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He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword | FULL MOVIE UNCUT

Jun 04, 2021
daughter daughter I don't understand she is adora Adam's twin sister and she's back after all this time look at you how cute you are oh mother I'm so glad Adam brought me here son I want you to know that today you have made me the happiest man in all of Eternia, the royal family of Eternia is complete once again and by the ancients, I swear that nothing will ever separate us again hmm has it changed since the last time I was here could it be that my former student is still here ah my old room from the throne my throne room now old friend skeletor it's good to see you again what brings you to eternia after all this time I came after a traitor to the horde and it seems I found one hmm, you've improved since the last time we met, my student is more than enough to deal with you, my former master, I did it, I sent him back to his dimension.
he man and she ra the secret of the sword full movie uncut
I have done it, did you plan to defeat your former mentor so easily? Skeletor, we're not going to shoot yet, wait, it's stupid that we fight like this, you left me alone in the hands of our enemies and you betrayed me to those same enemies. I would say we are even, maybe you are right, but eternia is mine to conquer now I will not let the horde keep it the horde no longer has interest in this world I am only here to capture the traitor I told you about this traitor who is he It's not him it's she it's the baby I took randor away from princess adora, enough now for the last time, help me capture a door, in exchange for the world I came from and I will leave you alone, otherwise, ah, your threats don't scare me, but I will help you if just to get rid of you I thought you would see it my way you know skeleton your evil is almost a rival to mine together we will make life miserable for those Italian fools why it will be like the old days yes yes Just like old times, hello fools, good job, cobra, my sleeping gas will keep them unconscious for hours, step aside idiot, now for some magic, excellent, our little trap is set, let's attack them and then Duncan and I got your mother out of her. ship, enter, she will forgive me, your majesty, but I thought she would like a special dessert for this special occasion.
he man and she ra the secret of the sword full movie uncut

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he man and she ra the secret of the sword full movie uncut...

Why it is magnificent. Chef Alan, but don't you think it's too much for four people? Yes, I know, I think it's okay. Hmm oh. but this is a very special type of cake, your majesty, since you are about to see it, greetings princess skeleton, that cat will lift the entire god palace, I already have what I came for, let's get out of here, try to clap, we are ready to leave. Be there, skeletor, quick, all aboard, stop donating, man-at-arms, but you can tell the king that he will hear from me soon. That villain will never catch him.
he man and she ra the secret of the sword full movie uncut
Now he gathers my soldiers. We will level the snake mountain if necessary. Lord, I know how. I feel like a small group has a better chance of getting Dora back than an entire army. My father is right. His Majesty, who knows what Skeletor will do to a door if he sees all of his soldiers coming. Listen to them. King Randor. Man i had a fun feeling i might show up oh man they took my little girl away from me again please bring her back i'll be queen marlena i promise there's a wind raider fueled and ready to go so let's move, hey, wait for me, it's ready, hordak.
he man and she ra the secret of the sword full movie uncut
I'm sure this will send me back to Eteria. I'm sure of it, of course, if you prefer to stay here. I never hate this place. You two bring the girl here. No, well, what are you waiting for? I'm afraid the plan. It has been changed, old friend, I have a better use for the princess of Eternia than you, what now you don't get her any skeleton, you bringer who takes care of it and now princess, I must decide what to do with you, she is destined, like a woman, Take her to the dungeons fairface I will communicate resent


y and tell you my demands are you sure you are a pretty princess it's a shame we have to lock you in the dungeon thanks for the compliment fangs you can't do this to me funny I thought you just Did you do it?
Goodbye, now where do we go to the laboratory. Skeletar wants us to do some tests with this


that the princess carried. Which for Hordak seems to think there was something special about her. He was lucky now to even the odds a little for the honor of entering your royal tit it's not nice to insult people who you are a woman the name is shira and you can stop trying to call the king I have freed the princess what do you get half my boys are ahead oh okay a dance and That's it now you are using your heads your own income friends be brains I will take care of her myself that is definitely an improvement to her appearance he is the one who stole the


I will stop her the throne room is right in front of us let's be careful hey man look what happened to them i have a pretty good idea hello he-man sorry you missed all the fun who in the world is that man at arms t-love she is My friend Shira, nice to meet you.
Where is Princess Adora? um, she's uh oh, she's safe, clear, safe, a he-man woman oh, this is the worst day of my life, go back to Aetheria, you can't be serious, love, please try to understand, I love them everyone, but Aetheria is my world. I can't just leave it to the horde oh mother, I know how hard this is for you and my father, but now that I know you I can come back when my world is free and how long it will take, how many more. Will we be without our daughter for years? I don't know father, but if it were eternity under the boot of the horde, could you leave the fight before it was over?
I wish you could stay, but I understand and I am very, very proud of you. oh father I'm going to miss you Adam oh and I'm going to miss you a lot no one is going to miss me remember worship when you want to come back just raise your sword and say my name I'll go in spirit goodbye I guess We better head to whisper wood spirit. Can anyone give a prince a chance? How nice I thought I could give you a hand to get the rebellion off to a great start. Yes, I hope you don't mind.
What do I have? I have never seen so many fliers something must be happening something big we better get to the whispering forest quickly I understand you for the power of Grayskull for the honor of Grace I am it seems like double trouble let's move cat so you can leave the attack on the wall west. We'll take the east wall and what about us? Hey, so Sierra. Oh, thank goodness you're here. We are going to attack Castle Brightmoon and drive out the horde. Sounds good. Now we're really ready for the horde. Hold your ground if this is a hard trick no wait what's up shira be careful it's okay they don't want to hurt us they want to help in the battle against the horde I guess we could use all the help we can get but how did you know that?
I'm not sure, it's like I can feel what they felt hmm, I wish we asked the sorceress a little more about your powers. May I suggest that we begin our march towards Castle Moon before anything else happens? Well thought out, rebel cows, are you ready to drive? a horde on a bright moon listen to me as queen of this kingdom I demand that you give me the castle bright moon you were always a fool angela lance batmix what are robot planes with bat necks they do not have pilots fast wind destructo tanks ahead here is something for us play with the cat so sign fast sign now ready daughter smart mother okay moving towards the explosion of the castle those solar cannons are leaving our people unconscious we must stop them, leave it to us lady, come on guys, we have to help lower the wind quickly .
I have that flying horse in my sights now to take it down look, swift wind sheira, are you okay? yes, but swift wind sheerah, it hurts me, oh swift, when it's dying, I can feel the pain if only there was something I could do, she-ra your hands look are shining can it be for the honor of Grayskull? let your wounds heal my friend, the pleasure is all mine, well here's another group ready to get some sleep, oh my power is gone, ruin my stunner, will you stay sneezing? hey god of good, the rebel forces have entered the castle no, it's not true, the horde can't be defeated like this, that's where you're wrong, jarhead, it's everywhere, hordak, the bright moon is free and soon we will free the other kingdoms also in a battle. don't win a war shira wait for me they will come back and I will be waiting it is a great day for aetherium my daughter listen to them cheer it is good to hear them so happy what if you are not happy yes and no, you are not going to return to eternia with me are you?
I can't hodak was right a battle doesn't win a war and it's a war aetherius fighting they need me here he-man at least for now tell mother and father I love them he I'll be ready to go home battle cat I'm sure I say goodbye to all my friends here, will you? And if you ever need my help, I will call you and if ever I will know who to ask. Swift wins, goodbye, princess Shira. of power goodbye he-man dear brother I have the power he spoke of things like love and peace the joy it brings will never cease the truth of love always will you too can

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