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Hannity: This is an extreme policy

Apr 06, 2024
Let's start with a major story that is now called reparations and that would involve taking large sums of money and redistributing those funds to African Americans, which would mean that every American would pay instead of, you know, distributing wealth based on need. Money would be allocated to individuals based solely on race now the premise on the left would be to compensate for the evils of slavery now first the country simply cannot afford the billions and billions of dollars and trillions of dollars it would probably need to allocate and ultimately it is a punitive measure and one that will further divide a country that is already deeply divided those who support reparations believe that America is an evil country filled to the brim with generations of bad people and although no intelligent person, let me To be clear, it denies the evils of slavery, It would be a great injustice to ignore all the progress


country has made on racial and other issues, which is the beauty of our great Constitution, it has provided us all with a road map to correct the errors and injustices that we have committed many times. of progress we still have a long way to go, but without a doubt reparations and it is an



based on divisive racial politics and if you think that is a far-fetched pipe dream, you better think again because common sense in America is now becoming in a thing of the past common sense that could save because maybe half the country is practically dead and now the Democrats in Congress are planning a 14. listen to


, not a million, not a bill or a reparations plan 14 trillion dollars, look at this, our country was not founded.
hannity this is an extreme policy
Based on the principle that all people are created equal, the media focuses on this kidnapped person, usually white, America stole from 12 million people. This is an opportunity for Congress to confront our nation's racist history of slavery and white supremacy that truly continues to grow and fester within us. In every corner of our country, our educational system has trained us to love and worship our oppressor and our slave master and to do everything we can to work within their structure and their systems to maintain our continued oppression, so when We talk about the disproportionate impact of heart disease high blood pressure diabetes stress when we talk about it being directly related to our historical oppression in this country, now keep in mind that the total US budget is around six trillion dollars, too high, they already want an additional 14 billion dollars. for reparations and, by the way, they are not going to receive them from the billionaires, if we look at the accumulated wealth of each billionaire in the country, it would be barely five trillion dollars if they confiscated every penny, so make no mistake, this money is coming from out of your pocket, out of every American's pocket, and it won't matter if you're a first-generation immigrant or a working-class American or a Native American or a low-income person across the country, these members of Congress want to penalize everyone in the country simply because you were born with the wrong ethnicity, now it is not fair to ask why families in America who have no connection to any past generational involvement in slavery, why should they be forced to pay huge sums of money when neither they nor any member of the family in the past had any connection with slavery now, of course, the woke city of San Francisco have already drawn up a plan that they want to give five million dollars to the 50,000 black residents of that city.
hannity this is an extreme policy

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Other proposals include contribution subsidies. buy and maintain housing until you exempt black businesses from paying taxes and it's not just San Francisco, it's Cal in California, now you have New York, New Jersey and Illinois, they are all developing similar plans and this could soon become a reality, According to the Democratic Party, it is the least evil thing that American taxpayers can do now, it is ultimately a political ploy by the Democrats. Why, because they like to see America divided, they want to divide us along the lines of race, age, sex and gender. to energize his radical base this is not about truth it is not about logic it is not about justice it is not about equity it is about winning elections vilifying in many cases innocent people here over the weekend we witnessed Joe Biden went to Howard University and proclaimed that white supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat in the entire world.
hannity this is an extreme policy
This is what he said: Stand up against the venom of white supremacists. I made my inaugural address to point out that the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy and I'm I'm not saying this because I'm in a black hpcu, I'm saying Everywhere I go, it's the same Joe Biden, everyone will remember. I talked about it during the 2020 election, that he teamed up with former klansman Robert KKK Byrd and tried to stop integration. of public schools because, in his words, he didn't want public schools to become racial jungles, that was Joe Biden, so maybe he could pay reparations now, it's not Isis as the biggest threat, it's not Al Qaeda, It's not gangbangers and Chicago shooting dozens of African Americans innocent African American citizens every weekend according to Joe and most Democrats the ambiguous threat of white supremacy is the most terrible crisis of our time now there is no doubt about it supremacy White is evil most Americans see her as evil and most Americans believe she has no place in America, but Democrats are now magnifying this for political gain.
hannity this is an extreme policy
Most Americans see white supremacy as ignorant and evil, and in turn, they are ignoring the real problems. Look at the decades of democratic government in places like Baltimore Philadelphia Chicago New York the quality of life. For many it is abysmal that we Democrats are while widespread violence is breaking out in cities like Chicago and New York and shootings and people being murdered every weekend, what are they doing to fix the failing public schools of many minorities in this country? Take Baltimore City, for example, 23 city schools and not a single student proficient in math. None. We have failed these children.
Too many minority kids and they don't lift a finger to help fix the system. Democrats don't seem to care. As long as they win elections, keep power and for the left, that's all that matters. Hi Sean Hannity, here, click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't find them anywhere else.

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