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Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Haircut DISASTERS

Apr 23, 2024
bye hair no I'm having an identity award why do you like that hello beautiful first we have a Sugar Francy video I'm just going to do it and I have no idea how to do it without sugar France I can call You say so so let's jump in straight into it without having any idea what we're doing. It's probably the worst idea of ​​my life. Her hair is so luscious, so long and so beautiful. It makes me very sad to see it disappear because with her. the wave pattern, that weight really helps create those beautiful curls, if it's shorter you'll get even more curls which is fine but this mermaid curl of yours is really pretty and I really like it but we'll see how it looks the new look.
hairdresser reacts to diy haircut disasters
Honestly, I don't have much hope for her at first, so we'll see, it's just because it's so hard. Looks like we're going for a Bob. I don't know that for her. I just don't know if it's going to complement the shape of her face. I feel like the length of it suits her very well. I feel like it just elongates her neck. She looks very pretty on him. I'm not too sure about her shorter hair. Well, that's right. That's crazy, what was that cut? Please tell me how and what the technique was because there was absolutely none and everything went south very quickly.
hairdresser reacts to diy haircut disasters

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hairdresser reacts to diy haircut disasters...

Her hair has different lengths. She will look so crazy. Please tell me she is going to refine this cut. Please, oh my God, I can't believe it's like this, no, please make it stop, please, please stop cutting it like that. If there's one thing I hate the most it's when people just grab their hair and just cut it off, they just go for Probably the worst, worst, worst approach to cutting hair I've ever imagined. This is going to be an absolute tragic disaster and very difficult to fix, oh oh, I mean, it's too short, you can always make it shorter, guys, we can't.
hairdresser reacts to diy haircut disasters
You don't need to start small, we can move forward, it's okay, that's why I recommend it to everyone. I would have loved just a few layers to frame her face. Some layers overall would look great and accentuate your waves even more and just add a little extra. structure on her face I'd love to, but we're a little past that point, she looks at all the hair she cut. I love it, oh my god that makes us one of us, but I'm happy you like it because you have to. Live with it, not me, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life, oh my god, this is actually kitchen scissors, of course, what else would be hair cutting scissors, no, no, it could never be .
hairdresser reacts to diy haircut disasters
That it could never be that the length is growing on me anyway. I really think she wasn't too short, she probably could be shorter, but I really change it quickly, right. I'm like, oh, she was too short and now I. I'm not short enough, that's what living in this head is like, it just changes constantly all the time, but we definitely need some texture here, we need to thin those ends, it's going like this right now with a bob is never good, we need a lot of


s tip on those ends, we need a little bit of layering right towards the ends, we don't want to layer here because then you'll end up with a stacked bob, there's a lot of things we need to be careful of. this could turn into a Karen Bob very quickly, no offense to all the Kens, I love you, we shouldn't get so attached to some material fish like hair, they grow back if you feel like it, just do it.
You will probably cry, but you will become stronger. She said, "Do it." You're probably going to cry, but just cut your hair. I love that advice. I'm going to start telling people when they think, should I cut it? It's like you know what just do it. You may absolutely hate yourself and cry for a few days, but after that you'll get over it and move on with your life. That's the kind of advice I should give people. It is a good idea. There is no such thing as changing your appearance whenever you feel like it and like it.
Well, that's the complete look. I like it. I have a soft spot for her long hair, although for some reason it was really beautiful. I like the short, but I don't know, I feel like when you have that beautiful wave, I just want to see it like a mermaid. I want it to be so long that she looks so pretty. Rose Evermore's next video and this video is called I Cut My Hair. very very short if you're going to have a title like that it better be very short like a pixie something exciting is going to happen today I'm going to cut my hair I'm going to cut it very short It's really dead, that's why I'm cutting it .
Look, clumps of hair keep falling everywhere and it's super dead. Why isn't it wet? Guys, just wet your hair in the shower or if you don't want to shower, just wet it. I know. Some of you stink, so no, I know you don't want to shower, but just get it wet. I mean, wet, wet, that way, when you cut all the strands of hair together, it doesn't get everywhere when it falls to the ground. You get a better precision cut when your hair is heavy, plus the scissors glide through your hair better when it's wet, so it helps everyone.
I have these scissors. I have hair scissors, but they are very Lunt and they are very sh. like the SE scissors, wait a second, wait a second, so we have hair cutting scissors, but we choose to use the non-hair cutting ones. Does that make sense, no, not again, please make it stop. We did it again, where we just pull a piece in front and make a cut, why do we keep doing that? That's not a real technique. A guy named Brad Mondo made a video for you guys and it's on YouTube about how to cut your hair like this at home and just to give you a preview of what's to come in that video that we divided into four sections and then cut it.
Honestly, it's almost as easy as what you're doing now, but it comes out so much better, trust me, oh my gosh. In fact, I'm in love. I love it so much. I'm sorry. I was so amazed by his technique that I forgot how much hair he just cut. It was like a good 8 inch and I know 8 inch when I see it, it's very good, but. again like the last girl like I don't know, I just don't know why I like long hair on her more. I don't know, I feel like I'm in a long hair phase right now even though I just gave Mia Maples a bob.
I'm in the long dark hair era, uh, but we'll see, I don't know, man, look at this whole hair thing is fried, it's definitely fried and I'm definitely happy that I'm going to do it. Falling through the ground and not coming back up on his head because it looked crunchy. Wait. I have to cut the FR too. Grab who? What was that little bit on the front? It's like a little dot. I love it. It feels so much. More like me right now I'm having like an identity crisis is that I don't feel like myself and this is a blessing Wendy Williams why does she act like this and something tells me that she's not even going to put layers on it look that's fried and look, It has a little shadow effect.
I used to have bleached hair and then I D in and Li continues, so this is what happens: you pull your hair forward and cut it, it ends up really short in the back. and very long in the front you get this A-line bob aine bobs, don't you? They were in 22000, they haven't been since then, let's leave them in the past, they were never pretty, they never will be, so yeah, I hope it evens out. that out and we didn't stick with a Bob ine because they're ugly now let's make it clear ooh, it's too high here, I could leave it like this, I'll leave it like this, okay. growing on me it's starting to grow on me it's starting to grow on you I don't know what the back looks like it's okay the back is like shaved up oh if it was shaped up and that's not good I'm going to look, oh my god, the back of his head.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it. I just want the back of someone's head to be, you know, and not one day, oh my God, so short. the ponytail is going to go in the clip cool, this is how short it is basically how it goes up like this it used to be here and then I cut it here and then now it's here. I'm so happy with the results like I feel like I'm a new person and I feel like I can do anything with this short hair. I think I was born for short hair, to be honest, okay, listen to me, so to complete this whole look, let's just put a little layering on the bottom area of ​​the hair.
Not up here, then you're ready, platinum blonde. I know no one would expect me to say that, oh my gosh, I would give that off-duty model vibes and that's all I ever want in my life is an off-duty model or an on-duty model, either one. I'll take it, she's growing up, it means she looks fierce, she looks a little more mature with this cut. I just feel like the color now needs to be in order too, as well as a really horrible job cutting it, but you got a result that is usable, but let's refine it, okay, let's not leave it there next to Valerie's Vlogs video.
What's happening? Vlog. Long time no see. Today will be a different and fun type of video. Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy My God, she has 25 pounds of hair and it's waist length or just below her chest, I can't really tell, but one of them I'm going to say her waist because it sounds more dramatic that way . Wow, she has beautiful hair. The thing about thick hair is when we do a big cut you really have to have a good technique because very quickly it will look like steps and it will look really patchy with that thick hair so be prepared to see some steps my hair has been driving me crazy so long it is and it's really thick and I've really wanted to do this for a long time.
I'm going to cut it all off and donate it, she just pointed to her chin, her chin, oh my god, the fact that we're going to try to do this at home, don't get a long to short bob, in fact, never get Bobs on yourself, okay, you can, but be careful, you probably won't have any boxes left, you just can't see the back of your head, you can see. the back of your head if you had a three-sided mirror, but most of you don't. I actually see the back of my head with my three-sided mirror. I cut my hair, I dye it and I do everything I can.
I'm a stylist and you're not, maybe you are, hey stylist, how are you? I've been looking into trying to donate it all because I have a lot and I thought it would be really nice, but any place you could find Locks of Love or any of the more common ones, they don't accept bleached or dyed hair. I'm pretty sure that's changed a lot in the last 5 years and you can actually donate dyed hair to someone you like right now. period, let me know where you can donate hair, uh, if it's dyed, because I'm pretty sure you can donate it everywhere and I'm going to dry it first and then I'll come back, do you know why I'm screaming?
Do you know why I'm Buster? Do you know why I'm mad because she had wet hair and now she's drying it before the cut? I feel like I've said this so many times and it's been like 5 years of These guys still don't cut their wet hair. I don't know what else to tell them to do. I don't know how else to tell you. Anyone else with long hair definitely understands this struggle, but it takes me like 10+ minutes at a time. to dry my hair and I've only been drying it for about 5 minutes and it's like it barely defies drying, but luckily for you we should cut it wet.
I've made that clear today as her hair gets drier and drier. she has 25 lbs not really 2500 lbs of hair 25 million even PBS of hair my hair is totally dry and I straightened it so everything was nice and even now that her hair is dry great, I'm glad we dried it even though which is It's supposed to be white when we cut it, it would save you a lot of time and energy because you cut it and then you dry it and you would have a lot less hair, but whatever you want to do, you know, now that it's dry, you can see his hair . weighs 250 pounds it's huge it's huge it has a lot of hair it's beautiful the next step is to divide it all into little ponytails i'm thinking because of how thick my hair is maybe i have about six and then braid them so i'm going to do that right now, I put my hair in these little ponytails and she did the ponytails, she did the ponytails, she did the ponytails, oh I'm so happy someone did it today, it seems that he did them well.
You have to place the ponytails flat on the back, sides and front. You can't pull the ponytails from back to front or you'll overdo the length direction and you don't want that now. I'll have to see if it cuts above or below the ponytail because everyone always cuts below the ponytail and then all the hair goes everywhere. Cut above the ponytail so the hair gets caught in the ponytail and comes off in clumps, you know, and then what. The next thing I'm going to do is put a second ponytail about an inch or so, maybe 2 inches below and then I'm going to braid that part.
Okay, so we're going to do the double ponytail method, which is fine. I like that at least she's going to cut it. On top of that, literally freaking me out is that it's too short. I have gathered the courage. I'm going to do it, do it, do it, do it, even though I'm afraid, do it, do it, I'm afraid that you're killing. I cut it, it shows, look at her face, it's like instant regret, it's instant,Holy, what am I doing to myself? Oh my God, that's that kind of angled cut, oh, it feels so light, oh my God, oh, she cut.
Removing so much hair, I literally can't understand how thick my hair is, that one was a little more patchy, it feels so light, oh my god, did you see the top of that hair? It was like I was telling you something that isn't the case. It's not even going to be a disaster. I don't have much hope. I think my head has been carrying this weight for too long. Wow.I feel like the ending is too blunt, there are also a ton of random pieces that I literally miss. I like it. I tried to maybe add a little bit of layers, but I think I may not have done it very well, wait for the cut.
It actually looks very good. See, this is what happens when you do it right. This is a good example because it already looks pretty good and she even designed it, but wait a damn minute. I really thought this was going to go in a completely different direction. I added a little curl to it. I don't know if you can hear me over the sound of the fan, but oh my god, I really like this on her. I really really like it the only thing is again we didn't put any layers on the hair we need some texture there we need to chisel a little bit of that hair at the bottom of her head because it's just puffy and it's going to take a lot of styling work to make it this constant looks good, whereas if you have a good


it would take a lot less styling to make it look good all the time it should really look good the way your hair dries naturally that's really the big difference between doing it at home and do it professionally like a professional is going to give it to you.
You have a haircut that really works for your hair and you are just going to get a generic haircut that is decent, looks good, although you know you can't complain too much. Below we have a video of zaa Blue and the title says "Accidentally Cut Me". hair again something tells me it probably wasn't an accident an accident is like falling off your bike and hitting your knee on the pavement you know those kinds of things that to me are an accident physically taking scissors and cutting your hair just don't I think It's the same thing, we're doing it again, we have this long patch of hair and I'm getting tired, so we're playing it right, so she has really long hair too, we get it, I think she's cutting her hair. wet, oh my god, dreams come true, let's split it in half first.
I think it's half. I just soaked it in water. um, miss, what was that part in the middle? You made the effort to make a part of the middle and then it was just a zigzag Line. What happened? um we're not using scissors this time because I don't know where they went so we used these amazing ones yeah no no no okay just some craft scissors. I'm not going to do that, should I? I'll probably go to a professional. No. I might end up going to a professional to get it touched up because I also want to dye my hair and I don't trust myself to do that.
I did it before many times. someone saved me someone saved me when we are separating into two sections, not four as I would like. Apparently I can't get everything I want and we're also putting elastics in and then pulling them down, it's just not a good idea because you're going to have longer hair in the back, we don't want that okay, so this is the length that we're working on, it's probably about a foot, maybe a little less, she's cutting all of that, oh, I'm excited, I'm excited. I'm excited, that's for the short now, will it cut?
Above the elastic, we'll see something that tells me he's not going to go get it. Oh, okay, now I'm freaking out again. This happened last time. I want to take the mop off my head, but. I'm also scared, like it's a scary thing to change is scary, this is very scary. I think doing an extreme haircut like this is much scarier than dying your hair because you can always dye it back but you can't put it back in. your head and it takes forever for your hair to grow bye hair I'll miss you we're not cutting below the elastic I really thought I was going to do it without being afraid just one we're going to do it let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it oh my god I am doing oh my god oh my god there's no turning back I'm doing it I'm doing it those scissors are so boring This is going to be so uneven You said it, not me, that's so short, what did I just do?
I don't think my brain fully processed what I was actually doing. Wait, oh my gosh, that's a lot of hair, how's she doing? To get this all together, we're just going to leave that and move on to the other side before it loses control. Well, come on, let's go straight, without hesitation, without balls, you won't do it, you won't do it. you won't you won't you won't you won't you won't you won't you won't you won't let's get this out 1 2 3 that's so uneven oh my god, it's so uneven oh no, I mean, obviously it was going to be uneven, but This is worse than I expected.
In fact, I'm going to have to go fix this fish now. Give, yes, you are. It is as unequal as it is really unequal. Come on. go fix this because this ain't it look back I haven't even looked back look back bro it goes like this this is what happens when you cut your hair in two sections it will never be even on the back back wouldn't make sense if it was, it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it definitely has some thickness on the ends and like some weird layers, let me brush it back to see what it looks like, I love it. the way her hair curls with this cut.
I love the little curls in the front. It looks very pretty. It's a vibe. I look like a completely different person. You really do. I didn't tell him I was doing this. I don't tell anyone I was doing this. I just woke up and finished with my hair, so here we are. I think I did a good job. I almost like the uneven layers, but also. No. I know I can't stop playing with him. I feel so free and light. I don't know if I should fix it or not because I like how long and weird it is, but also the back is funky and since it's really long in the back, I should trim it myself like I have a weird length right there.
I will like it. It's a very bad idea. I'm just going to cut it. Actually, it's your little ball. Well, it's gone. like removing the piece and she's contemplating this is a really bad idea, this is a bad idea and then she says, let's do it and we did it, we ended up cutting the back off it still doesn't look very good on the back but I'm happy, she loves it, this is her style, my curly girl hair routine, I love it, it won't be fixed by a professional, I'm a new me, New Era, it looks great with curls, but I'm sad because it doesn't will fix it. because it could look even better but it looks beautiful.
I love the cut and our curls look so healthy it was scary. They have some big new looks if you want to check out some amazing products for all the different hair types and textures. you can do so with the link below or go to to purchase my hair care products and hair coloring products. That's all for today. See you next time.

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