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He Was Betrayed For Being Weak So He Become A God

Mar 31, 2024


him for



, but he climbed a tower and became God in an unknown world. There was a tower called the Tower of God. This tower had the power to grant any wish, such as fame, wealth, power, or becoming God, but there was a catch. get what you wanted you had to climb the tower face its challenges and reach the top at the pinnacle of the tower everything you wanted could be yours at the bottom of the tower in a dark and lonely cave lived a boy known as the bomb number 25 Bomb had no idea how he ended up in that cave, in fact he had no memories of his life before Bomb found himself in the cave for days and all he wanted was to escape.
he was betrayed for being weak so he become a god
He tried with all his might using the rocks he found in the cave. Breaking the ceiling of the cave, living in the dark had


exhausting and he longed to see the light bomb. He persevered and after a while he succeeded, he made a hole in the ceiling of the cave and light poured through it. It was through that hole that the bomb first saw a A girl named Rachel had heard the bomb's efforts and had broken the roof with a rock to help him. Rachel went up inside the cave and she and the bomb quickly became friends, their bond became stronger as Rachel was the first person the bomb had seen since he woke up in That cave helped him to be born to learn many things that he had forgotten and told her about the stars that were at the top of the tower.
he was betrayed for being weak so he become a god

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he was betrayed for being weak so he become a god...

Rachel had a dream of seeing those stars and aspired to climb the tower to make the dream come true, but it bombed someone who only knew the cave and her best friend Rachel wanted her to stay with him forever one fateful day Rachel made the decision Leaving and running towards the entrance of the tower, determined to face her dream of seeing the Star Bomb, she ran after it, desperately trying to prevent it from leaving. He caught up with her and asked her where she was going. Rachel apologized and explained that she had to leave him behind because she was determined to climb the tower.
he was betrayed for being weak so he become a god
At that moment Rachel was enveloped in light and began to disappear simultaneously. The tower doors opened and a huge, powerful hand reached out toward Bal, driven by his obsession with Rachel. The bomb somehow managed to enter the tower and also woke up in a large corridor and met the Guardian of the Tower. Hedon seemed pleased that the bomb had arrived. The bombshell was surprised that honey knew his name. Thinking that perhaps Rachel had told him, he urgently asked where Rachel was, but Hedon interrupted him by telling him that all the answers he sought were at the top of the tower and then presented him with a question: Would you be willing to take the test necessary to Climb the tower?
he was betrayed for being weak so he become a god
He found what he was looking for. Bom was determined to find Rachel and would do anything to bring her back. He couldn't bear to see her leave, then altered the room and revealed a cage behind the bomb. In front of him he explained the rules to pass the bomb test. to enter the gigantic cage and break a large ball inside it while avoiding the attacks of an armored steel eel also inside the cage. If he succeeded, he would pass the test and move on to the next floor of the tower to continue his search for the bomb front.
Warned that the test was extremely difficult and that he could retreat now that the tower was dangerous and someone as


as Bomb could lose his life trying it, however, Bomb did not pay attention to Hon's words and ran towards the cage, but just when I was about to enter. A girl stopped him by kicking him in the face. The girl named Yuri and a boy named Evan started speaking a strange language that Bomb couldn't understand but don't worry, Evan had a special ball called a pocket that turned his words into something Bomb. He could understand that they said that the bomb was irregular, which meant that he entered the tower alone, unlike other normal people.
The bomb was on this trip to find his friend Rachel and that's why he ended up in the tower. Hadon approached them and found out that Yuri was a princess of Z, he introduced himself harshly and Evan warned Yuri that if the big tower boss Zahard found out that he was helping to bomb there would be a big problem. Yuri thought that the test was too difficult for a newcomer and said that even friends. On the 20th floor he would find it difficult, but from the front he said the bomb was irregular and Yuri thought it was harmless.
Evan thought the same. Hedon had an idea and told Yuri that if he wanted to help Bon so much he should lend him a special sword called Black March, it was part of a legendary set of swords in the tower, but Evan was not very sure about this idea since it was supposed to Only princesses had to use it. Yuri finally agreed and handed the black march to the bomb. She said that she did it because she had a pretty face bomb took the sword and entered a cage where the giant eel attacked him bomb tried to fight the eel with the sword but had some problems when the eel ate him and the bomb hurt him from Inside he managed to escape from the eel and concentrated on the bomb ball he continued trying to break the black sphere hoping for a miracle but the eel came back to attack him Evan shouted for bomb to ask the Black March for help Erie said that the sword didn't listen to her so It won't help, but the bomb spoke to the sword and lit up.
The sword spirit talked to him and he agreed to help because he was cute with the Black March power bomb. He hit the eel and broke the sphere and moved to the next floor. Yuri tried to follow her but he stopped her in front and killed the eel with her staff. Now the bomb was found on the second floor and there was a huge battle with around 400 people, it was much better than the dark and creepy floor before. The bomb was amazed but he didn't have time to enjoy it a voice from a floating black cube called a lighthouse said that they had to fight until there were only 200 left to move when the test began and bom used his sword to defend himself from others who tried to applaud him but then he stopped. faced a large number eyed creature was in trouble when two new people, K Agro and rack wraithraiser, approached them rack wanted to hunt bomb and cun was curious about Black March's sword rack really wanted to fight bomb because he thought of him Like a bomb he looked at his rivals and saw that Rack was pointing his spear directly at his head.
He wondered why a rack like a talking crocodile would be valuable. Bon saw his chance to escape and moved a little. He mocked Rack by asking him if he was Bomb's pet, but Bomb said Rack. it wasn't his pet because rack was trying to applaud him rack got angry and stomped his foot saying his name was rack wraithraiser and he wanted cun to call him that cun thought rack was like the other people who wanted to fight he decided to leave but he noticed something on the sword from Bomb, it had the same brand as the swords from the 13 month series and this made Cun curious, he made the rack fall and then ran away with the bomb rack, he got up calling them Turtles and tried to find them while Cun and Bomb They were hiding behind.
The guy with multiple eyes Cun introduced himself, shook Bomb's hand and asked him where he got the black March bomb. He told her that Yuri had lent it to him to meet someone. Cun found this interesting and asked Bomb to come with him. Bomb agreed because Cun was the only person on the floor who hadn't tried to applaud him while Rack continued looking for them. In the middle of all this there was a battle between a green reptilian girl named Anoch with a whip-like weapon called Green April and a guy named Hats who had two katas, the green April had a red mark like the black March part of the 13 month series, this turned anoch into a zahard princess like Yuri while anoch and hats fought with bom and cun they counted how many people were left, which was 268 were focused on hiding and waiting.
Cun asked Bomb if he had ever applauded someone, but Bomb said no, he couldn't remember his past, only what Rachel had taught him. Cun asked if Rachel was his girlfriend, but Bomb said yes. He felt like he belonged to Rachel and that's why he had to climb the tower to find her K said that Rachel was like his ruler bomb he didn't know what that meant but they held hands to


allies bomb he liked the idea of ​​having to someone on their side, the fight between Anoch and Hats ended in a draw because they were both very strong, then they met a guy named Shibisu and they all decided to team up.
K told Bomb something important, he said that the bomb should not get stuck following the tower rules. he should make his own rules. K also thought that if a zahard princess like Yuri was interested in the bomb, it was worth believing in him too, but guess what rack suddenly appeared and tried to attack them, however, time ran out and the 200 participants for the The next phase had already been chosen the announcer said that anyone who attacked after the announcement would be disqualified the announcer then gave them 5 minutes to form teams of three people if they did not have a team they would also be disqualified so bomb and cun He tried to team up with Rack, but he said no, he wanted to pursue them, as his prey told Rack that he would applaud him and find another ally.
K even prepared to fight Rack by pulling out a knife from his briefcase, but Bomb decided to fight Rack. alone without using his sword, he dropped his sword and asked Rack to hunt him down as he was without defending himself, this made Rack stop for a moment. He tried to convince Rack to make an alliance, but Rack hit him with his spear and said that he was not. He wasn't interested when time was up, Cun went up and grabbed Rack's collar. Bomb joined in picking up his sword to dodge one of Rack's attacks. They were transported to the third floor and Rack still wanted to fight Bomb, but Bomb refused to fight his new teammate.
Rack that it was dangerous for Bomb to use the sword because many people would want to hunt him for it. Two participants started fighting but an examiner named Lero R stopped them. The examiners were super strong and had climbed the tower before Lero said there were too many of them. The usual ones and some needed to be eliminated. He used something called shinsu to make a large water barrier. The participant had to pass it to continue. He wondered if the bomb could do it, but the bomb surprised everyone by not


pushed back by the water.
Still standing on the other side, Leroo was surprised and told Bom that he had already passed the test. Then Leroo made a bet with Bom on who would pass the barrier first. The loser would have to answer a question from the winner. Bomba wanted to know about Rachel. Leroo and Bomb chose Anoch to be their champion. She was the first to cross the barrier, followed by her partner. Hats. Her other partner. Shabis had difficulties. Lero called the beta tie, which was great since he was a qualifier. Lero agreed to answer Bomb's questions. question but he didn't know about a girl with freckles named Rachel bomb asked about Irregulars and leroo explained to him that they were people who didn't follow the rules of the tower the tower had three parts and looked like a bomb and Rachel didn't come from any of the parts, one contestant got frustrated and said he wouldn't be disqualified because of a water barrier, so Leroo used Shinsu to silence the guy and force him to abandon the test.
Leroo bombed again and the other contestants managed to pass the test. He moved on to the red door test on the third floor before the test began. He thought about his past, how he was


and exiled for trusting someone. He remembered his mother's words about not trusting anyone while he was looking at the sky bomb, he approached and asked if The ceiling was too bright, but Cun told him that there was no ceiling, it was the sky bomb. He had never seen the sky before, which surprised him. The bombshell asked if you could see stars in the sky at night, since Rachel wanted to see the stars when she went up to the Tower.
K explained that the stars were just a legend because the sky was created by the power of Shinsu and not it was real. This worried Bom a little wondering why Rachel would climb the tower without him while the test began. Teams of regulars entered a corridor. To continue testing The Red Door, the next team came in and they heard screams of bomb cun and rack they sat down and waited their turn while they waited, a guy who looked like a balloon approached them and told them that he had a lead on the bomb tests, he asked them what it was and the boy mentioned that the groups that passed in less than 5 minutes did not shout, he thought there might be a time limit, but he was not sure of the theory of the boy in question and was asked why would he share it with strangers the boy was talking about.
Cun's past and how he was abandoned by the Cun family. Cun got angry and pulled out a knife. Mom tried to stop him and Rack stood up ready to fight. Cun backed away to avoid a fight in the waiting room, then it was his turn to continue. In the test they entered a room with a giant clock and red doors appeared. A guy named Yan explained the test to them. They had to open the correct door to get through, but they could only choose one door and they had 10 minutes. Yan didn't give them any clues. He then analyzed thesituation thinking about which could be the correct door.
Rack was running chaotically and the bomb tried to calm him down. He tried to concentrate but couldn't find a solution. He then remembered his mother's warning about not trusting anyone and tried it. To forget the hint of the balloon boy, he also thought of a girl named Maria who had betrayed him when she became princess of Zahar. He couldn't trust anyone. Nobody had 4 minutes left. Cun was still thinking just before the 5 minute mark. Instinct kicked a door open and they passed the test. He congratulated them and explained that they just had to open any door within 5 minutes.
He knew about Cun's past and mentioned how Maria had traumatized him turning him into someone who never made decisions unless he went. absolutely sure he also said that cun needed companions who could make instinctive decisions like protecting those eyes that have no doubt referring to Bal left without saying anything and uan said goodbye to him hinting that he knew what was in Coon's briefcase after others The groups also passed the test, including one with a boy who is always sleeping named Fon aora and another with anoch bom tried to ask about Maria but didn't want to talk about it on the lower floors the tests were still going on and on the second floor.
It was a group of hooded men, one of whom looked like Rachel, applauding everyone who participated in the tests, which was against the rules. Quant. The examiner in charge informed Yuhan about the group that had passed both tests. Yuhan agreed to help and contacted Lero Ro to resolve the matter. Bom went to get a drink to rack. but he realized that he had no money shibisu came over and bought him the drink shibisu introduced himself and his team consisting of anoch and hats bomb thanked shibisu and introduced himself too shibisu felt a connection with bomb and wanted to get there together to the final as The acquaintances Leroo then informed them about an additional test in the round game which was not mandatory, but the majority of the participants chose to participate in this game.
The teams fought to reach the throne and one member had to wear the crown. His teammates protected the crown bearer while defeating other groups. feroo mentioned that the new group the hooded individuals would also participate shisu's group decided to participate first with anoch using her weapon the green april to fight the other group she defeated her opponents and put on the crown making sure that no one could take it bomb saw to Rachel among the hooded men in the distance bom was convinced that he had seen Rachel and called her, however the girl from the hooded group who could have been Rachel did not respond and stayed still bomb began to doubt himself thinking that perhaps she had wrong because if it were Rachel, she would have responded, so he focused back on the game.
Leroo mentioned that Shisu's group now had the crown and began a countdown for the next group to challenge them. Rack wanted to be next, but Cun advised him to wait to make the best move. The countdown ended and two more groups entered a random group and Laura, Pats and shibisu's group split up to protect Anoch and the crown. Pats managed the random group while shibisu fought Laura's team. Laura, who was normally asleep, woke up and attacked Anoch using Shinsu, making her angry. he dodged the attacks and used his Green April to counter Laura's group making the Black March react strangely and he noticed the Black March's influence and stopped its attack causing Laura's group to decide to leave the game and destroyed his cell and faced the bomb demanding the Black March.
Bomba refused and last night she tried to take it by force but she was stopped by Leroo who disqualified her for leaving the throne. Last night he proposed a bet on Bomba. If she won the test, she would give him her sword and if she won, she would take the Black March bomb. She accepted. reluctantly and the test was resumed the test continued with more groups entering to fight he managed to take the crown and hit it on his briefcase he challenged the other groups to try to take it from him using his briefcase to defend himself after a series of dodges and the man revealed a fake crown and placed the real one on the head of bomb who was sitting on the throne at that time the hooded group led by Rachel decided to act Rachel revealed her face and her teammate and dorsy another princess of zahard prepared to eliminate all the participants The battle and test continued with Cun revealing his clever plan to distract the other groups while getting the royal crown bombed.
He displayed his ability to copy objects using his briefcase when three groups decided to join together and attack Cun, they were quickly stopped by Rack. After some rest, the fourth round began with more groups entering, two groups agreed to be Allies, but the third chose to attack the two groups defeating them all. K revealed that the third group that did not ally with the two groups was his secret ally. from a previous test and had planned this with them. The bomb squad saw their allies return to the cell, but realized they were disqualified for helping them.
K explained that they had to win the bet with Anoch and explore the tower together. The final round began with the remaining four groups, a woman wearing a multi-eyed mask quickly defeated the other groups, leaving only the bomb group. The hooded group and hers made a beeline for the bomb, but she was stopped by the rack and then charged at the bomb after managing to get out of the way. and the bomb was defended by endorsi of the hooded group in the middle of the battle. The bomb recognized Rachel's voice but could not see her face due to the hood that covered her.
She asked Cun if she had bribed the hooded group, but K explained that they were from a hooded group. different testing floor and seemed uninterested in the crown, Cun and Rack defeated the other members of the Masked Women's Group during the battle, the masked woman attacked Rachel causing her hood to fall and revealing her face. Bomb rushed to protect Rachel but was hit on the head and fell to the ground Bomb was determined to protect Rachel but was injured unconsciously activated her shinsu and seriously injured the masked woman whose name is hwa ryion Bomb then tried deal the final blow with the Black March but it stopped him by freezing time and manifested.
In her feminine form, Black March told Bom to calm down and enjoy her reunion with Rachel, she kissed him on the cheek causing her to faint. Later, Yuri was desperately searching for a way to reach the bomb on the test floor. Evan commented on Yuri's urgency and they were interrupted by a large man called a curan who mentioned a safe place to move forward. Yuri agreed that they should move and Curan wondered if bomb, the rookie was that important. Yuri only said that when Cur saw the bomb he would understand that the boy possessed tremendous power. meanwhile on the testing floor bomb was still unconscious on a stretcher looking after him leroo approached uan to explain what had happened during the test the crown game had ended in chaos with the crown destroyed by Bond shinsu leroo asked yuhan why the game had been organized Yuan explained that it was due to a mistake made by Quant and his goal was to help the hooded group advance without Evangel noticing the other groups.
Leroo noticed that the hooded group had completely ignored the crown and suspected that one of the girls in that group seemed to know one of the exam amons that was against Hon's rules. Huhan reminded Leroo that they held tests to expel dangerous ideas or powers of the tower. He asked her if they had found anyone like that and Leroo replied that they didn't think they would organize themselves. the crown game was worth it leroo decided to leave but first he asked yuhan about controlling shinsu without making a contract with an administrator Yan admitted that it was against the tower's laws but mentioned an irregular named Ure Mazo who could Doing so while Leroo walked Later, down a hallway, he realized that Uhan had avoided the question because it seemed like the bomb didn't control Shinsu.
He was Shinsu himself, posing a clear danger to the tower. Back in his room, the bombshell was still asleep and spoke to him urging him to wake up. He woke up as soon as there was another test the next day and Bomb would be disqualified if he didn't wake up and participate in it. Rachel interrupted them by asking for a favor since Bomb was still unconscious. Rachel talked about how Bomb had chased her when she first mentioned it. his intention to climb the tower he never imagined that they would meet again that is why he asked to light a bomb when he woke up making him doubt if he really saw Rachel Rachel wanted to avoid problems between them believing that they became a burden for each other when together they thought that Rachel was being selfish because bomb really wanted to be with her while this was happening anak held the black march and gave it to shibisu telling him to communicate with the sword because he didn't talk to women shibisu tried to talk to the sword but he rejected it because he didn't being handsome enough it turned out that the Black March only liked handsome men and she kept the sword and when she did the endorsi met her and continued with her condescending tone that had started in the crown game and in the end dorsy told her explained that The Black March belonged to Yuri, the only princess chosen in the last 500 years to receive one of the swords from the 13-month series.
She warned Anak to reconsider keeping the sword, she once again called her an imposter in another room and reflected on how she couldn't let Bom continue. teaming up with Rachel at that point Bomb woke up and was told that he had been sleeping for 5 days. Bomb was worried that she had missed something important and put the team in danger, but to her relief they explained that there was a three-day break for everyone. participants after the corona game incident everything was fine after the break all the participants gathered in a large room to select their positions on their teams before moving on to the fourth test.
Lero explained that Tower battles are carried out in teams and these teams must have specific positions. There are five types of positions: fisherman for close combat, spear bearer for ranged attacks, light bearer for strategy and information, scout for analyzing enemies, and wave controller for shinsu control, asked if injured participants would be disqualified and Lero Row mentioned that they would be if they could. He did not participate referring to the bomb. Lero R suggested that he fit into the wave controller position, but the instructor for that role, Yuga, wouldn't arrive for another 2 days, so there was time for the bomb to recover. 2 days later, the bombshell woke up and he also informed her of the news.
He mentioned Rachel and made him believe that the girl he saved was a stranger, which saddened him. He tried to cheer him up by saying that when Bomb went up the tower, he would eventually meet Rachel. He gave Bomb new clothes to replace the stained ones. of blood from the previous battle. he put on new clothes and thought about going to Rachel's room but before knocking on the door he decided to leave after the bombing events he resumed his life in the tower and attended a class with other participants who were also being considered for the position of wave controller in his The team's Master Yuga explained that shinsu was a divine substance that controlled everything and that a contract must be made on each floor with an administrator to use a fixed amount of shinsu.
Laura was the only one among them who had already made such a contract while he was there. A sleeping Yuga asked the others to activate the invisible mode of his pockets to receive the order to make a contract with a bomb manager, so he did and found himself transported to a Dark Realm where a giant snake accepted the contract because it smelled a smell. unique to him. Bon was completely exhausted while the others seemed unaffected, then Bomb met Hwa ryion, the masked girl whose eye he had damaged, he apologized to her and she accepted his apology before leaving Laura and her teammate. .
She then approached Bomb and kindly offered her help if Bomb needed it. Bomba agreed to form new friendships and acquaintances Bomba then returned to whom he informed him that Rack belonged to the position of spear bearer and was currently in his class to train in that class they had to throw a spear at an extremely distant target one of the classmates. Rachel's team was also in the same class showing themselves to be a skilled spear wielder and becoming rack competition, after this Shisu and Hats approached Bomba with a favor they needed to befriend Bomba and Cun as part of a task.
Bomba and Cun agreed and they all went to the cafeteria. to eat together and Dorsy joined them wondering how they could be friends when they were supposed to be enemies. Shibisu explained that they needed to make at least nine friends as part of a test, however, Endorsi did not believe in friendships between men and women, butStill he decided. To join them, last night he arrived no longer part of Shisu's group and commented on Endor's fall from grace due to his actions. Bom noticed the black march on Ano's hand and asked if Anoch and Endorsi were Yuri's sisters as Zahard's companion princesses Endorsi confirmed that they were chosen. not biologically related were selected from the best families and races as trophies that Zahard flaunted endorsi then attended his class for those who qualified as fishermen a class in which they accumulated points by not shooting down rivals but their lives were at risk she considered eliminating the others for more points, but Anoch attacked his IND Dorsy defended himself by calling Anoch weak for being nothing without Green April, but Anoch pointed out that they were all impostors since there were no genuine Zahard princesses in the light-bearing class.
Coon's task was to collect information that he discovered. That rack had qualified for the next test and tried to find information about Rachel and Bal, but the information he found was limited, raising suspicions. He also found information that suggested someone should be taking the tow tests right now, but the data he had shown last night had passed away. The battle between Anoch and Endorsi continued and both threw the participants into the abyss during their chase. Anoch finally caught up to Endorsi but Endorsi stopped her with a powerful blow. Endorsi demanded to know who Anoch really was and Anoch revealed that she was the real Anoch's daughter. the real princess zahard end dorsy had realized this during the crown game that's why she called anoch an impostor however endorsi had stopped pursuing her because she became interested in another person anoch shared her past and the tragic fate of her mother at the hands of the other zahard princesses this leads to his desire to avenge his mother by eliminating all the zahard princesses starting with endorsi an explanation was given about zahard who was the first man to climb the tower becoming the king who founded the kingdom the women who They received Zah Hard's favor and automatically became his princesses.
These princesses did not have to be his daughters. They came from all over the tower. However, the price for the power they received was that they could not have relationships with men or have children. to prevent the spread of the power granted by Zahard. they were like pairs of shoes that no one could wear just admire some princesses chose not to obey this rule like anak's mother who had a son and was eliminated by the other princesses that's why anak wanted to avenge his mother from the other princesses After this explanation, the battle between Anak and Endorsi continued.
Endorsi dodged all of Anx's attacks and mentioned that Anak's mother had made a grave mistake because she could not spread the power that had been given to her and last night she became enraged and managed to get close enough for Endorsi to break her guard and push Endorsi out. from the edge but endorsi grabbed anoch and pulled her down also finishing the tests deep in the platform both were still alive and started arguing IND dorsy asked another if her mother who had treated her well after becoming a princess ever He regretted what he did, Anak told him that not remembering the moment he said goodbye to her mother before his mother was applauded in bomb class, they were casting some kind of spell using shinsu as part of their training for the next test selections.
H, who had believed himself to be Bom's Superior, noticed that she was unable to control her shinsu as Bom continued to improve. Laura had quickly taught Bom how to control her shinsu in exchange for a favor. K arrived and left with Bom, making Bom jealous, he told Bom about the fight between Anakin and Dorsy, who were seriously injured, suggesting that they probably fought because of their complicated situation. relationship shibisu and hats arrived and bomba asked to help shibisu because bomba considered him her friend in the hospital endorsi had a broken leg and mentioned that she ran out of stitches due to medical expenses mom and hats visited her bringing her food but he only gave it to her Yes she agreed to befriend hats and shibisu on the condition that they provide her with daily food endorsi accepted and bomb and hats tried to make a similar deal with anak who initially refused but was convinced with a bomb hats cun chicken pie and Shibisu celebrated the success of his plan later in Shinsu's class.
Ho was still envious of Bomb's sudden improvements and suspected that she might be hiding something after her training. Ho received a letter with instructions on what she had to do to get to the top of the tower that Lero had made. In a meeting with Yuan, who told him that he would not be in charge of the next test and that he would be replaced by Quant Leroo, he accepted this decision although he found it strange. Later, Leroo gathered all the participants to explain the next test called The Joint Test, which involved a tag rack chase and Rachel's partner would not participate because they were the only ones who passed the previous test.
The participants would be divided into two teams and they would realize that he was on the team while bomb was on team B the test involved two chasers One of them called it, being Quant, the objective was to get their teams to the final goal or steal quants. Badge, the winning team would receive points but would lose if Quant took the Badge from him. The participants were taken to the circular construction where the test was carried out. took place and teima was already present acted as their leader explaining her plan to attract Quant, they used shibisu as bait and while they waited they managed to attract Quant who followed the tea game, he had anak and she tried to steal Quan's badge, but Quant dodged their ambush. making him quite angry that's why leroo wanted to be in charge of this test because Quan got angry he lost control to lero Rose's surprise Quan restrained himself and gave the participants a 111 second Head Start before chasing them leroo had doubts but uan believed there was a more elaborate plan determined in the Be Bom team to find Rachel, who was using Michelle's name to hide her identity.
Endorsi informed Bomb that Rachel had already left and when she asked why Endorsi had chosen her for her group, she explained that she was her only choice. in Te they continued running towards a bridge hoping to win the tests, they knew that Quant would not make it easy for them and Quant after finishing his count began to chase them, the team organized with Anak getting into an elevator and needing 10 minutes to get to the bridge. The rest of the team had to keep Quan occupied for at least 5 minutes while Quant started to climb the stairs. The team set up an ambush.
Quan understood the plan and decided to teach them a lesson. She used incredible speed and shadows to defeat the participants on the stairs in a minute. Anak exited the elevator and was escorted by her group who quickly caught up with her as the others had been defeated. Shibisu suggested waking up Laura to help them, but she doubted Laura would help them since she had practically passed the test. Lor observed the situation and assumed that they had already lost because Quant was approaching Anak knowing which exit they were going to. Rack warned Lero not to underestimate Leroo considered the possibility that he had faced the Insignia with his briefcase to confuse Quant however. uan explained to him that the badges were modified with shinsu and could not be police, shibisu and two others tried to stop Quant, but were easily defeated.
They were informed that they had lost sight of Quant. Quant arrived at the bridge where Anak was heading, but he met Quant, he asked him about Anak and told him that he had jumped to the lower exit, however, Quan did not believe him, he claimed that Anoch was running towards the exit to trick Quant. . Anak hid inside a blue cube called a lighthouse controlled by her and tried to trick Quan into jumping off the bridge. Quant realized that he was hiding something, so he decided to jump. Off the bridge as he clung to the fall, he released her grip on him allowing a sword to save him.
Quan fell to the ground alone. Hanak climbed back onto the bridge near the finish line. Bal watched with his team win feeling excited by Cun's apparent victory, however, the rest of his team looked at him strangely because the team couldn't pass if they won, but Bomb was simply excited because his friends Anak was about to cross. the finish line, but to their surprise, Quant was waiting there and quickly grabbed his Badge declaring team. As the losing B team celebrated because they now had the chance to take the test in another room, Cun pretended to apologize to Teema for not being a good leader, but it was all part of a plan to save Bomb from disqualification during the test with the Laura's help.
K had gone to find Quant and helped him climb the bridge again to reach another, meanwhile on Team B the members were arguing about who should be the leader and back him up. He volunteered and was accepted as leader, so Team B tried a similar strategy to Team A moved the Insignia towards the end of the bridge, Dorsy Bomb and two others took the elevator while the hats and a couple of spearmen They went up the stairs. Serena and Ho waited at the entrance. Serena shared her loss of motivation with Ho and explained that in the next test she might have to fight and even harm the people they had come to consider as friends.
She remembered a story about how she and her friends were thieves and a soldier had come and killed them. He had saved her and taken her to the tower. She admitted that in The First Murder she didn't bother her, but now she wasn't sure because of the connections she had formed. On the other hand, she didn't care and showed that he was willing to step on others to advance further. She became alert when she sensed Quant. approaching, she prepared herself and instructed the other spear bearers to prepare as well when Endorsi and the others arrived at the bridge, she suddenly betrayed her teammates by attacking the two unborn and Dorsy shared her painful past with Bom and the group describing how she came from a family that made adopted girls fight to become princess of Zahard.
She revealed that she had to endure a difficult life watching the other girls eat well while she had to eat stale bread. She eventually fought and defeated all the other adopted sisters to become a princess candidate. End Dorsy expressed her desire to eliminate some members of Team B, since only four could pass the test and there were currently six in the group. She was determined to ensure her passage to the next stage of the tower trials. She told Bomb that he too would have to make tough decisions if he wanted to escalate with Rachel. The bomb struggled to understand this logic;
Meanwhile, the hats prepared an ambush with the two spear bearers, intending to take advantage of Quan's arrival. Quan arrived somewhat irritated at having to accept Coon's help. The previous game, on the other hand, left Serena alone as he began to act on his own, with his support, she continued to fight against the two participants she intended to defeat, and tried to reason with her by reminding her of her own past when she she was weak but when she let her guard down one of the participants attacked her bomb she intervened to protect Dorsy but then decided to find Rachel on her own Rachel was at her lighthouse when he interrupted her and took her hostage knowing that he could use her to manipulate the bomb.
She claimed that she had received a mysterious letter instructing her to do this. The test broadcast was temporarily stopped to prevent the other team from witnessing these events. Loro wanted to stop the test, but Yan insisted on continuing. Hats fought Quantab for some time, but was clearly outmatched. He had expected the spearbearers to ambush Quant, but they betrayed him by fleeing and leaving him to fend for himself. Quant realized this betrayal and decided to confront the traitors. Oh, holding Rachel hostage, he panicked when he noticed the bomb approaching. Po demanded that fight with bombs. Quant to save Rachel's life, driven by his love for Rachel, accepted without hesitation.
Quant used shinsu to pin Bomb as he was more interested in chasing him for the test. Ho, in his desperation, ended up stabbing Rachel. Bomb managed to use the same immobilization technique as him. He learned from Quant how to incapacitate Ho while he lay on the ground, revealing his envy and explaining how his own weakness had prevented him from protecting anyone in the village from him. He admitted that he didn't really want to hurt Rachel, but that he had targeted Bom out of resentment. Ho tragically took his own life. Serena arrived at the scene to find Ho already dead and Quant approached them to inform them that the test must continue.
He couldn't believe that he had lost his friend Ho Ho and was deeply worried because Rachel Endorsi also arrived to participate. Quant in a battle she ultimately won by tricking him into believing that he had stolen his badge when in reality she had taken hers from the control room. Uan declared that the test was over and Team B emerged as the winners. The next day, Rack tried to explain how the partner disappeared and was asked about him and saidthat she didn't know him well because he was always quiet and when she found him he was already with Rachel she went back to her room thinking that only two wave controllers would pass the test referring to When she reached the bomb position, she realized that Laura would probably qualify and that all he did was make sure Bomba got enough points to pass, this included convincing Laura to help him with his plan and changing the original letter he received with a different one.
A little later, while he was. resting in his room he was interrupted by rack who knocked on the door, he opened it and found a miniature rack mocking him rack explained that it was yuan's fault since he had bumped into him in the hallways and called him a tiny dwarf, but at that moment he realized who he was, rack had turned into the dwarf rack, he asked for help to grow back using his magic briefcase, but he told him that it didn't have that function, rack then went to bother the bomb, but He advised against it because he felt that Bom had no intention of doing so.
The only motivation for continuing up the bomb tower had been Rachel and now that she was in a coma, he could stay with her for support. He didn't care and said he would drag the bomb if necessary. He asked him if he wanted the bomb to stay stuck there. He admitted that he could. He didn't do anything but Rack insisted that he could since Rack was about to leave Bomb appeared and informed them that Rachel could no longer walk due to her injury she had decided to continue climbing the tower and being Rachel's legs Bomb didn't mind getting there the Summit of the Tower or the Stars, I just wanted to help Rachel.
Upon hearing this, she remembered her own relationship with Maria and reflected on what could have happened if she had abandoned her goals back then. Bomb asked for his help and pushed Rack aside telling Bomb to count on him. He was proud of his clever and cunning tricks and promised to help Bomb get to the top. He then asked for a favor to say goodbye to Ho in a kind of funeral. Serena, who had been close to Ho, arrived as did Shibisu and the others who considered Ho as a friend. Quant and Lero also joined and a small ceremony was held with a toast then bomb went with Rachel thanking him for attending the funeral despite Ho's actions Rachel began to cry and confess that she had abandoned him because she wanted to see the stars and considered her weakness. a nuisance she told bomb that she was no longer the Rachel he loved and said he could abandon her if he wanted to B remembered her as the light in his life the person who saved him from his Dark World explained to him that he now had many friends but she was the first person he had ever met and was irreplaceable for him Rachel apologized for everything and cried during the night Serena left the tower without saying goodbye to anyone shibisu had anticipated his departure and waited at the exit to say goodbye Serena asked him not to do it she ran the same luck as ho and gave him the dagger he had used in another scene.
Master Yubis secretly spoke to someone and mentioned that they would soon recover the Black March and the Green April, however, he was interrupted by Uan, who discovered his true identity as Ren El. Zah Hard's royal enforcer agent number 67, uhan, offered to help Ren complete his mission, as he considered another to be a threat to the tower's rules. Meanwhile, he met with Lero R and informed him about the letter delivered to Ho. He explained that the letter was delivered before the teams were formed indicating that the sender knew the positions of the participants specifically that Bomba and Rachel were on the same team, this meant that the source of the letter was probably one of the organizers.
Of the test. Later, Lero Row sought out uan to announce the successful participants in a later room they announced. candidates approved by the ERS Scouts Bear Spear Angler class and wave controllers who had qualified Rachel was also listed as a light bearer but due to her injuries she was disqualified when a participant complained about the results Uanlo submitted to a pain tolerance test who He was bold and confident, expressed his discontent and was called forward. He asked Rachel to participate in the final test, but Uan explained that due to his condition it was impossible. Bomba decided to speak, revealing himself to be an irregular.
Youan asked Bom to accompany him somewhere while the others were debating their decision to collaborate with Bomb. Bomb was escorted by uan. Most chose to help Bomb while they waited for his return. Bomb stood in front of the administrator and asked permission for Rachel to continue participating in the tests. When Bom and Rachel entered the shinsu bubble, they knew that they were the prey in the underwater hunting test, the others had become net hunters. The seal-like dolphins once a day fished the queen out of her by creating a shinsu net bomb and Rachel's bubble had to be caught in this net and then spit out by the queen, which would mean that they passed the test.
The hunter's task was to protect the fish collected by the net. The goblin dolphins that use worm-like creatures as vacuum cleaners, allowing the goblins to steal the fish. fail the test The pig-like creatures in the area could scare away the Goblins, but the participants had to keep them close to the net, the dolphins, or use them to distract the Goblins. Lastly, a terrifying monster known as El Toro wanders through the area and they had to avoid him. At all costs, the test began with M and Rachel inside Shinsu's bubble, the seals entered the water while Hat's group guarded the Goblin rack and the group of Spear Bearers waited above ready to join the fight when was necessary.
Shisu's group was protecting themselves from the pigs and watching from the Erie lighthouse group that was approaching Bomba also began to move Bomba talked to Rachel about Yuri mentioning that she was the princess who lent him the sword hats reported that his companions they had disappeared shibisu found himself in front of the bull that was devouring a participant he tried to get its attention but it was not easy finally he jumped on the bull with Serena's dagger trying to attack it but it was feudal anak arrived to fight the bull and endorsi also joined At the fight they made a bet if Anak defeated the bull Endorsi would become his servant for life if he lost Anak would deliver the green April to Endorsi simultaneously Rack received a message from Hats about the movement of the Goblins there were more goblins than expected he ordered hats discover their destination and rack the spear The group of carriers prepared for a surprise attack on the bubble shinsu the net The dolphins were forming their net unable to see The Depths trusted ner who was on the surface with Laura ner controlled the Fish Divine with shinsu to help locate an underground path and Dorsy continued his battle with the bull but had not.
I hadn't defeated it yet and her turn was almost over, the monster captured her but she managed to free herself, the bull let out a loud scream and fled. Anak continued searching for the bull and came across Ren. Anoch tried to ignore Ren, but when he mentioned her. mother and showed him her mother's necklace, she stopped Ren introduced himself and admitted to being the one who killed his mother, surprising Anak while the Goblins continued advancing, rack asked if they could attack but stopped him, he had another plan thanks to the abilities From Nar, Anak attacked Ren to take the necklace back, but Ren fought back and wounded Anak by stabbing her in the abdomen, then Ren took the green April and gave it to Endorsi telling him to applaud the impostor Anak and redeem himself.
This specific test was designed to eliminate Annex since his birth went against the rules of the tower. Endorsi were given the green ail to carry out this task while the hats attempted to remain hidden from the Goblins, he and one of the wearers of The spear were discovered, causing their plans to go arai and dorsy approached anak not to finish her but to return the green April and receive the Black March they planned to confront Ren together, meanwhile, Shibisu continued searching for the princesses and while screaming he met Yuri Rack, he got tired of fleeing from the Goblins, so he decided to confront them again with the princesses, however they managed to subdue Ren. when Endorsi let her guard down Ren attacked her and then Anak leaving Anak injured Yuri arrived on the scene surprising Ren Ren showed up and Yuri saw his sword on the ground and decided to take the job of retrieving the swords into his own hands with the rack. . and the other spear bearers were surrounded by multiple goblins.
Laura used her powers to make her companions float in the air to protect them. The goblins were now fighting the pigs led by ner Laura and everyone thanked those who decided to take a break suddenly someone very similar to hatch. It seemed that he was related to K and had been accompanying Yuri on his trip along with Evan and Cortina. Meanwhile, Yan was looking at the evidence with Leroo and Quanton. They realized that there was an infiltrator. When they tried to identify the infiltrator, the signal was cut off when Loro was born. He found you suspicious.
To stay calm during this situation, Hatching talked to K, but K wasn't particularly interested in what he had to say. Puling offered to take Cun to see Princess Mary, but K declined the offer. Evan and Curin rushed to find Yuri even though she was missing. in trouble they needed to be by his side on the way they were interrupted by uan who invited them for coffee and asked several questions however Evan got straight to the point and told uhan that they were there to recover the Black March. Yuhan understood and maintained a neutral attitude. Meanwhile, Yuri effortlessly defeated Ren just as she was about to kill him.
Evan contacted her through her pocket telling her that he couldn't help. Yuri walked away from Ren and was eliminated by the curtain because he turned down an offer to see Maria and tried to help him. he fought hatching but hatching he dodged the attack and retreated hats he felt something bad was happening since he normally didn't rest when his friends were in danger Ren lay crushed while Yuri managed to recover the Black March Ren told Yuri that what he was really looking for was The bomb who had been targeted by the bull bomb was talking to Rachel and mentioned that he was no longer the same because he now had friends and could control Shinsu to a certain extent.
Suddenly, the bull came and started attacking him. Yuri wanted to interfere, but Anoch and the others urged him. her not to do so, since she would disqualify the bomb, they decided to rely on the bomb to pass the test. The bomb was fighting the bull, which was injured several times. He finally freed himself by exploding the monster from the inside using his shinsu, emitting a radiant light after defeating the bull bomb. He fell into Rachel's arms and trusted Bomb's friends, so he took the green April and left Bomb a message with Shibisu asking him to tell Bomb that he would be waiting on the 77th floor.
He then left with Evan. Evan met hwa Ryan, who turned out to be a guide. He also didn't understand why she was in that place. Returning to Bomba and Raquel, they were about to be swallowed by the queen of the net. The Bomba dolphins believed that they would pass the test and could go up together. Rachel asked to hold onto the tower. Bon was shocked to see Rachel distance herself and sink deeper into the depths. Rachel seemed strangely calm after betraying her best friend Bal, we got to see a flashback of how she got to the tower in the first place she wasn't the chosen one bomb was in front the guardian of the first floor showed Rachel an awakening of a savior Making it clear what a bomb the person they were waiting for was, Rachel begged her to go up the tower and said she would do anything.
Hedon agreed to give her a chance, but with a test she had to clap like a bomb, in other words, she had to stop him herself. Rachel accepted, but she said that she was too weak, so she confronted her and offered her a powerful Guardian to fight on her behalf and even bring her back to life once if necessary. This Guardian was the same companion he had of hers when he met her and Dorsy, the companion gave her life to bring Rachel back and that was how Rachel managed to reach her. bomb and she tried to applaud him as time went on, Rachel's envy and hatred for bomb grew, she was frustrated by her growing circle of friends and the attention she received from her.
Hwa Ryan and a classified helped H applaud Rachel in a plan to bring her closer to Rachel's bomb plan worked and she was alone with the bomb again with the goal of ending him once and for all. In the end, Rachel betrayed the bomb and pushed him out of the shinsu bubble. After this, Rachel lied to the others that the bomb could not survive the bull's attack. Later, Leroo gathered the participants and informed them. that the body of the bomb could not be found, suggesting that the fish may have eaten it. The test was over and everyone had moved on to Mom's friends, except they bowed to keep their promise to take Rachel to the top of the tower.
When he saw the stars he had suspicions about Rachel but he pretended to follow the plan. Leroo decided to resign and invited Quant to investigate the matter by climbing further up the tower meanwhile uan took theremaining participants to continue their testing at a different location. be alive and was found by hwa Ryan woke up and wanted to know why Rachel tried to hurt him hwa Ryan told him that he had to climb the tower again to find the answers to everything she offered to help him train. Several years passed and we saw the adult bomb with his back to us continuing his journey to climb the tower watch the next video see you in the next one

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