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He ate all the burbers.

Jun 08, 2021
You wanted to try the best food in the neighborhood look wait slime and slime burgers I'll come here once a week how do you think I'll get this illustrious figure to steal all his food from the dog's bowl? Some burgers you want to eat, come on, come on, come on, don't overdo it, fat man, you'll be fine, all you did was cross the street, yeah, I'm out of breath, yeah, but you see how fast you did it. It's hard to be my size, it looks like a couple just walking around the store, Eddie and I are going to do our best to feed your fat asses, sorry about the weight, huh, that's right, we just got here, we haven't been waiting So, we just arrived. okay, yeah, no, doug, I meant you're your weight, dad, money, fat mom, close the client, client, what's up, trick question, it's your cholesterol, you have them, you have them, it's water, water, weight, you get a large soda every day, you come here, yes, but I buy ice.
he ate all the burbers
There is water in it, tell him I have ice in my big drinks, make me eat the ice cubes, that's all I can eat. I'm crunchy mmm guys, come here, come look at the menu, the menu, come, look at the menu, come on little one. smash bag, come on, what are you watching? Yeah, I don't think you can read the menu, it looks like it has a lot of meat, but it looks like it has the brain capacity of a peanut, thank goodness. Have pictures because otherwise we would be done, that's right, okay, let's see what, let's see what they are okay, okay, a little squashed baby, remember what we learned yesterday in class, yeah, take the food out of the bag before you eat it , No. no, no, no, the counseling session, the reading class, now, which one do you want?, we have dessert, we have nom noms, oh, we don't need the big one because we already have a big one, here I am. right guys, let's be honest, this store wouldn't be standing without him, yeah, actually, it's more like it's about to collapse with him in it for this kind of treatment.
he ate all the burbers

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he ate all the burbers...

Can we order food please, Josh? Can I have a roller? I drowned him in a bellap sack when he was born you are the reason they don't give receipts when you give birth okay now that I have your attention can you tell me what's in the meat burper? you have a much better burger it's a special burger uh it's not meat because you want to lose some of that weight it's a slime burger it's healthy do I look like a vegan dude? It's not v it's not vegan because it tastes just like a cheeseburger, do you think? get so big eating plants yeah the only thing he plants is his butt on the couch I'm trying to feed myself guys I'm hungry give me some food yeah in fact I have a food fetish so I'm really into it excites When it gets big and fat, we usually don't tell people this in public, but sometimes what Josh does is he sits me on the couch with a funnel and he just pours it in there and I just eat it all and yeah .
he ate all the burbers
No, fuck? I wish they had asked me to leave the room first, although I could make those lips work, yeah you see these lips, the only thing that works out my body is these lips, baby, that's not fat, that's muscle, that's everyday. lip day when you're so fat no, don't give me lips, something totally different, what do you want?, ice cream, come here, smash it, come on, get up, sorry, you know what a broken piece, finish. there, okay, sorry, I can't feel most of that, listen, guys, are you going to order or what are we trying to do?
he ate all the burbers
Hey, we're parents. Okay, my God, you've died your manly lip. You're okay, baby, calm down, remember, are you ready? the right store dude shitty coin it's the ones under the pictures I can't read the words oh god that makes so much more sense excuse me purple I want you to make my food because I don't like it wait Wait a second, guys. Wait, aren't you the same Mexican who is always working on our videos? listen dog, I didn't choose the Mexican life, the Mexican life chose me, yes, and that's also why the government doesn't choose you either, so it's okay, listen, listen, I can be Mexican, but I always do the job.
What do you want to eat, for God's sake? I'm sorry, did you hear someone speak for the major? Please just order, look, smashing, what do you want? Where is? he goes where is that boy where is he where did he go where did he go they lost the boy naked roller roller roller hungry don't worry I have I have this manager I'll take care of it oh my god he's outside he's outside in the dark hello please smash, What are you doing here ordering because it's taking too long? What have I told you about walking down dark alleys and trying to find sausages to suck on?
Damn, get in there, get in there, get your ass in there. There little guy, oh I beat you, I'll hit you hard and smack my feet, here we go, we've got a burger and fries for the little man who moves his neck, yeah, we've got another berber and fries for the mustache muscles. We have two shakes for the whale uh burger and fries for the whale uh more more more what uh another shake for that more more he wants more more he wants more of a family meal wow, he wants more oh yeah, okay, I'm here, though this is our last family meal uh yes we have another family meal for fat lady uh molly I think you've had enough you have two family meals plus three fatty milkshakes at the burber and chippies and oh no go away give me more give me more. oh my god, oh my god, he bought everything in the store, give me more, I have this, oh, I have this, I have this, yes, you want more, okay, I'm sorry, Nick shakes, here you go, I'm sorry, dog , the whale is asking for more.
I can't do it here are the fries here are the price raised yes it's better he's getting aggressive molly I think you probably have enough food oh my god there are more fries yes kick his ass dog that's it that's it back off I got this you're going to wish you didn't do that oh yeah I almost threw up I'm about to have a heart attack guys do something get together yeah let's get together come on yeah more stop here here here relax relax , catch it, catch it. Yes, bring it, bring it, take me home. I'm leaving this place with a one star review next time we buy ubereats man spicy band aid flavor ice flavor store swabby mully sweat flavor apple dumb grape oh hey what It means that? guys, we have some dumb grape left, we're out of dumb cream, sorry, you're not pouring the coffee very well, you need it, you're going to start pooping like it's probably better if it stays in that drip tray, actually because he's going to start pooping with anger and sadness look crushing why don't you have some yellow goo? yellow goo here's your favorite crush I want a yellow girl a purple demon wait wait you're purple do your mama's milkers make dumb grapes? okay, smash, smash, we've told you all about assault I don't want salt I want dumb grape from the mummy milkers they actually don't dispense dumb grape I'm sorry look what you've done do you know what happened the last time he ran away I had to get off the couch narrator? my nachos burned in the oven that night i was cooking right? josh wait you make nachos yeah all the time i like nachos i was cooking nachos and they burned because the smell should go away why Do you look at me just because I am?
Mexican like you want validation for that statement or like I know how to make nachos the right way not okay guys the sink is filling up with poop wait did you just say it was in the sink oh no it stinks filling up with poop no no no wait breaking? smashing pressing you okay spooky time no no there's a bathroom right there he's struggling now the narrator will have to stay longer to clean this smashing just to be real for a second how does it feel to know you're building a career around yourself same? in several situations it is good to be paid to do what I love, you know this is like the bathroom in which you were conceived and in which you were born, yes, I remember that I filmed it, I filmed it, what was the conception, didn't they try use a hanger to take you out, yes, but I'm a professional cold hanger avoider.
I was dodging that bad boy for eight months. Look at me, you made it, buddy, you made it, you made it, hardly anyone noticed the phone number on the wall, what? It must be to have a good time, you're actually making a mistake, dude, yeah, why not dude, what kind of desperate creep leaves that phone number in his bathroom? Yes, it has to be a frequent restaurant. It has to be a frequent restaurant. Wait, I'm holding on. I'm receiving a phone call. Hello, hello, Molly, wait for your number there, Molly, wait, who is it? I found this in a bathroom.
Your number is here. He says call to have a good time. Sorry, that was just my mom, man, that was my mom. I'm sorry. guys, what wait, your mom just called at the exact same moment, wait, that didn't hang up, my guy hung up, that was my mom, I'm sorry guys, I don't think, I don't think it was your mom, no, I think yes, it sounds. again, bring it back, yeah, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back down, we're just trying to have a good time, I wanna have a good time, wait, wait, I'm getting a phone call again, who is it?
My God. this my mom, you're fat, okay, oh yeah, we're done, ah, look, there it is, stop, stop, I'm lonely, are you your food?, he's my only friend. I put that number on the wall to make friends and then ended up getting a creampie. Yeah, I don't think that word means what you think it means, what do you think it is? That's it, yeah, there's Josh, can I have a cream pie? No, it's clear, no, no, look, now you're interrupting him without a child, no, don't say. that word we're talking about cakes, cream cakes, yes, real cakes, shut up or you're going to make a copper cream cake in your mouth, I like cream when I like cakes, why can't I know the peppers greens you should never say, remember we?
You said the things you can never say the n word and the hard p in kids and you can't say toys that's right the hard b yeah you can't say cream pie now don't tell grandma none of the two grandmothers had enough. cream pies where are my friends?, they are there, yes, I go there, they are winning, I think they are there, what the employees just josh, how do you spell cream pie?, oh my god, oh my god, Molly, what are you doing? that's the word computer, how did you get here? Oh yeah, that's one sloppy looking burger.
We are in the center. I'm showing you the center. The slime center. Yes, it was my fault. God, you could have at least cleaned it up. Put it down, buddy, you're like those guys at the gym who never cleaned their equipment. What is it? What is a gym? That's the guy who lives down the street, yeah these are the employees, they just go out and smash and go, can I have a job? outside no no no don't get in the safe don't get in the safe buddy no no don't touch my safe my lease to fight for this place no no no why has this whole video been about you saying things about my weight I'm not even that fat, you're pretty fast, you don't realize how fat you are, you know what I'm not fat, guys, I'm going home, come back, maybe you've been waiting, what are you screaming?
Hey, wait, do you want to. to buy some buds, yeah, come on, come here, buy some buds, you, any money, no, no, I don't have money, give me your money, give me your money, I don't have money for buds either, if you don't have money, then I I'll take the boy where we're going. He will get a good price on the brown market, isn't it called the black market? That's racist. I farted in real life and it really lifted my spirits. The smell of this bathroom, friend, is so immersive. This room has such a great aroma.
I don't remember them adding smells to VR, but wow.

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