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Apr 09, 2020
of potions King V it seems like I don't want anything in your hand I don't want to stop being angry all you want Hey, everything will get better baby, you're pushing my buttons ocean, it's okay, driving is suggested, stop pushing, take it to the front, take it up front, don't listen to your boyfriend, run me over, listen to your boyfriend, he's not my everything. nice house, so it'll probably be good, nice garden check, what your ex did, it's exactly, life happens, listen to it, listen a little, don't touch me, okay, listen, listen to it.listen to it listen to it baby listen to it relax relax relax where is the crane?
he helped me repo his girlfriends car
Okay, that's it, what's ahead? Relax, did you get in front of that car? I want to go see the top, you can see it, you can see it in a second, relax. Hey, don't let me plug it in, relax Rick, yeah, I know, relax, you can walk, don't worry, just walk behind the truck, oh my god, that's really hitting me. Do you think I was lying? How else am I going to get the car out? from here is going to have a DUI machine in it what you've been drinking not you I don't have a DUI machine in mine relax hey you're going to relax I'll let you go if you relax you'd be fine, yeah you'll be fine take my truck outside from the tow truck no, get off the truck get off the truck why are you going to do what you're supposed to do Louie you're going to do what you're supposed to do relax make sure we let you how I know you have 15 days, relax, oh you are relaxed, you have 15 days, relax, yes, take the fast that passes, follow your boyfriend's advice, yes, and relax, follow his, if you follow his advice and relax, really working on this is not a great thing what and watch him do it you watch him do it what she's going to do okay watch him do it hey watch him do it he won't damage your truck the ocean if he messes it up it's there oh listen okay let me go Find out what that is go ahead you can go down to the yard trailer at any time and pick it up.
he helped me repo his girlfriends car

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he helped me repo his girlfriends car...

Put that there. The last time I came east it was the end of the world. You think we're looking at the end of the world again, yeah. It comes in stages, but it was good, right, but it all ended well, well, you have like 60 seconds here, it's a matter of perception, let's let her get the stuff out of her and then we'll show it. I think we have everything ready. go, I have the earrings, I have you Hey, oh, just take what's important and take the rest later, I can only go up from here, yeah, okay, just go and do something if you're just wasting your time.
he helped me repo his girlfriends car
I won't do it. I won't do it. I'll stay here, okay, you'll get everything, so I guess put it there, yeah, my way, get a damn truck, look at that, you can even get a new truck, you can even get a new truck, new truck, go to the dealership Now, oh yeah, it's not. a


ssession, they're going to sell that auction, you get 15, you get whatever they sell, the option, whether it's trucking, everything's dented, the whole divorce, what I do, the owner, you make payments on payments, okay , so for those actions don't let it go. oxygen because you get a lot of money to be upside down you have a guaranteed negative negative negative value on this truck Oh guarantee yeah he was like a stupid guy talk about it well I'm so mad at him he's local don't leave him.
he helped me repo his girlfriends car
Go listen, do me a favor, don't let it go to auction, get it out within 15 days and you'll be set, would you? I gave you our beer break. I've given you breaks. I gave you a lot of breaks. You know it's not fair it's fair it's one hundred percent fair that's what I did for you based on what I did for you this is 100% fair babe this was our chance to bond with the family, what are we going to do? You are going to exercise and you are going to pay seriously. You will receive the bail payment that keeps getting you in trouble.
Clarify that at the beginning, after the rental, afterwards, like making sure that our water will not be shut off and all that. I think we will make it. Why are you making furious payments if you can't afford it? Because life is the fight that doesn't work like before. It probably would have been easy to sit still. jail also your court date why if you want to go get the gravel you can go to the tow yard and how am I going to go get it on my bicycle well, not that logistics, but logistics is not my specialty where are you taking my trap?
Take it to the tow yard or wherever I tell them to take it just keep your hands off the truck let it do its job my tires compass tow truck I think he knows what he's doing that look? Like you have a white van, you have a white van, relax, he's going to get off and you have all this junk in the back, look he does this all the time, exact words, he doesn't fall off, the time you need to turn it off. Are they trying to trap me in failure? Now I'm going to see how they do it so as not to fail.
Do they turn off the truck? Yes, they make me turn off the truck. Hope you like. It is done. Don't harass me. long driver please don't harass my driver why do you find out what you're going to do from here it's positive start here look look the music is going to explode the kids are going to work you can sell your earrings and your rings and stuff no big deal, no You don't even like the truck anyway, you just said well I don't like it because it has dents and I think you better leave Chevy anywhere, go find a Chevy, look at his smile, look at that smile, that was it . according to the law that's it, he's a good seller, yes we'll let him go to auction and get a new truck, we have to do it, we have it, look on the bright side, how are we going to get started?
Jay, look again how many, how many. urinal are you used to it I'm sick of all these things we work hard to get taken it's not easy I know how to clarify it make sure the bail payment never comes back it's the last thing I don't want to see you again, well ocean, I don't ever want to see you again either more, I really hope not, I hope so, thanks guys, I'm sorry, I came to that, I appreciate it, brother ocean, I'm glad there were no altercations this time, you ever wasted it, you just pay the bail. to get the truck back, do you have any questions for me, did you all ask them any questions, you guys are going to take it to the tow yard and then you both get it back.
Anything else, there are only a few. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, huh? It's the movement of the ocean, everyone ready, we're ready to balance everything, okay guys, thanks, okay, that was better than last time, she resisted a little, but I think she learned her lesson and realized she wanted go. She went back to jail and lost the truck and her boyfriend is obviously in a better mood and she really didn't want to screw us this time, so it's a good thing we made president the first time and they're behaving better now. They are smiling there and everything will be fine, so we get his truck, he will go to the


sitory yard and then depending on what the bondsmen want to do, he will stay there or go to her yard. 15 days to pick it up before it goes up for auction or make that payment other than that it's a good day for us it's a shit day for them remember we catch a new fugitive and sometimes take their cars almost every day.
I'm Patty Mayo, see you next time thanks for watching this video sponsored by our friends at manscape com, the first men's wellness company designed specifically for below the waist care and today I bring you a special little gift. I'm here at Rob's house. Rob's girlfriend called me and let me know that his balls are pretty dirty. He hasn't shaved in a while, so while we go see what's going on, hey Laura, what's going on? This ball sucks, yes. You don't give it any shape you just completely neglect it, it's like you try but you don't know what to do and then you just pretend it's not a problem, it's a big problem, it's okay I can help you.
He wanted to show me where it is. Rob, it's the Manscape police, but can you open the door for me? Manscape Police. Hey, do you know? Okay, yeah, you're naked. Hague, but go ahead and stay away from that night for me. Okay, stay away from the night, but what I want. What you have to do is put on these cotton and polyester boxers and then open the door for me again. Okay, it's bad. I know. I'm sorry. There are many people out there with similar problems. Know? It's not that bad. I didn't think it was. This is an emergency, but you could have called 9-1-1 for this.
It's a hazmat situation right now. Rob, then open the door and get away from that knife. Why do you sit in the bathroom? Hey, listen to your girlfriend. She called me here today because she says you've been having some problems with your balls. Okay, they should have been sweating and stinking. You haven't shaved, that's man all the time. Well, I'm inclined to believe you because I'm sitting there. Very close to you right now it smells like onions, okay, is there a reason for that? I mean, all I do is shade it, man, what are you shaving with this nice touch? that knife, touch that knife and then they can shoot you in the face. shoot you right in the face, you get it, okay Rob, I'll help you today, okay, but it's no big deal, but listen, you gotta appease the girl, happy wife, happy life, right, she can't give you blowjobs if you smell like onions and potatoes, I'll help you today, okay, I'll give you some things courtesy of manscape calm, okay, feel that, feel that vibration, yes, it's a powerful 4000 rpm motor, okay, it's called a lawnmower and it's designed economically to Get everywhere under the balls on the ball side of the balls around the shaft.
Hit the Gooch. Remove all hairs. You know what if you like to leave a little extra hair or need a little Becks? Your help, here are some sizes. For you, it's okay, there's one size or so and it ends up the shape you want, so that will last you basically forever. Well, friend, the second thing I'm going to tell you is very important. This is especially important in your case. It's called crop preserver is good for 24 hour ball deodorant, so you'll want to use it on your nuts in your little Huggies. Okay, this may sound like a cologne, and it is, but it's a cologne for your balls, no, yes, any time of the day.
You just feel a little extra pleasure coming from below, go ahead, open it up, give it a little squirt that will at least help you move on to the next shower when it makes sense, okay, I have one more treat here. For you it is very important, it is called a plow and what it does is that it has chrome-molybdenum steel blades and that helps with the burn of the knife, which you know the knife burns you a little, okay, a little about the situation of ingrown hair. between the plow and the lawnmower, that will all be taken care of now if I were to come here today and if you ever need to restock, what you do is go to manscape com, use the code May 20, you will get everything you need.
Look here for 20% off and not only that, but you'll get the bun for free, so I'll give you all of this. It's your gift from Patti. Today's email was also your girl and she wants me to let you know that if I have to come back here you're not going to get the plow your girlfriend is going to get the plow you see, I'm saying go away, okay, I'm just letting you know, but it's coming. Gotta trim it, keep it plowed, keep it trimmed. keep it clean, did you just do it? Did you just touch your balls with that hand?
No Molefi, hey, if this happens again, call me. Yes, I'm left-handed and that's my right hand, so I apologize for that, but I use it like that. We're fine, yeah, well, we'll be more trouble, don't hesitate to call me, oh yeah, look, Rob, you're welcome, go and close the door. Link, it just ends there. You have my number.

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