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Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling - Funny Moments

Jun 06, 2021
Are you failing? You've never seen it. I appreciate your candor. It's his appearance. This looks like a small store, it looks worn out and this could be old material while this looks fresh and new but this is the best. Han Solo Indiana Jones director bored the knee feeling He cried when he was asked to direct this How did you two go? They should have seen them the second. It's a beautiful day in London. Let's leave it there. Alright. It's not the presentation. We were profitable. Bring me happier music. I don't remember the first thing I did, it was a memorable forgetfulness, it was an incredible entrance because everyone had silhouettes that day.
harrison ford and ryan gosling   funny moments
We were checking all the silhouettes to see if he had a very distinctive silhouette, so when he kind of came out of the darkness, it was almost like he had planned it. Don't know. I don't want to spoil too much for the audience. Yeah, yeah, when did Brian call you? I mean, when are you calling me Brian? I think it's a better question, it's an easy mistake, you know, but the disconcerting part is when it gets weird, it's like you really try your hardest to immediately imagine what his name is, right, it's Ryan. I always thought it was Brian.
harrison ford and ryan gosling   funny moments

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harrison ford and ryan gosling funny moments...

Ryan. Yeah, it's not Brian's theft, like you keep saying sorry, but I thought this is perfect. I have and I like it. I really wanted to work with Brian Orion. How does this work? What do you want of me? Man, I'm in this. the money, don't look at me that way, I know I'm doing it, shut up, it's okay, I have to go, do you think Harrison was the first or this one who was 35 years ago? Yes, it's hard to get out of bed without more effort, fight with Saiga? scene between the two of us where he accidentally bumped my fist into his face is starting right now I'm joined by people like Harrison Ford and Ryan come in they are the stars of the new movie Blade Runner 2014 I know you The guys like it so We are the original, there is a little, yes, the original Jean.
harrison ford and ryan gosling   funny moments
I never left it, it just goes in one, yeah, wearing that coat, it's a great coat. Do you think Ryan's coats are better than your coat in the original clothing? Describe the man and my character is wearing a dirty t-shirt. He was leaving it. It was okay, let's leave it at that, but it looks good. Did you have fun on set? You know it's a lot of fun. Did you get out your knitting needles? I know you like it better than the original form, it's a little better because it has it. Wow, did you get it?
harrison ford and ryan gosling   funny moments
Well, burn him, no, no, he had his palatial dressing room, so you know if anyone was going to feel intimidated by his youth. and beauty, but that didn't happen either, but we won't talk to anyone if we don't make it to the third weekend, you know, so we want as many people to go to the theater and see whatever there is. They learned about each other while they were filming or something during this note. I also signed that paper. I'd love to tell you what I know. I mean, you helped me get through it. Yes, yes, every day, just remotely, you're just telling me.
Do you know, do you realize that you are working? Do you know who? Because I didn't know Ryan. I had seen him in various roles and there is always another friend here. I mean, he was always completely focused on that space, so he didn't know who. The real Ryan is a beautiful day. Were you nervous when you met him? He was, but he was in a flowy pashmina, no, which is really nice and I thought, I think you did it for my benefit so he wouldn't be nervous. it works thanks for that I hope that's why you did it this is actually but surprise that's supposed to be me that's supposed to be Brian and that's supposed to be Oh your bow I thought how do I feel with that noise? how do you do it?
I'm flattered, yes, and yet somehow it's very unusual, that's right, that's right, it appeared in a very cinematic way out of the shadows of the Mist, actually the Deacons had and created a thick fog in the set and he was just the silhouette and he appeared at me just by the entrance, yeah, nothing like I was an eight year old boy who had just broken his window. I had a lot of respect for Ryan before I even got there, but I left without him, uh, he thinks you know all that. He was about to congratulate you, they said: Oh, it's too late.
We've already been thinking about Ryan and talking to him, in fact, even before we talked to you. I said it's good to know where you stand and I'm going to reach this sky. It's for Harrison Ford it's your life's goal to reboot every major franchise you helped create like Blade Runner, you bet your ass on the internet and I had admired Dennis' movies in a motel in Nine, yeah you weren't prepared for what I do not know. you're yeah, just say, well, he hit you, yeah, yeah, that's right, but you weren't meant to hit him right, oh, I read the script wrong, put your foot in, for God's sake, no, we were making a scene with lights and flashing strobes, walks, he is. walking backwards I was walking forwards the camera was in my hand you know you have to make the hit look intentional yes, but I hate it one in a hundred times.
He should be lucky not to get a few more apologies, just a hit. I mean, I think it's like a Harrison Ford hit is a completely different animal. It wasn't, it wasn't a good hit. I'll just be the judge of that. I went to his dressing room with his palatial motor home with a bottle of whiskey in hand, you know, lovely, just open the lid, pour a drink, give him a drink, he says, you know, it's him, he said I'm a little busy right now and I came back to my trailer with the rest of the bottle.
I think this is the actual moment you hit Brian for real, but is that the regret face or is it just some I really hurt my hand no, that's the oh I'm in a deep fool's face, is there any microphone that I can drop this morning? tomorrow tomorrow

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