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He can't see us... the Silent Minecraft Heist!

Apr 09, 2020
Minecraft ice is simple rules, there is a blind man and there are thieves for our lineup. Do you rob the blind man and need 30 gold pieces to escape? That's the game, but the most important thing is that you can't breathe or else The blind man will hear you and kill you, that's a move, but the blind man won't know what he lost because this is called


ice. Are you ready, friends, let's be ready? Who will be the child? Where is the blind man? Thirty cold hmm, yes, the powers. closed go down to the basement to turn it back on better than that you better not do it come on Moon but honey what's going to happen my gold hey someone stepped on my trap no, don't go, don't go down, there's a crazy man Mar well, that's good, yes, I just need to pick up the target.
he can t see us the silent minecraft heist
Everyone I still don't know how I'm going to keep company. There's something in the basement if you want. I don't wonder if the basement no one else sees why he's shooting unfair and come. on the arrows, damn target, just hide 23 wait, that's 30 total or 30 singular, okay, sorry guys, I'm going to get you. I'm 28, hey, I'm furious, are you? I saved you guys, turn the light back on. Someone give him back because he's camping please where are you? I'm out, I'm out yeah, wait, no, yeah, we can escape - no, you have 30 targets because these have an escape oh yeah, I think that's it, no oh there's no way out, come down, do this guys, where Are they?, it's okay, it's okay, I know what I did, I'm only going up a dozen stairs, I know she dragged me, oh, they're going to lose them, plant it before you leave, all golden.
he can t see us the silent minecraft heist

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he can t see us the silent minecraft heist...

I want a rematch yes, okay, we will do it, rematch. Wow, game plan. Wow, hehe, oh God, take advantage oh no, oh shoot, I have to escape. Okay, Lunar is the professional. She turns on the lights, just waits, only to blind. I'm a blind man, eh, together. They're Team Rocket yeah the lights are on sit up quick guys oh think no yeah no don't die don't die please just leave your target and go pick it up okay that's 20 How many do you have? Four, where is it? Where was he? I think we can group up 23 if we can find each other but come on call me James gif together hey no no no no no money to go I'm cold I'm cold no we're not a party. school hey what are you doing oh I didn't use my toner at night oh I could get a good job I'm scared guys the door I'm going to the exit Orion White comes in he must go out there at the exit where she's camping the door she's Kari at the door we survived I used to know it's kind of easy this isn't fair we're brilliant that's why the game that's why the game is called silo kay wait wait the only thief of the blind man yeah, the blind Maddux are fun, yeah, okay Do you have a blind man?
he can t see us the silent minecraft heist
Okay, set, set, let's do this, he won't escape this time, so you think. I'm amazing, well who's the blind man? I wonder who we will definitely laugh at. Well, these once we gather ten we meet near the entrance. okay, I'm a guy, oh yeah, they were good, let's beat this rainbow. I've got Tyne, okay guys get together, let's go like a bunch of trash guys and Jazz's secret code, let's go two one zero one one zero zero me I may be blind, but I remember where the front door is, so Guys, we have a problem. She put it everywhere.
he can t see us the silent minecraft heist
Oh oh, I activated everything. Oh, oh, hey, let go, let go, let me have this bag, stop freaking out, let go, okay, okay, loot, left, loot them. try it buddy, I know where you need to go that we can escape another way, keep going, I made it down here, here's another route anyway, back up, where did you go? But I want to use your input. It's over here, right here behind you. Oh, this way, hurry up. It's for my grandmother I need it I needed all the money I couldn't divide it I want to be the blind one now no one can escape ready whoa ha ha now by then how many fingers do I have numb will you die now for my ax named Sasha, do you want to meet Sasha?
No, thanks Sasha Shh oh, I hear knocking, yes, oh, thanks. Oh, who's here? Someone's upstairs, keep the lights on, guys. Thanks, okay, hello, keep your legs up, guys. doing it wrong you're supposed to sit down, please wait, how many, how many golds, you guys have ten books, okay, thirteen, we're fine, let's get together, yeah, let's get together, this is harder than anything when they ask, oh, I'm coming starting. all their traps one shot count one shot you won't leave you won't leave maybe we'll get out why you don't even know I don't hey hey you come here you think I care you stole from my family's treasure and your team this time we're all going to escape, We're going to win, actually, so you have to be for me once, blame it on you stealing my stuff twice, that's not nice.
I have a plan, everyone collect gold and divide, run, run, okay, cut, that was it. someone hello who here is your mom do it in your mom mom mom easy I dropped 20 pieces of gold upstairs we know that no one is spending those girls because it is gold that is in my house now you can't take it I could do anything I want you This is an angry planet, are you throwing me a bass fish? Oh, by the way, rainbow, you're supposed to keep the tone about dying. Fraggle, I know I didn't realize you're like yaks, keep going up, go left, oh I haven't. a potion like pushin I know why you posted where you died rainbow up he died I know why she died I got it I'm 16 leave it in your goals I'm going downstairs I wonder if this escape room works he goes through the other entrance she goes to work where you in the clue, oh he's in that place where rainbow killed us, well guys that's it for


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Thank you very much for watching and to the team, see you next time, goodbye, we are ghosts, now we are going to kill you.

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