens.
Are you kidding me? Well, guys, let's catch that hacker, let's go. Yes, this is the hacker's house. It must be. Yes, we should ring the bell. How about we turn around so no one sees us? Good idea guys, make sure if you see the hacker, say so. he's got a we oh wait peyton we're at the hacker's house we gotta go he could be watching us yeah no time let's go okay guys shut up this could be a clue guys comment below if you think this is a clue, maybe. Okay, we don't want the hacker to find us, let's see if the door is open, try it, maybe guys, I think that was the hacker.
I don't know, I didn't see correctly, was it the hacker commenting below? I've never seen that hacker before me either, well it's definitely not good for the hacker to know we're here, we have to be on guard, don't look now, but someone is on the roof, I told you, look under cover. Hey guys, Ethan Cole, snake attack squad. What are they doing here? Hey buddy, it's good to have you here. Yes, it's been a while. This is incredible. We received your message about the hacker. Well, we didn't send you a message. Yes, you did it. You sent us the address of this place.
Yeah. Why don't you even earn blasters? So those are the hackers on the roof? They are a little low. Yes, honestly, I don't think it's the hackers. What do you think? Comment below. Well, what if we give up? We got this thing, let's see if we can get it down Hey guys, we give up, yeah, oh what's up guys, you know these guys, yeah, they're awesome, they're like ours, like our friends, they're awesome, yeah, great, nice to meet you, oh whoa? Wow, Ethan Anko, why are you working with these hackers? These are not hackers, these are ninja kids, why don't they wear ninja suits?
Well we can't wear ninja suits every day, it's hot, yeah, hello guys, we saw the hacker inside the house, so if we work together we can take him down, yeah, this door over there is open, come on guys, come on guys, remember what happened the last time you touched the door handle, yeah, but we have to, it's locked, oh wait, it's locked, yeah, we. I made it, maybe we should try to do the front door this time, yeah, okay guys, I hope this is unlocked. No, guys, it's the law. No, guys, comment below how you think we can get into this house.
How are we going to get in here? Yes, it's a window. unlocked, yeah, did anyone bring a lockpick? Should I break down the door? Yeah, okay guys, back off. I'm going to break down this door. One two three. I need help. The hacker took hope. Yeah, no joke, I'm really glad you're here. Yes, we came as soon as we received your message. Actually, it wasn't us, that was the hacker. What the hacker sent us here. He knew it. So what are we doing here? Let's get out of here. We can't leave her well if hope needs it. we then we will be fine so let's go there and defeat the hacker we have to work together okay, noah, I'm in, but is there a bathroom around here?
I don't know, this is the hacker's house, okay, I'll find him. myself okay that's going much better he's got pretty clean bathrooms for a hacker huh I wonder if he has any snacks okay guys this is a little creepy going through the hacker's pantry but maybe I can find something of food for others, maybe not. Get out of here okay guys I have no idea what just happened the door slammed the lights went out and there's no light anywhere wait I think I have a light on my keychain. Can you see me? I can see them a little. a little okay, I'm going to turn on the lights, oh, the light doesn't work, it just wants to burn, okay, the door is closed, what do we do?, the door is closed, guys, the door is closed, okay, let's they took to the house. the hacker just like you all did really, what's up with the hope that we split up to look for clues and she disappeared?
We have to make sure we stay together. Nobody will leave the group. I understand, yes, but Ashton went to the bathroom. Oh, oh, what's that about that? side, could you open it? um no it's actually locked okay guys we gotta figure something out. um, there must be a key somewhere, Ashton, there's no keyhole on this side, it must be on that side, okay, I'll look for a key, guys, you guys have to help me find a key, hurry up, no, No, there's nothing under there, over here, just bowls, snacks, oh, is there anything?, oh, plates, spoons, I better hurry, oh, shit, my power is running out, oh, I found a keyboard, Ashton, are you okay?
Yes, I'm okay, but we. We have to catch the hacker, the hacker is trapped in there, okay let's make a plan, we have to find a way to get in through that door because as soon as we get in we can


the hacker and capture him, wait guys, it's locked, I think he comes out . We have to find another way, come on guys, hurry up, come on guys, we got you now hacker, yeah, quit, where's my sister? We have, oh, the hackers, chad wild clay didn't do it stephen sharer didn't do it but we already did it, let's see who is under this mask, what other mask, guys, there is a second mask, this was unexpected, but we also got it Let's remove, oh, you're the hacker, how is that possible?, oh, hello, where am I?
Yo, Noah, what are you all doing here? Don't you remember anything? I hope you're wearing that hacker mask. Hey? I do not remember anything. All I remember is coming to this house and looking for clues and then I just don't remember this. It doesn't make any sense, it's like they are under some kind of mind control. Hi guys, I think there is something strange about this mask. I understand. The hacker was using this mask to control the mind. How does this work? The most important thing is that we are all together and we are all safe.
Hey guys, now that we are all together, the hacker doesn't stand a chance, but we


need you to be part of the team, so keep an eye out if you see any clues. to comment below even on this video thanks for watching, see you next time, let's catch that hacker.

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