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Hammond vs May: Who makes the best poached eggs?

Apr 29, 2024
just put your hand there put your finger on that knob you know what didn't sound very good hello viewers I like to comment subscribe I already did it and welcome to well we'll call it


and ham yeah because there's me and then there's the


it's brilliant this is fantastic now a bit of history the Hammonds and I have had breakfast together in many places around the world hotels campsites words yes we were working and something came up which is Richard Hammond is extremely fussy about his


eggs they have to be absolutely perfect . I'm picky because no one


them yet, the government, so I'm going to make Richard Hammond's


eggs on toast one of the simplest breakfasts known to mankind.
hammond vs may who makes the best poached eggs
If you're wrong, you have the right to stab me to death with whatever instrument you choose from this mobile kitchen cart. You're going to get it wrong because you're doing things wrong. Well, I knew you would say this is an antique, it belonged, I think it certainly belonged to my mother, maybe her mother before her and I think, strictly speaking, you would have to say this is an egg, sorry, this is an murder that goes well, so possibly an egg cobbler rather than a poacher. howtechs, but you will like them because they come out like the breasts of Botticelli's Venus, so with a little Lurpak spreadable butter invented in 1901, in each of them you turn on the electric plate of the removable bunker.
hammond vs may who makes the best poached eggs

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hammond vs may who makes the best poached eggs...

Let that melt for a moment, we have to consider the ingredients, sorry, that are down here, you know, your bunk, yes, I know it's horrible, but this is what the nuclear holocaust will be like, HAARP is as depressing as I can get. I've seen it, I know it at times, that speaks to me about Bedit, I've lived where this would have been my all wrong with the television that you tuned in with a nod of your head, yes, okay, to watch enough, maybe I'd I anticipated Jekyll's conspiracy. Yes Yes Yes. This is the first time a miniature bunker-type kitchen has been used as a toaster.
hammond vs may who makes the best poached eggs
I'm getting into the mode we get into when we have breakfast together when we're shooting and I'm already bored. I'm just saying honestly, we go down, we meet at the reception and then we all go to breakfast and that can be because sometimes it's just cold, sometimes even earlier and by then you're already bothering. No, Ben's work, but no, okay, don't worry, my painting. This is melting, okay, now I'm going to do something else that bothers you. I suspect Sonia knows many other people. The eggs are obviously modern eggs, they came from a modern hen and are probably perfectly fine, but because my mother does this.
hammond vs may who makes the best poached eggs
I do that too. She always breaks them into something like a teacup or glass first just to make sure they're okay. What is that? Well, I've done it in a glass so you can see it or a shoe that that egg is fine, it's not broken, it doesn't have chicken in it and it doesn't have pieces of shell or anything like that that is not at the right temperature, but it is I may have put the toast on too early, this is depressing. It is not like this? The ultimate breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day.
I don't believe him, but supposedly he is and we've been together so many times that a long time ago we were having another breakfast and I instantly went about my business. spreading my power of mastery on my toast as I always do and behind me there was a screech of urea and the kind James May who had burst into voting came crying and shouting. I hate the way you do that, the way you get the knife and when I spread the Marmite on the toast, I slid the knife across the top of the toast like that to clean it off.
I hit the top a little bit and he left and at that moment I knew we had spent too much time working together because the man went crazy about the way I make my breakfast. I've watched it for 20 years and kept it to myself. I've repressed it like a bad memory of a war I fought in and then one day it just became too much it's the way he did it,


it kind of fair, it's accurate, people say this about me but it seems like it's accurate to the edges of the long, sloppy head of your bow and I like to make sure the Marmite is evenly spread covers each part of the toast equally and then wipe the knife well.
I'll just wipe it on the edge of the toast because it's more effective, you skip it in class like that and then it comes out when you say I know. the Marmite puts the knife back down buzzes on the edge of this at all what Marmite got the touch yes I'll try it buzzing toast which will be out in about three hours I honestly think I should be cooking some eggs which are now boiling. is as fast as you like because otherwise they won't do it at the same time. Now the real skill in using one of these things, if there is any skill in using it, is the handling of the lid because obviously with the lid on the steam reaches the holes and goes on top of the eggs with the lid off, it just they cook from the bottom through the heat in the little plastic cup, okay, the eggs go, oh, now turn to the toast temperature of this.
I've only really tried this toaster regularly, why Karen? Who are you talking to? I don't know anyone, there's no one else here, so here are your unpoached eggs. Will you let me put your name when you don't do any good? Yes, absolutely, these will be good, although I have made so many. Sometimes I thought they could be at the same time and then we can see which one is better next to each other. Okay, but we'll crash into each other. No, we won't. I could just put myself there and some boiling water in Catalan. I can make one. right, right, right, there's a pot on full blast, straight on full blast, pop, pop, as I might pop things in the pudding, stick it in the oven, well James, I'm not poaching your pierced eggs, let me tell you how poach. an egg which is pretty bad water because that's all the water we have.
I'm going to bring it to a boil and while it's doing that, I'm going to add some of the salt that we have. Yes, yes, thank you. Your dad saw it. 'cause that's what you do when you cook it, you altered the young dinner camera, check out what's going on bought from the cobbler, the little whiteness sitting in some plastic cups, James, do you have any vinegar? Yes, malt vinegar, thank you, you need to put this in. because it helps keep the egg together because mine is going to be free it won't be contained in anything it will have a real taste Anika that's the problem isn't it? there's no way I'm going to hit the balls it's not moving what are you? close I need it, would you like some fried spam?
No, you have eggs with a spoon, but what eggs? Yes, I mean eggs and the player can draw from where all the ingredients appear in this channel. They are eggs, right? I'm going to raise you. put the lid on this, is that it, but while your monstrosities slowly rot in those plastic cups, I'm going to bring this to a boil, assuming your frankly disgusting little stovetop, how do you make puff? That reminds me of a bed. Look, I lived. Here I had plenty of rooms with a leather-effect plastic sofa that turned into a bed at night, so I would sit and work split shifts on BBC Radio Carlisle.
I got home around 2:00 in the morning. the sofa for a while watching television that you tune to an oven it's only black and white and then I go like this that means I was in bed and then I get up and go to work yes, I had one of those but I never used it. I ask you this, okay, imagine they would take you to this bunker blindfolded and take you to this kitchen. I'm not going to do that to people, no, no, just put your hand there, put your finger on that knob, do you know what that is?
It didn't sound very good, that's all, I've done it if I'm giving notes, file bent in your bunker and someone said, put your finger on that knob and you know what it is, but the feeling of it is little, I don't know. what you would call those stickier parts that help you grip it, which just says some sort of 1917 minute ISM from the 1970s, it's just an old design, but it says a miserable cooking experience from the 1970s and something that It's wrong with yours, just something that's been missing since then. look at this, these are starting to whatever you call it Kabul, the toast.
I'll admit that toast. I know you don't like totals on donors. I do. It's very crunchy. It's black. It is burned. It is burned. Dark.. It's gone. I put the toast on a little early but it doesn't matter because with them with the micro cooker I can simply keep the toast warm in water. Micro kitchen. I call it because it's like a smaller kitchen, that's one of those posh brands, oh. Is it yes, I make toasters cost hundreds? Oh yes, they are sorry, Julie, yes, no, they are. Toasters cost a lot of money. this is mine you want a wooden spoon I don't want you to know I don't want you to get involved in any way okay what are you going to do when yours are ready while the poop is still cooking you're going to have to eat and make poached eggs?
Simultaneously, the time will run out perfectly because we are removing this residue from those parts, we will test them very well, so you like them to run down the middle but start to harden around the edge of the yolk, no. you were getting into the science and planning of nuanced features about me, yes, everything should be cooked, everything. I just put snotty parts on it, that's what, and they don't call from the cold, so if you find the ghost part, it's ghost. "You understand, then the young man should be," he asked firming the outside and then the knife goes in and just pours out a beautiful sunny golden yellow color that makes you smile well, well that's what you'll get again, it doesn't matter if this epoxy.
I have to be honest, this only works correctly about once out of three. This thing is actually quite difficult to use. It has two knobs and no, no, I didn't take it, that for poaching eggs, you don't have to use that kind of thing that you have when you move house and it goes in the bin. In fact, I have two. You have to accept the winners if you are still with us. God knows why you would be. We're demonstrating how to properly poach an egg that James has in this. I will call. It's a competition of sight to burn the toast, I chose to use a device that doesn't poach eggs, it simply lets them cook in two plastic cups.
I'm going to be poaching an egg the right way in freedom, just swimming in this platform to preserve all the goodness of the egg, size matters and some of this will speed up, you could have done something I actually did, I mean, wanting to post excellent, it's not yours because yours will taste like vinegar, yes, you have a big spoon to get my eggs no they're not there those are pretty good for doing things I know well it was before the water we have a salty spoon I just need two things a saucepan and a skimmer just use the number spell you You could organize your own blog on Bunker Kitchen for the zombie apocalypse post.
I thought well. My water is boiling. What I'm going to do now is take it out of the heat. Can I put it on this wooden thing? It won't burn though. I'm going to need it where you can get it and then I'm going to stir the water pretty vigorously to get everything moving because that's going to give me the shape of a pretty pretty poached egg, I crack an egg in the middle of Whirlpool. and I'm actually taking an even bigger risk by doing two at a time, which is a slightly bigger risk, but I've done up to four like this.
Where are these eggs obtained from? They are the same visa exemption and remember it makes a big difference if they come direct. from chickens, like at home, we have them directly from chickens, they are yellowish yellow. Honestly, you cut it and the sunlight comes out and reflects off the ceiling on the morning ham. I have never heard this kind of thing before from people who own their own chickens and have their own eggs for breakfast in the morning there are no fresh eggs they are much more wonderful you know you don't say it longer to cook they do take longer to cook I know that scratching won't be pretty, but no I don't mind writing little, I have some of the deep, officially, it's about eight minutes, you have to let them sit and then you can leave them off the heat completely, so to recap, boil the water once is boiling, remove it from the heat.
Turn them, turn the water, crack the eggs directly into them, put them together and form a roughly joined shape. Put them back on the heat, but at a lower heat just so it doesn't even turn into a rolling ball, just so that's not the key. little bubbles are simmering, you can actually leave them off the heat completely for about eight minutes. The joy of this technique is that I can look at them and see them cooking just like before here, well these eggs don't seem any stickier than regular eggs or maybe Lurpak. spread is not very good for these large poaching devices.
Hey, how about some toast for me? I'm going to put it on in a minute, so I'm concentrating on your breakfast. I don't need a verdict, I need to know if I go home happy or with a knife stuck in my threads. I havescraped more appetizing things with a boot scraper. Just try it, man, try hard. You're toast, so you're responsible, yeah, 'cause I've toasted that. total lower levels okay, if you don't like them, I'll eat them says this is egg number one that white is not cooked enough it's firm oh no all that white that's not cooked around cooked I have an egg number two it's a little more cup now again although all that white is not cooked look at that because it is a perfect waste so far all that the kitchen is now yours you are in control I am going to turn this down and I am going to see the first of several looks at night to see how are they doing it.
I enjoy cooking them this way. You can evaluate. Actually, I'm going to take my nap in a band. James, my toast. it won't be done because you didn't put it in early enough, well I'm not responsible, it would be your turn, but you deliberately sabotage my food, I need a plate, I need to play, just say what your tip is, that's the problem. the kitchen says hmm, that's really good because I cooked it, you won't even guess. I might have to put my eggs on the plate because the toast isn't done. The show is about that.
Get me a big planer, ladies, over the slow-poached eggs. that toast, if I was doing it my way, I can take a look, can I borrow some toast? Yes, I thought about this, what do you want some toast? But I'm going to my eggs are going to spoil because I'm waiting for the toast and they floated to the top and they're done and they're going to overcook here I'm going to take them out, pretend it's toast, oh thank you both. I'm going to put both of mine in one piece. of toasted egg number one is coming towards you pig number two is also coming towards you now and you will find that on the dough now there is a little bit of crispy yolk around the edge the whole album is cooked look at that no edges no, that's part of more them It's not yes, you have too much, that's absolutely perfect, I mean, really yolk, crispy yolk, everything they cooked in Munich and there it dr.
Whatever form they chose to take, they weren't yours, they were basically battery poached eggs because they were forced into this form. Mine took any shape they desired. Its natural vinegar flavor. Yes, they taste like our black, like the taste of India. I haven't tried them, I know they don't taste hip, they have to have these hmm, oh look at that egg. I wonder if Doug isn't overdoing it, yeah, I mean, I've pretty much never done it because he didn't have any arguable toes, but I can, I like it. they so my way of doing it you can see how well then they are fine you can see that with my method that is why I could have done it perfectly they underestimated and underestimated they are exactly right they are just beginning to assert themselves and they are full of goodness if you have any opinion on this, you can comment and let us know if you don't have an opinion on this, believe me, I won't hold it against you if you are a hotel, yeah, then.
Richard Hammond is coming to stay with you and eventually he will and ordered poached eggs for breakfast. Remember just say no, the number of hotels he abandoned as a result of his eggs in no less than nine years. I think we've done it, who didn't me? Do that because you didn't toast, they would have been beaten, but you can't hold me responsible. Hi, okay, we don't know. We can take a look at your car properly in some Lucy.

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