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Helicopters for Kids | Fire Helicopter, Police Helicopter, Rescue Helicopter for Kids | Speedie DiDi

May 08, 2024
Hello friends, it's me, Speedie Didi and today we are going to learn about


s. They are ready? Come on. I love


s. They are so amazing. You know that helicopters for


can go many places that airplanes can't, for example, helicopters can land. a mountain can also land on a ship helicopters can even land on top of a building airplanes can't do that because airplanes need a long runway airplanes need a runway because they need enough time to be able to go fast before taking off look at what part of the runway uses the plane to take off they also need a long runway when they go down and land watch them go down slow slow slow slow landing rest rest rest rest rest rest rest it takes them a while to stop look how much of the runway it took until they stopped but the helicopters They don't need a long runway because they can just go observe, they just go up.
helicopters for kids fire helicopter police helicopter rescue helicopter for kids speedie didi
Helicopters can fly because they have at least two router blades. This first big one is called the main one. rotor blade   and they also have this little baby rotor blade on the back, this is called the tail rotor blade, if


helicopters didn't have this tail rotor on the back, they would just start spinning, spinning, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, whoa and they would do it. lose control that's why you will always see that helicopters have at least two blades look at the


helicopter one two and the


helicopter one two and even our


helicopter for kids one two and this giant helicopter one and look two, we have so many cool helicopters here today this is a


helicopter or police helicopter police helicopters help to catch bad guys for example if the police are chasing a car that is going too fast on the road then the helicopter can see it from above and know exactly where the car is. goes and the kids helicopter can follow it like this this is what the helicopter sees when it follows a car the police helicopters have a reflector that looks like this this reflector is actually very bright so that when it's dark outside the kids helicopter can Shine that light on the ground and help the police find and catch the bad guy Look how bright it is, do you know what else police helicopters have?
helicopters for kids fire helicopter police helicopter rescue helicopter for kids speedie didi

More Interesting Facts About,

helicopters for kids fire helicopter police helicopter rescue helicopter for kids speedie didi...

That's really amazing. They have an infrared camera. It seems like these infrared cameras are really amazing because they can see even things that you can't see with a searchlight this is what it looks like when looking at an infrared camera so police helicopters are so cool you know what else is cool though oh police helicopter Firefighters There are different types of


fighting helicopters some use a bucket to collect water watch other firefighting helicopters have a hanging snorkel hose that they used to collect water. Take a look, once they collected the water, they will fly it over the fire and then throw it to help reduce the fire.
helicopters for kids fire helicopter police helicopter rescue helicopter for kids speedie didi
Oh, I love firefighting helicopters. You are so amazing at everything you do, thank you fire helicopter, oh I almost forgot, there is another helicopter I didn't tell you about, it's the search and


helicopter. Search and rescue helicopters are used to help people who are trapped in hard-to-reach places. like in the mountains or even in the sea, children's search and rescue helicopters use all kinds of equipment to help save people, for example, they could use a stretcher with a winch that we have here, come oh, this is a wind stretcher, they could also use a basket to bring someone or they could even use a rescue harness to carry people to safety.
helicopters for kids fire helicopter police helicopter rescue helicopter for kids speedie didi
Check out. It was very interesting to learn about all these helicopters. I'm Speedie Didi and right after this helicopter video I have a really cool airplane video that you should. Look, wait upstairs and we'll see you right there,



, that's me, hello guys, I'm



and today we're going to learn about airplanes for kids and about their different parts, are you ready? Come on, this is a commercial passenger plane. Commercial passenger planes take many people from one place in the world to another place. These commercial passenger airplanes are very large, especially when you compare them to light commercial airplanes or private propeller airplanes.
Let's take a closer look. Here we have our commercial passenger plane. This is a light commercial aircraft and this is a propeller aircraft. Do you see the size differences between them? Look how small the bus is compared to the plane and look how small the vehicle is. These commercial airplanes are so big that many people can fly at the same time, look how many people can fit on the plane and inside there are seats for everyone, pretty good, huh, and as you know, children's airplanes have wings, like the wings of a bird, the wings of the plane help lift the plane into the sky and keep it there.
It glides through the air the wings are here and we can also see the wings here and did you know that the airplane's fuel stays in the wings? That's right, just like cars, commercial airplanes require you to power them. I'll show it to you. cars get fuel at the gas station and planes get fuel at the airport a fuel hose is connected to the wing of the plane the turbine engines of the plane, which are these two for our plane, eat the fuel and that gives them power and thrust to move the plane forward, lift towards the sky and keep it flying for many hours, let's look at the engines, this is a turbine engine, the turbine engines are located under the wings, do you want to see how the plane takes off from the ground and rise high in the sky, me?
Let's also see, but once the children's planes get to where they need to be, how do they get back down from the sky? It has to descend when the plane moves down from the sky it is called descending and when it touches the ground it is called landing. I want to see a little more of that, uh, airplanes are cool. Did you know that in cases of emergency, planes can also land on water? But that is not common at all because the safest place to land is at the airport, the wheels you saw during landing. a part of the landing gear that includes the wheels and tires, shock absorbers, brakes and other parts, the landing gear is also used during takeoff, after the plane takes off, the landing gear retracts back into the plane, look , let's see it again up close, whoa, that was great if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel speedie didi thank you very much for learning with me today I will see you very soon bye

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